j, ____________________m an ail out campaigu against Premier - ~ I Tommy Douglas. As this is being written, iy ifrat say apything By John M. James, M.P. friends feel they iyay be abi. te uP- caxi happen. Week of Elections set Premier Hugh John Flemming's While not of widespread i nterest Conse-rvative government. The other Decorates Corridors ini Durham County, three provincial two, on Wednesday, mnay alse bring In the House of Gommons Quebec tlections, in New Brunswick, Quebec about great changes if they liv. up Conservative memnber Wifrod Duf-, and Saskatchewan, this, week wili Se te expectat-ions. in Quebec, aIl op- resno brouight the provincial election big news around Ottawa. Immediate- position forces have joined i an ef- close te home by decorating his of- ly prier te the first in New Bruns- fort te oust Premier Dupt--sisia butice vith Dupessis posters. Appar-1 wick on Monday, June 18, miy LiSeral they wili have trouble againt that ently, h. is one cf his ardent admir- The 4zySledorod ZJdzi Spiendor ifa cverywhere in Oidsmaobiie,. There's the spiender of distinctive Starfire stying-fresh, dignified, but re aLive. Thieresthe spiendor of rirch, custom-tailored interiors -luxurinus, grar-ions anmd so com- fortabie. And there's the spiendor of mighty power, tamed Io go quietiy about its task of producing Swift, Smooth metielu. And this Oldsmobile spieudor is flot a sometime thing. Frein the mo4ment you prend]i Rien until that dipt, you decide te trade even more exciin future, yeu'll keep new spienders in trif And yeu'il keep refi whl hwwise you te step up rom. tLe an Oldsmobile. 10. MOTORS VALUE ers. huffy over the Pipe Line debate,: country. Their greatest fear is that,: Invitations Refused the Conservativem are declining te' those whe have had no experiencet At Ottawa, Members of Parliament attend receptions fer visiting digni- with Comnfiunists wil Se luIled inte-. f-roni those provinces involvec ii eiec- 1 taries given by the Speaker and, in a sense of false security by the newý tiongs have been hard te finId. Most the House of Gommons, are refusing friendly approach of the Soviet. of- themn are at home assisting with to allow any legisiation to pass with- leaders. provincial campaigens and W'iîî rot' eut the mnost painstaking examina- return until later in the week, Should tien. Newcastie'a Centennial the Liberals oust Duplessis in Quebe,. AIl roads in Durham County wili experts feel it would have a shorten-f. Leaves For London soon lead to Newcastlo for theirz- ing effect or'l the present session On Friday, the Prime Minister will great Centennial celebration starting.: Ottawa~ by discouraging the Conser- tleave by air for London and theJne2h.Tepormsudbe vatve ppoitin. thewis, I lokaommionwealth Prime Minister's Con- eusnding fro The opnang aoudre- vatve ppoitin. thewis itloos ference. External Affairs Minister 't ri h pnn drsr as though we shall b. sitting ti - by James S. Duncan of Massey-Har- JuIy or pesaibly early August. Stilli Mike Pearson is already in Europe at ris te the Neighborly Ne'wii broadtast. the"theewis jon Sunday niorning and the RCAF> aheorth Atlas ni oraty metingof cncert Sunday evening These a Noth Alanic Teat meeing o!o course, are only a few of the ev- "three blind mice." He, and two other entq taking place in the ambitious£. foreign ministers from NATO ceun-j rga. etidt bantE tries are studying ways and mieans ofporm~W tidt bai hs increasing the organization's aff'ect-iGNR'ai Museum train for display dur- ivene-us in non military fields. Ho wil mg the c(-iteninial but it had al-read>y- ~~..~~... ~~join the Prime Minister nt London.benshdldt apar nNe~ Some of the problema which will BrusikHwvrafe aig discussed include the United King- a nuisance of myseif, the Ministor for dorn's handling of the Cyprus situa- .Defence,, agreed to send the top banâ tion and the possible change over of in the Air Force to Newcastle for- Ceylon from a colony te self gever-SuayenngOdnalthfui n ied nationhood. Undoubtedly, the.bn onit fsoe5 o6î ica will be talia on trade, defence and al and ha8 been acclaimed throughout other &apecte of mutuai concern. the world as a supurb unit. It wil be., 1 eut down in niumber eomewhat for te The. Bltlç Tragedy Neweastle programi, but sbould pro- On ThbrsA&y evening, in ottawa,1 ride a musical treat aedomhoard lfr Ihad a Most iaterating eXperience. _t .5t!&.eý9 k. It was the. fMteenth axîniversary of the Baltic TI¼age4y. On:-u. BUi* U5dSeEr the E&viît Communia4 herd.d As g ~ugKestcd sariier, the. presea*e 60,OM mna, Woraeu and ehildrm tssr *n t Ottawa vili 0<ontnue U' utfY 00 frowLâtvia, Estonia and litlmua 1 late July or early A.ugmeI. At the- 7 10 into cattie trainsan sd <dpoefthem momnt, departruental estimnates ara- Year th evmt reclle inCanda til Se odiocueus4.lt looka às. [ytae psse- Sy tth*uioands .froin tiia a Elie Oho hwe MermbeM WM play ver--Pý tant day when w h od 11.patu retgfinsar. It vas amy privieg t. oe t wberry f&estiv*&areid garden par- it itnk r>n ano! the gueettspeakers. Along ~te sina or boine aw ýthia motion. g Olds of the several hundred attending wer. high- Iiba*Reps ýp discoyering ly edueated lormer Europeans Whio LbayRc ig unusual car. are ow making a groat contribution For those who may b. oonteeat~- fecting alilthe tb education and lb. arts in this c<nge Ca ut 1 i ere ini 1956I ordinary fuîe o 4 protection is Weil weoth the glight co6t. Thiâ i. sinipiy ae fle bbchemany banking servncÀm vo oýffer our cutorners to kee-p them'free frein neediesa' worry about their money. THE CANADIAN BANK 0F COMMERCE HW-236 Orome Brauch A.L. Rooey, Manager â0.17560 ROY W. ICOL DO WMAN VILLE ONTAIKO Vigor E Stove Oit Ltd. r gai. Fuel Oit 16' ie4ts pet ga. For Delivery Phone ORONO 1.537 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 'w -- -- -. --- - - Whrsri neing your unfioy enrIac1ok coinplete a rei istration formil for each insured omployec This year ail insured personR in aÇa ust be registered, and blank forais, UIC â e being Rernember: sent te A employers for this purpose. if vyen haveNe 9-5Inuaebo& no received yours by June 25th Write, or piori, cannot b. issued without EMPLO Ereistration fcm. I NATIONAL EP -IETOFFICE Ilncmployment Insurance Commission ig ~C. A. L. Murrh*zson J G. Bisson P .Tlo Chief Cunimîsàsioner RJTlo Agc'L E