TIey Say tisaItHise bidreu boru ti parents of mixcd races lisent, not tbise virtules of bots races. but their vices. History may niot beau- out tisaI lheory, bult illaceta; l true tsaI a man wh1ose Ulpbrliinga bas tainted bSni with thse vices ojf two enitirely differeat worlds will li liard 10 mtch iag an exampîieo out - and -ont depravity. Prince taiil was suicis a moniii Bora 10 lise traditions of Orienta I1 depîswben tise sligbitesi \visîl oftIhe ruling ecaste ws a llthig lastaniliy [0be gralified, iu wht- ever cost 0f isuman dignity id( Justice, Ismail was edueaýfed to> regard self hinugence as iscIý( ciief rergaiv f royalty. Crlniging servnts,fateli ad obseqlilus palace ofcastaugilt Ismai! - as princes isad bei tangit la tise East from lim1e i saemorial -- MithaLehwas bora 10, have bis most ouitrageons wse But îamail also came of a figis ing race, As well as being greatý vouptuaries, bis fanrily isad abio been great soldiors; ami wion, y Oriental standards, lsmail w;nts grown to ninood. bis uncle,tIsE Vali Sld Mohammoiiid Viceroy of >],gypt, selat yonng Ismnail to)Paria, Èç. sludy thse modem -Wsern - 1 sceice of wgar aItishe Frencis Staqf College, In bis favour, it cnvbe said tisaI hie was diligent pupil at tise Staff Coliege -- but tise glillerlaïg, cOr- rupî Paris of thse Second Empie hadeoiser thisigs Io teacli s Lamil tian gunn-,Iery and fhed lcia Beaidea, tisere waa ample mon)e.y to smoolis is patis10to îe vorv ' liita of viciouasness. Bis ailow auce was, as became a prince- princoely. Credit was Uhmtd But, ln addition, Egypt wns, at tisa i lme, tlise happy bj2ntting ground of sisady foreigi financiers -and tise Paris of Napoleonl 111 waa tise very home 0f Shady On- asace Ka nOIg htisI smali would nie day rule Egypt, tise fnn r were quite wiiiing 10 finance the. prlnce's dublous pleasures, against tseday wise owould be ln a position ca granit thieli valiuable Cancessions onEgp. Il was 'a wonderful Paris, 0f bina witis few moral Fupe and a seemeingly nimnited plurse. To tise SaIrains Of OffenbLac's1mu111, fortunes were Won and bat antise Sa'bles and, an far as Isma1il waRS -eoacerned, disywere los[. * is osses aIt the gamling table S qstonlised evea tise bamdeued mi eynical socilites of ise day, and fàlntasticail1', Yet tise losses. onîly ulapee sil's appelite for .auin;it isad -soon becorne wfiat Il wns 10 oromin iail hiu iia blis constant and inoecapible vi.e. His eider brother isaving died - genre denied tisaI hh ad been allowed to die a natural dets!- lise way was Clear for lmi' auccession. Said Moisammned dïied whieUImail war tblirty-.tisree, snd lamail lliving suceoeded t1p setle et Ntai of Egypt - a t111W tisai ho gooni got bis overtordi tlise Sul-tî ef Tuirley, tb elevate 10 tisaI of KhIsedie - hes: prgiuujtly sowed Iliat none 0 f is habits isad altored, Mien witisin an lacreiibiy sr spae of lli ime lle tisenaiop ai deht of i'gypt f roi a ba ri b lrerdîn eoea-nfv mcd ju' t~ir yeî-sbefore 1I nii 'sr--essio t. to .; r ns,,~ wt 1 agr.ea t dva 1 hy Said Mnuîd whe luhe grantefd tise rigJil cncsso Tliat'iii. eat ia t moreinîouey for lsnrii"is isaremnf anï stoa y1ch and gauIpblIgj Bult it rFolsufficieli t. Tiu tie Aen Civil War et1of lise Aeiiouple f Cotton ',o Lacsie andl] Up wenit the desn~for. "Egyptian c ottonl. Suld- donfly, tle ~lytaicotton crop.