Ilxcept for some additionial eýquipme.tnt, and a few details of Ëig, the vesse' empioyed in the mihale fisheries were identica] vitb the others of the same per- bod. Barlks wvere preferred be-i eýaise they ver, handier and lay-to better, so a good miany -hips were ehanged over to thiat rîg, but at the same time a good many ships were used. There was no huil that was typical. genme were deep andi somne shal- [10w. sorne blunt and some shajrp gome had deep fiat transrns and somne bad shallow ones that were curved. Ini most there was a straight run of deck fromr stem t» stern, but in some there was a raïsed quarter deck . . The crews were islanders lor the most part. because rowing was the mrost important thmng they baýd to do, and boys-anid girls-brought up on jslands learn at an early age how.Y to hàrndle row boats. They are oblig-ed ta because si-al! boats are about the only island ,ehi~- cie, about thc offiy means, and rfar the most convenient, of Oand transportatîon. The crew's natural ability as oarsxtle-n, their training by the mates, together witb th)e build of their craft, made the New Emgland whala boat a thing without an equal. .The wbale bots on their great wcooden cranes estaiblish thei identity of these st-ips at once, even at a distance of several miles. The common sîze was twenty-eight feet for the l1ength,1 six feet for the width, and one foot, ten indbes deep in the mnid- dle, increasing tIo three feet, one înch at the bow and an Inch or two more at the stern. They were built (YIfight Wood, ustally, The ideal way to examine the differences between a whaler andi any other ship would be to compare them as they lay at their wharves; to look over a clipper, a Liverpool packet, ora slip that brought bides from Calîfornia, anti then loiok over a whaler at a nearby wharf, but, those days have g-one, such ships f no longer sair anti few even exist. Charles W. M./organ, at, South Dartmnouth, Massachusetts, la the oniy one Ieft on the Newé E'ngland coast, andi every man who has agn interest in sai1iin-g slips, at'-sea, or the .history of the Unitedi States, ought to, and OUTJ base burgh thre'A MT TlWRD-7BiII Virdon, Pirat on an atQM'-mpted steol itl~ -Chicoago Cubs gomie at Ch to Eddife Miksis who made wil] Lit is hoped, give bhanks to Col. E.\ H. R. Green for pre- ser-ving it, and to the group of Newý. Bedforyd men wh-Io made its preservatioll, possible. - From "The Whale, Shiý Book", by Joseph T. Higpiats.ý By Gasoline Sad\news for loy ,rs cornes from Verdce, The rom~an tic gon- dolas, in . ,ptnlescou- pies bave, pledged their love as they glideti along the canal streets on ntoonlît nights, are being rmecheizeti, By the sprirg at leasithit motor gondolas ,vill be in use, the gondoliers having forsaken their oars for gasoline. Not ai] the f arnous oarsmren, however, will vanish,- but their numbers are expecteti to dv,,iriéke every year. Once there -were 10,000 gon- doqlas plying the GrandCnl today there are feW4er than ?00I But the can stilJl inietiwt mrarble anti stone palaces, still one of île iost rorn antic places ,s ouffie e secon( des into third g of the Pitts- robie Londrith )ut. in the. world. Thle water is saIt and free-owin' anti cornes tin ffrom the Adic. You soon get used to its sharp anci acýrîti smell. Trevellers sear the gondola is the mnost luxu4 ous cr aft in the world. You lie, in it a-lmost at fui] length on sàf t black cushions with the gondolier out of sight bebind you. As the long slow strokes of bis car carry you si- 1enly along on 2 warm summer night. feintly over the stil] wva- ter cornes the sound of violîns, guitars and flûtes playing dreemny mrelq dies. Wil the -cug -chug of its en- gine ~lk'il]the romance of bthe gondolier? 