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Orono Weekly Times, 5 Jul 1956, p. 7

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Tok First 1 Froun The A A centurY ugo a man wus fly-j Ing over Paris tnking photo- graphs from tire air tirai coni aot be beiiered to-day! Ile was tire funtastic French- man, Fol ix Tournachon, a jack- fg-all-trudes who succeoetiin mdoxen brands of business anti exîdureti airuntireti atveutures by landi andi air. Borui in Lyons h% 139-0, ire founti fume and for- tune untier iis nick-nam-e o! Nadar. Loaviug scirool to becomne a medical sindent, but tnot haviug a private incomne to pay for iis bed, board and books, Felix found a spare-time job as a neis.spuper writer aitirhe age o! Sïxteon.* Quaifying as a doctir lu Lyons aýnti Paris, he gave up imedicine to tumu painter andi caricaturist. Ho. took on anotier job us secretary to a îiember o! the Frenchr Parliamnent. But ibis %vas too dull for live-wire Felix, Tal, robust anti resolute, hoe inarcheti with cocksure confiti ence întb a Paria newspapor of- lice anti promptly lanieti hm- sel'! an editorial post on thre per- e-uasiveness o! hie tongue. With Ilively zest Nadar, as ire now called irim-self, wrote ur- sicles wiich were avidly reanci In tris spare timne he tiew car- toonis o! continental notables, etched wiiir sucir aciti wiitirait they were t once atirired anti fenreti. le wroie a short book, "La Mort rde Dupuytren," ihat wus publisheti ail over France andi trausiaieti, it was saiti,ie every foreign language. No few- or than 600 etiuions were pub.- lislied. 1Nadiar rigirihave stile i into authorsirip us his major profes- sion; but the Rovolution o! 1848 broke oui anti ie turneti free- lance figiter on the boulevard barricades. Civil wur was wiespread ial over tire Continent. Typicnlly. Nadiar matie himacî-f iti man out by sirowing sympathy for the Polos. Ble iried ho Join thre Polisir Legiori. Arrestid, he escapoti, only te Le aresieti ugaîn in Germiany-ý anti imprisoneti for montra lu. a Germnari juil, Releaseti ai lasi, lie returneti to Franco as a po- litical journalisi determiineti to de! et tire eleciion o! Prince Louis Nupoleon as presitieut. But Nupoleon got in. So Nati- ar got oui, "Politics -- j ournulisrn- pooh !" eriedth ie irrepressble Nadar. "Tll do somneihing di!- fore-nt!" Unexpoctid as evor, ho open- od a pirotographic studio wiii bimself as cameraman. Ris wit anti artistry matie h tirhe fashion- able endezvous o! Paris. Ris inventive skill, banisheti tirhe tetihous long exposure metioti wirhen he introducoti to tire worlti tire instant flash pirotogruphy by eloctnic ligit. More startling stilîl, N\aduar took camnera ant i ights deep iu- to the Paris catacomnba to pr-. duce tire mositimramatie photos ever soon o! that ecrie untir- world of tire deati. Thon tire art o! baliloaning ai- tracteti iis attention. "But ;ero- iiauts do notiig excepi flont wthere tire wind inkos thernl," kire complaineti, To show whai irie coulti do, Nadar booketi a bal- loon anti saileti over Paris ai 1,600 foot, leaning perilously Photos jfroin the filbs t fo take tire world'srst air' Peogaps Just a century ago. Il],ahie - made thirty igirts taking photograDhs, then pub.- Ê,Ijshedthemin lui4 album explain- rng et thre se-'ie time tint neriai photography woti4,Id be valuable for military strtey, civil town planning andi m -making-for ail o! whirh ;ý isitandard tech- niue too(day, Bu1t even whileile madie prue- tirai use of henl Nadrr attack- ed thiose who belleved that bal- boons 'coulti onquor tire air, 50 yoars bofore ,e(,rne re de- clared: 'Ther--m-st re orngine powo,-r - and Iîavior-than.