Tlhe other evenlng, whîlle dlingi- ait a friend's home, 1 was sinigieci ,,ut when dessert arrived. 1Tis strudel le not the kinid yoii are accustomled ta," my bostess me- marked, "but it's tbe best 1 could maýnage,." Starlnig et me from Us tplate was this soggy-textuired con. coctioni, wrapiped aroun4 gaine Nant eooked appl)es. Il wauldd ot bIe easyv taý consume tbis facsimile. Silice ilny frievnld ls a topj-level wrlter anld not 1:nit ldnd of a cook, I mwade nlo coimment. With the ali,l e! genierous mouais of whipî')ecl erealin, i began to struggie wt the offering. ~This was hie fperfet Spot for me to tbilnk about Mlama's Vieil. hiese appiesruel for how cod Ievr forget t? Mama 1bad a waY wth anl a11 mie-,strudfel. Having acquired the4 euinery inlgewuity of maklng oui' la VIenne as a youngi lady, she neyver forgot thie recipe. Papa ai- ways remuarked that h w\as efc and just as good as Nis own moffi- er's,wbc was the beiglit of a Compliment. 1Irnever ofri i bservinighlir prepare the Inigredlienits, of watcli-ý lng ber toss and stretcb the dougli end fthen form h in lto a horseshos ffud bake .1h.IusdtaO tbink, even- wlieu 1 was onl1y six yeers old, that Maila was wondlerfui. Espeially al makiug strudel!1 - 1Ivwoldwtcinlupatience iandf wat for lier to ask mie ta help. Eetayshe always dffd. pNw~ou caipuea nd cure tli'i eppfles -..and ses that you ktep the akinrssbfln"ae admainishecd, This order made me feel import- 'kalt. 1I11ad(1learned, thirauýgh per- Ëisteulce, to peel apples wltli sm,<h transparent akins thait 1I conîd ai- most ses Mamna tbrougbi thein. The, Istricete part arrived( when f1 reaebied the c-Ore of saclliappl i an hegan ta slce them. No apple meat 0 eonld bc wastcd, yet no0 core be lu eluded lu the strudsl's filling. MNamia xmlxed ai! ted flour and mîat, theni adlied tbe be-aten egg anud buter and a, cup o!fwewr water. This mixture was tossed an a floured board several times with great vigor. Mama was anl expIert at tosslu the d(ough oota the board. Althougli 1 held my breath watcblng ber, the douigh lways missed the floor and luided oni the board unmilstakabiy, Iwondered If mama would 1ever *110w' me ta toss the- strudel dlouigl k this fasbion. I bad atisecret yearn- Msg ta perform thie f'aut. 1 oteIn practiCed tossiug my doli asud My rubber bail, but I neyer FieiryItoliwg Ski. Gels Quiok Relief Haro -lsa a cea~n tainleas pene- tra'ting VeuUeptic 011,fiat wbl ï)risig you spaedy rle rmth. ltcbing ari 4Istrer% is 1Eczema,ý Itebing Toe-5 and Feet, ases.n ether teblur s5kin troubles. MOOqE'S EMIERALD OIL niot enly helps promota rpid and healthy lealing lun open sores and wcunds, but boi1e and sImnple ul- ears are aIeao quîckly reile'ved. Ini Pkin affectias-the itchlng of Ec- .eemn 1% quilcly eased, Pirnples, s*uMr, tiCCngdry n p ajid gecale 0 hlu a very few dinys..i MIOONE'Ë, EMERÂLD IL eau be otained et ny drug store. SITTER- sing .thý lan-suts isè kittens cidn't lose theif 'n ma. A hen gaItantly steps int mealtime, when the skylorking did Ilut t1- board plery y tossiing atit1em11pft a lededo n t he 1100r% ever-Y tiîîe. 