WE 4IST "Dear Anne Rirst: A cui o!) mine, 9.5, shares my apart- met w re goad fiend, anid she hlas -a nice job, toe. She bas had several dates lately with inent, but neyer toak anybody Seriously until a few tmanths age. This an-e she feul for i the traditianai ton-af-brick style... "When, they'd dated about a xnonth, she learl?' ed he was mar- ried. He hasn't seen his wife for two yaars, ha tald her, and is getting a divorce. He taNd her il about his people, bis busi- ness, and Nïs friends, whomn he wants her te meet. But should't lie have told her ail thïs when thay first mert? "Shewot listen t,3adantbing I say. She says this is the first mian she's ever laved, ana shep is sure he loves her. Dan't youi think she should stop seeing hlmi? I arn safond af lier I don't want ta see heri hurt, and she surely would b a vuiner- able victim 1if he's not on the uip-and-uLp. Please tai]t me how, ta handie ber. WORRIE-D GIRbL." 1 Ihave heard et lawyers who *told their feminine clients it Swauld hae "àll right" ta have *dates -with a man before h-is *divorce becamre final. Par- *haps this man's attarney holds *the saine opiioni; sinca he * as met the an's wifa, he * shauld bc able ta advisa hlmr <<wisely. *It :s, a!. course, safest flot *ta date a man whasa wife la *stil bis legal mate. Awa- *an who bas nat sean ber bus- *band for two ycr ay not abject ta beiag divorced, O-n 4the aiher hand, samne wivas *have turneddo--tem - *ger at t.he first bint o! an- *other girl bing involved, and »caatast the action unrpleasant- *From ail you tellinme o! thîs 4mani your cousin, loves, lie 4seains an honorable personal 4' raund. Thare seemed no >1 need ta tall han of bis being *maried until ha found they 4cared for, each other; I do not Stork-Time Style Fashliin "mi'> ft"or fthc ma-tii- tob!This grucetufl top is a wch'ruly c o a 1, lecamuiag style for summer. Naval neck- line, pockets - ta tim '«ith guy eýnoidary! Pattera 723: Mntcmnity Misses' Sires 10-12; 1j4-16 ildeILdý. Paf- tenui, tranisfer, irections. SenA W FIECENTS stamrpa cannot b 'ccepted, use postal note for a for fIls pattera ta Laura cheler, 123 igh-,teanfb iStL, Newi Toronto, Ont. Pinit plainly PATTERN NUMBER, yaun NAIME anAd AD- -DRESS Our ifi ta yau--twaýviande- fui1 patteras fan- yonrself, yout home - prntad la aur banna Whaeler ,Ncedlacra!t book for r- 1956! Dozans o!,ailier new de- signs ta u>rder - crochet,kit ting, embraidary, iron-ons, novai- îles, SeitA 25 cents for your copy o! this book NOW - vith tift paterals pinted lu if! *excuse hlmr, but I couldun *derstand it. Ris connections, 4frankly dascnibed, racQmmenld Ji ilm. la the circumnstancas, *isn't iJt bast toanccapt hin' as 4he appears ta be, and 1- the *future take care a! itself? *It la not0 likely you would c< et far in n rguing with your *cousin. A vioman la love (as- *pecially for ithe firat tima>e, 4wili not tlerate criticism o! 4the mani, an-d closes ber mind *ta any daubta abouit hlm, You- * iii not flad furthar argument *welcomed, l'mi afraid. 4<Since yau have explained 4how youi feel about it, I su-g- *gest yau relax, latting lier 4kna-w agnin that you trust her *and- are standing by. 