V TMESTHURSDAY, lUNE 28, 1956 Second Cias Kr . A. Forrester NILPARK BEIN, E INDARINGTO-N ,t wetr na sent laid adDurham, I tidVitra spent akingin wI!~ oer to ilip of Darlingtonl. IB "uest b\:7 the-out Durhami and OntarîoC EEKLY TI ESTT 39VFuuerTIONAFi h on ed ay , Jiy la esrd Ghurch rom 5uncock INcr EENT FORSALE se~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~~~~~~~~Fhf MiPotOfeDeametOtaauilaiai reddaiioadi rbChrArvr SndyFrax Stra b-erry P ant1s, $15.L0 85e, childirelf4 tweive 4A. P next July t, Gue>t, peaker Rev.n a thousan;5i ror$00 e Publiher. R. C. Forreeter ____________lrE Cro ly itr, T-ooto. iivered. 1Phon-e hrono 158. -p Muic by eeC Yong' Mens G je strfian wsten nty road whichl crD)0F TIIANKS xMuliwihn tCe park aýrea. 'Mm.Johin Kolopatwa wishes to FN L I OO ex~~o for nreciatjon t er ICE17 Pigs, nian weekso.ATm eof <,o trees have iind(hemnyats of, 'nd- wmorth =roSs.1 !s ofon To dateh be overm >etr-~ee m.%n pantd olowing the nec ~s, ads andflocwent ber OooTnh il ecLdfo orne Toddi, one C rke 15-r-20. [y un- natura',l cotour of theLan11d. These Sp'ig er 'mtay in the omnle Strdue31oMda hua-tree aremadeup o Wh% ePbin, 'Holpitaq Aiso aie -mishe,ý to thank înorang, July .I be [L,,ed Oak, White Ash. European Larch the ,io s Club, Lioneres ai St th, and White £pice. The h"iýui.(ýtird< oms hhNw teOono M f SotWdlas4ftlegh rdr r pcda i otintervals set in Woodl P odurts and aff, Rebekahi 1 SofMIWood 4fi uîv'i, 'S i amMp,"' i ixfotHF Of0s nle cord $.0;Two ori more $2.O0 oud-rws placed eight feet aplart SO as te Lodge, o. --, JDr/]kKni. ~ ~ SN.1 LRE Ia a ii alowcultivation between thie r(ows sitat r.iiiato the nurses ljoun- rt ÈI Aoulv. 11ev homnd Profe8sional Director> A. F. MeKENZIE, MN.D. PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Houiie: 2:.00 to 4AO p.m.; 6:30 to 8:00 Pa& Sundays and Wednesdays by appointinent only PHONE 1471 - ORONO DR. R. J. TAGGÀART VETERINARY SURGEON Veterinary, medicines, hieoiais and instruments ethicAlIv ties, it \,Il extead eaýst to the iiie be- O-rm1egot. and _ spta. - A meet ng ofEets of School 1 e~~ diapenlsed. tweeni. DenGi'amadGlenSetn .1.Car ilbeei ________________ PHONE 10616 ORO )T T'iVel'ýs and Viilrua IsouLI th 1 e Aothr f orm of plantinr cil ed at he S oi oý .n t 'ei of July Preliminary onerations pare, eoarthi groupe.ALE lake froni the, CNR track-Is. lu1 PaningwiiApovie lea îth, t8.O m.r epurpose of FOR AL o hdd ceefor f anily picnic yTO cofssng d c aicgson accoin- Strawherries f ale/ A4ply o EA H> -iii rf, h-g-ip.lere, trees are piantel ml modatinn icesd ateria Bail. Phone 3- r-i , O ,a- present. coaine to the pianting of lup hvngf rtosxresn ilti-variety of trees, Under tho sup- Au p opc d approximateily fifteen (Teeo late for Iast week) drn'ts 