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Orono Weekly Times, 28 Jun 1956, p. 6

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......... . ..... "Dear Aimie irst: What goes onl wihparents, anyhow? I' loemine leadrly, they've ai- ways given me everyting i want, until now. 'rn 17, and theihve tossed otthe oniy ce 1 love becauise cf the hours wVe'v7e been Ikeepjing, and lots of o)ther complaints lthey've thought op. Thy ave decided another m-7an will mi-ke rme cabetter hus- bard, and they told my sweet- hieart I'm going to marry him. i didn't have# a 'chance to ex- plain), That was four weeks ago, iand now hnmy beau passes me on thec street lie doesni't even stop. 1 arn disýgust- cd! "'The, man the've choseni is a redc- my ,brother's,bu aider; 've always iked 'him, but nýot as a prospDective hus- band . . . I1 ~afraid to dis- obey my parenýts for- fear they EASY 10 built yolur w w!ýIoedeni lawn) or patio chairs! Y1oul'IIhave the Innf ai doîg- rnaveimonýeyv, 101 WorftPttera50n Sml directionIs for maig hwn , porchi, or patio chairs. Atual- eize paper pattera plaucesarel- cludeti, with easy te - follow iiumber guide. SniTWVENTY-FIVE VENTS <lise postal note for safef y, rduimps cannot be accepteti), for this patterrIt Laura Wlieeler, 12.Eightt eih St-, New Tor- ûule, Ont. Priai plaiiy PAT- TERN NUNMET, yuNA M E rint ADDRESS. Our gift te y -oL lwe we7n- derful pattera-s lfor your-seif. îour home -priatati lu our Lýaura Whuee(l Neetlecraft b)ooký for 1956! Dozeas of other inew tiesignis 1te)ertier - croch- et, kntigumbroitierY,liron- ens, nlovelties. Senti 25c for y-ourt copy of ibiïs beok NOW - wlhgifi paitterasý piluieti in il! - -- - - - e , 00-IT-YOUJRSELF NUN - Sister i&loysius of Edinburgb, Scotlan)d, skillfuily wilelds ai plane as she experiments on a piece of wood ;n a woodworking lass in London, England. Sbe and other Sisters :tan to do their own work in furnishing their convent. willl hate nie and(1 dison m 1. refuse. Can y-ou rescue Me fromn this future they hiave set Iheir heari on JENNIFER." SMost 0f l s are romantie *wheni we are 17, la love witb 'one boy or another and plan- * iga thriiling fu.ture when * e arry ,Yu( are seelng * ùunj,if, 1 expeci, as a love- 11Yyou.,heroine imprisoned *by cruel parents, only to be *freed~ if youj will marry a inman you do not love, 1 arn *not usmpte tic, but 1I'urge *you to calim down. Parents *aren't like thai today. Yours " aren't jailers who insisi you " mariry somn-eonec you do not " love, or else. They love you *dryanti only want to in- *surýe ,your nmarrieti happiness. * Your faih)er and moiher wilI *not hale you when you re- 'ý ,'hy didn't you say n1o" '.when theman proposeti. and *write your boy friend the *truth? They had their reasons *te forbiti youi to date hlm;ý *for- one t1hing, thie y coulti not *rely 0o1 hlm to brinig you *hôtmo' t 'a prope hour * (wich ~s artly you1r fauli), ii) ani ansure ,-they complfaini- *ed more than oceab-out this *m antQter objectionsF they had. ~, yîrbeau hati taken them *i sei isl ad mended Lis *wyt1his ne-ed neyer bave * hppeed.They wvere within * their rights; any senýsible par- * ents wold have done the * You have huit this stia- *lionin lto qa dramautic rss *oýý owmany romanitc noý(veis *have y-ou beeni rea-ding late- * lyHow any silly rmovie's *base-d on forgoten ictr d is ùip 1iineC. * hyou have 10 Odo iste *say you dlont want tL rr Vnyur brother's friei. Il is *as smpensth. LOVE is LATElrl' DerAnneHrs:Jtust bc- fore Crstaa mmn Id ko nearly a year qasked me l10mar- ry hlm1. î haisvealqu1ahmsý, hiowever, antiasked lm aite wai. le gewtired cof that, ati left town.: he 1kc I oeihimr '1hv Iried vaiinly 1 ie , frieà ly inean lthilm see he i itr n eiele going with anth r1r. FI'm suire s-he is, not rl'i,t for hlm, andinmafraîd h lie w ii mary lier. 'Mu1tst I ios:e Lhlm giOr is here any-tin ii can d(o? I an25 anti I taýke maiage L amn afraid this mran does 'fotlove you as 11e once de- *cinred, or 1e wouhd jump at *the chance ýyeu offer. If 1 arn *mistaken ln this, then lie is êbigspitefu] - and who twould rnrr a man that u ouild huirt you so?- To my * mmdic, what lias ha1ppenec-di i * for the best. *Youi canno)t do more Ithan *you hav-e doneu, so face the * inuih-and p1an, your fu tu re Our girl.s have grveater social 1feedomis t ha n any thers lu the woria. If you dIO rnt abuse yours,. your pa-,rèents %vill trust YOur) jutigment. If you are aI otits with them, tell Aime Hirst about if;, she miderstaiu1s you, and i temi, andtihas lielpeti thou- Santis of youlngsters toward a harmonicus famnily 1f e. Ad - dress ber at Box Il 123 Eight- eenth St., Newi Toronlo, Ont. figure - coose 1 Ibis step- in "ýprincess" c!reýss lekeep you loekiag ýsimi anti smart ail sea- son!. Ifs simple, srnooth uines are casiesi sewng - adapt se heautii'iliy te -al-nost everiy f ah- ric. Cool neckhine, tireaseeve versions! Pattera 4783: Haîf ýizcs 141 2 16 takes 41/s yards 39-inclà. This pattern easy le uý7se, si- pie te sew, is tesieti for fit, lias complele hlsraeiinstructions. SeidTHIRTY -FIECENTS (35(', use postal note for safe- hy, stimps cannol be accepied), for ibis pattera. Priait plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYVLE NUMIBER. Senti ortier te ANNE ADAMS, 123 Eighleenth Sit., New ývTor- ente, Ont.ý Drive Witk Care Duat as rate's Iblis ais one if 'imy"sIl gr-ý eaý th lang;lI getterIs. The s\vveiest g !fi sow ii. nesl e scrbISi tecebrte attho ope il' 0f te ope'ra ilu New i'ore a dia,ilond intiar ulier ar Mis. anehuta 1ruby tiarabtoi aleyes were oin me" Whati did yon l s on your lil sked Don Amteajie. "Ppou"replied JiîIý, Somne inulute blon a leakýy Pau Hnnig, o w ~rtest1lie Buras and Allen shw, si hi best lauigli Imaker. neyer gel on the aiUArnid off esrsthry sip 1)e'd if off thletae Ci-rac11ip vas ia csuc' hk in rnýý1,-1:i sjrade v sfor ber'- sif lfnd Gog nSh)enoce an; eetngulit."That üco,- boy suit hagin teremiht oo good einGog. The csuerey,"Tl:it'sfWM the phicure, "The utaw --atiI Jane usel ore." (osin "One, (11.ank you," sliiGrcie IloIi oudnerfil) Jane usseH%' Palace of Love oilh 1e in iistructuËre 0f ithe wýomn j - 1e Taij Mhli[nAgra, India, a idream pa ila(eila ur w'ihile imarbieerse d xith preV- cioussns which 100k twantLy-two) years1te bud nt crst $15,00,000 This fiest 0f ah India's bulit- inawseed ilby 1theMgu mprrShah iJeblan as a to andti monunt or bIs wife, Mum- taz Mahlai, whod!