1 contjiaed ta o tbMailla transfIrvthe tossed mixtuire oaiuo plate, hNasaui'eerthemuware imî*xing,- bawl in oe venl, aud then placeQ tiLtïs bowl ver Ce dougli for- about -45 mimutes,( la wes iýtbe -secret for the(- per eýt misisteucy of the(' -fter Mai lie"d e-xamiaied thle apph v wicb I jliad peeled sud 'lce~Aie s c reI tbem up il co'ld wter d lw('111about pe periuig ts îling for Ile urutndel. Firt ~e st eda eup of bred mî~rubswt soinssweîbu[tter uni tturlied goldI4ýu brownI. At- tan se'ttiuig Ibis imixture eside, aNas bjegan ta biend 4innilon tandlsugar witb gratsd lenlion ud end nui msg, a dasb af rosei'nuy, ai a cu"fui"sclai risins aend cho"Ippd Airer draillnug the aplsai eddaed the bnowuvred crum~bs and al' tLe siqces, raItîSbs and în-us; e gdsd the Iksalen white ai an, eýgg. ha tossýed eeurdînat-,o gether witb practiced gestures. Then s suddenly stopýped. and dip- p)ed a spoon Iiit the mixture and hendfed lbta m ne. "OpeDn IouhNa " asliesaid aud smiled S I smacked my lips. Thesýe tlOhauglilul lte gestuares alwaym mnade mie feal saO god. Mamla was the nosb! But the part th3qt rnmainis the qbiniest o! ail was' the stretchiug and pullfiag o! the s4rudel. Mama Nwbisked ont a gleumlng wlitt un cothwlch she w,ýaved thnough theýair aud over the kit- chen table. She sprjiakled ht genen- auSly wth lOts o! ptour. Net, site remaived the doixigfitram beneth Cire heat'ed bowl and placcd it ïla the -er of the flaunad cloth, Dip- ping th Jpa af er figrm inmore Pour, gabe Ig SlOWLY ndgently taj pull au 'tre-tcb the- dough, sa bit et a tme, eoaxingly: and wt c-ure, to nvold tetring. I' keew, a!- ter watching tbIi -sam4 lperform-. ance, vwaek Iter vek,' thant tb dough mast huid tae stanpn et as IsLnglass. -, Mama badt t work fat and bie procadure wag exclIting. I could scarely Sit SURl, sO had ta get UpO and! stand besIde the tabla. At timea 1Ibûd to leap e stIde, for Mania kept itens, but they fi the lbreach mtother returns. racing eround ibe tablé, puiliing the dolihbure aid/thvem-a(d eeiywblere, jua"t sa il wns str(,ebýed over the enýtire table. "NOW !"aseexciaimied, anid I k1new i nieant the illiing was ta ba distribuled e-nyoa-er the tapantdouigl. Wiih liaiiidfils asedeposited thefilling ayqr the dough, edding additionui pets o! Sweet buitter linf a aprinkiie ai sait. Whien tbe fihlilig was ail gone aNS-W picked up ane -i ai hie caband i,y"ou nmay hep lp o. Lb! .t the clath witili cere." I1 liited bLe clothl, aýs thaulihI1were lu the garden wýith Paipa ad ha waa sklhng !me ta hald e Ù1li-blown rose so that lie coulfasten,1 it wii a fragile bit ai()f k 1 staod et ans sud ai thetal wbvile ,Maine was uq t the ather,au perxisfing bbe producýtionl; S10awî1y we raliled the douigh by poeln the cl.obli and etet uwNe had it ac. rostic table. "Go "Maine exchîlamd, hm- syesa Shiîîing. Siloe buttsred a large, white enamneled bainig diali gener-- auisly and aprinlcled mors b)re"d crumilbs o',er the bottoLu. Then asbs itaugfsmed the long rlil, horseshas e aion ibta the gneased pani, annd wt.andbad aigd efe inbrusb asLpatte2d mielted( butter o-)ver bis strudel. Thený sha( slIpped the masterpie-e ibta the Mwiting oa'e n ed Slammiied th,, bcknickel-plated door. She piac- ed aur black uand gold. sugair bawl aèn ïacha)ir Ibefors ethe 0ven. "Da not maya tus he ordered aind waved ber hauid at the chair and sngar bowi..Thsis a!;ata remid, her tiare wa omect ileg gaing on i heaaveu hfisie mustrea- ben , . . not ta farget. 