'Dear Anne Hint: About tis time at ycnr, i wrote you of my wvanknaas. Tliaugh I loved rny husband, I almoat went overboard for another mani and I vas 50 contused I didu,'t know whena y heurt vias. 1I wrote ta yau, and this la a tardy ack- naWledgmi-ent o! yanr under- standing caunisai "Thank goodui-ess, my hnsbnnd neyer knaw., But my seuse ot glîlt persiatad, and for the past yaar I have djev.oted mysaîf ta hlm lan new ways I foun-d ta maka hi1lm happy. 'Thati, bas brougît me tha reward you as- surad %woul;d camae, a.nd bais giv- an oari-imaringe new nmean- ing. BMess you for your belpi. ANONYMýOUS." I I hare witb y,,ou the bappi- nesa yau bave todny, and appre-. diata yonr telling me of it. The caunsel I offlered was naot easy ta fallavi, buit yau had !aitb and couirage, ud nov yau have 'fonnd fhe pence vou bast for n little vhie ft la nlot Wisuually ta lu- tartare btena wolnan friand sud the man aSha loves. Oncpe you give -yoýur opinion, relax sud 1-t bar go har way. Whan you are parturbadl,wieAne Ilirst kabout ýit, andha erti You wiii ha-va her hastjug ment. Adeaher t Box 1l 123 Egtat St., New Toron- ta, Onit. Are Most Animais 4Are niait anmis ca )Illur blin-i, 'r Pind o ýta rtin c,)olours? Ta tiu th anvertaI is quesý,tion, citists tîlan ta caadct a seriesý atbrf es.epeienslu tli-' Un1ited Stte iis somlmer. It l iray iva tînt1:0 fcw dags haveon sease a! calaur. Hans dags savi fi prefe'rence for a redo captor mgn ver, abine or vn colaurs au hsow\fi pntinity'or brigîit bnci-. tlly lvic smecolauirs a epi Aýtithe fnivirsityatWicaoif cy, ta Oud ou iif Pc cauid sarmon Carry I)lad ta laoo utaks-aI ment a!fredad 1inefiurpt glas sbrus. skens f iool, Th'Iealihe laýd ta îy ta euat l bluestvbcngivena ctue lu 11wforai Once le'«sgie ile praperuL (I oufblet ta reds iandrd front ife.D.Wisei lati ta get 1îeWm ta resan talliespiu wrd rd" r Nu"Pu iCry fileud utste. xAlokher cellfpaedb A ingeln test thaf tilnsary aati~ viietindio sd binle. [n IN HARMONY AGAIN- The Ardrews Sisters (frçm lait) Pat Lavýer<fle and Mctoxine, are bock togethar aàain citer a long and bitter saparation. Sa» Lqverne "Our public rafusad ta let us dfay apart." On their scheduLe n tripla barraleci comebqck - nig$t clubs, a TV series csnd ai film biogcaphy in which they'll blend their singing voices for the three "big ncîme", filin stars who'Il impersonote them on the~ scraen NoirI ,cn ii nla an a seqne -the substane a ( hililis afi '«aryiag u isforlite nrliie. Pl tact hý is Dvid ;, lasabaIby rtr Sa, naow yen canudrtadM DaA bsbe b ere IU(-ou an( c- leaed iai il by I Hict is marier '«asnunythllnjebt %,,MI se '«e 11 tbaubt ic Mbes! Ia>' tagive ier n ppnmnii for au, - needed ra rsf aeDrt lare. The baby, EirdCl" '«as boru 50a.mIý. iuy '23. an viceigliud S Iis. 3 s1d oanc lait os. EFxcpf ft ie bvis tller le!ioInsa very nnciIls-e lis big brotberO cours0e ,Uveiyone stays "Wr-laI shlut i 'nî il. c1nl if ivold have bPecu nILdisuppairt- meul t lii prets f e lnAPen aoerboy ns Ic theuglit 1wMt b)oys viallic sud cntpuy ot eabottie'r Inter ou. AS fer, aur cbie-bay Or gil, If4in anc «aswe-ili aA enutSa tan ev'erythius sectis ïfa l ial igîtt