!ode.R, A. F 0rïrester COMJNG EVENTS 'Phe Orono F~re Skating ~"11 be holding home cookin~ arc afternoon teX in the 0ddf,~ Il 11, Orono, Sa tXs~day, Jun/ QSec our stoclk of necw designs ini Q COUTT'71S MBETTER FATHER-- Q GRETINGCARDS a cIIK 20 LECTRIC RAZORSl- ai i2-beýcd ro, oe tC. Forresiter to.Prcdto e c;g 4-edoon co-eencesý(I-. p.edi. 4 :3, Thiehmsa th tan os f o 's 'DAY and $6,750 -e tng LL~ L~I4 ngalow, ady to eze-w , garage, y xt &.- s~t y, modem ~n n good loca- Fairi orne aIl tathou sellin >,r ]essl :ruction. ng lots rid Inius- EVANS, Broker. f Orono, Ont. t~ ~ ~ ~~i metste i th eea 11si11rs ieXe, dor IN THE ESTATi-E 0F ANDRr W, q C CHANEBANDY late of th Ge Townshî ofClParie lsifthe Cou y of Ç A teof hesaid AnidrelvCochi- j te ron vn g claim01 o aout ~~~~~~~~..................f e2'ddyoJaar 9,ae Proven~~~~lu spro. gaane....$92 r* heeyotfed:sendto the under- Depedab~ PPES ricd fo $,00,$2,0 t $3,0 * c ior n orbef e he th dàýy of Jun "DRNKLES'00 ODI" lPS ---------$6.00"i "Nôfulp iulr o heir jýlins and Q Eclipse FOJNýTAIN PENS...........1---b-hmduyvr-ib sau W a er a n F O N T I N P E S B S 3. 0 o 1 1 0 0u rà % matmy a f er t% e sa id 6 th AfUC TC fidyofrue 9C, thassets of the "GV RDR iri ULTasadd es ed Vwîll.e distributedl KAKCAMERLAS priceld fron ..*$2.39 ta 2,5 hvagrgadonyttedaiso BAC'HELOR -TOILET SETS ixicthAin ar oTe ~ "RAL WISTWACHÈ garanteed 1 year PriceJ from.......$.o os.o udrig oiiosal th, hv Q expanding nietai wrist ,frap, srtddesîg ns $6-91z, Ynle lv'Toilet Sets, priced....2.25 to $7.50 p /e bothýis 24th da of Cig rete hersF M' GER DOREEN BAIN,- LPredfrom $1-5- t- $5-00--R----,--ewtonvi5.0D Ont. eh-aMu Lgte guarantced, each $1,00f Adiisrtx ELERSR.'-NDELCQ.., OLES Q Fishd-er Lighters, assàted designîls SILS' CUKLSOtS c&j o h diitrtr le P1 ar 'd Sun Gi AeawasaprdtdeAtat Q Ort allv orrec, made by AmeoriCun Optfical Col.tveakgs Ol Qr yci! : pnt e gtOn 1 "FiTS-OtN" tp oi over lreýguLar glasses prc 25 i isprhs~wapdi tractive gif t l N (Supldwith 1leather cearrying case') n" tneetaFot loyd pfichls. zoni SJackmi-a,. Fowcrs for'"fl C Orono, Ont. 1 hoe14 / Orono Q ets~i 6 enaesevery oclcasion av]dtinsastticanks. ~ ~ -~~ .~, ay aipured. Junie con ,u ap jv oerinary, medicines, biologcl c.~s att ndY~ I la-c and instrum ents ethe a l 4 dispe-nsed. ANN LI CEM NTPHONE 10616, ORON O), ON TV. I athom to hei rinds he dd.LEGAL, ivn frm eenth fnetiry Lawrence C. MsoB.A. Goldn WedingA ersry.a-p arrister and Soliciter 17 Pigs, nfie we sol a- hns f North rss. M -68 o eAA 3 5 5 Lorne ToddOfPhoe A rke68I-Tome 31 aIt Saw Mil. >JOHN B.A. One ~ ~ ~ ~ U cod$.0 w rmr$,REGA N5, .A TeeIph 1-r-IÎ, o rn 6-- arrîster, Notary phi Star a earoundbusnes. ~ 33 Temperance St.., Bowmanvine narumony t t'ist ay.s icly hon MA3-3292 yoronboss il d Ipnc ýsities' in B hny i kstock, Bo ,"jýanvil, C a S it , C a a , I , n e il e e. JACKI REID Ail fanu,Ès Wil are et"R o Or1naOrono's Licensed Station C- M4 trea'L / S Auctjro-r and Valuatoir fi'e will be pileased to pick un dea Specialize lni Varm and or crippled farniimais fo7r Saitary FirhreSae dspsa. Telephon-e cFet ohug C tm-- f r tae s -R -34orTrtoEM, 3-3M1361me.irtem GORDN YONG LMTEDand datles l. F. MceKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGW)Nl', Office Hours: 0to 4:00 p.m.; 6:-30 to 8:00 p.u. Sundays and Wednesdays by appOintiment oniy DR. R. J. TAGGART k. TEl) JACKSON Auetioneor and Valuatoj. Condluct,5 Au!ttin Salez of aul due and at reasonable rateo Cenmuictew4 itMm at pffl Perry, Ontario, or see his Clerfr, Ai, E. Morton, at r'Oen, fair date. LIFE INSURANCE Pension Plans; Educational Polideut Protection and SaIng lam fSu Children and Aduilts; Mortgare la- suraxwce Plans, F. E. LY'ETT Ooo5 nt. - Phono 11718 STAFFORD BROS Monumenital Works Phorle Whîtby 552 818 Dundas St. E., Whitby FIE QUALITY MONUMENTS AND MARKERS Let us Crect a hiandslrme, dit. nffied monm~ent Over thi e mq- -ing, plae o f yoar IoVed OaeV. ItýS fDot ex1eilsive. And ue.ing tuis last iribute wil gîv. you endiesa com-fort. Thr,-RUTTER GRANITUl COMPANY Phone- Turner 5-5216 P.O. Box 6t22 port Hope, Ontarjo MonumentCf rà'vemarker% *Eiigraving, Go1dIeafiin,,g Managed and Appraisea tM. ALLTSON, R e l t B r q ý k e l Pione'25i& - NwcutJs. OM TV*w. ekaffootef UttMt j mVi,ýt W w . i - >J ~1 I OQ .221z50 ~ OcO~~T~ ~ RE LTO70R P..Box 71 hou 119 2Doors So-jU lof U P679 Jea u ve, horses- MAR-iL FURFAR T Y OONTARIO PIOE1291 17Z PACTORS FOBï FARM0, and HOUSE F re e Es t ima tes APPLIAiNCE SALES Prompit and GUaranteed Repaira eaPlr~e of Elýectrical Equipni., and ilpplianee 7 a t'nrs, Water Heatera Pluuablug 1j HARRY E. LYCETT ORONO ONT.. Befr deîdngan your Septie - "~ Tan, cotactme fr esi on the readiy. tq sal rif con- cret.e taij, (ilps eto) steps ap iron railinge, rire preentivefor PHONE 14,71, ORONO a, y