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Orono Weekly Times, 21 Jun 1956, p. 1

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Fire Destroys Farm- House Contents Go Up In Smoke On Satniduy aftérnoon fine totally Air Cad'et inanpcJ lhtament <lestreyed a brick Surin homie east of IhI~8IML8W Orono whîlé théewMners and noîgh- Téfî bous stood hy, heipless te -save eithor Tefl- - ing- is thé financial rtaté- 'thé builcùng or- any of thé conitents, ment oS Clarke Squadron,- No. 595, ,of thé home. 'Air Cadets frein April 20th, 1955 te Thé, afterneon fuse of unknown Juné i2th, 1956.- 'engin swept thnongh thé brick home' Recéîplts- -of Mr. andi Mrs. Laverno Patteuson, Donations hi," c tihoîls' ......... $39.29 who live éast oS Orene on thé fifth,-ag Day----------40.25 ,Concession of Clarke. Shex'tl.y after Dépt. oS National' Defencè thé flue was nioted nothing was left Grant----'- --3.0 but ashes and thé cruinbléd ls oS IT.,lr -ts .... .... 245 of thé building. Ail personal éffoots Ttlrcit-------$1~' oqf thé fanily were lest except fer an1 ExpeIditues- \ le1ctric sewing machiné, a desk andi Equipnient .--...... -$58,27' a féw chairs. AI? cleth-in-g éxeptf Camp Expeasés.'......-145,60 whut thé fumily was wearing .wént Insurance Air Cadets . . 97 up in smoke.j Rink lIent, icé time .... Thé fine was first noticéti by -Mis,. j Ring Polo-----------------11>.75. iPatterson whéa sbîe.. was returjjiug Vo ' Pestag -------- --.... thé bose aS i}p _e t- tébarn,,: Inspection, étianient, ,ren4t, ,She irst rnoticod sinoke and rau te.. .Ad±., labour, buses -4.M thé bouse toE Snd that thé inside was Balance .on bad Al ..7 na buining inferno. It is underStood j -___ that M irs. Patterâoù itriMl oe giin î-1'-+.ta ......'------------ 14,5 tranice inte 'the kitchêèn: b'Iùt T flanies made .it-impossible,- 31iortIj3r'j-1 j J " -aSter thé -discovery- 'tl'- fint, f 'loor aso4» a1 v8 eiig caved iii.- '; - -- -' ,I - - - At thé~' - ~Thé' dPa-sorage. of. the 9ra,, .1imé ,'_ thé 1, - , ted-Olinicli as ù n ~ ~ t.-iT automîobile- w~ai aKed âIlôngsue h bouse wifh' thz'ýkee flo'e Ag - n tsuide.o w, eswh4u4 aF g tIy thé bouse. Mi. _ Ùes' hcou bl Q npaoS ve la',os y4icîbard,é'. f-tre snatch up thé kéys -aa4 à w-%éý7 con- b-.l, apaa~. taining a suni of m-oiey.Y H-aving thé The exti-rior'f' the, Pa,4ge bas lceys thé car was îenioved a safo ee -distance frein-thé lre.: - - he cipftdîu.paihdýwib - agn tîlii. Furfý e È the friont p.c Neighbour«ï' and' friends freinthé hiba ho reinoýv;edaiid 'rèjlaiced I'} area wére forcécl. te stand aside 'as a cement vandàhb 'With irýôh rîàîfIngs. 'hé flàmes raced thuough thé building- A canc>py is te hé in-stalled ot"er as nothing cold hé done to savé thé new vérandah soinètimé in thé -ither thé building or thé contents. near future.t Mr. 'Francis oewaa providéd thée famÂ.ly with-.a trailer until suchl tinoe and Mrs, Putterson and son Gary wÎIli a0 aconnodations are avamflablé ta-,i' nvp.intoa ,nothr- houn w ,1n the *1 the 1f1111i1Y. It is' un.ldç5t6ôd -lat Mrfarîh; - SSumuer Progra m At- Park-W T o B egi ýn Tueàday, ul'Y 3r d Thé Sumniner Recreatioii rograrn neot te hold a water prograin ut thée spensoréd by thé Orono Amnateair Ath- Park. This décision, it appears, will letic Association will commience on depeiXsl on -whethier or net the Assoc- -Tuesday, merning July 21ùd ut thèl lation conlsiders thé ç'wimn-iùig tank f 04rono Park at 9:0,0 o'ciocki. Thé pro- hias hee(n put into a safe enough con- grain sponsor-ed for thé children of 1 itýoru a'The-Association 'bas asked the aiea will censist of mrany formé that the inside of the tank bé painted -of sports and activities which h ohud and life saving equipméint availahie t, prove interesting te thé youhgstors. at thé ttan,.S Mr. CGeorg-e Collins wilI superviseî thé Yecreatiormai programn which will Mlso at thé Exécutive meeting thé s b e arvied -on duriiïïgthéenonth et finances of thé Association will hé t' July- froni 9:00 o-dlock ia theé moin- studied te dètéimine vvhether or net ing, until aôon. Thé staff of assist- auy chargé will hé nécess-ary. Al1 -ant-s have beén orgaijizeçl and NWill accounts are to e o'uaiheé p hé- ready te go into opération on July prier te the meeting. It is feit that h ~3rd.