'She glanced nt the cdock and then bCegan ta pIcL, Up pots antd pans, 1 alwayp ielped wlpe the Cook- 'Dg dishesý, tan tua made me a ýomrplete part oai the entire enter- prise, Wiile Maxna supenaised the slmmierlng ofaihrleb bas up whieL shie iws cookIng, for -Papa's diai- p er, 1 thauglit therene avsr lu ail tha wanI(ld waYIaniCar,wamn friendler place tinn uit kitechen, The sunshIne broke Au witha)nti knocklug; the sparrows fluttercd about the window aill, eyelug- Mnma'ý anay pattad Plants; andi the taugy fuimas OaisiIlfuily com- binadinlgredlienta permieating the Rtinosphere. Agreat s oul prefers m odecration e s P. C. -A.D'. é 5 fe mokhzr today AGENTS The cerrn ge sho-p was a very jntieresting place the Boy al- ways thuoght. He'd watch old Qbadiah Pincffsnuff make sur- reys, buggies and one Obadîah turned out a hansom cab that hal said was ordered by a rinan in New York. \ Maybe, Mr. Pinchsnufi said, the tam'ous Dia- 1mond Jjim Brady will ride j n this cab. That is, ke added, if he can get b-is shape into it, for hie is a very large màan. When Mr. Pincllsnuff fin jshed a couple of buggies or phaetous, heie ould hitch them together and drag them around the cotinty looki-ng for buyers. Gran~dmna Tillinghast bought a shiny black buggy wi,'th e tur- key red wheels, but complained that $100 was a great deal too high for it. AIl that money, she moa-»ed, 1just for somrething ta ride around in. The Hired Man said, shucks, a nice looking buggy is ail right, but he'd tae the (,Id o ne any- timie becausa you neyer had t' keep it washed and slicked Up. And besides, he raminded beri, this spankin' ne-w ve-hy-cle (with the accent on the middle syllabîe) will make the oJld harnass loojk pretty lrned shabby, won't it? Graudmra said she wasn't go- ing ta buy a new harness and a new horse just becauise of the new carrnage. Why, shle seid, that would be like ber cousin Deborah getting nev carpet, new furniture and a new piano just because w-han they wvashad the windows everything seemn- ed worn. - "Hartford CouranV' Names That Seil WVordsare important fl mkhu the sale As Rutl( Mlwerney point- ed ont lu Nation'Cs Business, "INaine experts are imxportanit a'ertebraa of tue busiess backbone. Comýpanies- handling e'verytblng frra clocksavta coul weIcomie thein, for a good niae facilitates sales. "Ayoy Cail mark down a, ta Ifuorubbers ta 39 icents Rend dispose of themr. ,tatkes salesbI- tulition toa nie thein Ralubeaus and watch thiem seal t a profit. "Tbiraa tîmies more imen purchas-, ed n gray f elî but oalled Tyrol-la than whýleu uuanamed. A pla-ce of furniiture IbecomLes irresistilbla wheo called SuuigglIe Sofa, General Elsýe- trie iecreaead',lhe sales saturation point for dlocks w1tit l ornlrig Star. Custoilners wlshilng cathedral- UIke doorbelis ask for Mello-Ch1ims. "Tan imes ore wainen buy a shade o! bosiery Mwben Il is ellad Gala th'an wbenitlIs offeda Plain beige. A dipflomatie boslery compan en3clIa bts sbort-lagged leng[e Bre'v, laug-leggad ontes Duess, wlle, the stouthabl lady unembliarras"seiy asËs for Classic- a] aud feels innd(erstood." Rut somietimeS namlet, imay back.- fire, A deparniment store was ln- trodueing at nsw perfume called Fragrant. But the show-card wrjti-r inhimdrstadthec telaephon.e In- structions. Andf so posted avenr lhe perfumne couter were signas tha't1 ilahnly spalled out Vagranit. The section Lmanager ws ophi lng ml. But the cbep f roin tbe udvertislngx dearîmient coolad hIlmioff. i'Whet are '.you beeflni' about? Look at ail the trempsa bulyulg il." WD ADVERTISING I MDIC AL fPrie. *H00L JOIN CAN. G for free color essalog wit eti PIt slsown. Separate cùnfi#ential whol.