-air maulhiiqs! The $niore pow ilu1 the upparatris, î1elatively tie lighter h it 1 llbe. Tirefoi-ce of a 2-horse-pcower erngine weighàs lessthtan two forces o! one ~horse-powo,,r eah. To show tfitslue' coùld not aid sheering, Nadar ordered tire wori'sbiggest, balloon. A gas.- býag 210,000 eubieç feet in 75,000 square fe of silk, withi a wick- er gondola' bui4;lie atwo-. sfoey hoUseC.4 Nameti"Tr Gia-nt," it cosi afortune of 200,- 000 francs. Kujving tire public wouid not subs ribo, Nadar set to anti-erned it hir-saît iry ex.- hibiting ad solg iis mosi ont- standing phbo apirs. His firsi as6. t on Octoer, 4th, 18683,tede 'our hours later, 4Uýthe gas valve hati ben left open! Was i becàuse Nadar de- ledi superstition . by having thirtei aboarti? Two w;eeks lator, wvtJ his wiie nîno pas- songera andi Eugeu& Ar-nold, tire firsi air reporter, ire set off Rain, wvith 200,00~0 Parîsians payiug to wave farewell, Arn- on'g uhern wns Napo 'lou iil, whomn Nadar hated. _' Danger tirreateneti wien The Giant bogan to fall towards the storrny Northr Son. -Landi be- foie it is too laie!" yelled the frantie passengets Insteati, Na- dar stoppeti thenrfrom- reaching the gas valve by' braudishiug a loaded revolver., Luckily sea widda blew tirem jinlani. ,hey dri! teti over Bel- ium nu dHoll and, began to des- cend inn --Gezrmia iy when the wiud rose tofortv-fivo miles an hour. Ram sla ed down.Tire Gianu was fluug up like a lent to 12000 feet, then hurleti down in a vhiriwind. Rattled likei dico in thre gondola, noue coulti thiuk or act. Tiren two cords snapped... l Now it was impDossibl1t rench - thne valve to deflate tire gnsbag. Helplessly thre wirole ig <,ptýhd oarthwartis anti crashied violently. Tirree people were flung ýIt, Up leapi Tire Giant. Tien- crasheti again, bouucing for haîf an hour in mnoustrous thiriy-foot loups ne-. ross twonty mnies of town and Country. NadarS suf ered a broken leg. Ris~ injured iwife was lu bed for monýiI--s. Otlers, receiviug brok- ocn arma, 5prains, cut, contu- sions and nervbus breakdownsý,m sencthtie bill for damnages soar- iug~ to 125,000 francs. Nadiar paiti, thon de6,ared, importurb.- ably: "I was rjght. Balloonis are nio gooti ni aIL. Ishah f ounidanu 1 ntimnational Society forL En- couragemenit fr the Stuiy o! Aviation or Aerial Locomotion by Menus eof Apparatus Rlenvier Than tire Air!" IISSQN LEARNED TOO' LATE - The branid-new Mercury, hod jus? been equipped with safety belIts, but the five who wero riding iit that morning did't bother ta use khem, Mot untIl the car struck a utllity pole, above, did themy reaize their mistake, One wvae killed, the other four seriousIy injured. SHE'"LL TRQIK FOR SOUL,î - Thu Iugger Enterpr-ise makes port in the Church of Saint Nicholas. Hastinigs, England, which has .been used for years as a museum of the town's 1,0O-yeur-old fHshing industry. Deck of the Enterprise will become a pulpit wvhen the church building, dedicated to the patron saint of fisIhermen, agoin becomes ai place of Norship this summer. He did found tilt socîety andi publisheti frihrigi book vwhose trausin g- titleis "Tire R igi ta oFly. merug mon ut- tacieti to iris nagioiiec vitalitY' wvasjules verne, who immar- talizeti Nadar bY using mlm as "Mich~ael Ardo',nt "- fltionni beo o! the, Vefne balloon books. Naýdar iveti u iii 1910-to tee tire Wri <htB ýthora fulfil iis belief in lriannrma- chines aiir is caunirymanuBle- riot f ly tire Channel,. t jsil- fying iris asionishing Society of Encoaragemnt'. You Can G'et BWood From aStone A tdire fýilll)mns omn aftp tlireatre aI Aie's ila soutireral Faca bearded 0lia ovcd f rofi atoire to atone, suyigenlir tirrougi) a mnlgulifyinig glass. OUcca1- sioniallylire pausedto mlutter sud gesticulate. Fiuially animl îa tounrist naketlilm lwiat ire