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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1956, p. 2

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bourg on Mondy evenLig in Go-1 went to f irst on a wallk and was fol- ýr.DnI aiDulsado h alydy r bourg and two tlireec-haggers by lowýe by Mercer with a sigle. Wlvh Mril. TeDoe analdHay Dogks pand of ýthe theainy day. Im~pro v ed H it t i n g A t Cob ourg Charles Armstirong, drîing ii t theetw mnoin, Awinstrong bi Ma and ie. entre ftea bideandClreo nce hei goIkles'poritu ruý u h oa il êlot ntriple to; soore toand put hhnit-self sn n nsnèl h riesdCaec ed ae a ýpi prat frnt roo ok h gul n eenluascragpoiIo Oar- sdgroomi of fifty years with mlatched address honouring Mr. sud Mrs. E_ B n n O rono V ictory RaveinWes8 Vo 2.crossed the counter gl rs ac sdanêln OIMallet held tlie mouind for Orono lu ithis frame. oach. Marilyn Hammr, granddaughter' Following M.Nrs. Harry Hm on be-- giving up six its te Cobourg whlÎe icf t'he couple, preseilted themi with half ocf-the sisters, brothers, nieces Cobourg scored their second and a bouquet of yellow roses. ben' nephews plesented thema with z tê-onTusday of last wveek a.nd1 with two counts. Nicholson and Cox ieved by Colley ill. the fiftih, both Thea iree-tîer wy eld t cake.- town o ThuýTurpin who -wýalke-d Vo first and theniTheaHamm family held their an -twte-n Vhîs tisajuï and Orono t thelinig homie on a single by Gilhoo1lýi Cobourg sta.rted the scoring in tls eodaid ther sdflalynul inc onic a ll.,Jne2r Ioeýcal park. The ganle noved alou,gTiianning- with the three bits woct first wheu Turpin walked s' scr- 1oed u h rn asncHl.reply of thauks. ~witlysu euedlu 8Vo cuntBomaUile te alle. *fcst en.H cr. ascn- Charles Ainstrýoiigagaininlathe' Eighty nmembers of the famnily en- A sumptuous lunch wa-s served in avor o t~e Rses Stinton as othchis scord ir th sithlgleivyentuh bsee tt hattatrilel ud a tnd crsse joed hei "Gt-t-geher inpit folowd b ganesforail lihe iig pitcher and Keth West Bowrvna.uville when iMaxie Yollth l Ii the second perlod Orono grabbed hnoire Plate. Oharles, held the big bat ~II~iedlu I lit by Sellers wvhïle Yourtlh scored on Coles hit. Don Mer- this rame Cobourg comitted tree ree aud both being triplesi. Wiest wecnt the dfist1ance. cer scored 0roriol% loute tally after c-Ostly' errors -whildt gave the Orono J e o t F o a la n n ilt GOeso did not prove ite hitterus that a single was followed by a stolen nine their tw.,o rmas. Orono did not ClbaeSt edo Eojwtmaiville did as Orouo was out- base and a single. re'(celve a hit iu securing these rune. Iê-'---~ kt. elev-en o five. Altlioughi there; A littie more hitting ila the bat- Ronl West scored int the third. af-(C tnudfmpae)--ay of our efforts or those of ourý -we1re a f'ew ern oeresulted lu an y iug dp tutcould have given ter hitting a single. of olauville d Mrs. pa edwn Etmtso h e teto allies would be iu the face of an a- ac~~rdug. Orono this gamne over the Ross. Te fiftl iuiagnas abigfram Sadercck.N matl Dfeit e Ltallin aosoteem ata. Wat ouco 'the firet scur iuglu the gainel rn aealtanmtC-frOrn n rsrn.Da et Ms amis a X$tughter of the two billion dollars this week are ho-oriaedfncspertohva- ____________________lat M. nd Mrs. C. .Hgsuo 1 ulse yth oc fCn-' complishe d le by way of discouragln J, lii-hsoi il ýiuiIyJ b- te HoLiýe oan-V aggresisive adveutuires by te SOronlo. l1mons. Aiy and all miemlbors whio cou)- j i- ad rs Hmi wremarid idr hese~,,sarn lchair