1Som-e people say it will, bu~t others believe the gon- dolaý-gasoline-driven. or other- wise-w'Ill always remnain a pop- ular part of the lovely, theatri- cal Venetien scelie. Rich Venetian famnilies 'used to keei tfour gondolas-one for the heati of the family, one for bis wîle, one for the children anti a fourth for the servants. Today sudh familles bave elegant mro- toýr-boats, Venice holtis a great gondola festival every September when rolourfulfly draped gontias streamn down the Grand Canal watched by greet crowtis Inig the banks.. The most attractive gondolas receive prizes from îlhe hands of "thie fairest lady pres- ent."1 aftexwarcts, ne round Cnat only one lad "gone bad"-the one that had flot been previousiY h-eateti. Why dlid he have to ciinb over 15,000 feet to do this? Be- cause m-iountain air is free from germs-and on that Septemnber day in 1-Q'60, Pasteur, then an unknown scientist, had just proveti his germ) theory of dis- ease. There was nothing particu- ly rnew in treatinig -mrýlk by hjeat. PeopIe ladi boilet miik for decades to keep it frorn turning sour B.ut Pasteur and nis fol- iowers showed thàt heating milk to certain temrperatures for a certai* tie killed ali harmnful germns withut affecting the taste or significantIy reducfing the f ood vaIlue. Nowadays we pasteurize -milk by heaitinjg Lt to flot less 161 deg. F. for fifteen secontis or 1415 to 150 degrees for thirty iminutes. Strict regulations eni- sure that the process is properly carried out. "Without paisteurîýzation,." said Lord Verulamn, president of the, National Baby Welfare Council, recently, "there coulti be nio re- hiable rnilk supply in our cities." Nevertheless, fromn the beginnîng peole bave objected to pasteur- ized ilik, chiefly on. the grouints that the taste or food value is affected. Drues pasteurization affect the food value of miik? The, oniy two nutrients generally admit- ted to be appr'eciably affected by heat are vitamnins B and C, and in any cý_ase we mostiy rely On otheýr foodIS to suIpLIS Withl these vitamnins. MliIk's ývajIuable protein, for building healthy bo- dies, its calcium, for bonies and teeth, its other minerais, ant iits riboflavn ri(Xitamin B2) are un- alffecteti. The World Health orga-nîza- tion went into the question ex- haustively a year or twvo ago. Their con-cluisionis com-pletelyex onierated pastenrizationc fromr ail charges of interfering with the fo d vaue. Sorne people say that it wrong to tampier in any way witb na- ture's perfect foodi. They forget that when they pour milk in tee or* coffea, or use Lt in cookinig, they are "pasteurizîng" imilk fer more drasically, Chan any dairy Plant. Logically, such people shoulti Liîve on raw eggs, fiaI, or veg'etebles-rather than cook- ed. What are thre positCive, benefits of pesteurization? They c-ani truly be described as miraculous. CAR-RAZY JOLÙRNEY - Aldo Abir inspects the '"TurtIe Express," o 1928 Pontic he is driving from his home in Montevideo, Uruguay, to Montevideci City, Minn., ond other U.S. points. Abir started out an Feb. 14, 1954f with only $60. The 24-year-old speaks six lanquages, ond plans to Write a book about bis Stravels througi the Americas. fld M' nS v ed L ti by an Alpine guide, a !ittle Frencîrnan trudiged Lup MonBlacpLling a r'elucitanlt mule. ' .As t , ey picked bLleir wey across île glacier b11gb ebove Chamionmx, tle guide thoughtet bimself. "Thîs mar i s quite mati! But le seems harmnless and bhe's paying me well, so why shoulti I w70ry?", BuI Louis Pasteurj was neot mad-ard t was due¶to lis mule trek nearly a century ago that today we can drinka glass of mýik in perfect saflety For tlhat mule was carrying twenîy seaked glass flasks, each of 250 cubie centimýtres capa- city. They containeti different putrescible lilq'issud as yeast-water, bioodi, beer, vine aidnti ilk., If youI are in your fifties, you cen probably just rememrber the days before pasteurization, in Britein. Teke the yeer1,i!.Ini the summer quarter, of that year, infantile tiiarrhoea carrieti off babies eýt the rate of 203 per thousand. Raw