was ani a cirenîisi,"lire sasti. "Trstonies are sc.Tieyha' apUlguk Tire Ahllrgkau humietinwa1y. "'A lua iie decideti. Tire Pasteur Iistitute a!Pais irOwovom, rsuwiv otiing lunatic il, t i e r e p o r t w i- i c i t i r c e n i t s e n t, tiensoon fera Da.Tie d0011 motcontaineti evidenice thitin mytelos aiady la preylng ,on anti arcit(ectural gloriesspadn lk imm n km iseuise. Sriu obsevatins areaidy iald been mlatie ai tire Citliedmal ! ,Notre Dainse, wirere neNv mantj(iJ Ieaiy atones,, usset ta replaýe afhic(ted oesmlutir tur d bece fflce AovrFrance, cIlemlists,, geolo0- gista antibod ot aebe tever!slily tryisgrouavrrt t i WC Besides Notre Dailse anitire nus, pehitireatre ut: Aies tire fumions cuedaso!r ieims, Aiiesîs anti Chn reire caeuco!ftire Lire Valley,Irle plce.!)f sulo ni iiruadmeda ut leýst wel kuio-xV y reciMnstenosare ItirentIed te le1wients, 1autumn-lly becoînea womn i emudti.Put inorial atonâe deuysc( cet xîZnis bn lis been appe ingitFac Notre Dame, na irale o ir>i am*1, i, vs no! t ôfirle erla u ers. lmosi vmugt iregrsnn gtlgoYIes anti otlierI sculptures 're cause sottet i!b open tomes.El- whlere hoe ýpapAeti buge blstent on. evil-looking bnc cuats. Sorne of! tire reuownied f1ligbttees suIppontiIug tliv ctietirai-ls aid1e walis, \were founi un beai loset cola s sare tire beaniîs o! a terUý bot-ide use. At MRiis laiestuio wt evýein more dnratic. Wletier, ir anJý ti w '.1ail md scarroti but ïfa liet [0 deimo)y ire eau il tirtecti- iconhury cailbedraiow Iretrrl stafues over Irl ]ein otrncïïe Ire emanciatedti hatIliir ltof giatthl- nes. "Tliry appear ho bhave been Il- malut i bld ho dnt'tid anil pet Suertiios rèechnrilen sny tlint nltila libeing puishieti for us workis of ovil: tire virgiaý of RZIiins la wastiing iaway lusormow tan tire aine o! tliré atonlie age, Anti now tire diseusýe biras preudt o Anx1rmîc, too! lu au effort ho trace twhve e r cnuIl(,i frmodidollarautil y gos Ille 1Usitet States lisiota> mldug a zýý,pes so! studios conýerl- iug 1retli Çorstj costat.A reportSanme monitra a r jsinwed -otlirnt, hlf genel oral , io~slî nt i î4rketiiug costs inake alarge sthnre of every dollar spcn -ýt for fooat Some ilIuUlinating '; t leistar- istica conceriiiiig'costa nlavied lu gttirîg .ala at ofbrenti frointarin ta taible iravebeen issulet bY file U:niteti States Depamrtmesit o! Ag-i- cuilture-, Artlua arkeI CAN'T FIND IT, CAN'T FIND IT - . . WOE IS US -- Somne dank momients for these boys as BHIy Klaus, Red Sox third sacker, couldn't find the bal, and WaIt Moryn, Cubs' outfielder, knew where it went, but couldn't do anything about it. ln Boston, a hard grounder bit by Bill Tuitte of Detroit disoippeared, and by the fime Klausý fournd it - iîn iis jersey, above - Tuttl'e was xafe i first. Moryn, below, had noth- ing else to do but yawp, as ai homer by Pittsiburgh's Dole Long scliled int the Chiclgo bleach- ers. Farinos............3. Grain levators, transpamtitioni agencies, flour miî.anti prmcca- sors o! nonfloul' Service, lu relent report "'Market- inig Margina for Wiý-?te Byead." 0f thre 177 cets paid by con- suiners for',,i.ponid0f white breadl, says ibis report, tie farners 9get abouit 3.1 cents and threaller gesIboui:t 29cents. Wirat hI pen cote .rmainig 1,7 cents ? Hoe la istiire way tire USUA bas it fïiured oli: radprivýes, tlrey,ý say, h1ave in- creaséd every year since 1946. Tire preseni averuge, 1é77 cents 1per pouudanîounS to70 percent mr tb"Ilantire 0.4 cents pald 10yea1 "Most of tire rîse in retail bread privesee 1946 hus come f rmMla- cr ise l cairges by thre bakere. Tire rise took place wl-thIoIanW sigiticant changes lu services hlua nubro! otlier food Items," tire Actually, corigtO Iblis StudY, tire farsniIr's irLare