- sale price list will be incIdecL Murrry Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montrei AR 'r' LES FOR SALE HANDICRAFI MFvaterils: Leatber, Felt, Aluminu, COPPer, Beads, Etc, Write for catalogue. 11aOdycaf t Supply Comn. pany, Peterboroughi, nti. PEINTING! 100 Letterireada 1.0.100 Envelopes $LH0. 150 Bu5ines Cards $1,00. 100 Biliheads $1,00. Free Sam- pies. Wessliug Press 352 New York Ave., JerseY City 7, N.J. 100 SPOOLS sewing thread $1.00. 100 Razor Bladeu 10.12uwvntowels $l0.Ail three $2.50 Postpald. Post R,2, Box 499, Phenix CIty, Alabamra. PURE MAPLI SYRIJP, choatce quality, $2.55 per half gallon; *4.90 per gallon; delicious Maple Sugar 75e per lb.; 4-lb. casSugar Cream Butter $1.00. Express or FreIght Collect. Camnplete satisfac- lion guaranteed. P r o in p t delivery. Order your requiremrenta today,. CON- FEIIERATED FOODS LIMITED, Delta, Ontario, 14 PIECE Aluminumn Coolware Regulair $49.95. yours for $27.95. Satisfaction Guaranateed. Seýnd money order ta: Roger GarantI, 59 Rawlinsofl, Terre- b onne Heights, P.Q, ______ BABY CHICKS EMMEDIATE delivery. Wide choice. Breeds, crosses. Puallets (lncludlng Ames fn-Cross for more egg profit, minimumn overheacl), Mlxed chieka. Ask for complete list, Bray Iatchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. If you wvant top quslity cicks or tur- key poulta ln a hurry we have thiein. jWe set extra eggs to hatch In June to takie cara of rush orders. Send your oders along to us and wecen give y'ou p rompt shipmient of al the popu. ar special egg breeds or dual purpose breeds, also Turkey Pouits. Catalogue, TWEDDLE CIIICK HATCHEUIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO FOR SALI POULTRY farni for sale on aitu lin Island. Write for partîculars, Box 143, 123. l8th St., New Toronto. TRAILERS-14 TO 51 FEET FULLY modern mobile homes for liv- ing, or holldays. ALnything Ini trade, 10w down payment. 5 years ta psay, deliveries anywvhere. Tratter Mart, Wharnellff e S. et Base Uine, Lýondon, Ontario. ZGYSIA "PIug-In" GRASS, Taking Cana and US. by storma. 1NEW< Fine texture. Chokeýs out crab- g rasa and weeds. Stays GREEN in hottest suimmer weather, Imagine!I Makes the "carefe" awn. B3est plant. ed by our 2 In. wide by 3ý in, deep Plugs Of living sod. -Jlantable bu 014 lawns or- aew. Nlot grwnby aeed - a hybrid. HARDi - a ine lawn grow- ing in Gaîzt, Ont, for pastl4a years, De. veloped by U.S. -Golf r7eysAssor. anDd Depi. ai Agr. Easy to plant, 100 pluga does 100 sq. ft. Plant 1 ft. spart each way', Or lesif you desire. Wil grow together In 2 growing seasons, proclucing 30 pîngs or more for each one plante-I to plant other areas - thus possible a COMPLETE LAWN for ouly $13.50. Planting successful unitil mid-August. Guaranteed ta grow. Des. criptive folder sent, 100 plugs...............1."0 300 pluga <with pluggiug tool free) .................. *f40,00 Plugging tool seperate $ 200 Aboya are best Possible Canadian prices. ZOYSIA advertised for less ikeîy 1 in. plngs. whlch are not recoin- ,uended. -IMMEDIATE SHIPMIENT by Express 25%7 Depasit wlth order Ail oi'ders f.o.b. Strathroy CANADIAN ZOYSIA SALES Olflces et CARADOC NURSERIES LIMITED Box 160, Sfrathroy, Ont. HELP WANTED SALESMEN WANTED ta Supervise and Enrol M4emzbera in Canada's Premier Motor Club~. Direct selllng experbence an advantage and car a necessity, Com- mission palet on each