gene1raîs Commitui'sts. If they cala eontiuue to- lu heMehodetChrc, Oon o ae vicogthir hoghs u hw chev that objective, certainly the Jun 25h, 906 hytheRev H.V. anda lhold o dfeued.As her moeyexpendod by the baxpayers of muî otrasOf 'ail service's Canadla and the other counfies M.and Hain h ave always wlerd ud onderful have been the wih ae orale ilhv ?ploinluth Oono vcnt.prpsî..been \woithiwhile. But, the rapid de- M4 e~~Iamnt in this fieid certainly reqeved romthei may freud Defnce s oe ofthemostdifitave been and will continue Vo' beý frolyl tilcir nally readfully expensive. A million doi-ficul a~ie.departnicents Vo criticize ef'fectively. de(!Iyeýesv.Amlindl - et l--sitUn ouit(,[ars doesnt go very far lu buying Guces wre peset frn Trout, M rad oi-e relianice is beiug planes, siiips radar stations or even Wlodlport Credit, oWatertownhearryý N.Y., Chatham, iudsJ ,Marha, laedonai oe tsteonary lu mintaiiiing personnel. . t Behn, Pt g, ition theure Lre such it -CalilsFor Committee Sto~ u cnt pr gi.Bowmavile alforiaar Oon. ins of the futu re as 9,000 Mile' an Durning Vite present debate ou de-- The Oag og rsrtdMhu airdraft,.gîddmislsadfonce, the Oppos;ition haus called for- ard rs.Ham wih abouuetcf op ecrt dfonivemenure te Committee to give intenisive etudyý Fuel O~l I 2 (eIt ~r ga.beatifuil yllw uns. The mmeraontrctaytyeofatkfo ieody V o n c ogae e appy cin mplted, expenlofýse andoslete a i.oing of the echef s of staffs of the&_ coupleou thIr n vrtreSOq ll, ha ustV ep-WV he evcs Several years ago L So quckly _1lý] i Lowas a miemrber of the Defeuce Ex- A pe eligof telife 0F Ct"(the day by- day ,-progresin cthe-fieldkiodituires Committýee h sat f or For i~e1 ey i onehonour"ed coupled was copose and l somth1ing for thepirte. nany montheL, on the problem, but the eD Aw IY ,e!ead by Mrs. H.ol . 1Mr. Sam AllUn 1"?, dy To >,* i h tenedthe, guefsts to oeue of his W ae eding filion ucô- mi au ftecmitewsV ORON 153 or IIAW RA.5-119 I eîî endree omcepeem. hkept the defence dopa teut on its, wellrendredcO-î(ýYpopils. operatioin ,with thie Unitedi States te tees, working day an:d night answer- -1~- _ ___ ___ ___ OnSun yJun 24h, r. nd onstrut tr rdarhu lu n ortheru 'te many questions wich appeared- Mrs. lilmin were eutertained bY Ciaada. Itvlmy ell be possible that lu the field of efficiency, it le very- ____________ ~their fml in the home of Mr. and beffore they are comiplete, the mys- difficuit for members of parliament mudern truckTl Pound for pound, the ms oefltul ~ today are CIi-evroleis-.. Thaft's, one wac-y you can Mel tey're- th atmodiepin V8s goingIj.l Aungineer swilaeuiyeu tOnt herse- ce is!)t menustee, that lessof po er-er-pound le a good kindication mxmmtrcKGV.cnit Afifcin Lu elue duesiu.And Chev- "of englue weight andd more is rof oe r-rooke V8 tmu devoted tIyoad eynont oly e ine o mr okfor- the:ir wghcan hanulbigreas ,uav tlp nNn te Sl maiy trck"dy. oeual ow»t m ir int menus they carrroud to b alet s sow ehowý fque werpunds for tic p oer they Cherolets cmc,enus -cci mut vop(Th ey wegh t 200 tmruckV8scrsaehusndiis unds , lestha Cohe r omaable oun ourjob. ocdern VS, for 7every acSk.izForce trucK i erfbl dee bretbiu.g V8 arý-d, o op iat extra augs n hgiras195 for ICT4%ýD and you'1Ï choo-se tod cy's mostmodern tuk Wasted weîghi la enginee-rc-d li power per pound rneans îThere's a mn out of Chevrolet truck V8's! morepower for your pa5ocrd I Chevrolet Tc Tir ntr shrtstokedeig ofChv- Sîne lespower is nsèd npl-, n mu1ving T1heie's apv rolet'e