.....-r------ e "Dear Ainne Hirst: Our itile family could have a perfect lf e if my husband's people would only let us alone ! They hated me from the start and were de- termined to cause trouble, which they certainly have. "When we narried, ie was the only support of bis mother and sister, and we took care Of them for a long while until a smail inheritance came their way. Even now we contribute generously and send frequent gifts. Of course: I take our little boys to see them regularliy, but our viaJg are so rarred by their insolencer and apparent jeolousy that I cone home ill every itme. It is getting me down. "My husband 'hopes they will behave themselves' but that is as far as he goes. I have even talked ot leaving him, but he just laughs or takes a few drinks and says to forget Lt, "Anne Hirst, it isn't that easy. I've got to have peace among us or I can't promise what wil] happen. I never reply ta my in-laws' insults; i love my bus- band too much to cause trouble. Is there any way I can conirol their nasty tongues? MARILYN' CONTROL YOURSELF * At this stage thero ls no * way I can suggest to stop these two females in their * malicious course. To tiis day, *'they resent your marrying * their "meal ticket" and take * a spiteful pleasure in upset- * rting you. They are not gener- * ous enough to rejoice in your * husband's happiness; instead * they keep the upper hand by * tormenting you. r* Since you are at their * mercy, try toaexercise contrai * over yourseIf and see tber as * they are, two smail-minded 1womnen who chastise yo tfram 4 force of habit. Can't you con- * sider the source? * Instead of ailowing them ta * hurt. you, build an armor * about yourself whicb their Accessorv Dress ! Plan a wboîe fashion ward- robe - when you s e w this pretty dres,! Vary its neckline (high or low); add a tie-on pep- Ium, or a graceful bow ! It's the ideal style for travel, vacation, day - to - dark activities. J u s t switch accessorios for a fresih "new" appoarance! ' Pattern 4603: Misses' Sizes 12, 14, 16, 18, 20. Size 16 dress takes 3 yards 35-inch - fabric. This pattern easy to use, sim- pie to sew, is tested for fit. Has complete illustrated instructions. Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (35) (stamps cannot be vecept- tt uýsepostal note for safety) for s pattern. Print plainly SIZE, NAM E, ADDRESS, STYLE NUMBER. Send order to Anne Adams, 123 Eighteenth St., New Tor- ento, Ont. * stupid taunts cannot pene- * trate. Think of them as un- * happy people whodon't know * any botter - and turn to your * iovely life, be grateful for a * devoted husband and two * sweet young sons. This is ,the * Christian way to hanlie the * situation; it is alse the most * practical. * If you can adopt it, you will * dismiss aill their ugly ways * tram your mmind until you see * them next time. Then you will * brace yourseif for what you * know is coming - and forget * it afterward. * Of course, your husband * should have put a stop to this * long ago, but few men will * take a stand against their own * peopie. * To leave him should be the * last thing in your mind. If * you did, you would miss him * so that you would reproach * yourself ail your life for not * being willing to bear anything * rather than live without him. * For his sake, too, I an sure * you wiil readjust yourself to * a sorry situation and relegate * it< discomforts ta their proper * place. DIARY COULD BE MISINTERPRETED "Dear Anne Hirst: My mother has Jound rny diary I She read many things that I did not feel I could tei ber, knowing she would not understand. "Since the day she found it, I am not allowed to have night dates, or even get ito my boy friend's car. 'We have gone steady fer nearly four mo'nths. I am 14 and a higb.school freshman. Ho is a trustworthy boy and, Anne Hirst, we have not donc any- thing indecent. "But my mother thinks dif- fcrentiy! How can i1 get er and Dad te trust us again? Disgusted and Distressed" * You must have been badly * shocked when you found your * parents did not believe you * when you told them your * friendship witb the boy has * been entirely innocent. i un- * derstand bow yo'u teol, and * wth aill my heart I wisb your * mother would accept your * word f honor. 1f yeu are he- * ing punished for things you * did not do, it is not fair * The ouly wa. you can con , vce your parents is ta ac- * cept their restrictions without * proteat. The evidence your * diary revealed seemed te bie * equixocail you probahly * wrote of your emotions in your own childisb way, but * their interpretation frighitens * your tamily. * Many parents wouid react * as yours have. feeling they * had not been strict enouglh ta * protect thlir girl from the * dangers tbey tee] she was ce iv posed te. Yeu will have to 0 accept Lt, sud by your discreet * bebaviour try t dispel their * fears. As you do, they wit l * realize, I hope, that you are * not hlie girl who would e to * ber own family. If yeur in-laws are causing trouble, eall ou yeur common sense sud defeat their purpose. It is a matter et perspective, after all, and any practical wif e eau win eut, lu any