!of Mr~. AM. laiiI at M1arkham on rZ %mi ýrs. Gladys Gamisby, Mrs. irene Sunday.-T W à A T E C N T NI LjMuirray, Mr.s. olive Milson and Mrs. Mrli. Jas. Marr, R710ser r. ind Q A TE Mjildred Rainey attended the Rebekah :'IJrs. -Ai-cie Watson, Betty Ann and î]IARDWOOD )& SOFTWOO»-1-1 Asienibly at the Royal York Hotel! Larry Were S:nday guestIs with Mr. LOGS JUNE 29 TO JULY 2 fri Monday to Wednesday of this'and Mrs. Alex Watson. io M r. a n M s. G o d o L a m n n d L a k e fie ld sp e t a fe w d a y s w ith th e ir O Of ficiai Pr og rammnnie 0lanly, Searboro, were wveek-end1gadantM. dM: Cs,Ôrieo PRIDAY, JUNE 29guesLs of Mr. and Mrs. W. J. Leamen, Wood* rus ILVAýLLEY LI'JMBER e Loa .GIT adEplrrgrusLimited 7.30 P. . - OPE LNG CE EMO~NIE Ço - the weekend witli Mr. an)d M rs. ~ of 0shawa where they joined etherO HA A NT Spaes-J ,Duncan, Pfe. Carli- Fe iliinC.gsSAWROil NlMr. Denton Massey and others- U Band in attutiance Wedesday of this\ek 9c00 P.. STRET DANCE- Roun and Sqare DaciMg. and Mrs. Vance Cooper andWeniwek Jack M SRETDNEt-ounanSurestrancn 1fiiy Oshawa, visitedl on Sunday- Jach f enton and hw ithrc eM r.aand M rs. C. V . Cooper. SATURDAY, JUNE 30 Mr. :and( Mrs. VI,. B. Hoajr and M. r. 9:30 to Noon-TOUR of. Local Factories and Publie Sehool N"eil Raney and Mr. Ervaný Rainey 0 l --2:00 P.MN. - GRAND PARAD<E - Prizes for- local floats and costumes ted tfuraofhelcusn fl ~~6: 30 lP M.- SOFTBALL GAME - At Park atne h uea ftercui g ~Ladies' National Torches, Toronto vs. Clarke AlSas(Mýeni) OMi. Mra Pwes fUnonile 8:00 P.M. - LIONS CLUB ýCAýRNIVAL -AND DRAW - At Park ilast Saturday.MOA RC g - UNDAY. JMiss Ag3nAsL EeAgnusonE, and MVrs. F JULY lst Lewi~f-ýýs of Rolhester, N.Y., ar isiigISLSAd E.VC g MORNý'ING - SPECIAL SEVCSin local (Churchesý at regular 1,ursc ite for',er's sister,' Mrs. Ale-x 3:00 P.M. - SP'ECIA-'L OPEN AIR SERVICE - At Commpit~HllRWsoadM.Wto. 13- Bowmanville Salvatien Army Band in attendance fl rs. Wm. ba1or sp)ent a fe-w days j Our comapLete :srvice guarantlees year rouînd- 13Central Comimand Air'Force Band froin Ottawa latweIihhrs - MONDY, JLY 2f3 gass nd fal, ochste. drivinig pleasure 10:00 A.MN. - SPORTS -At CmL iyPark Tr. andMHrs. oleny BofPokafi Sponore byNewcastle-o-thieLake Ratepayers' Association r ian, wtMr. JondLoeyof icon .0.Jl 1:00 P.M. - BASEBALL TOURNL1AMýENT - At Conimunîity Park u3v'ie ihM.adMs G Pwn BEARD-GIROWING CONTES]' JUJJGING - After First Game O-Mr. and Mrs>,-. Perüy Cooper, MIrs - 8:00 P.31. - VARIETY CONC ERT - In Commnunity Hall B'Donald Cooper Of OshaWa1 visiteél Phone 3251 NewcasS1, Outa.ri Fauigottnngtalent f romn Peterborough Mrs. Laura Cooper and Mr. a ýnd Mrs.. ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ____ ___ ____ ____ ___ Fretids and neighbours at Ne ton " "'-" ' '- ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ____ ville presented Mr- ndMrs. Carman m- U O j f < ' Cornish with a lovely blue-ge kast Saturday vnn 13;car - urn mx e r ia L ..Ie ra Ce gregation of St. Saviour's AnglicanPu iig angteblneof our Ladies' summer Hats at 1/3 off There are gond styles and colours in miilan and. ahh h o meeing the con bin Fixtures arthey alane unayeuevice on' ~~ "ey straws.aY Chur, e1f7,ointh s Lrev i n Adies' Western Jeans,- fine cotton ..wili, sanforized, front zipper opening. ,,olours tan, liglit blue, grey, turquoise nd red. Waist sizes 23-29. Price $4.45--$4.75. Ladies' strapless halters,- Rose Marx Creation, fine quality cotton. Colours: navy and white, size 32-38. Price $1.59 Ladies T-shirts, various styles is plain or striped knitted cotton. Sizes snîall, nied. and large. Price $1.00-$2.95 Girls' Shorts,- fine sanforized cotton, waistband in front and elastiè at back. Colours red,ý îavy, Ibadk and white, Sizes 8-14 yrs. Price $1.95-$2.50.. Girls' striped T-ghîrts,- knitted cotton, sleeveless, crew neck Sizes 8-14 yrs. Price $1.95 cGr~oombed cottoni T-eirts,- finej checks, sleevelêss, round neck band of ribbed knitted cotton. Colours red and white, green and white, rose and wvhite. Sizes 8-14 yrs. Price $1.00 STOVE OIL-foî Gitls' Pedal Pushers,-' cotton twill, trimmed with