- the revenue frein thé play "Déni h Thé Atbletic Association a re te îRuth" aiid sale of sponsor tickets fer JE hold an Exécutive meeting early this 1 basehall wvill ,reatly assist lai the fira- g coming week te décide whethèi' oz, anLing of the pregrain. fi fi ti Simming Tank Open' t Chilciren Now Use -Park'Y - te ho nsed. lu Tlhe Orone Park took its place on - On Sunday thé Orono Park was the scene for suniîer activitiés dur'- pce ih<ndypciésfen jag fhe past week when the 5wîm Su ad wfle uir gpeicr ming tarik wsopened for adults aný randi i -natrto ha9h Ooi ehiltirén aliké. Semé tainor rears thletic Association are seeking fui- weré made te thé tank by thé Orone' ther woîk te hé done on thé Swm hi Mémnorial Park Board prier te its ming tank te insure further safety at t opening. thé tank during the surmer auonths. Thé painting of thé inside of the Due te thé late opening of thé tank'tank hué been requested by the or- i this, year and thé intense béat of thé ganizations which te daté, bas noet past week childu-en of thé Villag-e hen done. Thé material and labeur 2 were seeking the Mill Pend at théeIte apply this paint te the inside of south of thé Village as a refuge frein thé tank, wo nnderstaad, wonid cost 'n thé torrid weathermaa. Swimmning at thé Oroio Park Board a sum in thé 1F thé Mill Pond shonld hé discouruaged nighhourhood of one hnndréd nndl a as it 1nieasures' fiftééa te twenty feet fifty te twe hiundred dollars. Evén S( deep ina many places ajnd dees net pro- at this price théeBard ce-id net hé f( vide for saf e swimiming. Now thut assurerl that thé paint W-ould netIfç thétak n té ar isop-eNte iar e I ecssitating repainting S( theounkd hé e ark fo thé Mil Pendg a i n - a ouai. st sh(til beno eedforthéMil Poid Thé Orono Red Cross bégin their simiing instructions , tti Water fi Safety Pîogram at thé, local tank ounSc Theglt erThe Week Tusdy, Jlly 3rd. Cl1asses will bé.-I ut 9:00 'coeck andi continué with the V man's boldnéss anid woiiap's Internmediaté, Juniors, Beginnérs and h( caution niake an excent bus- Tadpoles te follew, 1 p, mness arra»gment.j Misc, Mary A-nnm Armstrong wi111 hé thé instruactréss and Miss J0 Anan n Ruther-ford, thé assistant it], K ed Cross swimming Town ship Reteoders ForN e C h i o n D d ca d Regishrtion, JuIy 3rd lHaoIing 0f GravelN w Ch i G wn De ca d Tbe Orono Red Cross Swimming tA ni e s r and Water Safety program will begin Onreconinmendation of the -Munici- A t .A. Sunuay. n i e s r oii Tuesday, July 3rd, with Mary Ann pal En'ginieer of the Departmiient of________________ Armstrong as instructress and JoAlnnRhwy th Tonhp fCare II I 12LIU The Orono Womian's Associationi Rutherford as assistant. retendered for the trucking~ and VI... MEEING1I Sunday Anniversary Ser-vice was hel& spreading of 25,000 tons of grave] on - on Sunday -morning, Jane 17th.. The The registration fee will be 50cTo'wnship roads for the year. 1revi- T'he June meeting of th~e Women's .morning was marked with the dediý for each child. çauly the T1ownship Iiad aecepted the Christian Temiperance Union was cation of n<w' choir gowns and au 5*- Senior Classes 9 o'clock to 9.40. tender of William SittUer to haul and held on Tuesday afternoon at the spiflng ddres y the 11ev. W. 