in11tire price G breadiras slsunk f rom 25 per ceot lu 146 to 18 per cent lun1955. Tie farîvner receivdotilony onle - hait cent o! tire 7.3 cent Ices e loaf since 1946. "ITire :sîlit i deing o! tire prie spread on 19M5 Was due tA higirer coatsat tire bakïery," aays tire ' SDA. "HauYtrlY earnlngs fn bmenti bakexrWOs lu 19ý53 were appoi snatey 7ents higier tiran ui19I4 This iicr*ese w,,as snalr hnin tire y"mars iuoiaoyprecodi, buit like tire eirler ïonos apVpearS, to hav-e 1beenpa"seotion tot,)irle co- sunmer" Eý'veq 1! ftie wireuttfarinier "Itati dou-teI bI is wIIeatý ,'bite bread w.nul fhaue cost comnneS about 14 ue sPer fot," teo e- port dialoses. ',Betwoon itilte farm gaie aud tir*, cCoInusnr's ýtable, a anmber of baud- Ilng and proessing sM tep uae plae anti egtuaet be paidti or,"ha- ciud,(ilng m~tlgcharges cvnn anti miIlinjjg and iother procossing. Here la trie broakdown, show- lng tLeae eamnounlt receiveti ia 1(,55 Iby pnci oe lnvolved lu get. tinýg a Ion! o! broai froin tarin te consumer:11 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WANTEDJ OPPORTUNITIES FOR - --- iMEN ANO WOMEN GO !NTO SUSI1NESS for yourself. - Seli exclusive Ihousewire products and rRADE mie Your old wotn and brokeri appliances wated; by every bouse- jewelry for niew 50 y'eaýr Solid Stain. holder. Thleseiatems are ntold in iess Tablewaf e Sets. Free Patterit stores. There is .. com>ettlon. CircuJar. Write J oNe, 70N5 Profit op to0 500,ý.%. rite iniediately Street, Miwauktee 16. Wisconsin. for free color catalog %vltb retail prices showni. Separate- confidentlai wxhole- DIGNIFIED, leisLirely home work for sale price list will be lncludied. Mur- women. Age, no handicap. IncermC ray Sales, 3822 St, Larece ont- icommýnsuirate-w ï t l" determiniatîen. real. Write Hans A. Hoffmnann, 880 Glen _________________________ Drive, San Leandro, Californlia. 8ABY CICKS IATENTS IF you want chilks or turkey pouits1 ini a hurry we have them,-, a]! popular iFETHERSTONHAIJGi & C o m p aý n y, breedi jr.We have breeds bred speciai-1 Patent Attorneys. Estanllshed 189Û, ly for eggs, speclal dual ptupose-ý 1JOO Uiniversity Ave. Toronto 'Patente breedis, 2 speciai. broiler breefis. Tur- aU jco)uries, ke Pouits. fCata1ogue. TWIIDDLE CHICÏ1< HATCHIESE LTD, AN OFFEIl Ie everyinventor. Llst CÎ FERGUS ONTARIO îinvenitions and foul!Iinformation .enuq free. The Ramsay Co. Regîstered Pat, PULLETS Sta!rtei. Dayolfi. Includ,,iug Pet Attorneys. 273 Banlt St. Ottawe, Leghorns and Ames. Prompt sip- mient. Mlixed chicks, brollers. to- or- PROA der, Ask for coinplete lst avalable. ___________________ Bray Hatchery, 10 John, N. 4amfitofl $1.0i0 TRIAL off er rwenty fîve deluxem _____________________________ personalJ re(4uirements. Latest cata. MACIUNERY loegue incliuded. The Mdc gnr BANKUPTstok 0fnewMasey-Hi' o7< 22, Terminal "Q" Tornto sit, ris feed mlis, hanmir ty Pei bail bear-1 REAL ESTATE Ing. complete %wtLh opper. Regular i price $18500 to clear $45, No C.O.D. FLORIDAI Modemn furnlshed Retire, Federal, 185 King St. E. , Toronto. ment BL orne near City. $4,800, Terme-ý ayBlby. Roiite No. l> Box 397, Pan, NEW sud Lused Tf.hreshlers. L-owest lr-ices in, Delîvered any- wVhere.IWite GF.ORCE SOUTH. Heath- c-ote, Ontario. MEOICAL DIXON'S REMEDY-FOR NhEURITIS AND RHEUMATiC pA.*INS. IM9USANDS SATISFIE. MUNRO'S ORUG 7 E 335 Elçiabib.