erisis, write Aune Dirat. at Box 1, 12?3 Eigh- teeuth St., New Tarante, Ont. BarC'ing__ird-Dog The most tamous et ail scout- ing atories la the eue about tbe ivory hunter who was tipped off on a great pitching prospect. Finding tbe youngster about ta go rabibit hunting, the scout de- cided ta string along with hlm. They trudged along fer a while, and the scout suddenly realized that the kid couldn't be intelligent. Ho had forgotten te bring bis rifle! But a few mmn- ute's tler tho boy suddenly picked a rock eut af his pocket, threw it with bis righit haud and lit a rabibit, seventy foot away. right behind the ear. A little later, the kid repeated the feat. The scout, bath puzzied sud amnazed, fmnaliy blurted out, "But I thought you were a southpaw. How carne s au didn't throw with your loft hiand?" "Oh," came the calm answer, "'1 aonly wanted ta stun it, not sDlatter if " NOT EVEN MULES-When St. Louis policemen put up "No Park- ing" signs, they really mean it. "AI," pet burro of the American Legion in town receives a traffic ticket, above from Patrolman. Harry Freeman for violating the police order. Bonnie Brennan consoles the sad animule. When News Didn't Travel So Fast Cheering Australis watch- ing tbe graceful Conet III touch down at Sydnéy some twenty- four hours after ieaving London recently, shared the pride of the British peeple lu the jet-liner's record-breaking come-back. [A world flight breught the Com- monwealth closer together than ever before lu ils bistory; the other side efth earth is now Ily hours away. Net much morc than a cen- tury ago il took twelve months to, get a roply te a tetter sent to Londan, however urgent and official That was by sailing boat. The clippors et trie 1850s did bet- ter, completing the London to Sydnoy rue in trom sixty te eighty days, sud thero was great excitemnent when the steamers reduced theo journey te two mentIs in 1830 "There vws keen competition between îrival newspapers, bath m Metbourne and Syduey, t bie the first te pubiali news trom overseas especially tram Bri- tain, which could arrive in Aus- trahisaoni.v by shipberne mail," writes Frauk Clune - Iu bis ab- sarbing book. "Overland Tele- graphi" a mammoth work whîch bas takon tIe suthor cighteen yoars te complote. At Ade|aide on ship arrivaI ds.v we are itod, ohre was a wihd scrarmbe by uewspapernen te transmit news to Melbourne sud S.vdney eor the telegrapli line. Ona mnterprising news- hawk tare eut sovera] chapters of bis pocket Bible sud hauded them il for transmission te Syd- noy, se thaf le could menopolize fle lino for hatl an heur whle he hastily compiled a news bul- letin te tag on 11e c1d of his message. Telegraph linos had a tremeri- dous impact upen the towns they linked, bringing civihlzation nd prosperiy. "O v e r I a n id Tele- graphi" la the story et a great achievemeut, the erection withinî two years of a gleaming strand et wiro, on 40,000 poles stretch- ing ac-oss deserts, mountain ranges ad tropical jungles fram Adelaide u the south coasetof Austraba, te Port Darwin in the largely unexplored nortI. Mu sweated sud diedI to find routes for telegraplilnes in wild countny populated only by "stone age' aborigines, some et wohom dealt morcilessly with "invad- ing" white mon. Au explorer who more than once 5raved tbe unknown was Ludwig Leichhardt. But, at- tempting to blaze a trail west- wards across Australia, ho mys- teriously vanished along witb his entire party, which included six white men gnd two abori- gines. Wbat happened, no one knows to this day. Nor has there been any trace o the fifty bul- tocks, 270 goats, thirteen mules. twelve horses, drays, tents and equipment which vanished. Mo de rn Etiquette... Q. When oe is being mitro- duced te a roemful of strangers, is one supposed to acknowledge each lntroduction with a "How de yen do"? A. O n e sincerely - spoken "How do you do" should e enough, ad after that, just smile and bow slightly toseach person as you are introduccd - with perhaps ane or two added "How do you do's" lu s low voice, Q. Wbat la the amount of the fee a bridegroom gives the cler- gyman? A. There is ne stipulated an- ount, althougl the fee sould not be less than ton dollars. The size should depend upon the bridlegroom's means. Q. SheuldI a persan ever place his napkin on the table while the meal s in progress? A. No; not until leaving the table. Q. What is the correct thing fer a man to say to a woman who is blocking his way when leaving a bus or other publie conveyance? A. "May I g e t through, please?" And as she moves aside to allow him to pass, he should lift hi bat and thank ber. Q. Don't you consjder it very bad manners for a dlner guest to be Late? A. This is considered one of the most serious breaches of eti- quette. A guest who is late for a meal i one's horne mustI have a very good excuse to justify any pardon. Q. Is it proper to write a few lines of good wishes on the card that is enclosed witb a wedding gift? A. It is quite ail right to do so, althoughi not necessary. Q. For what, besides butter- ing breads, cau the small butter kUnives be used? A. These should be used only for