9645 eio.yar BOARD 0F TRUSTEg Lawrence C. Mason, B.A. ervsin f te insa Zoe or~ty feet in damond fashion with each Miiss june G Ceacli celebrated herWAE Offce, urayDixon, mnea and clump about fifty feet apait. Differ- 101h birthdayo o ay uelt SS o 2 Cik ichnhl ated. Ypiy NorTh- Barrisek n oilo equlipmeî,it hvefoloweý d a stea;dy e nt specias such ajs the SuLgar Mapie,' amij about 14 guests attendýe her way esari'44npe Orono 34r BOMVIL NT program of plantied platiiig._ Austrian Pine, White Elýin andi :the -parity. Gaines were played and re- RECEPTION 13. ranser4tion ranON.Tb On th job irecton isunderEd. e h'vveý been pianted în this fieshnaints wr enjoyed to wIhich ail , an r. Jm Taby1_ _______________Pon : Youilnman, of Durhain andi Les ares, 'Dy hand. I e i ;did fhijstcerwnamil le sed recîve tir fic-A -68 om i 4 ),tpbeilOforthumnber-iand. A trip, IOFRfSiceNTMA_____5______Home___m'A_ tis ; pat :ekiround the 'perimneter t the iake shore front, rows o .EaSmt n r.f ieas t t ' h "rwve", DF.I1T NOW - 18 I of tise park area shows, a greaýt ipo,- ,ilwsv'ilI !be plantedi. Their mois- Mn-anNewaste, Stur , J y , fo---------------___________ tea!tiatl for the developmnent Orfa nat- tre absorbing ability aid strong, JpssýI ienreaine of Toioto were 3 p.n. a:7i9:3 p.m.'onth, O SL m'a rcratina aea I bthig ii" roo)ýt .%il aid i reta h I si n- 'hM-. -' M r *o ccso o h enlfftiwdda ont wAit until it is TOO LATE. anniversarea.iCa nd:tlet of tth) J RECAN, eacilities; pinygrouLndis; pien1ir itble's; cm in i soil 'rosion rilî grloynes Robilson îaLst weel Mrs. Trenmmne ib-lc l aow Ld e ne ows uuii Ithe quiet zones ý;of relaixation iîh an're'bi>tat Som1e futur ae iie oraw'kwt e ise.bsns e>'uFe aemte _____________________________________ r.- oino.and Sugg t;iens. S BITH Rmebe -NO Sale - No Ch-arge Barrister, Notai-y Public T o p n an iA rh ur ý- w ere M r an iI A LO r aaLMr / Ro s C.S N I 33 Te miperance 'St., Bow m a avi% l 'r<nWilPte o akorh n ay lto a<lu',aoUnce the RATRPhone MA 3-3292 and M r . K a B eac w e n d J u d ~ rri ai th ir s o nl R ô g e D a le , o n ' Cl o e -9 6 9 S ii i o e S t. N e h - K I R B'iTi3 R.oldel n..De b h:i H te1lr )'Phonle cùffiet RA 5-635,After hours O~~~~ole- Mr. Ms.Gerg Oha____M!1_____î_ ter Ms . . Se at tero ed daan 2Octheb. itero, A Co es hildiscfhh cmmniyfoiDrov adiSh er ap^;i)TO T utrzi y ndV+1ao otobere 17A74d;'or r et o I n~~~~DJh Aheemie ot fMiiad orWd N-e t, ul ilsi Cery p-asaT Eda. A guid showe' NY, ~ three1aundediyS od.thsu-JAS laeoteViagofnmoyhee-nfirst dayrctyaddte u pa aro idSt. ani Fot' N THESTTE F FRNGI Stnt ar oun buines. YU CflSIIL ue or eCI l'tIflt 1 ruadig gounds ar beng pepaedi r n in Couty f Duham ownb s.Sel'dai/ ncesstd, Dr.tE3 C ,osCey f i Caesae, avnId, Jnavnde ~G