ýl" 4~icisa4 boon ortisol sa i d oý lu Iid oi il 11 ed' dy aswortis _,75,000,000 a Voar bo Ismil - anld o abouit 10 per cent. of ýat Ihu e suan lW41S Spent AndMiie ga dling weilt ou ajs willdil s ever. Concessions wu-ei* ç;o[id righ il an lef t, ,revoked aa'l ne- sold aigain aI ehigiser price N'oting whis cam1Ie hl - sud whia cainle totalled telon f emillions o? pounds -- was Suhlécenut 1 olle witi tie &)eed<gmanublinwblch was lsfiil'a aI-llengossing vice. Jud(gmen(lts were given aginari Egy-pt's rmuer îlu international courts, and botn Ger4sanilY ind Auist- nea began 10 mlte iwar-llke prepara lions t19 enforce soml)eof fise judgo-> monts on boisaif of ~si ainl By 1875, ý ix yenrs afler lise Irenis Emilpross Elgenie, o,/l boardlise l1n1 Perla l e,ï ,g-JýA. l Md cerenso niiil1 y d 1tise S u ezCanali, Egypt w a sinernnttonally bati- pI N von lie sade(tmost re less of financiersvo l In.] Ail tisaIt isle PriceIy gamlbler badi ,5n111tis S'%vy 0f aecurity, were hisîs77, sisaroslu tie Suez This ropresenit( Ijust on ai tise total Sisro-is ding, since ise originl ap -Iitllof tiseCopu isad heen 20O01000 fancs- div- ided mb to -100 p it saros 0 ÎSMancs value. AIreadyý, !lu ties ix years tisaI tise word's sppig ad been Xpassin lisoui tie Canape41 bajbeen eui dent islatthose ý shisres beid ïby Egypf ' uliustrepretasont a fabulonls Source of nationalil ine, an lit couic litis pvry-tiknEgypt dvsîîerateily, needed. Yet, isaviaug gandiledaaylos ikl bis c %vl,~ enlis -- and per- mýanlenti'y dailaged , 1ber initernia. linlcredit - tise crazedgabr was now lprrig 10 rois biscoun- lry of ber one certain source or 'wats- by paungo e[ing bis shisares in tise Suez ,Caafl Compauy. One day, ia - tnp pioity ced( telegvrnireacliselBritainý's Prime Minlister, Bonjansýin isaeiwana- Mng isùiîtisaI lse fedive of Egyptn 'wns on tise poiatd of partinigwis bis Canal s4hiaro "Infos mod oisli nluBylianx bad Sl2eeriod at t'lieCui'pl botiaulse lise Freisci we planinganid vlanIn LCLASSIFIED ADVERTISING iHE AjMS TO -Maria Perdue, Rome, Ita4ç. Mý mcriching h ër si rIIN PODNER--Loading up for ('ther round ik wing the- internotiondi pigeon siýitijng meet in 1 a wcis onle of the Americcn represeitcatives ls with experts from al1 over the world. bulildýing il, but tOise fev asli wisi i! Il isa d lbeeroped ba J dellmostrated, Ibeyond il aig-a. ment, t1iia4IlBnitains toupiroilu tise EnsI, sud ber A lailIoone as wei, ,vert nx eendntupon fabiinlg nde ois trol <f nrivalI Tl'is e Ic ans cdltit weIc end, aftem b b ý Iouses of Plr!ii mlent isad ni i s'1e pniocetisi tise Kisedive was aaskiig Waýs $12,1000O iii casis. Wisat w-ls mlore, flise telegralli stateddesv, ly, lise Kliedive iad Io have liée moniey witis1in f,, bur.Tisere was înot evenlltimle t10 suumnomcm bers of Ptlaen, Votise ne essary caIsh 10 buy iesar. Disraeli. at that niomuen, sIiow'edj tlise iiistqualities 1 t statosann- sisip.On1bisown auiltboritylieh aunîmono a niomer oft ise great isnigfinail of Rotsscllsld, and old lise basnker tbii~tl-v tisa ivh wisised (10 oborrow $20000 Wisen fle 4lise aer learlaed wis',, le )Bnsalntly adivaasced tlise usOmïteY. lelegrai %vwas sent 10 Cairo -- aurd tise 177,000 shiriý;, of tise So Canal Cmay sagd bna te hecome tle properly of tisec Brillais Goverunsent. D[snaii, %wiseu hoe presented listje Bousge of coamol] witb tise new, gol notiing but e4)ngrzi!allio Tt wals a wlofferfull day lutis isitory of tis ic MJlis mpiro - as weIl as latise hisaory otf gyt wisen noanly haîf tise ~sajres 0f tise, Suez Canal Cmay'pass;etl ,2i,)i Bnitislisownorsh;ip.l lIt was good buines , 0,apai fromn any qulesîlop of Empire seculrily. uIne YI( eaj, alonie, lise dividend on tie $2Q.0 neî m ent bais Ioliled 450.0 taIx- free, Iadfise figuýre ! i alaYs rlsingl. L aesiit tisIImi sa1le iii have 1051 bis country îte btter part of two huudred million pounda be-fore lise Sue% Canal, by lise ïersa 0 f tise oriîginal coucession, reverts c0 lisesession flise Egyptian Gvrmn on Nov-embenI Tisnt's gamilbilg for you! Conscîence gets a lot of cred- it tisaIsisould really belong ta cold foot. Don't Get Too Hot and Bothered We have heard soi-e expres- sions of aunoyance amon~g tise O)lder Set over tise current leen- age rage, a yonng hillbilly en-- tertainer namied Elvis Presley. We were about 10 identify Mr. Presley more explicitly as a sing-er, but out of defereuce bo sensitive feelings we chose tise bass controversial noun. Elvis puts on a most active net onu TV, coutorting his face and body as tisoughin l great pain, wisom 'pîug tise daylights ioutýof his defeuseless guitar, and uttering unlutelligible sisrieks and groans. The latter manifes- talions, preserved on phono- grapis records, are selling like mad. 1 A good many parents seemn fearful for the future of Am- enican youtis if il can see moit in Mr. PresIey's aggravated as- sauits ounlise musical idiom. We would remï-id such worriers of tlieir own youtis, Don't they ne- eaul their parents tisreateuing to smash tise loud speaker of the battery radio if Rudy Val- lee mogapisoned tise Mairie Stein Song thmough il once again? Or frettiug over juven- ile appreciation for Cab Cal- bnway's scat lyrics? But somre- ~hnw tise youngsters of yester- dJay grew up to be thse sensible citizeus of todiay, and now- Rudys cooings and Cab's hi- de-hîs sound sort of pleasantly old fasisioued. Brace up, parents of '56. lu anotiser 20 years Elvis Presley really wonà't seem so bad, and your grnwn-np teen-agers will be bitirgg tise4 p ails over tise entertalumout 'sensation of '76. -(Portlarid) Ore.gonian, Fine Gifts For Conservation - Tislýe -19U6 Canadiari national -Sportsmen's Show recorded a net profil of $74.301 despite ln- 'clemneiit ,weather whiclh slightly- redluced attendance, Franks H. K-ortr-iglit, President, iuformed lise annual mneeting. Income from the sale of comi- miercial exiibil space' reached anl aIl-limieiigis of $113,277, tise financial statement indicated. Tise net income from tise pro- gram, concessions and lounge. cisalked np gains over tise pro- vinus year, as well, Duriug tise fiscal year Just ended tise Canadian National Sportsmen's Show made grauts tnlalling $64.000 te varions pro. jects and organizations in tise interest of conservation. Ani- otiser $100,000 is novw available for conservation duriug lise foî'thcoming year. Some of tise organizations and projeets.airded by funids fromn tise Sportsmien's Show during the pust 12 monlhs include tise follo(ving: Conservation Coun- cil of Ontario, ($15.000): Toron- to Auglers' sud HunIers' Asso- ciation, ($15,000) -1 Canadian Forestry Association of On- tario, ($4.600) ; Naskinorige Survey, ($3,381); MallýrÇ Dnck Bauding, ($1,156); Coolèbs Par.