'G_ Interinediate Class 9:40 to 10:20: spr-ead gravel at 57 cents a yard- l, home of Mrs. 1-. Rowe. The presi- Berry, Associate Secretary of the De-. Juiohr. Clasa10:2,( to 0:60 the publîshed tender the Townshiip 'dent, Mrs. Walsh opened the meeting pa'rtaient ~of Social 'Service and Ev-. TpeÎir less 1 .50 to 1 : 20. had asked for a rate per ton and i with the singing of her favorite angelism of the U~nited Church of Tadpols 11:0 to 2.0.view of the rate of 57 cents. a yard hymn "What a friend we have in Canada. Proficient Swimmers over 12 yer being acepted ;t *as thought wise to Jesus", and Mrs. Allun gave a very Mrs. M. . T1amblyn, presidentid-~ of age who wish to 1take lessoià , ieténder' fine devotional, hier topic being the Oshawa ?resbytery of the Wu- Royal Life Saving, xnray place ?tir "Gleosions Heritage" making special man'~s Association assisted with th« naines with the instructress .t 12:0 In reteadering only two tenders referènce to the Women of the Bible service, reaIing the scripture§. The o'clock on July 3rd. werê Teceived which quoted prices and to the Christian Womnen who are Rev. Jolrn jitýchein also assistted. _____oth by the ton and by,the yard, The helping in God's work today. Mrs. * ender of William Sittier was ae- Hughes favored with a swýýeetly usa- Duing teservice- the choir of the Oroio Gains Hall Came tepted 'on rnotioný Loü e and "Jc so'esus is ny Neighbour" Orono Uited Chureh reudered thf lO Coboorg Series by Walkey and Lowery "n I Sthe Ms ns edanme f~ Mrs. E. R. Rainey', president of the former motion of Sit ohition thathd nSaiett - Orono W.A., piresented the new gowrna -na home and home gamle series tler tender of 67 cents per yard. lard all ýearding the endorsing to the Orono Choir* on behaif of the between Cobourg and Orono the out- --- of the Safe Driving Campaign aiso W.A. The presentation was made ta ofýtwn eamboosted their average t1U1dte lpshe Whti Oorý UiedCuchCiirtMs w-ith a win while they shnred a tie LOtAL enducted hip- wshepet hto i.Gor apn rsdeto LOCALg wic^ws NieEtINOrno. ne téhrcimportance af irr4he79ther gamne. d~iffee memibers making a ver in-Raiey po~ OteflOtfl50 ,4T 1 tic gaine was played in Oronü d< Decoration -Day is' heing obse-rvedJ teresting discussion. Then Mrs. Ro"wegnsicintbeJurch serv tes agnd.t o 'o-n'Thuiýdt nghtvvth lety f I-at the-4)#ono Cemretery this Sunday wscalled in' and presented wit1î a1the -gowa word ad toChe ronie tio and go od hall. John Shetler as afternoon, June 24th. at 2:00 lpan, beautiful Salad service, it being the graciously accepted the gowns. b rdfè o t of t hie ame when the Resident clergy will officiate. The oc caion of their forty-fifth wedding Oecii g h ow s M s.1i b$ j~lr.Robbie Robinson came în pience,, program,~ of nmuis~c at 1:15. comipletely by surpise :bn appreci- hyh eiae ocuc a.t~ froani-îshotstop to catch the rýein,, -- ated the remiem b r ance -of lier friends. the service of the chnirch. The _govn der of- the gine. Another dispute Mr. and ?Mrs. E G HIay and family', :After singing 376,"Bîes be ere dedicated and a -l4a sterîued up wNhen the ump clled Ilint n, Mr. and Mirs. SNotman Àllin. e iéth hvbndstiemein ls-'-ve ffr(_by th& minister. pl,,Ite- Itheatié thatl ïinds",etheOneeting clos-1 prayerÎoffe llâriiiton Boyd ont at home p Ae nimy Lsê~ udyWti r -ed -with the Mizpah Benediétion and r e he p speaedtofas ndplyers alike ap4 the hostess served ice cream and cake.j - . 1".w ;ëý;et- Boyd had in rdd a eacLànjhldabat -____.ill i 1.1with 'Vtln [ionie saéy n tfié Or'onô Park< on Sun-1 LAKESHORE STANDING îýaàèlr, ' e7v, r.W. G Mallet, the -newý Oreno hurler went day,.ý July'gth. -The program Will coin- 1 Prt Hope '5 2 il o lie con& o the distance for the local teamI as did mence at 7.30. in,,tbhe eTening. 4isted Bowmiari-jlle---, .1. 'o t'colîjj u ado of ',Calling Can-~ Staleyfor Cohonrg' Mahoet gave pi oaIy four its in'the gaine while.-on the programn for the public pleas- Cobonrg .. 1 9 ada te- oIle sc ampaigaje sai4j 1tne Lsmr enrn i i re will be familiar marches, selec- Orono - 2 3 2 1ShetrieinSp on to the Orene players. vrte.jinay. 