Afngettins- tlcgoad ne-s y n vxowary ia findiaig somne '«a>' ta soec fic nevi arrivi. ,To elp Imue ouf a y")Inlg Ineigîibour w'«iSi suli dh1idren a!f lier ovin caime ta rite r'escuie âanAofatted ta s-cep DaviA for :a feir our, 'bic! iitimenai I cou id sodim a tO c tble rec tri'n anAbc] on tic seven - amid «tl imclisetlu ta losec l)auigbfter Aunas-i visit ins- louns.1Bt mciialmîtî desented imc. The 1Inin iraýs na au bouc Ilafe.I!wasquariter ta ti e cf ( Igartao'fllspital. As youn jprjobulbly s-nov mail prNate putlinisailanbavevisitlon afinuosi any fie. [ tf uat mater- '«us al f leb anA)(1blaod persan '«vil synîpufl('itie uuderstnnIfding a n A t lii tats-Oerfor 1ha1f- au- boum. i aippreciatedIîle cocesin an cumteaîuyquite stafc.Aad( Dau-entiasiv Ilinacd '«Rhew1 but yet.lu bntîrce '«tlianys tanin- ens a rounîd le're lv ungdt s-ct aLlie sedis-donce. Arias orsfrotu da;ni a al G - amid rîle sîvanrp )fr-ogsar inin ticed il 100. iflsem ti-earecam ilas:Lalnation t reietof. o dayan Tasda;'e rndan ear aboutsvP oos pIince aver flie iast '«cci eA.Weduclsday, Tbuma-. day ýanAdlriny ians are nnde;-, w-ny fanr icir v eci-endî l ,ad. Wc tenfoecssarc based aýu Ibe asiliiiicso!fin tor saluefor pictisure secs-en ram PoIlriAs>' ta Li i;dayv niglîl. Yau milame lrdil quite oati iu-'An non Exceptn anurmbrondcsa '«eZhea very' Utile bout ilif a mhappen- Ing u th fans beausea!tîe ai's finle dniag Itha day and for îl ec--eAnfbat's ailtamat- taraTheaflen day oaen ww3cater giving te 'pol's" slA11: "AAý tbe '«enlhe', -.- mostly fine but 'iilita Iýpoasilility ofa! iavy ho- ara, Hoever fIeamanAUi le ua, ulh t o l abeula't blifoù liad," Wegat tînt aiglitnafin al righf - enlouiglita 11ld1p Saadfing iagainâ but tfIa Asyiiglktouôrs avr liight »ud ananuiy as pradletad se 1 Lmn- aluae eve-ryoae except the amr '«as sa1tiafled, AnA .uaw htCS Manda>' erniag uginansd îl lue iluïsraaigely bore ud toolk David baicl-'iI gainlg a miss ttclittflello und nlow Grýnndpa voi't bave :nayoi1e ta lp bu Ill1fis ýIlle f cuces ! Iculd bue lIai ive "sba11gel a . 11110, 1 '«vont doue but ire didnf'l mjn Ic tin ofic'xors- silde _a bit jlusî1 sa lon!g iasý'e,'vere abilerota bas-ater' Durepraply.Wiliicb uiltet1l legienouigî fresh air andcx- csthleating anA leeping '«asfi fin ne o r iI] în11a11 l . l Yctra itttornoon I gaia rie lu te Taranlte - n in ranid- pa talo boitlifter PDave unlil JIoy ule is nmatber. Wlien wev'«eut dovn a l i trscry %vie bok'd cuair.There '«as anc pa1, iir "et anm on m ceca-uedmite, Al of 1cm i llad sncb t1 iny a lami an egs there sente tile utare iîban aSktu fa caver tbq bancis. l seemucd( iwý . credi 11eibl l il b; ilyMli grenIr ercdî oe f iiase ti1 tu (e u tboanfytilI evenuailir' granvi ta normal inifanit mini.