IN BUSINESS when ail bils are paid ai- the end of the year, whqt is ieft (after taxes) is profit. Profit provides the p-oney from which dividends to share- holders or o ners are paid. Any~ý enepse that year after year disburses ail of I4-v1 peiofiï in dividends is, headled for 1ian4ciýd trouble. P dence dictates that a portion of each year's porofjits be retain ed and iused in the business. These r taned earnings enabie a busines's to pay at ieast a par# of the cost of the constant need for better equipmentl nd additional caPacity. Ilro1,iV ar ,r ecesiýýary fo? ibusïness growth,. And business grwthl creates irore jobs. Thus profits retained in ýa growing busiess benefit employees shareholder4. and customeés. T HE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED MONTREAL GAAe'EIAMILTON BRANTFORD TORONTO TleWekol Vicer o-Smiall sizes ... 75« and 89e ~COLGATE Playtex, Àdult size......$1.19 RIBBON O PASTE WITH GARDOL U.S. Howlai, large ......$1.29C Regular.. 59c Aqua-proof car di-,m protectors. G Pair................25c ~ wo Tubes for Aqua-proof nose c lips, each ..... 69e îI Enjoy The Sun rFatRle g SW i-t ho ut the Burn 'IecZte -Noxeirna Creani 29c, 65c, 98e t~Large econormy size, 114 oz. - $1.69 IS~ EE N SNoxema Suw Ta n Oil - 39c, Vie Stick~ or Liq qid g Noxema Suif Tan Lotion -$1ý00 Regular 69e 'ach -BRONZE-TAN -Promotes a sooth even. tan i>V S-$tays on eveni after wiummig g Large Size ......$1.00 ________________ Jaclk-mn iFowers for T-rrli fvuOronoOt 'vr caso ys iug Store iPhone 168 mý CO'MINQ EVENT F0k SALE M Phones: Kirby Church nnversaryh Sun-1 Offie 358 om A85 day, July lst a9 3 o'clock . G uest So t W od a s, 4 foot, le ng-th. M A___ __ 5__ 88__ H ome_ _M A__ ____ preacher: Dr. E.1Crlossley unter O111 One cord $3.00541 Two or i1 ore e2.001 Toronto. The E ý,nezer Vung MenS at Saw Mill. Choir will furnisk f music. p-C Apply, Roy Thffm on, 1Leskard.ý - CARD OTHANKS Telephone 1-r-6, 0ro01 26-j-p JOBN REGAN, B.A. I would like totakle t.iis opp9 un.- ity of thanking py friends Wo so Sata a udbsns.Y L kindly rememnb(ed nme wtcards tr -1-ýn uies V a LUIOis8rLWLaI)7 Pulie durinug myi stay en the Bo wmanville eanm33tefrtda.Sr Temperance St., Bowmanvill H1ospital and a secial thank' you to y«J ot se If al nc c Rev ad Mj-. Kicen ort Jhkind- in Bethan , Blackstock, Bowm )rville, Phoine MA 3-3292 Rev ad Ms, henfo t ir Caesareaý, Cavan, Ida, Jïetllie, ness. nie L~_,itt Jilbroo]i Nestletoin Stat'8 a, New -___________ CARD OPTHANKS j castle, wPtonville.A MIr. and MUr ÏFloy Ï/Nicholson 'e r v'is t tia !lte4'/fej)d ad AUl fainle r -Ws of our many J~ CR .1ht hakaIthe ,f1 dsandproducts. iet"Dept. R Parmilex, J CK IR cusgtomers for tke aaea rn' ie thei Groery to urigth pat, Station C. Montreal. nubrof years. Te stofe Nwill be'-Oo s closîng OnP.aturday, , - 1956.1 SIlDd15.We wjll be pleased to pick up deati utoeradVlao or crippled farmr animais for sanitary utoeradVltr Notice ToCreditorS disposal. Telephoe collect, Cobourg SecazeiJIrn n IN THE ESTATE 0F FRANCIS GORDOIN YOUNG LIMTEDCosü mefrt m AMSHALL htte oftthe Village of_________ ____ Cuil.m fote a Orono liu the Counity of Durhami, 'Uf and dates Retired