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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1956, p. 1

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Subseription $1,50 p Athletic Program At Pa k iC U.yýF~ 'hi Opens Tuesday,.JuIy 3rd F ias been learnied from Vlie Oronio ______ Chief, Mr. Bruce _Mercer that a This week marks the e f4ý of school this group. Graduates from Vthe clans Co limW fire ýAemonstration wvill be for Vise children of tise Vilage and x ýviii no doubt be able Vu carr'y on with leid on TU I Julyi 24th in thse ,area and thougists wlturn o su- ineý,truictionis in future years. VîI1'age of QOfrono. Th; S sh em 1 i àauer recreation and. footsteps will I setmtdta heporm edeciye-ar in onua of ise Midi turn to the Oronio Park insbead of 'the wifl ost in the neighbounhlood <of palities 'n ich their fire depart- $32~O fr is on mnt .prid. nment l a a mesnber of tise County Orono Public Scisool. $350)f.teoe nnhpro. Mutual Aid Plan. The iretorae o th Oý-io th- After consfiderable discussion Vthe, Thediecorteof heOrnoAt- irectoiVae voted to favour a reg- Similar aschanes, as Vo be held in ietic Asisoiation met ii the Park- con siainfeo ?edla o ahOooo uy2thv enhl Tuesdfay evepng when hey discussed itatoinao nedlarfreahOoounJii'y 24th hnd eatbe.en s Sum iyier p,7 ï_.111 1child with a nmaxim1um of two dollars n owailend ecsteTh I4-H CLUB MYEETINGS4 IBy Carol van Belle On June i9 1956 tise 7thmein of the 41-H Homemaking CIlub wa iseldi at Mrs,. Kennedy's homne. Elimateth Reid apened Vise meetIgý,, by hiaving us stand ii-p and repeat 'Tise 4-H Pudge" heil the mue were read and a'pprovedÀ and the roîll caîl was answý,,ered. We de-cided Vto let Valena Coppingï buy six sheets of paper and miedilum sized rings for our r'ecordbok weýunie i&r(mwairogaifor a family. TMais fee is good for tise VfOrn deýertment was pr-esent witn uhoeeooitMs ap ,for thse childreln and inspected thie etire program wIhicis )villî eheield tbheir equipinent at both s chemes, Or'oeeo-o-is equ~pmnt valabe a tse arktoduinig tise montis of July. As y'et tisenumber of nmachines Vo man was lao witesti s ad.seas be used ini the programi. Members of wee1as ustosw sd tbei Park Boaaii were also present at Thse Athletic and Park Board dis- &fiale padt fin tise exer4isýe isat this time. cusýsed thse playground equîpment in definitely kiiown-P but at leaast five Ts olci ornx etn a tise Park and this is Vo be furtiserj punpers are expeced to form ise1 exehange of miaterial and bring it t.) Tise Treasus!er reports a. balance' considered at the next Park Board exris.Th acharne will be a prac- the next met1g1is whm asi 1 in tise banik at thep present tine of inseting on Tuesday, July 3rd. The'extieraynig. ment waf, nmake cocon, serve at homieý $379,. H owever tisere are stili a Atisletic are interested ini aee;ing nwVc frlypmi and report in record book and work, few outstanding bils to be paid. -x~~,Vte-otcsnhxad TeOooBiade wre out on on recod book and -refereucefie s. slde for tiese amali1 chiltiren installed, Tueisday eveninig testing- their equip- f Tise StmerProgam was the lu the Park. This is i-ow under, coniuent and preparing fortise exer-iTe r.Kneyepandt chiief subject of discussion andc the sideration by tise Park Board. cise, ýush11ow Vo make diiffereut km is tf finalis plans were set for the open- f AbiIscuits;. We