- adise Marsis, ($1,150); and'4In- sect Researchs, ($3,000). Mr. Kortrigisl reported that plans are well ýund(-rway for tise Sisow's teuIs auniversary which wilil Se observed in con- juniction with this big ouldoors anid sports extravaganza in Coliseumn, Marcis 15 10 23, 1957. Drive With Care - AGENTS WANtED 00G INTO BUSINESS for youraelf. Seli exclusive bnuseware producta a2nd applances waL'i y every lebouse- [solder, These Items are not sold in stores, There is rio conipetition. Profit, up to0 500%. Write Immedlately for freea color eatalog wltb retail prices showvn. Separate conhlidential vvhole, sle price list wll be Included. flirray Sales, 3M822 St. Lawrenýce, Monitreal. ARTICLES FOR SALE COLLIS CAMERA MAIL, Order Centre, For ail 7our Pht nd MOVie needa. Complete lreo l ame brands, Cameras, Pro- E cos ape Recordera end developi- g mo1aterlals. We speclalize l in di- vidual hand de-velopïng and printlng. FREF SUMIMER CAIALOGUE 428 St. Clir Avenue West, Toronlfo. 6*8V CHICKS DO you waânt T'op Quality cieka in à hurry? We have themn, ail popular breecds, the best for eggs, due, pur- pose -- good for both eggs and mieat, -and 2 speclal broiler breeds;. Our seven tuoat popular breeds Whlte Leg- horn. Whte Leghorn X REhode Island Red Rhode Island Red, C alifornia Grey X< White Leghorn), Rhode Island Red X< Light Susasex, Llght: Sussex X< Rthode Island Red, Rhode Island Red X tiarred Rock. For brollera lst genter- aýtion Irndian River Cross, Arbor Acres White Rocks. Catalogue. TWEDDLE CHICK HA,ýTCH4ERIES LI'D. FERGUS ONTARIO ASK for Dur c'omplete liat avallable. Elrolers - Mlxed chlcks - iet's have your order in advance. Prompt ship. ment on pallets, dayold, started, in- cludIng Leghorns and Ames In-Cros. Bray Matchery, 120 John MN., Hamilton. IIATCHING Lurkeys every week in th,, year, place youir orders well1 in ad- vance an, that you wlll receive your Extra Bread Breasted Bronze, Thomp son, Large Whites. A. O. Smith B-oad Whites. Beltaville Whltes, noni-sexed, hens, toms when you wiant themn. TWEDDLE CRIICK HATCHERIES LTD. F ERC;US -1ONTARIO BANKRUPT stock of new Massey-1ar. ris feed mnilis, hammer type, bail bear. ing, complete witb bopper, Regular price $185.00 10 clear $45. No C.O.D. Federal, 185 Kng St. E., Toronto. FARM IMPLEMEN4TS ~NEW and lised Threshè. Lowest prices In Ontario. Deliiered any- whee.rftei. EORGE SOtrT'H, Heath- FOR SALE GRENFELL Recreation Hall; B'Illards and Bowing. A real mnoney mýaker, no opposition ln town of 1,200. Exz. callent mnixed farming district. New building and equipmnent with living q uarters in conneecton; olso Barber Shop. A r eai opportunIty for one de, afiring~ a business of bis ownAp Gier, L. Neill, Grenfeli Saskatcbewan.y _TRY lI7 EVE-RY SUFFERER OF , *RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEUIRTII SHOULD 7RY DIXON'S REMEDY.. MUNRQ'S DRUG STORE 335 25Elgin, a frepod u POSr'S ECZEMA SALVE BANSH the torment of dry eczea ra1sheS and wý;eeping a kin troubles. Post's Eczemna Salve wifl tat dîsap. ,>oint you- [thi.ng scaiing and humn. rngecezema, fscne. iringwolr, ,Pimples and foot eczemawilrespond readlyv to0 the stainles9dorless ointrment re- gardieýsa f how stubborio or hopeleasý tliey seeni Sent Post Free cn Receipt ai Priýe. PRICE $2.50 PER JAR PO$T'S REMEDIES M65 qt Clair Avenue East. TORONTO %estrich cSwallowed 71 Diamonds Officiais ïat a Cicagi zoo were puzzled recenitly WhIen an iapparentiy healthy alligator died suddenly. They instructed \pathoiogist to fil-d out whly. He !eported that insi de tise ailigatr o had found fve mar- bles, two peach stonies, a bi- Scycle's reflector