ilonour Promotion Earned By 16 Students .~.<A1As 0115 Announces Examiflatiofi Resuits, 3 IL., 4 oz-. Tin ChickenÇ.U CHASE & SANBORNE -- 5c off Deal Instant 2 oz Cof fee Jar 64c Resuits for the school year 1955- 56 are, announced by the Orono High Sehlj. Names are listed Ï)y gradies in order of merit. 1. Promoted withi Honours:, Gradie XII te XIII, Douglas Gaimsby Gral XI to XII: Paul Rutherford, Beraice Lumn, Paul McMýackin-. Grade X to XI: Kathleen Geach, Barbara Ann Aildred, Swsan Foster. Gr-adeý IX to X: ,isaý Aalberý-, Joan A Alrei ariene Graham, Williami Tamiblyn, Rosemary Smîi, Cornelis IMuartense, Janet Streeflierk, Robert Amcn,,,Maiin( obbL'edicL, Rose 2. tromotetd without Condiitio n« Grade XII to XIII: Nancy, Lake, Merle SLe'pjýaton, p(3options odl)', Milton Rainey, Watyne Hooey, Keithj Adams, Davi*d Streefkierk, (3 options only), Ai Best, Doreeni All'red, Boyd Wood (3 options only). Crade XI te XII: Elizabeth Reid.' Shirley Vagg. Grade X to XI: Elisabeth MaîÀ,x- tse, David Imnlaeb., ElaiiaePwe, Carol Grant, Graydon Meehian. Grade IX to X: Jane Kniox, Briun Alldre4, Peter Louclçs, Carol Van. Belle, Madelon Allen, Jýoan Vagg, Carl Rainey, Janice Neal, Joyce Har- ris. Norma We1sh, Helen Hancock, Larry Manders, Everett Lake. 3. Pronsoted with Conku~tion: (ap- plies only to studeants t.akirg mors than minimum number of options) Gradie XII to XIII: MzrilyfiQat nil (Hirtory). Grade XI to XII: Doreen Coppinïg (Mathematices), ýýora Wood (Math*- mteScience). jGrade X to XI: Jo nii-e>,Rutherýford (Fr>ench), Patsy Fosfiý- (French), Eric Canieton (French), Ani. Wood- yard (French. t4. Tranefered with Condition: Grade X te XI: Leonard Hoy (Mathematics), Margaret Martin (French, Latin), AnidW $utch (Mathe- Grade IX Wo X: Laurence Sherwîn (FErench), Carol Yeo (French), Ruth Bullo)ck (French)' , Allan Groen (Eng- lish), Richard Rutherford (French), Donald Chapmian (French), John Tamiiblyn-i (French), Qrant Tam-iblyn (French), Rita Bosgraaf (French.). * Students must note that"cni tion" lias a definite meanin*g: a fail- ed sub.jelt arried in the aext grade, mnust be passed by the following June o cr the studenit Nill be required Wo re- p(-at the subject regaA'liess of higher îmarks i.n other subjects. A 'odt~ is only permitted thecrefore when other subjects have botter tihan aver- uge marks, and oiily for onseye. Are You iust a FeItef Who Spends lime in the Cellar? Ornue Fuel & Lamber Ltd. Phn. Oromo 14916 't Il I r 'j -i Il SHamiltons lnsurance ServiCe Every elms of Insur- ance is represented in our office. The f ollow- miLg are, some of the main coverages we can uffer: Automobile, Lire, Accident and Sickneýss, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary 1Hospitalization, Livestock, Roiler, Wind, Polio, ORONO ! FýOi~NE iRIM FIRST MOR'GAGE LOANS Leroy ililbon IILAL ESTATE di~iki* Y.-ng mr c4 16 y-o, c r r . o. L r s"dsor Whn piric i oretr Si.,#o-besres hree Yeas ith a requlor .joit, 0 MOif Poy ta the Due of 17 th-enfuti puy 0 Trove and ode,,tue 0 30 daY. paoid hlid.ys a year 91 A heclthy activeoldo li<e with sports 0, Medical ..d dental Cor. 0 Good opp0reu.itie, for O0r'Y a limi:ted number con be accepted. Interiesed appliconts must not delay. Mail the topnbel-w r-cotac, y-, .crsîrer,iting slati.n. Arrny Recruiting Staticin, 59 Albert Street, itaa Ont. - Tel. 6-1887 Army lPecretng Station, 164 Wrelngton St, , igstama, nt. - Tel. 4738 Armv Rrrijîîtg Station, 90 R1Ch1rnond Street W., Toronto, Ot.- Tel. EM. 6 8341 Lac. 276 No. 7 Personnel Depot, Woiseley Barraclis, Oxforil & Elizabeth Ste., LentIBa, Ont. lEtiepinone 4-1601 Local 135 Arnny Recruitifig Station. 1Northt Bay, Ont. - Tei. 456 Armny RecruitIng Statio, 184 King St. E., Hlamilton. Ont. - Tel. 2-8708 o,.,O I With.ut CS ora. Nm j oblilpation, pieuse .drs jforward me the booklet "The. Way Ct/oa___________________ tcao Fine Future". Py. - - - - - e - - - -h - - - - - - _ "ST ORMý OVER NILE" ith Laurene Harvey and Anithony Steele THIS THURS. TO 1,1T. TRZN JUNGLE" An AIl-New Story NEXT -MON, TUES. W,ýED. MTINEE MON. _AT 2:001 Deightful (Corne ý-with AM ic, lu CinemaScope i WihFRED S-TAIRE anid LESLIE CARON - -- - Oranges <3 doz$ý"1.OO0 FIRST 0F THE SE.ASON, FIRM, CRISP, CAR1M)NAILS RED GRAPES lb 25c f-