ý anA perbuin lude line be las h1euýlthy and stro)g 5us fluic alter babies [fiat viere tuil lun Iae ta malderumdia sinc.Wla cac o!suir vi;1al w onu1Adflse babes utelamd fitty yeairs ajgai Pcrbu s l a agaad igta sc'e premturebabe casianlally. Per. la:pa t v arclacilnd ftasenn mu lyailîfle 100 muci'orgra-nt- cdtgettîsltuata niw lite aud a perecty trmd body laatil1 Wed ThreenimeS To SamieBride ILa anc ýf flchecas ulurba of rÈlin,lafil ic hiomie o! ltheir dreamis - blltzed sud th:1ea rebullt amoag ithe ruble1 - lir-e au ld ýoulple vdbo ereonce tete'd every- vibee aronnd the vriA, F'ritz Kreisler,5 the famiied vialiai- 1sfi ov la b is eigbtiy-scecaud year. But ut lis aide fliere is sf111 fIe frauk-eyed xv a man '«ha used ta vaýjtdihlmucamdb,. quceus ind klnogs nAsa Threlamy An-i- ing !" Darîy sund Joan,indeedl ",1u1île aofmu! Ite,," say,,s Kreisler, "va, stand strouiger flan erer, aniifed tbirougb amaiashpanA A(Ieepuil- derstaaidiaig, gratefuil for the h1ap- py pasf, enijay-iag île ptreseuf ,. Bu1t tnrn bnc-ýIltlecdock t)a the, daiys vien ritz Kreisler, sim aî-ad 1-lid:ime fla bis twctistrade fIs d (eck af ian Atîstie ic~ ea bnlity buter a amoaig the ns r maiy have mnrkedim davin as tfii luviýfu1l prey asud per1hapa vierecon ýshiing Loybe-il ta angle for a meet ing. Tbey lîte suspected thay vere tratcîig a crIiaisluthelte o! al geains,,. Kraislen seemoed pre-accul- pied us if bat laa viand a! mu- sic lBt e eality levas thili- iag aboaut a bat. latle liMfe hgbendashery shop au board Le lad seaui a blue ieraI.-e lis-e caP. Parbapa, if was as suit- allafor aovioman ias for a mn but an Ran ocean voya-ge oone lad ta dfatnttha wi!nd. Hae turued tata fbe shop aknA tIers, if was - a blue cap, una11btrusira <suld yet fIeinstxrment a!fdestlay'. "li aeif witlt me!"Kase annaunmced. "Haow muaI la ifM" '10h, dPean," sait a raica behinç) lm. "LThîlt's fIe -rr eap I want- etdI Krelaler f urned and saw'r tha mont cuptlvatiag gile h, ladever eno Iea alis i",tie. TotfIls tiy lie evea remembers the castame abe 1er once said: 'Success la epheifi- wd fs erialg - ia, net ite nfr tlie colouir af ivine. Harriet Lies loaked at blerril witb lAmericcaaPýndour andpule met lre t li er ceyes. Wer ,a he sea is facebeoe "feu adpleas'e taete cai!-"lbe begged ber. lgbied. 1HP bad corne ta Iba'co4- cluision tt a uaay case it was wornial's lbat anl wuI( ldbve looki- ed abjjsujrd jon lmîl. Harriet accepted ila thle end. Sbe le! t lm, expýIress- iaýg Iber b Ilksland laddiug a very deofialite Goad day!mAnd reisler strliled jbck aonîg fthcdec'k ta iMe jonafrienjd witb is lbearlt iOed "Ive lut et my %ife"e d e- "But 1,u'e nat mrre, ite fredrefrorted,icrdls.v "No, buI. 'm gaiing to b'~ Kre>(isler r lea lizedCI tbat lie (did ncoï even kIuow ber lanmle. Bt a batulgirl titli a litie bllo c ca ona iner la the nîiddle Of thie acen tvolnot l5e like IoKing for Nnd e saw ber Otateveing. Next mrigtbe cap wspcrkuly Thy ecl heir tfirSt Imeeting attier ail toeyas lent 0aing the sbLop Harie. f0, adgone la tlo alaew t nunknow o1 mua. Ad tyhue Kreiilad be(In desperatly seurc iîle slip foi sautone vba ould jeffectanu luIra ductian.sOc bad een doing lia Tjree's ometilu lie air, an a tuaatauicvoya1ge. KErieisi and arrit iere y fa mensMie any ouple ta stare at the mloon. ta îisteu taIle) al i aoft te sî and imaginle tIt te bad iintenide tbm forencb otbe.Deatl tbley aaa'moue lieregaeet despýqite frlicnds Nwbo tbalgfIaI shliploard eggmnswcemd ta w Pc braken tinton so re - xvli(Harriet tiretal(ir parell, ntsl ak marred u NviYorki Cîty. Th'Ieir hbancymoan v; sins ianthor Hiib the