7O 0of home Mi -ionî-r- wor1, e -ing moepole in conact with the Oroao's big chance in the ;$-game Iýi T cuirch off-'the Lord. Thli speaker aile in the first when thev scýý' (if F ô n -PrQLest v aler U sel ntated thu-,t for the anpiat<> be- rmrsliy B Tniftiuit succ fs1 tat w st frtb- one out. After tlis scoring e oirCScris h< aas andflivead rst: lif ne tennle thhe se t t T~a- -~ ~f iR educi'nrr tream ,% throughont the week. He pointed out ~g nnot.TeettheeOrono for one to he a Christiali that they_ )attérs weat ont in order leaving r'i must go to chnrch and hct silncer(ý iii bree mnen on bases. Cobourg scored . of Ariculture, this ye. terhlé.D.Bryw~ndta bwo ruas in the inning off twe sinag- The final meetin,&, u1 the currenî; l}i rectors in attendance at, theé goiag to elhurch was n-et onough Z1' les and an error hy Robinson, season; Iývs helr recently by Directoîs " The local aline went one -ont in of the Dur-hami County' Federatie-n 0f meeting weîe: Clarence Allun, presi.. îtself antd stated that rnanly b 0 at,- rront in thé third when Raye West Ilriculture, al, thé homne oï Ii. ,,Id dent, Newcastle; Mrs. R. P. Bowles,tedcuh.eglryaefoné*- Mrs Raph ar-erR.R 2,Nesle-secretary; Bob Hen)dry, treasurer; sarily Chrj)stians. iit a two hagger and ca>rîe home when Mr1RlhLiir ..2 éte.ltvc rsdn~Hr The speaker spolie agatiist ani D. West sacrýificed. ton. Dîck Bowls s iepeiet a-advr stie i o dj la thé fourthi both teamis picked up Président Clarence Allia, Newcastle D ea cln oina Juntjoy, henbr-e 'te irs'j teaciý ng. Canada, woruals. Junior West and Mallet paiçl trîbute te the fine work and , lenn LaîmBrue air, alph al- li thought. hadt it within bher grasp, sored for Orono.' A sacfrifice'. hy past service given the Federation by i.BrcaloM# )a-t show th-e world thie Christian vay;. ritrogand a singlo hy Ro-binson Ed Milîsonron, -h ad servéd ton. Dorieli, womens - mit ê au r oryradestotéOr etthese boys- homie. Cohour'g's as sécretary for the past seven 'yéars. Dorreil, Alerrill Van Camip and AMolcoggainwsdrtadsin -we runs came off fivé walks which lat.c ngive on peldifrhet Midsion,. ,oiee offéred hy Mallet on the Orono Hlowevéi. the aioeting was net de- Stap.les. e fi-liie isio- nri. voted te bouquets, alonc. Consider- Temeîgcoe ih h ov î1écig eagettesce~ Qroo~sDo Mocer~éuodtheabeselésénteat was voiced ovor thé mng of a delightlul buffet luncheon hy--oef "Cai1ling Canada 1te Ç hrist'" a, lack of a clear cut statemént of pol- tehses r.RlhLre. pia ast rua for Orono, in the fifth whéae ,rr.I, on,+r a, e sing-led and followed by two sing- i eýs and a sacrifice. Cobourg tied t-he aine iný the sixth ýwhon Stanley took irst with a m-alk as did Edgell. Ran-. en followed thé two walks wlth a ipewhich sent in the two ruas ,te Je the gaine. Don Mercer held thé batting aveu- ige fou the game with 2 for 8. Raye Xest followed with a 2 for 4 count. Oni Monday night in Cobourg the ocal aine lest the gaine 4 te 2 when Xest on thé Orono mound gave p six bits while Jones and Colley r Cohourg gave np five its. Eu- 'ors on the paît of Orono in the field avé Cobourg the- edge in, the gaine vith Orono r'eqnestiag seven errors. Wercer was the nmost outa4tandjing )atter for Orono earnitig a .500 bat- [ang average. Orono's two ruas came hi the flfth ru4iag wheni Maflot tripled and Deani Yest siagled. Thèse ruas scored When )on Mercer followçýed with a single, Lindsay, scored one rua ïin the thiri hon Jones took first on an, errer by saye West. A single bit by Edgel ind an error by Carman Cornish, oored the unearned run. lui the ourth A'cker hit a single whichi was ollewed hy two sacrifices and, a cngle by Jones te score Cobourg,,- ýeond inn of the game. Cobourg won their g-amé la thé ifth innîng - wlth twe runa,ý. Turpini corod after hitting a singleand bealing second as diti Liacaril when le went te first on an errer by, R. Xest thon stole second and came emoe when Robinson, behiati the late, cemmiiitteçi an errer. The Qrono team piays host te- tiht to thée owmianville Roses in ie Orono Park. izing that thé wýýhele parity discs- sien wzis of a controyersial nature, thé dreitors felt tchat at least prov- incial authoritiés could take tinie ont te answer thé Federatien's long stand.. in1g query on the niatter. Anothér dàscoi1dant nx$té n la t County's aff airs was sounded- wheni thé issue concerning- thé drainiing off of natural water run frin fam. lande thîongh irrigation practises - priaii- arily for tobacce gro-wers, ",as brought up fer thé second tino in as miany Meetings. Thé land la queston is in thé Port Hope aiea water shied and buck through thé Ganaraska. It was répeîtéd that last y.