eows' imilk was blamreti By 1921, when some fîfty per cent of London's milk was pasteurized, the rate hiad f alien to ninety. Sïnce then the sum- mer quarter basý become the healthiest for childven-and the "Gooti morniing, do'ctor," saiti the young man. '1 just dropped in to tell you how much 1 bene- fitteti fromn your treatmiýents," "But you're flot a patient of mnine," the doctor said, ".No, It was my uncle, 1'm b is ISSUE 25 - 1956 AGENTS WAP4TED eO INTO BUSINESS for youirseILf SaLi exclusive bkouaaware producis and appliancas 'antad by every bouse. hode. hesa item s aenot sold %m stores, There is no comipetition. Profit up to 5UV1J%. Write imadiatel3! for tree color cata!og witb retail prices show'n. Sepajrate confidantial wboie. sale price liat %will be included. Murray Sales, 3822 St. Lawrence, Montreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE RANDLCRAV FI Matarials: Leathar. Fait, Aluminumi, Coppar, Beacla, Etc. Write for catalogua., Handycraft Supply Com- pany Petrborugh.Ontari.J0 BABY CIK MiÉxed.ý Pulleta. Dayold> started. In- cungAmnes In-Cross for more egg9 profit. Prompt shbi p tu en i. gray fratchery, 120 John N., Hamilton. CHICKS on short notice, al popular breada, noný-sexed, pullats, cockerels. Special egg breeda, dual purpose and broiler breedrs. Our seven moat ilopu- jar breeds Whita Legborn, Wbiieý Leg- hor'n X Rhiode Island Red> IRhode lsland RUed, California Grey X VWthite Leghorn, Rbode l, sland Red X Light Sussex, Ligbt Sussex -X Rbode Island Red, Rhode Island Red X Barred Rocký, aiso Furkey Ploults. Catalogue. TWEDIDLE CHICU HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO MAC HI NERY BANKRUPT stock of new Massey-Har- ris feed milis, bammer typa, bail hear. ing, completa witbhopper. Regular prica $185.00 to clear $45. No C.O.D.- Federal, 185 King St. E., Toronto. CLEARANCE Prtces on M.H. Weed fiprayers, M.H. front end Loaders for Standard M H. tractors. Useti: Fer- guson fouIrteen inch 2F piow; Deere 2 row potato plianter; Well buili, heavy duty, front end loader, bydraulically operated froni P T.O. witb Pumnp, suitable for lunîber, etc., $100. Gilson Freezer. reconditionad 8 front aize. Wanted: Pair wheela for M.H, 34 mnower. JDonald MViiBox à508, Allistoni, Ont, FOR SALE TRAILERS- 14 TO 51I EET FULLY m rodern moblie homes forfliv- lng or holidays. Anytbing tin trade, 10w down payment. 5 years to pay, deilVeries anyý,Wbere. Trailer Mart, Wbarnclifle S. aI Base Line. London. Ontario- Gemns of Wisdom From Ai lOver He that rides a tiger can neer A womnan's tongue is three inches long, but ît can ki1) a mian six feet lhigh.--Japaniese. Who answers sudtdenly, ýnowvs Love is like a diamnond witli a flaw mn it; it is precious, but imiperfect.-P ersian. in the desert il men are ienemries iintil they -are proved to be friends.-Arabiani. ~Put your hýand quickly to your hat and slowly to ou purse.-Danish.- Select your .wif e with your ears rathier than \vith your eyes. -Russian. Love your neig1-bour, but don't pull downi the fenceE.- ~ntplay with eggs on a kre-,"igerian. f We can't help the birds of §Orrow fIyJinig over Our heads, but we needni't Jet themn nest iiOur hi-nin Patience is the key to joy.- Turkish. He that ïs content vwith bis poverty is wonderfully richl.- Korean. Misfortune does flot always corne to iniuLre.-Ita lian. If someione betrays you once ît's his fault; if he betraýàs you, twice, it's your fut-unn ian. Praise a horse after a month and a woman after a year- Czechosiavakian. Slander expires at a good womani's door.-Spani'sh. He that wanit's health, wants everything.-Du-tch. I TcMH I AJFF Verylri se of soth1vns, cooiesiqu!id D...Pres3cription posfively relievEs ra ed ltch-cauaed by ecZeMsashs scalp lrrictiotîn. chafin-other ich trou bles. Greaseles. tnes. »e ctri! hotus muat *atisfy 0or -îoaey back. Don t euifer, As!, YoU! druai forO.