rranigemuentis ata tour flatte 1violli[ist ladt nertuke la ugland.icld tIený, just fortî. lu Lanldau! N;onraý,,si !lic oly ermof 3u194Pi7, întbley were lbath as seveny, Keîslr ad biswièsa t'd terlonig years <flapns Concert t. ours aidtbey stic- thleir uric lite in Eaglaad la two roams a ver 'la tshop i ad cnhleadf. Tlsýwaýs onle a! thte--wý plaesviheteKreisler ftaundilie cald cpractise nndistur-bed. And vible tcsaunds af bisdl il- termHajrniet stinacorner qnietlylaring Germlan. Mariag Saimproved Kreisler'a musîc j qtaf is coner(t tees began ta ic.CnpeMith HUarrlet's keen business instinc(t thler'e came ta craigprasperity anld a mare Io. uunosPortland Place, ïla the heart ro! Landon1, adyeag a bouse laterdeofsd Yet reisera areer vins ana tbig lad bis ma-r-iage anather. Harriet atayed la the lback;graundý, ýso conàsist etly thatjf the Quaca lavited Rreisler lta tea ilaviaýret11htlt lie fihla avite. And EKreisier liad the temalrity ta dacline, saiylag thlat leie lreaidy lad an enlgagement PI-ývifli Mrs.Keier -Needfless ta say, anl in)stant note tram.nckighamPalace puting straltb y sa liat fRerMaet lad nat been mureoa! thapres eclaLondon o! Mrs.Krsl: the invitajtion l vins, ot course, for Harviet bals oatte dcard: lire for nabaPdy buit Fiz!Kcs jeral but loveidSIevelstig estiuy decrteetat is cupl slýiaud av n cuîre. tth lwee sioonlibegn Harlet's l re,inatrkabl motbering at maay ebuidren. aVi nna Beliald irerK-i tasnaof orpba14 -aebIdfren owe thieirhapes ta thle vioAlnisilanud bis wife. Thie tees earnked by por- ing ont mlad(ly were pourcdeut i le thecildrea's care. n l recent years, Kreisler sold bis library af rare books la arder ta give $]100,000 ta a cb!ildreu'u basîital. One e n bIe camne honte train a concert br was scnarcelyý roam ta moav e, for Harriet hit bougbIt 2,000 p air s a! children's A ftew years gaagrtbn quet 1held ta onaur ilýKreisler lu bis aid age, tbe violiniat s Wîe a ia bundreda a gest sd clled Bar3- riet bis "Na. îj blesng.'" Unlexpeet- edly lHarriet wascalled upon te puy Igibute italber Fritz - anlu i t es coked with emation s1 qnated thie ,sang tram "S outj it ITBmin love, 'ml!îuillove, lVinu love, I'm lu lave, IVM inlovewiibl à wonderful guy 1" ,Sew-Sim pie! ' SIZES Just TWO imain pattera parU pluls f acings --whlat couflA bu ensiar ta sew! We kuaw this cool summa-i-rr rass juat couldu' ha mrore flattencing -- thoni shieath.-alim Unes 'arapu-rs magie for yaûur figýure-. Tha boni neckiiaa la big f ashian newsI thia saason t0o! Pattera 4609: MV'isses' SizeSl¶0 12, 14, 16, 18. Sire 16 talce yards 39jînch-f abnic. Tihis pattera aaay ta use,> Shn- pie ta sevi, la tested for fit.H camipleta illjustratad instructld9 Send THI1ITY-FIVE CENTà (34 stamps cannot be acýcep- tcd., use postal notaý for- safetyj- f or this pattern. Prnt plainly SIZE, NAMIE, ATIDRESS, STYlA NUMBER. SenA ordar ta Anne Adami_ 123 Eighteantb St., Nýevi Tonc- auto. CAMEO - Study in lîkenessa is mode by Queen Elizabeth 1l, I and Princeas Margaret, claid for rainy weather ln Stockbei during the Royal Farnlily'a tats ývisiitotaSweden. r' r r 's r' r r r r r r r' r- r r r r r' r r t» r r r r r r r r r' r t- r r r' r r