made so-ne bisý'Cuits nd in 4>jff ,p nr v ,im , 1 seived coe p - i O0rono 'Trustees To Comrmence :1 Sidewalk Program Shortly propeýrty tLhat it would1 possibly beý The Oronro Police Trustees met on' better to not build tise sidewalk along Miayevenringl witi ali merniers tieîe of thse road at Mr. Dunlups. p) esent,. Little newý business wns Thse Tru stees epc to build the re- hlandled athVie meeting with tise mn- m ode f the wýalk witis work WO jor portion of tise evening being start uiext week by r. Fred Graham. taken)up with plans for ýwork already I1iti'sýe intention,) of the Trustees to plaind. 1hava e P grnd levelled this weekc and--qa* tis',icku-ess of orushed grave-1 A letter was received fromt the Col- laid for Vhe 3ase of Vthe stdewalk. A~ 'iil Cach L ies s'tating that as soon moio was passed by M r. S. B.. as the Wariff was granted for thi"s Butlerford andi Mr. H. M. Mrcrto- -L; ori of road that they would againacp ietnero r rd r~ contact regarding a bu .s stop in te t theamVo tnertfVise sîdew Ls a Villge f Orno.price of L-JfD per -Square yard of ccii1- T'heùTruLstées a-greed Vo assist tise crýete 4 i1ie thick. upkeep of Vise flowver gài den at Vise Tlhe psto for tise newx fire tank aneyfil! beside Mrs. -eW. J. Ly- lIs b ï-euS t and Mr. Merýe-r -'as, co,ýtt's. _Mrs. Lyett lhad w~testat- a-!oroe i o cotact Mr. Winter re- ii g- Vhaftashexas unable to keep up adn Vs ostructiono, ietn e1 are due to lier fiealth. The anid to find out we the wýork could Trustees fît thiat the garden wa be starLitec!. Mr. Mercer, stated is',atie certaîuly an asset Vo the Village and ,vouid conjtact M. inrtie follovv- .ing cil 11eV ecVUtlovnc i prgiriC41 ,j - 1jta ey wouid assist in keeping the ing T1estd,ry, July 3îd at Vise Orono Park iI i. A d M s . . I a ua On June 21, 1956, tise ton meetug'V i ina respectabe cndition Mr. dy Mr. George Collins will superviseý of tise 4-H Hoîeîukn-ldýg CIlub was c. ood is teo hmAcotete4 in V1iss Mr. Forreater bought up the sub- tise program and La Vo ha assisted by yl Mheldfat Mrs. Kn -nys ome. i -1tw-. jcof t, i >ii On 'Vise Main Street of Blèes arlyn QuatrllMelheorVillage pend ardoeigit was deciýdthie1 Misss Mriln Qantill Mele eleurate fié lflOuimpresdentopend tie meting lu rvieing tise minutes of Vhe Trustees Vo employ workers Vo sweely hrucfors and Misses Bernice1Lunn .the isninutes were reai ndt - uastdPzhvethM ro. wsigna take"-niovei. U dthis nr, Rtis teod state- Gail Cooper ancl Joan Altiretifor the Avu spy n okplace oi Orono, and Mis.Mîlton Wight of provad at tmori l a aser e dnasthAe Be r i dire n e oîv eIsad iali n umerf 're-i, classes from 7 Vo 12 yeors., IMonday, June 250,inluthse Od&d. el- etay, aster of the groom, Mrs. Mrs. Kennedy uaàNd rs, Stpletn inty,-.ÀAbief discusion followed wMaks uon heduranti dust prol- The program la being provjledfor i1lws HaljOrono, when bMr'uad1IEphrvainm White andMA. Fred Tamn- gave us ndtiesss Vo wri te Vofor re-on what shoulti appear on tiese igus o itestreet. .ehiliren from the age of thre 'yeaus Min Ernept Hamm clebratedthctieW11y. cipes and Asrniar ifratobut: i onqetîihote dsin was eab- up. Tise Nursery c1asý incluties child- fifYetis wedcng ani1sa Receýiving at tise door aidindl The roîl cýaîil or uext meetig \was lisheti. Tý e p ocn f the signs wa-M0Mecrws uioizt oen- renl from tViree yvars Vosahol age Tisefaiîlyweeail