ý1 0. paEsrItIPTION MEDICAL, GOOD) RESULTS - IVERY SUFFERER FROM RHEUJMATiC PAINS OR NEURITC SI4OULD TRY DIXON'S REMAEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE 335 Eluin Ottawo $1.25 Express Prepuid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISE thes tonînett0c dry eczemai rashea and weýeplng eskin troubles Poist's Sezenia Salve nl]fot dIaap point you., itcig. scaling and burn Lng eczema, acne,, ringworni, p1uoptet and foot eczeknawUil respond treadil3 to dthestainles dorless ointment re- gardiess of laiw stubboroi or bopreei tliey seem. sent pose Fret on Recelpt am Prict PRiCE $150 FIER JAR POST'S REMED1ES' 2865 St. Clair Avene ast. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMFN RE A HAIRDRESSER é; 4CANADA'$ LEADING SCIIOOL Gr'eal nOpporturiity Learri Hairdressing Pleasait ,dienified profession, good age. houIsanda of sucesaful ârvel gradluatecs. Ai ia's Greatest Syatem ilsrated Catalog Free M tVL Write o, Cal S358 3ýorS W.Toot Branches 44 King St., Hmlo 72 Rideau St.. Ottawa mm oithod gives razor blades supei vveepL 3-X surgical sliarpness. ,New, simple; no coriparison, no device. $1. bill, A Mach. 311 Mlott, Santa Cruu FOREIGN Exehange! Profitable, ne .Jsk>-fsîalg proven, successfulj Plaid. Details 25ý;. Harvey Rlager, 334 N.E,: 20th Street, AMiami 3,Florida. POPLAR POSTS OUTLAST METAL. New p nmeiho,flot bluestone. $1.. Heinrichs, Box 22, Station C., Winnli. TRAD'E me your old woûrn and brokey jewelry for new 50 year Sold Siin. less Tableware Sets. Free patterli Circular. Write J. Malonte, 3370-N 5,4 Street, Millwaukee 16, Wisronisin. PATENTS FETHFUSTON11A UGH & Comnipnyi, Y Patent Attorneys. Esisblisbed 1890. POO University Ave. Toronto Patentaý aI ounitries. ANOFFER to every lnven1tor. Llsi ci Inventions and fui' Information sent f mee.The Ramsay Co. Registered Psýt. ent Attorneys. 273 Bank St,, Oitawa. PERSONAL $1,00 FilIAL off er. Twenty five deluxo resnlrequirements, Latest cata- oge ncluded, The -Medico ASenýcy. Bo 2, Terminal "ýQ" Toronto: Ont, FORMULAS! Ladies, malte yourow Beautty Preparations and save money. State Formula you want, one $2.00, three, $5.0,0.Alvin Duttov, Box 592, Lanett. Alabama. TEACHERS WANTED Maie Protestant Principal rWO-ROOM achelool, Grades V-X fist clasa certificate siate age, qualifica- dions. Salaty iimumý,,r $2,700. Name of Inspýctor. Femnale Protestant Junir romGradles 141V, firat cias@e certif icate Salary nminimum .]$2,200. Nane '0f Isat nspector. siate age antd qualifications, Teacheir Protestant For One-room sck-ooI. Average 20 pnu plis. Grades !-X,. lary iàjnirpn$2,300. First Class celtifiate, state age, quall- firations, naineof lest inspector. S;iary adjualit n according ic ex perience. Dutie commuence Septemb0el 4. A.y o nCad-ocIc' Secreiary T. S.A. Mbison & L-Yeli, Mada LA- P RALCE, thbe hog Of toinorrow, u he-1 odIayý- Cash in on tibis neii bacon ',ýqe-og. Be first in your !oni ML'n-iltO have Landrace and casi in ,n the big prices for good breed ing stock. Wbenl starting buy thq beat. We have 28 different bio,, Uýnes. Corne and see outr boar pur cb-ased froru SÙIr inston Churchill tnreilted waln sows and boars also g9uaranteýed in-pig sows breflih nImported boars for immadiaite deliv ery. AI! sio(:k sold guaranteed breed ars. Foldier. FtERGUS LANDRACE SWINF FAilli FERGUS ONPARiC Drive With Care iYOU CAN DEPEND ON Wheahifee rys lau te and c.tck facheic.oodd eng, -Kidnley lPilas týjn- normal dujty. Yeu feel better-sleer, better, work ttr .,- Oct D 8d's t goy -ru ta ort Yuln ', dtpciid an Dedd, s. N /"OeldtktoFfc onifj MO dration Zhe J4ouse un$crim M ee vho thbl f-tomorromu prackemoieÀ zt* o oay -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s N N N N N N N N N s- N N N N N N N N N -N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s 'N N i N N '1 N -i 'N N '-i s -s N N -s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N '4 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N