white binding. Colours green, gold and -navy. Sizes 7-14 yrs. Price $1.50 Girls' Midriff Blouses,- fine quality cotton broadcloth with eyelet trim, el- atic at neck and bottom. Sizes 3-14 yrs. Price 95e Girls' white coftonblouses with round collar, sleevless, buttoned front. Colour white trimmed iyith na'vy, red or green. Size 8-14 yrs. Price 98e T-Shirts for little boys and girls, vani- ous styles and colours in fine combed cotton Size 1-6x. Price 95e-$1.95 Little Girls' Shorts,- sanforized cotton. Colours light green and red. Size 3-6x yrs. Price $1.75 Little Giil1s' Sun Suits, Sh-orts and to match, different styles. Sizes ýrrs. Price $1.9â-$2.95 Store Open AI; Day Mondaiy ismalýl quantitiesaaibl at the Station Open E%,nings an1 Sndy tops 2-6x for the summer rnonths the regular weekly worship service wvould be held inz the morning at 9:,30* starting on Sunday, July lat. Owing lto J-une 24th being Decora- tion Day with 'the service at t1hel Chapel in Orono Cemetery, there will be no service held at St. Saviour's Church that day. Vi>sitors Nvith _Mrs. T. J. Carscad- den and family on Sunday .Were Mrs. John Berry, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Berry and Dawn Marie, Orono, Mis1) li Hill, Kendal, Mr and Mrs. (ýhai.les GaY and sons, Ross and Rornne who br'oughthiifr music' ad with the Piano pive iis a lo'vely conecrt of -~n,~e 1]wasgreatly enjoyed and appreciatedl by al]. Miss Shirley Porter and Mrs. Aud- rey Metcalf, Oshawa, spent the week- end with Mr. and Mrs. Neil Porter, A number fromn the Village attend- the wedding of Miss Beverley Cari Of Port Hope to Mr. Ronald West on Saturday of last week. 1The wed- ding was soleninized in St. John's Anglican Church, Port Hope. -0--- i G«ARDEN CULTIVATION enl proved -,o be a vital facetor ir, ,e growth of plants. In properly orous, soil there is a comiplete chaenge fair to a depth Of eight inches every ur. When the soil becomes com- cted and erusted on the surface, is exchange isý serîously hampered. 11sIt forma-Itio)n can be ehecked by nlýous methods, ineluidiig the appli- On of nmulch, ,Orv y rowing a 'ng ulch of fessue 9grasIses. PBut olviýng a muJeh~ freque(nt shallow' L'fvtion) isneeareecay .'~ I ~ 0 > O g Eavestrougbîng p g FREE ,ESTIMATES F V UNITED CtJÇ ~ OronoPastora4i Charge Pevere% Minîstor SJNDAY, JUNE 24th J ORONO Sundy(S1 oolat 94 DECRATON AYSERICE Oron Cemteryat2 Accessories a-nd Rep airs Warm Air Heating and - Air Conditioning'mn i B-H Paint and Varnishes, etc. R.E. LOGAN, Prop. New' Wizard Ove n Cie aner. Cleans off baked-on grease, no scraping, complete with brush, ..59e Mum Mist Spray Deodorant Special! Two regular 75e botties for................. ......... 99e Revion Satin Set or Silkes Net Liquid hair S p ra y Special Giant botties. Each............ $2.00 Sun Tan OU, Noxema, Glorjous tan without huin Large Bottie.. .......................... ý7c Bathing Suits, Misses Elasticized, Shoulder Strap, Assorted colors. Sizes 8 to 14. Each ....... .9 Tow,ýels, Beach, Large 30 ins.x60 ins. Multi color- stripes, heavy quality ................ Bathing Caps, Viceroy Marilyn Bell Wave Saver S2 Bathing Caps, Viceroy moulded Bathing Caps, designed esiecially for- young adults. Each . 75ý(e Boys Trunks, Latex, lined, assorted colors. Size 26 to 32. Price each............. ....... $1.49 DON'T M1ISS THESE GROCERY CLEARING ry's Pure Breakf'ast-Cocoa , 2 lb. t-in ......... 35c Connrs I ern i o aosauce, 13 oz, tins . ~ JelAIP -nd Je l Puddi'ngs, -4Ifor ....... ........ r Culvert Hou e Desert Pears, choice q aiy 20 0-z. tins. I e Prc . . . ........... ....... Grapefrýuit Juice, Old South, 20 oz. tins. 2 for -5 25e Breeze, r-egular pkg. ih Cannon face clo>,th Cle-aring e:prîce ....................... 5 Kellogs or- Posts Bran Flakes, regular size ...2 Shirrziiffs, Bud Lemon Pie Filling, while t'hey at ý UR0'Q ~T $10 17~ ON]EwTHIIW OFF Evenings Friday & Saturdai Wodnesday Open AUl Day -Armsitrong 's VIGO oeoeo.oasweooeo..,, - - -- - ou' Ca. LIMITED Between Orono and NeWcastle on, ighway No. 35 Vi~o ~tn~ar CaoIio 3 c c cr ai -taxIc Vigr lig Tet I~cpe aio fxiC!iude - - - a~- -