present for tise charge of tise guast book were the one duty of a pleasig guust.Tise aieo anothe-ri-atter anîd it was poin- davurVotak h hmpn o and in tis group Vise chlltran will f1ntb toýÀ ti ha futise divied. ctivties or tse ocashi; M.andtàlroi. Calvin inamm tree son5S ;!homte astsigiuret waýýs, 1Plan a par.ty taeon V" 'Vthey ca ntbmrcei u fVe~okasi aauyu t be urherdiide. cfvitesfo ofh ,Fort FrancesMr. anud Mrs. Neil Servelrslua tiseafteï'noon wývre vith a special thenme. erceïthy could ba,-ean frorn Vise outii ya uing ViseTownsisp HiaU. chidfrn f Vseuureryag wil a-1!{mm of Petarboro, Mr. anti Mr rs.Mal Burus (Beatrice), 3Mis. Cal- Anse- wn hat I aldie iliteratue".i"wyB-ns codn o hshpen hnts dc ti clude Arts anti Crafts sucis as day Jonakld Hamm, Douglasand Mailynvin 1Hamrn, MrheNei! Hanmm anti wrltten tion we h iiwfl bcstise Higisway Act concarcing cou- 1Dcitcng the Vâiage was discussed. inodeUd~ng, dioluoiring% finger paint- of Orono and Mr'. ni ýrs Melville 'Mrs. Donald Hlamm, M lrs. Kenne d aimaode <Y- us. tolet acess ihas at seili iapo1eno a idg anti stringing ha 4 5. Tiseawidi Burns ja4 Garyi anti Bobby of Peter- Tise evelng servneswlr Mrs. M..i. oreserIrt, tathaSV'etaiporileofhrc)lnison STet also ha organizeti play andi gamres, brElvin $li>%wett,, Oraons, Mra Jamies r .Frýt h u i fC-rhSre hikea, tobes anti records. Tis a <C~oîiîîaand Mrs Jamnes Grant botis Pve..Lnh u¶iî ni tetlte Counties Enineericty ;as ewd !a mebwjt]t Prnsare asked Vo ha prasent bve ffft aaswreJriing tde ptoposetibaktp h wsi EgneÏa hsmt~ Pahteï hlrents -rsr g lace tirs of dusty rose with match- (Cotinued un page 2) haeýv]kcudb built a ztise sida Ver. on Regijtnation day, Tuesday. xng jacket andi a corsage of white On Flday eventing, June 1, 1956 ,tlwi-cond but tia t Vis Englneer; ts laimtiatuVseM~eing hat Cihidren from 7 years ou, will ha anti gold cruationls' . Ronld est - BeverleyCari at 8:30 a quiet ceî-erony took lace -ha 1 also pointeci eut Viat tisa radtiq u t the perent timeaiubut moaailad divided i uto kiifferentclasses anti re- TViseta table was idecorated witis Yhi Woodbridge jumted C»iJ, whanl ithiaima was. narr-ow aemrdiug to-Obau Xtaeted wiso a. feettby creation -Wil ha provid'ed in games ua tbfl-eir weddn a n d t1yefchw Ig iII IêJ. A. H. Hotigaca !uited în mc fVs pecifications. Tise cisairman tied>posed new rGad~ fror-n Ce>boe- oftenrvoieyal, banstn rs- de riaige Mrs. Doi'ctiy !Lyncis ofWood-)O!inte(l cutVBatt ise Tr-ustees would dc 1et Vo hesFiftn Un-,E,. It ia- LIocse ishoes~ , blland ti Viertypes of Pouring tsa u ,the-'Iterrt(Oorl e(, On Saturday. abidyan MUnene ayaofhvetocujc ts PvngConau soei iattil wl b lerdutVii c»ipetive k;,arbsMrs. Jeanie Richardsonu, sister 'f thee Jýune,.Rev. L. Baird officiated ln St. BowmnaiWiî1 eh i<«merly cf Qrour.whenthey iiiove4 inQth ie area Vo tenti.1T1e Trustees are Vo ee~k A new clas s being added tisis brii anti Ms. Lîiùa Cobbladick, cou-Joisn'sAniglican Gisurch mhwi Bev. Tisa initie wa~s at'týýieqlb' ',-,eeipidd y erh ,patada_ qýni:t aet,-slu year, _. Councilr In Tjaiiing Glass, sin,-Mira. lTarry Rwe and MIrs, J. P.1 erky Aninabele CaVv, daugister 1 liuhtiMs. Jaci s haU, o f ýriien. fo ve tisen rk.idt suh ~ t at - anipmeut to haa Lth oa u se. re asta le supervised by Mr". Geo. Brown , Mr. and Mrs. Russell G. Carr, Port bug anti tisa hsttrnan was 'f. a!