lens, a sýniall haïsd torch, a womnan's hair comis, a brooch, an air valve cap, eleven pieces o)f brol<en bottie and fifty stones. It was decided that the alligator had died of stomnacis trou 'ble. Zoo _reatures sometimres gob- bie up thse oddýst things. A fish at L-nidon Zoo during thse war kifled itseif by eating brokt- en glass af ter an air raid and in the stomnacis of an el)ectric eeli was found a large cou 0of wire. A-- post-mortem on a rattie- snite which was found dead omn omning showed that it had sw4illowed tbe, winding screw of sQIrebody'swrtwacs OPPORTUN9TIES FOR MEN ANDO WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER .iNCANAOA'S LEADINO SCItOOL Great Opportunity 'car", Hairreing Pieasant di'gitied profession, gond wages Thousanda of auccessful Miarvel fgraduatdes. Ajmerica's (3reatest Systeil Illlnstrated Catalog Frea Write or Cali MAVLHAIRIIPFSSIiNO SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W,, Toronto Branches 41 King St., Frimlton 72 Rideau St. Ottawva POPLAR POSTS OUTLAST MlETAL New~ proven method. n bluestone. $1 Reinichae. Box 22, Station C., Wii peg. rTRADE me your ocld worn and brokei jewelry for new 50 year Soiid Stain [cas Tabieware Sets. Free pattera Circular. Write J Mane 3370-N il Street, Miwaukee 16. WVis-onsln. DIG-NIFIEU, leisurely home work fos wonmea. Age an ohandicap. incomi commensurate w i t hi determinatiort Write Hans A. Hoffmann, 830 Gler Drive, Sani Leandro, Califomnia. START maklng perfumes, sel] houa. te bouse, nmail order and wholesale. 500%ý profit. 10 Formulas $1.00. Amierican Patent Central. B3ox 692 Vancouver, B.C. PATENTS FETHERSTONHAU-H !, CornMP 2anY, jPatent Attorneys. Established 1890. 300 Unlversity Ave. T'oronto Patenta alcountries. AN OFFER 10 everi inventor Liai ai Inve ntions inci full information s;ent Eree The Rtarniay ('o) Registered Pal. euit Attorn cys 2'73 Ba nk St. Ottawa. PERSONAL $1.09 TRIAL offer rPwenty fiv e delu, personai requirements. Lateat cata- logue lncluded. The ,Iredico Agvency. Box 22> Termlinai ""Toronto Ont. TEACHERS WANTED Mlaie Protestant Principal rWO ROOM school, Grades V-X firai cias certif leste atate age,. qualifica- dions. Salary minimum $2.700 Name nf iast Inspector. Female Protestant Junior rnom. Gradies 1.1V, first cias certificate, Salary minim-um $2,200. Name of Isat Inspector. State ae and quailfications. reacher Protestant For one-room acliool. Average 2q pus- pla. Grades 1-X. Salary minimum $2,300. Firat clasa cartifîcate, sýtate age, quaiS. fientions. name of iast Inspector. Salary adjustimeni according to ex. perience. Drilles commence Septembek 4. Appiy 10 F. Clhaddock Secretary T. S A. Muitrchison & Lyci. Mada, waska, Ontario, .SWINE I3RDER your Landrace bacon typq -swi1ne froa one ofthe larget ami :-Jiýest breeders in Caada. We thavq -ý,qnly top quality stock, moat of It ïn-m ' 'rtediCan ship lmmediately fuaan. l1edn-p 9 sows, weanling ariws and ,.ýbaïs, ail gu&raîiteed breeders. 101<1er. '~ F1ERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FARMX WFERGU$ CONTAR2IO Thse dif'ference between a farmer and a gentleman f armn- er ïs t1hat thse gentleman f arm- er admits ho hias a lot of money, ISSUE 26 - 198 N 4- N N s N N N 4-' '4 N N N N N N N '-4 N N N N N '4 N -4 N -4 "N -'4 '1 '1 N I N N * N N '-'4 N N 'N N '4 N N N N N --4 N -41 'I N N '44' 4' '4 '4 'N s -4' -4' N N N 4' '-4' N -4 N N N 4' N 'N N N N N N 'N '4' "4