year's Renewal -business. Sales Traîing provided. t¶ ive ful particulars in first letter. Rleplies confidentiel. Box 817 Ontario Automobile Associatio, London, Can- ada, MEDICAL iIiGHLY RECOMMEINDED - Evevy sufferer of sheumptis- poins or neurifil slieuld ti'y DxoWs NoReedy. MUNRtO'S DRUG STORE e Che J-fouse of 5eaý M* ,zh a e e o o a e e a N N N N N MARVEL HAIRDIIESSING SCHOOLS 353 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches 14 King St., Hamilton 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa 9AWDUST, Tuir. h in rto cash. 49 mjethoda. Ful instructions $j»0. Mer- shali Rowland, 1639 St. Lulce Rd., Windsor, Ontario. MY rmethod gïves razor blades super velvet 3y surgical sbarpness. New, simple; no comperison, no device. $1. bUll. Mack, 311 M,,ott, Sanie Cruz, Caliomnis MiECIIJANIX [liustratefi Puüzze Fans! Save hours of search. Thousanids of Words, allowed in ibis puzzle at your fingertips. Alph.lah)etical listing. Every word added for your convenlence. Complled, froin %Web:3ter's New Col- î.egae Dictionýary. Free PuJ facsim- $ls 5.00 nostpaid, R. 1F. Starnin, J'.O. Box 83, Clifton ie'ights. Pennsyl- lzania. MAKE Moneyl New booklet called «'You Ceni Earn Home Profits." Tells how, by prlnting mnany mioneyy eklng ideas other tipa too. Rush only 25,4 for' your copy today! Leland Fogg. 6 Clinton Court, Bzangor, Mlaine. PATEN4TS FETHERSTONHAUGH & C o min pa n Y, Patent Attorneys. Establishad 1890. 300 Unversity Ave. Toronto Patentai al couintries. AN OFFEII ho every Inventor. List o! inventions and full informiation sent frec. The Ramsay Ca. Registered Pst- eut Attorneys. 273 Bani; St., Ottawa. PERSONAL lI.00 TRIAL offer. Twenty five deluxo per-sonal requirements. Latest cala- logue included, The Mledico Agency. Býox 22, Terminal "Q" Toronto Ont. LELAND READS THE STARS! Try an Id4 master for a forecasi. Changes, Money, Romances, Work. Send $1,00 for your personal Astro-Radix, years forecast and Nemesis. Ne-w! One question,,free. Full, Namne, Birthdate, irhplace. Leland, Box 456, San% Francisco 1, California. T!ACHERS WANTED Male Protestant Principal lTWO-IROOM scbool, Grades V-X first clas certificate state ae,' qualifica- 'Ions. Salary minimum $2,700. Naine of last luspectar. Femnale Protestant Tunior romr, Grades f-TV, firsi clas.s certificate, Salary mrinimum $2200. Namne af lest Inspecter. State age and qualifications. Teachier Protestant For ane-roem salcoa. Averege 20 pu- pli. Gads fL.Salary minimum $2,300. Firast cî,sas--ertificete, state age, quali- fications, namne of last Inspector. Salary adjustinent accarding ta ex- perience. Duties commence Septemnber 4, Apply ta F. Chaddock Secretarl, TSS. A. MurcMison. & Lye%, Mada- waska, Ontario. WANTED WANTED TO BUY 1917 - 1920 Ford Roedster or Tourlng Car. ELMER JOHNSON, Route 3, New- UWINE Sbusiness we decided to bujr the best imparted stock that money watsld buy, ta keep on importing and lulproving ouzr bard and to sell notbing but the best animaIs suitable for breeders. Weanling sows, weaeling boars aud a limited number cf guaranteed Iin-pig sows bred to imported boarm for im. mediate delivery. Polder. FERGUS. LANDRACE SWINE F'ARM FERGUS ONTARIO 1 , M N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s' N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N k, N N N N N N N s s N N N N -i s N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N s 4- k s N N