-- te pvdg o mpwck I any wli gin t tisthie Alia property moved. Mr. Rutl- Coln.Six clildlinover thse age cf Ia tise eveuiug, preaiding eut tise Ilape Vhaamatisa bride of Ronal ry Lyiicis.Tise bride wora IL"anl, tse ping àornan »ilt bgin work d rs uh a a a tM- 1tWve years have already eiolt i oie itn sopode t detimaa aruniInto enrlltilubaW>la were Mrq, Artiur Blewett, Freeman West. son of Nj.*anti Mrs. suit wimen: Unerbrae aces1 Juîcontiattur Cne aielVpda pa greetV. _____________________________________________Albert E. West, Orono. sorses and her attendîant i eA g j 'ytiv Tus te wîlsl of th i-a -omp1 5b s gned by tise inerested partiea.- Tise bride given in marriage by her tedsuttei lieacasr es tny7Iv l ise aprposa i se Tru n c neti !"-awith r e Alla Proci' - jut atdf tisey wore identical coi-sages of tees Vo providfe a raisati'Sourdwas.'- faterwoe, ýaJz 1ngh onof - s.tiss area along tis e aof tiserond o0e tatuw .nt hastarttiUon Seek Consumer U'o-.opc-;ratio,",, ~Cantilly laceKanti tulle over vh~ ite k Dsweet peas.ý,t i4, hist hsreiia "ýa satin, ler finger tip veili unescaugixt Guests awere present from Klin- nte ti u drisV ts ra tso n ea a purave s .dts eiii r1~ Cut G rono H ydro Cos t o a tiara cd aed pearls. Sine carr$ed burg, TorontVo, BowminanivilLe anits ie iemeiga~und eaUisy a tse aley Majoie obnLondon, Eng. After tished tghVe In~ connection witis ti sidewýalk ________________________a cscde f rtiswetisar roespaî'ty returnedte Votise hi 's home o te habuilîtalocg Station Street fonL t - ~~sister of tise bride morsiuid of hont- jKni t o arssmut uu r anBon N e r ,obert SU TheQjr, yàr*Coiîniýsion tre was ln tise intere3t ofe varyone te urwaigawlz e hgw fspent tise week-end at the.r ne x ishmeGlanilie, MrRuisaford saud Mht- ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~élv c ~~ta i faPV u i- ek'ct uigyMe ylon net ever taffeta a th 0n Concesson St.,Be -ninvbe hesMi.GogDnopht idiata Mrau r.Doal I>na whereIby t ly hpe Wnekth C-It-reix t heur-piriQs. o ïe~k Io mwkdn picturm bat. She carie abride Sas beau a uember oi thcise anet in, favour cf this pro jctffantlyWetbr %,isiteti relatives. in, Opr tisec om wer ntk!5 eîned thisconkitio teCommis-, sa)!es4e cf Vamnysgojl Sho l Woe ss donteexisting swing n helu alén ru- o'ed Vo Mail eut wit!,ec ,-ssadWobi,, ul t, ý nhadal, n r ~gu ~ ~ak<>d ~ ~ cV illaga lipaskhghom owerlilv of thie valley. Tisa hast juan wstise past six years andtihie groom i s eti sy _Mr. Pqrrester . Indiscussing M c. Ray aý,_rîtouLisad themif- 1ad aThe -ealdetiumerse uthç,* logd ollngduriuslip sè nzighoeur at 3 on tise staff cf tise <ntio Trainigtistis matter it ~fa it as Ie r~to iaus a finger hefixin~g eL liydro toe ia rono Corm~is t t'reftrii froni ha'vinigthelirdri; useixerstre hol o B1sa Bw viie al cutihagin n:asprvt e tu ,ati unonVs eke4 deiddïces nteJa ndrn h onbu tw.iiciJunior West, ___ at fan,on ira cuVa laVtiste revenue ime tise paak load existe. Tise oirgan seas playeti by Mr. Cosu of tlisecommission., Itws poinlteti out tisat Vise Col,- anti Aileenï King was sololiat singing miission coulti save anywisere up o'"Tise Lord's Prayer" before tise cere- Tise grapis cf tise peak load was $_9,00 a year -if this was dune. AiS0 nony aind "Bacur udg ties ign- fpresented Vo tie ConsmissIones et copemÊi in Vise sciseme coult i iîg Of tise regiter. thse mceeting on Monday evening