(It i a12, ati ai1se as "a 10mb ifor imsellf. More thian 2'0,000 Imca were eplyeini The cacs re nla 111e plaster la sjida rooms or 111e otgnibt- ing.Exprtswho axa nIjIIîtbeMo incasures te prevent tham spreal- ong. A portionA ! th eut Courtyard lwall bals elhiapseti foi>- lewiag beavy flooding ihast aut. IMmzM abal wassrgadeti by 11cr hushanti as thne most beatiful woman ha thle workl. lis grie-f aI lier dealli was se intensethat for' severn-i wýeeks aftrwards lie refus. cd te soec is curier ndbùiýs halir turinati front jet b)iack ýte il grey , For. twe yeari he died inil- slf ah i îeswp and lpaem rgular vi4tste pray ~ar grave. Visiters te>1t1e IThj Mabat of ta1n test ils e ectIf you stand beýsitie 1I ,1 grve0foriç Emae aiEmprcssl andcil'I iir ianmes sofftly, itbey echio il arVoun1ti 111 fainter unG tIli hastWthy dieimýawy with ordssoundfing lika aa of t- repeateti "I love yeuYý QUEER EYES The eyes of a whahe are sel far back anti loo.k ilu oppoýsite directions, They cantnot be- moved le look straighl alead or behini. If Mr-, Heapbigfsh wans lY see what's on the hiori- zen, he mutsi stand up lu the1 water anti slowhy lurnAaround. NEI-HRSTJ i"CK1N,4rE H-BOMB" - Taking a break from bher filming, Chin- Sese movie actress H.elen Asia relaxes in a western-style bath- ing suite in Hongkong. Helen bas been named "The Chinese H-Bomb" by t b e Forriiosanp Aýt long il'st i the countrysîde elooking very \ greeni and very beautiful. And thiere is blossom everywh ere-cherry nnd apple trees, tlowering alionti and la- ponica, ail in fli bloom. Tfhis in spite of severai anxious nighlts Mhen frost lhrealened 10 black- en fiowers, fruit blossoms and vegelables. from pres4nt indi- cations iilacs and lilie,,s0f the valiey shoulti soon be oi - in bloorn, shedding their fragraince int the air. About a montb laie, of course, but better Iaie than neyer, don'l you thînkI And now ~t at we cani gel aronti in th1e 'garden without rubtber boots isn't il funinî-ding 4oliwa plants haIýve survived the wiiter'? I wvas tielighted 10 finti pans.-ies in bioom ianti ever so maiiy sceedl!ings of Ihe Siberian wall- fiower one of ny reatiers gave me last year. Also now shioots of iris and a few per-enia-ls. AI.] imy geraniumns are now outside --but su))ll in heir pots-if lias beep far 100 wet 10 set 111cm ouf inh1e garden. BuSt, oh dear,I was realiy afraid 1 was go ing 1o lose them ail. Il was thai ver y hot day Ihat i carrieti aIl1the plants oui bo the g-ardeni. And- what liappeneti? Youi remem ber, don't you-thetm aue sud- denly tireppcJi-anti we l1ad frost for twe niglils. 1 look a chance and tiid netcvr the geraniums. Next morniing I was almnost afri,,àd te look ai them. Finaily 1 pluckedLup coura.,e-and,,ïthey_ were al right. 'Afler carJing- for Sthe plants ail w.inter wud' il haebeen awý%fui te icse lim in. Jnu? Anether lhing we dîi on thatl Sfirsi hot cday lasi weel, was take the furnace pipes clown andti ean them. Ai leasi Partner Jd. 1I aise thoughi summrer lhad coie and Llpu-t rmy cent i sl-torage. Two days later . . . well, 1 didni't gel mny ceai home bi.t we were onfly 1tee glad te have the furrace PORTRAIT OF GENTLENESS --Jx. Ann Phillis extends a besitcnt band as s;he makes friends witb a fawn undler watchful eyes of ifs mother. Atlanta news photographier Guy Hîayý- made tbis gentle sprringt-tms portrait. ging agaýin. Partni says we shall soon have to make plans each y \ear for gettinig in our "sm e" coal supiply. Was Ihere eveûr such a chilý first week in June? Hlowever, il