butter, jelly and cheese. -r tvnnamn Al is quiet on t.he home front - at teast for the moment. Dave la in bedl but not asleep. He lias had a very active day - and so bas Grandma! Grandpa also shares in the activity as he bas Dave outside with him for about a couple ofi hurs every afternoon, We occasional- ty have a tussle ai wills. Like ail other children Dave has ta see how far he can go snd get away with it. For that reason we have to make sure that he does as he is told. He can travel so fast and bas so much strength for a wee fellow that neither Partner nor I could han- die him if we allowed him to get out ofi and. O course he has a lingo all his own which we don't always understand. However, by following bis line of reasoning - and don't ever think he hasn't got one - we cai generally figure out what ho is talking about and in that way we make out ail right. Surprisingly, he gets into very little real mischief. I expected we would have to put things out of reach and keep a few doors and cupboards shut up but he hasn't been that way at ail. Nor does he interfers with the television. Of course he wants his own programs morn- ing and evening. After that he pays no attention te the set at all. But a funny thing happen- ed yesterday. Dave was by him- self in the living-room. I thought I heard hlm whinper- ing dan want to see what was the matter. He was sitting ln a big chair and half crying as he looked into the black face of the television. I had forgotton .to turn it on! That was soon remedied andi he was happy agamn. The weather hasn't heiped us at ail with our baby-sitting. We can't leave the young man eut- aide to play by hi -self - there are too many wet places. Prac- tically the only dry spot is iu the lane - and that hardiy makes a safe piayground. The weather also complicates the business of getting him dressed - lightweight snowsuit, mitts, helmet and rubber boots - not quite the sort of outfit you ex- pect a child to wear the fourth week in May. And how disappointing the garden is this spring. Very few daffodils and we usually have sucli a lot. I hope the bulbs haven't rotted. One of our neighbors, who generaily has the side of a hIl looking just like "a' host of golden daffodils," this year bas very littie bloom at ail. However, in ur garden we at least have lots Of narcissi to ook forward to. Apparently they don't mind the cold, back- ward spring. There is still ne spring seeding done around here, except ou a few isolated farms where a stretch et sandy soil runs through the district. Ou some farms cattle have been tured out to pasture. Tbey should at least have plenty of grass and water for awhile. Cat- kins are out on the popiars and the orioles have returned to the elms. Occasionally we see canaries and sap-sucker. And that is about tho extent e na- ture' tory at the moment. No frogs, even yet. Government surveyors have done a little more decorating FOUNTAIN OF YOUTH - Cool heads prevail when tempera- tures soar. Pourer, Michael Moody, 4, changes places with brother Junie, 5, when a satis- factory state of saturation bas been reached. Try my delicious DFMERT BRAN MUFFINR in our tields. They already had yellow stakes tippeo witb black, and orange stakes tipped with red some ai them ta mark the spot where Iran stakes are em- bedded m the ground. But jus] recently another work gang came along and put in ordinary steel fence posts right along- side the yellow stakes. The De- partment of Highways evident- ly dosn't intend anyone to for- get where the survey goes thirouglh It isn't so communi- cative in other matters. For in- stance, the Department has al- ready registered a plan for ex- propriation of the land needed for the road but yet we have not been ofitified. Nor have there been any men out from the property office to appraise the value of the land. Strange the things that can be done on a person's own property when the goverirnent takes over. Not that we mind. We are only too anxious to see the work started. That's the trouble with these big highway jobs - the plan- ning stage takes so long the road is out of date before it gets finished. This column bas been writ- ten by fits and starts in be- tween. attending to David's de- mands and answering the tele- phone. We did not expect any comparry this week-end and then came a call from my sister and nephew in Oshawa - would it be all right to cone for the day on Monday? The answer was defmitely yes. We have not seen tbem for over three years so we shall be very glad ta have them coJme Later I suddenly remenbered one of them is a vegetarian and the other on a fat-free diet. That rather complicates things witb the stores closed. Fortunately we have plenty of milk, eggs, r'hubarb and a little asparagus. All that added to whatever the refrigerator may prodceC w111 no doubt see us through. Wa also got a phone call tram Daughter who said she was feeling very much better so we feel well repaid for having tak- en young Dave off lher hands for awhile. It looks as if grandpar- ents still count in the scheme of things. 'Bye for now - I h'ear the young man caliîng . from the bathroom!