and iiîiinaVe ,any chance ofartm n~Ts hri 'sdcrfe ii it xias found that Mcnday durug Vise - wrase ut tsti me but iV is fait tisat flowars wantiandelebras. zoon lueurs tisat it had reacisedth, ,Iseelloati coultibring tii jbout! At theiseaeaption at Vise home of iigis cf 410 kw. ishh was an in- il iVwere to akea a greatarswing'ts? rd,'irmtie aevt er creaae cf fifty over' tise next 'higisest -drpgt711o sorprit.ig a gown cf powder bine lace witis peak. Tise manager pointati out Viat d wisl on orPrid ,ite açcesaories. Sishe a cor- tuil gra$r waa onîly for a short per- Bui were passel& in tisa amount sg of pink carnations. Tisegom ioti cf tVine (tan dàfys) but tisat a f $164L7'5 aud a 'halmne existei mother asaistat e ariamg ea gosn cf miontis record wolt h available at Vihe batik of $05.0prioýr Vo paying lo'wered silk siseüait ih mwhe ac- nect meetng. lise Cmmission faitaccounta.esole.Her corsage was qf pâle Visa t I was tiy B iat weepuing anti w ie carnations. up Visa peak ioad unonaiys andi i' Dent raporteti Vo Viste CommiÏ,s- Foýr avallingVisa bride chose a tisat if dîayar were urued tiof drig ic n ViseChurcis Street Sentispro begepommisetiuon Uris Wovu beige Vise paricd1oti roî1:3tVo1230Viat je t anti t tatedfVAt in thse rebuildiug hat anti hie accesmeor ie ercor- iV wcould resultin a conammlrahe svipora f tisis section Biat Vise new saigews of yeillcw rosue inga Vo Vie Commission, elsweeplaced anid tise wire M ter a wedtiinig itnp Vo Moutreal' strug. Services have ns yet Vo he'aud New- York 'State Mlr. antiM'a.W lVfr DntaVtei ist ilmuic Mucnnactet imino tisa homes. VWfast will eside lu Oronio. itis weme fWacatiwii a similar p oh- -,QI lem anti tat if Vise loadiet mè î Cmison dMîaiaani ~ ClbRie C 1 purriasing a rmeod4g volt metee - ading I ià1e iA Co ha contýUinu feiti Ouce ase aus .1"inLfrtasmc 120 hagai f~ I il; couli eventualiy nienil n inicreasa lU M in llydro rtams.Tise spot-ciseck voli t meteor- in Htirorata, fit tsat lastill Vo ha useti for esing forl Thea Dron1j FiureSkating Club Mr. Mrecisarmnani, v Ha, oltajges onVisa une wisicis, statetidlX ua ssfu baise sale andti Va e mangeris quite gooàt h u ie on Saturî'ay afternoon of tesat weekz. il1 '-ý:id Thuught For fhe #eek ~ îiiîage, jTisasale andt anwas isaîtinlatise Or- -- 1' <'"" Our fatisera have left k5 a ricis motonby R, C. Fretrand<)It,,izi l noyOddfallow s all N wagel spiritual legacy. SureYiy iV laOur S B. Rutherç set up a deposit Yonng miembers cf tise club assisted i t - dntiy not Vo aquander it but Vo L)eafornw-rutaRuth" Caswâ B prmngofu our generation, nay becjueatis Vo is rafundec t(,tise renter w-han they,$64,00 for Vieur ndeiavours. Lucky IEuo' in counu' fisus le ""icoiup Dpecn1 ~on Ëtue loalstague tisaV-act conaiy play "Dea Ratb",, those who cone afler us ara - mva, providiug of course, that thieir dr>aws wewre iselti on twocksat iii rxdt anettn" iSsw b~ r otdrwLeR s(arolyniJoes, Ma.Doal dition as noýble as was left u.1i r"acua"-l ie inrswraMaStaples, rs DnbiMca m m. sRutherfrla MsE. HL Sacumel'a Top-w IL te R .Jamles PiarMr.. ise ameetng adtne'dt M s wonercalr. Marvin Lunu Foîm ,FM'A %V. ilal I . XV i Mu. George Coursticss rene îKiu'g at r .W at, SUd I dructor e.,' v N s 1 s s N s N s 's 4 -4" s ~1 s s 'N 4' s '-e -I 'e 4' e' s 4'-- s -e- s s l Y-,- -4 g 's s s N -1

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