- ~- -~ MET Makes'he Meal MINCED BeE ROLLED BEEF' PRIM iB ROAST WE'INIES1 oos1b3 'BEEF, Baby Beef and Vea'1, Qua1it<'Is S econd To None Î; ! We fea ure in st elect Hom e-Kiled Beef a' C ern petitive c es,, Qualty is scond to n )nle FJsr GRADE TABLE QUEEN SCreainery Butter lb 59"hc SIiced Bread 2 fo)2 c J w MAXWELL HOU1SE - AEG0.RANULATED Coffee lb bag $I 0 5 Sug;ar 10 lb 79)c j WHITE OR, BLUE - SAVE ten cents FREE TOWEL CHRISTIE'ýS O LI R SALTED Pound pa2ckage i. Breeze Detergent 7&C Sodas ï ROSE BRAiN» REGTJLAR PACKGE B and WHITE - PURE 16 ounce jasr SMargarine 2 lbs 5A"7c PentBte ýJ M STAFF E'ýS 2-4 oun1ce jasrOLSO' L CO)AT - GREE-.N BAND ~ P I herry Jam 37c HadGls Lib- 01pBrw 0 uc TOMATO SLICER yours for :lqc I BEiAbNS Wt eaeo M 2 for 35c PALM GARDEN BRAND TOUAT~E' Ayler Farcy .0one Freshi Daîly - Homei Grown - Teýnder Crisp Tomato Juice ASPARAGUS 2 Ibs25 2 tins 35c Ontsm Fancey -No. Tsesee 2 onc~Hothouse TOMATOES lb 39 X n.Orange Juice-, Suk'W e Crop -Vlni fins8 Gode --eet ul KERNURL Plan to atten( 1Sale 'at the Dur Arena., Orono, F 15tli conmencinî The 'Kendal Women's Institute et oolivingroomi at ther home ai Mrs, N. Kennedy oni ture, Kelvintatori Wednesday evening, June 6th,' and fliue new, Maa there was a goo.'d attendance. This Oval Cook Stove, was aoint mleeting of the wVnns ter's tools, 3-pieec Qmfs4-piece ,antb IInstitute and the 4-H Honiemaking w otoicainrs, Cluab and Mrs. Kennedy demonsýtrated tom hainsrs,. the xnaking of fancy sanldw,,iches, Terscah shcwing' the different mways 0f cut- o udy Itinth bread for miýany' kinds ofo_ Sund1ay cllr sanidwvi(hes, garnishies to add ýolour er Thomlpson andieasy c~oiinaionis forsadihWbetLgsa 7illings and the sýamingl-ofhs Trno sanwiches during refreshnents wasl rýeallya treat. A ý£pretty' sandwv'ich forl, St. atrik'sday wvas -cut in th'e shape T A E o f a harokbuttuýeed on theedspp wlh-ich w "ere roll1ed in chopped echives. Man difernt ngrdiets ere used j FOR Yq frthe sanidwichjs, incluig ibainani- I asupckle2s, asparagus, beets, jelly,l radises, tmatoe, olves, chieese, eggs, date_,rpeanutbutter, chiojppe Do you want Iearn ci trade? j uts, tc Ribbon snwcecekr Army Soldiier j board and dagwood sandwiches werene, sonne of the varieties shown,.Jj,'ndy_71 WifI accept a leaflets 0on the ,art of ming ulsand- yog re SetoMarketing Service, Canada ent trades. Denrmetof Arcltrxeregie Te rnn tthose present A business sessinersand 0 f the,, W.1. -'as hield after the demoün- unit. Traini g' stration, the president, Mss.1E, Under thi p Coujroux, presidinig. The rolcaîws reeie Gieone kind c)f a fancy sadPh. eHi y ta ;A letter ,was read giving nfrmtinfull y concernfiingýtle VWomenýs * niut 30 d pu holiday we at the Onitarào Ag icu a Medi ai on tuiral College, Guelph, July/ illthi to 0 Trav land 2Oth, AA vote of thankls waýý extýended a A he Ithyc toMrs. Kennedy for- her -ýospitliy Tob ligible rndýitiesting- demonstration. 16, Ilot et 17, M g Ellot f;Sakton ctior, nd be rýr geoi Ellt fphysica standc visited ith Ms. and Mrs. Garland A n ii Cathcart, Mss. Chias. T$.ompson aAd an ca ibie Arthur and his miany friends and rel- aplaone atives in the comm'nunity and othier IMihcu villages ar-ound. It is 70, years since or visit ouré Ms. Elliott, lef t Kendal for the, west sain and he lias made a fewv visits to ]Ken- .m Re i b dal silice. Ory ttawa, WNe are sorry to hdàsr that Mr. Wion, ArMY R-cruiting Tebble is in Toronto General Hiospital Army Recriting wiches, dis'tributed by the Consumii-er TOrnto, Ont. - and we al'ihop'ne ýejil soon b w Noi. 7,Personne! again.Tel. We aDre Sorry to hear that Mss. L Arioy Rec uiti ng :8 i Bo,%'nan7,l1ehosptaiNorthBa Thore i inBowanvile osptalAnny Recruitinî for the past week. She is expected Hlamilton. homne a,,!1n11SOon)! and wve ail hope to - - - - - hershe is feeling better. Air. and'!Mrs. Wilfrd1 ghey Ieaîe %end me Dai adDonnlie and tw"o f2sedsf u'r 0Shaýa called on Ms A. Swariibrick me___ on" un a ad Mr. iand Brs. BrtEl- Adr, syadthre elde f vnfr cale n uedy. Cil y/Town,- Thopsn clld n rs Kn opr l?.v M, ~T liham C Friday e, .g at8: n nd ki electriec sry Pan, e, Band,; ce Chest bedroom dishes, on M . and Mr&, wer'e Mr. ad Ms 'OUNG MEN SIXTEEN t f earn while yoL SUnder the Cc.nodion, A.ppren-tice Plan, start. the C-anadian Armny a limited number ai, Dr trainïng in 19 differ cuse Jasts for tWo he the Apprenhice pears with a re :co svarts in SepDtemberi >Ian the Apprenfice > the aga of 17 then midi holiday/ ayeule id dental/c'are Jadventu~re a ctive outdoor Wef e aPPlikants must ho haveia Grade 8 edu- )e cible tameet Army led 'ber of app!*iC. 'epted makeyour nfa^ et recruiting g Station, 59 Aiert Street, aOrt. - Tel 6-187 Station, 164 Wollington ý On Ont. - '?!. 4738 Station, 90 Richmaod St. "LTel, .8341LLoc. 276 OePot, Wolsely Barracks, abxth StS,, LonÈiio Ot, 4-1601 Loc. 135 ng Si ation, 210 Mxiii s:. IN., BaY, Ont. - T el. 4M8 ng Station, 184 king St. E. n. On1t. - 1L. 2-8709 withuO ootor 56.4 R "Thz? Way ta a Fine J ~RL/(7 & 8:30) SAT. (Cont. 6:30) To De Verv Ve Te ., - - Comedy "5egt Red Riîver"i VAIN JOHNSON - jJIANN-A DRUc NEXT »NON. TO WED. - JUNE 18- 2o 5 1 SR4G. , nI nt4ri shýud romfpt you t alu -UvsIli timne Cf sorrow.Wesrs simpe beUiHulservcsta prove consoling totebrevd HARTLEY MH, DARLOW FTJNERA[4 W>)ME J~Iîo~ne 18r7 Orono. fl-* ~one 18r2 p y ý îcGre Isr7 Orono, P--