éar, as a ré.- - 5ult of irrigation, lon~g known -streansý wére completely dried up and farims having a natural access te water ,vere deprived of even their essential neds. Since farmiers planned théirý farm Âayout according te natural facilites and crop continuation was Iargéiy depontent on this factor, thé- Fédération condemned thé irrigation practises presently under way. It was ununimeusly veted that a stroug lot- toi of pretest hé writtén te théeIMin-. ister of Planning and Devlepinent andti tethé ýanaraska Conservation Autbority. A revival of thé outdeor worship serve bas béen planned for the lat- ter part of Jnly. This évent has aI- ways been au outstantiing success and thé dirèctous were pléased that thé service would take plamce ugain. Plans are aise underway te toievise Feder- aion activities tlirough Peterborough, this fali. BééS. producers ia thé Connty are expècted te loin with thé Fédération ')ailîington Turned Dow-a Clarkt.'s Proposed Agreenr,,ent Clarke Councii's request to have aIsouth. Clarke feels that the southerft written aeeinent between Clarke part of the road is mretrvellet and Darlington Townships in regards and mnaintenancelcosts are higher. By to the repair and maintenance of the the sugesl.e, agreement expenseS in-~ Boundary Road was turned down by curred tlirough road maintenau0ae lJarlington Counicil at the last Dal- 1wvould be equally shared by both cm ington meeting. cils. Clerk Walter Runidie was instruct- As reported in the Statesman rý ed to write to Clarke explaining that cently the Clarke Council miemibeze Darlington Road appropriation money feit that if Darlington refused tQ, was already allotted and Darlington cone to an ag-reement the best policy is unable to mélce any financial comn- for Clarke is to disreg-ard the r>, mitmens at he pree~it.until it became a serious issue <i. Reeve Roy Nichiolg reminded thel ingbtlonc oat council that theè rend apprepriation waus ail plamned and Darlington haà ne choice, but te refusé thé agrée- ment. Deputy-]Reeve barnet Ricliard ad- ded, "ItVwouid,b foolish for éithér municipality te éepair thé rond frein the fruit hoe south until 115 le Couneillor Chiarlès Osborne wus of thé- opinion that theré wonld net hé eneugh traffie ou. thé rond te warrant hard-tepping-. Coun. Osborne later added, "They're net going te hé tee happy about our décision." Coun. Arthur Blaachard-.also feit that Darfiiaton Towashiip is net ini any position terniake expenditures. For the past ten years thère hias héen an uawrittén agreemnent that Darlington wonld inaintuin thé north -section of thé road and Clarke thé Due to thé $40 landi tax imnposéê, on, peple wishiag ,,te purchase 1(>t& la Darlingten, mauy buyérs are ob-. tainîng thé right te bud 'on thé IQt hy paying thé $4100 -which aillows thenm a nimum of 29,000 square féét, selling thé bouse tbey build and theni const-ructing a-nother bouse on the~ saine lot. This mnové savès thé f1imt home buyer $400. This point wns thorongbly di4ý cussèd -ut last Thursday's Dai-l'agtoe- Ceuncil mepeting-. It was decided that- a new hy-law should hé drawn u>~ that would ussess a lot $400 with the undérstaading te thé lot ewaer that- any other lot suhdivided frein thr original lot wonld hé taxed $400. This course of action they the-ughý would ho more practical than riereeI, îaising thé tax sincé an incréase4 tax would discourage thé huilder wk*q, wantéd te expand hi.s one home, -7-77-77-77=7 ýç 4 ti u s

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