truck VS's makes poss'ilc engine w t, a biggrpportionl is - cte tn ruLgged yet comIpaict cyinider block. aalbef mviug yo9 payhoads. cot-uevr Modernultiple-pur-pose componeu)IClts Yen iget hnaigperr ueou ospoel save weight and increase enguinle effici- tl)(e jobi. Aud m owersae fstefien ency. dollars, 1tee! willho slvei-nd thus rend(er -these expesiv waringsta"t'ous obsýolete. Tiie thiuking hehid te screen pro- ject les that, -wiVh nany kind of luck, the radar netwvok cWhl proide suf- ficent advauce notice of au onemy alrcraft atack se te big setraegie bombers iluCVILUS.A. CllHo eable te take coff ountir isu1ýýiou of te- tai'ation witlt H4-bomlbe uplonIte on1ly presenit possible enemyý,te Soviet -Union. At thie montent, I1ndrtn tbat thie strategieý bomibing forýce keeps a portion "f its pla'nes lun the air 24 hors, a day, jueýt se thiey won'V be caught napping. Teire lsson ýof Pearl a bo i hs been well learned Our Equipmiient Plans ilu Canadai ,wu are proceeding very meüdestl, com)ipare-d wlVh the UniVed S!ttoa Wehave( a lewý ultra modemi anti-sbaunrie vos each .otu about $18 mrillions te take came of oui coastal armesasw ll as assisting,- in guardiag the shipping lanes. Wec are aise developing a delta w ing plane, V1ite CF-105 end doing r-esearch lu other fields,, plus, Of Course' train- ing air forc(e personniel fvoin NATO counrtrios and miaintaiuiaig a niavy, au amy and an airforce.Ileaisehave higly u;rane& for)ces lu Europe a pàrmt of V1ire NATO defeuice eetup on VIthe continent. But, it wol oii l ein. possbleVo ùrmeastheweffUctGive Il t r e iutou a Vsolme. At i tt Vin there ore ma't:bu itesAt hch could nhet ho discussedihease f hir e-â poturitynaturse ad, rauklyof, had se, noVi-ï. benafthe Crrierpor t hdih, acnt nyhaforthCi tepdortwiha particilar omintteaIdonbwthifthet Opposition -would have achieved uy-- wrong about defence. M1ýiister le Respolnsible IJnder our system of iesponsible- goveimment, Vile Miuister auiswei-s policy huestions before a committeEs- of the w'hole Hlouse of Goimmonsau 1takes responsibilîty for a.nythîng that le done by-ý the departmeunt. You can- %vel'.imaginre Nwhbt wouldhappenx here if the thiree chef s, of staff were to appear hefore a comimitteVo juet.. ify tiroir demiýanide foravthis or that. equi(pppeu. 1,ach lwOuld tmy'Vo ont.- Fbid VIte othor lu building up tlhe unl- po-tanre of Lits particular service, Thtis 'is the'way it is doue lu the Uni- ited States and it alay auses a gro"at (deal of ihard feigjaos *and ,controversy betwee i te Services, No cief of staff ,wouldeve os'ai- *is3ficd! witi the mlývutun of men or eqnipmeniujt hoLo2 i-ho receiviug sudllë bad(iain ,vould resnlft. Her-e, lth Mi-- 1jeteýr must ;ustîfyý evory,exedtr -as thenro esosbefo prv 1ing iV. MWe ihinh àitas abtter xvay 'îj Ar'Yeu pluanning a' t;np? Doi't take chances of losing your mnonoy-and spoilîng yolir trip-by carryng/large sums ln cash. Before you go, turn your m pney into Travelliers' Cheques.. easy to cash/anywherie-andsae than cash everywhere. D op iu and susat The Canaidii Bank oc Commerce and wel1 gladly provide Sou wit Travellers' Cheques. The protection je w 1 w th the Slight cost. This is simply one of the amny banking sevs we nier our customers to keep them fïree fromni eedless worry about their money. TECANADI'AN B A NK 0F COMiERC NW-436 DOWMAN VILLE ONTARIO £ * L. H~o Si el Mn ag t 49)and t] Anythîng less is an, old-fashi2oned truck! ROY W. -"ICHOLS

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