et- eahe FF1ASC1 oSoo~~~ tthrFse nFia-»ih. jdye rl15,aehrb ttAiami a rre iv us-e f mnyO fiedi su- tom 1 Ad tiof th ne,~gd ~pôut,~'et e~RAcine and ate,,% ncuors teir Soictofo orb -raion C . onteIai. ý% Il ~~~AI! e adianes iIlan/fuhlart il-..o,ïýptý-oiSain ~~~~ ) TR NT a,-,them dul v f teriib ttuoyd-dipsi e one cil e et obn CmmnÏt. wt'hm oO Imm di ed after ot iiIth da g f AIy 1956,thearetso he s ai GRNi YOiTNG IMTre Moton at Oono fart. dAceasedi wiill-s4ribut Jd arnon A il ~w i~AL regrdoD tetà dRm'- wic OtheLExc tos rtis nerinducs W t y LxF, ecUSosiýcitutor hvenfoice. Statin CNSURANCEre oreat'hé O d ti J l4 Atheay o taPlne;eir ad ha 'June 1 5aiPdtand ,full Rvium Diu.. d ti .~Virer y - Smae sizes ... 7.5eand 89ie C rUft -fIIs8ê Playtex, Adultsize...... 11 75C s12e FRE £ .Howand, large ........19 Îit Il'4ïtïàgqu-praof ear drum proteetors. o Crenie Shauapoo Pair. ............ 25)c Aqlua-pro)of nosýe llps, each.... 6 9 En/o y Th;-->Sung Witôutthe Burn ~ NoemaCreni 29c 65, 9c Iudnut ADurarry 1 Large ecoxfomy size, 14 oz. $1.69 gNoxem-a Sun Tan 0-11 - 39e, 75e Caro t'S12 ~ Noxem u Tan Loion - $1.00 Ç ROZE-TAN L tc t'ce sizeg -Prwnotes a snjooth even tan M ohFr$ 2 --Stays oneveu ftrswiming <Large Size... $.O______________ Jaekmnan Foerforr I ~DugSoeOronor Ont.g jrî Phonre168-g ever occs.o- s rug t[ JOSEPHI KARL HALL Bo~sp4ili<ntP.O. B., 71 ALIN THALL, :Orono, Ont., RO for tise Executors SUBI11 An àther rI ) You 't pro iet yoI self ,ragina su h ds. .but yout eu uraans it 3 P . .156 ~ ~ Y s.1252 j3Budilg A H âe? 02-r nDýg yaur penenit On gFIloyd mcholson gj Phôrne 11416 Orono g Fun s and' septic jTank,n Doors / ONTARIO ut7thof (United urch IIf you eIJh your DE4 FARM .TOCK re evoid the ext-t wey rthei, eau l s colleet Bw an le 267P We so bu-, y hoRe5. MAgGWILL, UR FARM TRN*ONTARIO Oràiio Electrîe FARM and HOUISE APPLIANCE SALES Prompt and. Guarnuiteed Repaire oail nIakes or ElectricaiI Equiipmený and Applianteà A as "Intors Water HeÉtom AND SEAVESTROUGHINGI CALL Uzz FOR, ESTIMTES JIARRY E. LYCIETT j Phoie4 r 12 0 RONO - ONT. "4 /1 j~ ~ ~ -ýà chltr. atiAuI. Motg [~ur.e. PAdyU. F. E, LYCETT 01*51, (,IIt. * ?'in. ifliS STAFFORD) BR08 Monumental Works ~phone itb752 318 Dunda.St.EWib FINE UAT IMOINUMENTSAN MARKEES It'e not expenisiveto- Lot ms erect a handelme, dit. Wdied monumnent over thé eg*-é. lng place of your Ioved o.e. It'e flot expei-ivre. And uedug thia last tribute wil gir. yen endiesg comfort. The RU¶TER GP ANU COMPAi Phone Turner 5 ' PO. Box 6Z.. Port Hope, Ontar-ie Monuments, Gravemarker% Engraving, Goldleafing "Buy d irezt and save c n m 4 o' Àýopertfea S8K ,Rented msanaged and Appraiffle L. M. ALLISOJ-N It..l atal. Brok&oe Pion f251 -* Newcetk 0" Tu' o ees nrti -f traffig J %Umm -" -i -- --ll,ý- - - 9