is nice wether for housecleaning. Amnong o ther things I1 a ae ti get al our windows cle-aned, last wekaieast on the iniside. Unitil then we were looking al the worl d "through a glass dark- ly." The outside 1 couldn'f dlean as most of the windows qtil] have the stormsq on. Guess we hadn't betterý take them off yet. Just as weýl] not to get too r ash ail at once. Maybe 1 was even a litIle premature in getting an oil change in the car the other day. Incidentally while that lîttie job was being done the garage lent me a car to corne home with. When 1 got ihto il 1 wondered if il would fall aparl before 1 got home. Then 1 no- ticed it carried à "safety chiec k" sticker and that the mooi seemed to'be running well so 1 felt reassured-which confir-ný an opinion expressed by some- one a fewà days ago that safety stickers may build up - taise sense ýof security. Anyway at thE red traffic liglil the car stallec and 1 couldn't start il. 1 fussed around with the ignition_ îurn- mng it on and c!'f, hui nothung happened. A truck driver camE to my assistance, pressed ilie bulton, and awa.y she went J had forgo»teh Ithat somne car,ý have. push-bu3tlon s-tarters! Ever mylittie Morris was aulomnatic l'il be moreý observant next tîrnE 1 drive a srng rar- whict isn't liely 10 e ofien hecaUSE under ordin1arycicmsane refuse to drive anv cariiotliet than my own.i Weil, Iiain 1 irttx days eofdue,1956, wili lie re- miembered for otlher things be- sides the cool weatlher Therî w'as at least nle liot spot ýtht HouLse of Conimons ai Ottawa If, anid wh-enl, 4jte gaýs gets mo-' vmg- one can iaieilmîh bePaimost !ho1" enoug-h 10 warç tne pipes. if' is to be liopec there are not too mauny heartitai- tacks before the affair is settled SSuch terrific projelils as there- afrre iaking place fromime t<n- Limùe, I wo>tder how rmany peo. pie saw 4'.T he St. Lawrence Sea- way Siory"ý on television? Il gave a very clear picture ot wihat iïs happening, but.yet. the overail picture is s0imes and with sucb a-rahigre- suits, that it. staggers the imna- gination. What a marivellous agi we are living in? Don'i you rt a ûo miss one sinigle detaii 0f ai] thie deveiopments that are iii pl-ogress, ma-ny of whic"h are be- yond -iur understanding? Wq khow somre f oik like to be a big 'ih n a littie puddle but 1 thinkç it is f ar more exciting tc be a lutile fish in a great, big puddle. There are exceptions, ci course. For instance, here cornes an extra big fish L our newe grandson Is Just arriving for hii first visit to Ginger Farm. HRi doe-sn'i know il, but at the mo- mient lie is -a very, veryý big fish. And the rest of us splasb arouind very happily in' the litie puddle which we have creaied arounid hlm. WeiI1, there you ai re. that contradiets 3my previcus state- ment, 0)f couse-but then, lif« is ful of paradoxes, isn't il? IncludijÎing the weather, ýFor in- starc-" La is so rare as a day ln June?" I wouldn't know for it's raining agaîn. À -~ - -,~ -~ -~ ~ -~ i~- troops. CHOLLY CKARLENE ANID HER CINIMP -- Opera and concert sopranor Charlene Chapman finds 'it a tîcklish situation as hier pet monkey, Porfirio, clam-bers a'bout her nec.k. The singer's smali zo ocf pets af her homne includes a kinkalou, macawv, cheetahi boxer dog and an ocelot.

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