î $1.25 Express PrePsid PO)STSý ECZEMAA SALVE BAýNISH the ton-nenlt if dr,'ecem rashes and weepinL, akin troubles. post's Eczemna Salve wvill not disao- poin-t you itchinrg scailg ano hisu. ing eczema acee ringwo;rM, p1îpiee sud fof-ot eczems will reepona readilY to tire stainiess odonless onmetr.. gard'less of lhosaatbbm or hop)elesaý they cein Sent f0ostFree on Receipf, os Prie PRiCE $2.50 PER JAR IOST'S REMEDIES 2865 St clair Avenue Iaft OPPORTUNi JES FOR MEN AND 4OMEN BEA HAIRIDRESSER ýjoin CANAOA'S LE ING SCHOOI. Great Oppo nity Leari Hlrdrpssing Pieasant dignified profesion g900d wages Thousands of "s!ccesfui Marvel Amenica>s Greatest System illustrated Catalog Free Write or Call MIARVEL HAIRDRESSING -SOHOOLÊ, 359 Glnor St W., Toronto 44 Kng St.,sHhrtofl 72 Rideau St. Ottawia POPLAR POSTS COUTLASi NMETAL. Heinrichs. Box 22. station C..Wnh peg. TEA4CHERS WANTED Maie Protestant Principal rotOM school, GradesVX rs class certificate state alge, Cila ificR- eions. Salary minimum $2.700, Naeo iast Inspecter- Femnale Protestiant JunIor roomi, Grades 1-IV, flrst clas% certificate, Salary minimum $2 9c00 Name oF lest fnspector. State age and Teacher Protestant For- one-room asc1iool. Averageý 20 pis. p)ile. Grades 1-X. Salary nimumiiir $2,30. First, class ceTtifieste, tate age. quail..- ficatlons. ,nine 0 f iast tnspector. Salary aàdftient according to ex- perience. Duties commenee Septembemr 4. Appir to F. Ch11addoek Secr-tarY' T. S A. iMuïrchison & LyeU1. rMala.- waska. Ontario. QuiekîL Stop itching of insect bites, heat rem1iý eczexna, hives, pimpies, scaies, scabies, athlet'u foot and other extrnaily caused skin troblee. Use quick-acting, soothing, antiseptiç D, D B, PRSRPTION. Greaselesa stainless. icha itops or your moneyback. Vour druggig stokaB.D DPRESPRIPTION, Proîeet yuu BOOKSann CASB froWn FITRE and THIEVES. We have & stre ad type (if Sfe. o)r Cabinet, for: any pupse ,islt Us or we roite .orieo. e-tc to, Dept W j.ô(j.TAYLLOR LIMITER ToRoNT SAFE WORKS' 145 i'ront St. E. r'oronto Estabished 1853 1ISSJE ?17 - 195Z Jngredienits *,,...1,9 IL Bakeries ,,.,.,..,98 M Grocers .,.,....21 i But bakerles, wkhhave th4 largest taire frSm the reil îPricl of croudaparcnlyare foi roi- llng lu profits $lîther, fer,acrdu to tne USDA, "Profits Of wbd*e sale bake-ries hiave utaei n re., cent ye-ars. Judging troi a saMplE0 o! six Lmajor national firmis'tife trenlu Ù1profits afier txsbsbeefl dlowuward eluce 1 t46,", btfgu for the firat ninq mBonitbS ort, W5 lnd(icateda fn ujturmn for thre year Wheu ithre leenits wihuai Up t(h oleaeprie of breati n1-4 tauagas la been] doue by [ILI' T'SDA f ins td it l is f<sl to puit the fnger on nayonle wio ilt gettkg a Uon's share of prfi: CentI plour .... Other ingredieni . . .....12 Wrappiflg........-.81 Labor, producion......17 Sellig and delivery sales niud comuiissiofls .... 1.7 Other tpe e inc-1(- lng vehicie, xesad- výert!ilg and ta1ig) ... 2.11 AdiulstrativC and mis puirchaIsed goods....,23 Profit betore taïXes...... Thpese figures, remning everv-, one tirai bu1(ndts o! wuvrkers îîlay a pairt ilugetting, thnt s-alidviebllîîîoý thlelibox or tfita plate of brti on t'le dinner tabfle, ou'it retbiru' anyone5 1odbudge by a frac? i o! a cenit. But it mauy belp -oil. mpmera VIew the of imsudetod and lmallgnled inri amr Charitable ligit - zani alan to p- meciate mre fully tire upe nted services w1tihare availabl ilconsuiners for a fev patrfy ,ents. It Mill relnd tbem], ion, int sorne1 portion -o!fire increaselu ahan every commilodity !pnîý,c au be truc- eti to hîgirer wages or ineseaseti benletits being paid it wrkrs Labor leaders smiuesrsu iravîng tbins t netpoînteti out, bul I lsa aMtctneveriheess. lid the boomning eýonomny, o>11Y tire tarmeir and perbaps stome wbite- collagr workers andA teaners aii iaýg bebmud in income. N N 15 N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N .~ N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N N. N N N N N N N N N N N N t, S' N t' t' N N 'N N N N N N N S' N j N N N s N N N N N N N N N N N

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