Contractor, decea.sed: 1 1) meets th~e first Vsitors vwelcom<-i DIECORATIO)' unyJun- Chaipel. Residenl The Lesk -rdl Iwill be heM on01 1-uil particul.ars T'-e roF wilbe holdJing 'dafternoon tg alOrotxo, S commn lifgat Tickets wil a FOR SALE i for sale;,oluie Tick andi bred fr-on good liunting~ a cake S OCmk. Apply w Pro fesuional Directorp FOR SALE IFairfax., Strakvberr7y Pi nts, $15M0 la thousand; 540 or ov, $1 '0,0 de- Ilivered. Phone rr, .58. b-p Walniut Dres ,Ir ,e and Grey "ell 1lng Brick; 4 pjr'e g sheli Drapes. thein)pply Sain B w ýï,Oionlo (in evea- I FOR SALE Supper 17 Pigs, mle weeks old. ýA Tm uly Ith, xorth ro a-c torne Toà, hoe 9rke 15-r'-U0 Ail persons having -cli the estate of the said Fra Hall, wh,-Io died on or aboi daý Tof-April 1956, are h fied to sei tL o the uindei ec'UtoI-s ore t ir Solicitor f ore the ltlii day ofJuly naines a laddr-esses and clIar-sofheir d 'aims aud of the s purities. ('f.a them du ver.ifieci byýst clarationî Immdi elyafter the sa IR. R. W for Ille 1 DuildA N.F. POf il ~~X'a - Res.À imei against -ancis Jýimes out the 14th hereby nioti- rs;igaed - [BP r o11 or be- y, 1,956 their d full parti- TED JACKSON Auetionieýr and Valuator v iy> eidby ~ WT L.LConducts Auction Sales of aIN mISse ttultory de- 2 Doors South of United - andi at reaonable rate« ChurchCommunicate with hlm at peft d h ay Cuc Perry, Oýntar!o, or se bis Clerk, A& ' mgIf yo wshyor EA FRME. Morton, at rOono, far date. *rý tohving -AITC remeoved' the fastest Way, 1of which ther, rI us cellect - Bo-vwanville undersigned 2ý679 J aso buy live horses. LF N U A C ao0ti'ee. MARGIWILL FUR FARMiLàM I 4th day of TYOE ONTARIO Pension Plans; Educationaj polidus giRL HALL, Protection anti Savings Plane e anville, Ont. (rnj ieCriC Chlfdren anti Adults; mortgag. la. ,LIN HALL, suJA 1 I~~Lk~orance Plans. Orono, Ont.PINE19 cutors POE19 XSolicitor CU , ý fRACTORS FOR F. E. LYCETT FARM and IIOUSE 0rono, Ont. Phone 11716 WIRING Free Estimates STAFFORD BROS APPLIANCE SALES Mnmna ok Prompjt anti Guaranteeti Repaira ounetl ok o al makes of Electrical Equîmiu Phone WhitbY 552 andi Appliances 318 )untias St. E., WMtI*I - -'à as 'toters. Water Heate. FINE QUALITY ~-. ~tvea ~MONUJMENTS AND Jr MARKERS î «wuu « leg ied onume~nt vrteegb dao lng place of your loveuI e&ý yourâ Ifi t otepnie.Adebu Plusnbhais tivuewu gieg coin ete AND ,yon en.dlefflcomfort. SEAVESTROUGIING ~TeRTE PNT R f'Ê CALL U-, FOR ESTIMATES CO.MLWAI 1 1 HARRY E. LYCETTPhnTrer5S Poe84 r 1NT2 P.O. %ox 62.. OAN Pr opOnai Phoneo 11416 Orono gFountiations anti septic Tanks g poureti. Forms vial. Itepresentative fotr i Brok'- Concret', PrOdute Monuments, Gravemarkar% Engraving, Goldleaflng "Bu"Y direct anddgavecomsa. RF-AL .r kO 4* pPrrts Sok uted j Maaated and Apprala" tM.ALUISON TvwIeka m e f tu A. F. MeKENZIE, M.D. PHYSICIAN andi SURGErON 0f fice Houirs: 2.00 to 4-00 p.m.; 6:,30 te 8:00 p.u. Sundays and Wednesdays by ap¶otment only PHONE 1471 ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGART YETERINARY SURGEON Voeterinary, médicines, bio1ogicals andi instruments etbieall'v dispenseti. PHONE 10616 ORO 3NT. Lawreuoe C. Lsen, B.A. Barrister and Solicitor Qc=>o<==>oc-'