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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1956, p. 1

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Vol. 19 No. 23 Township To Pave In Four Centres Subject To Approval Thc Township Countcil of te Town- Itact Hope Township regarding a sij of Carke met on Monday evem- meeting ne te east itoundar.y rond ing witi ail imenthers present. At the' and endeavour te set up -a new policy iieetingMr Brown, reeve reported for titis rend. te prices for paviug astreets la four ~of te 1dalities ofthbie Township. Fil- Mr. Dent nsked what itad bappened lowing ai discussion on titis mlattet', te tbie tenders te be prepnred fer te a mnotion wais passed te pave te sale of preperty lante Village of streets lante menione, lobe î'te 4Orono on Princess Street. Titis sec- providing it met wit'h 0e approvali tion of property was one ine used ef thc Municipal Enagineer, Mn, G.o- as a road and at te present time vie, Mr. Gerry la interestýd in te' prop- Ierty s0 titat te preperty adjacent Thte total ce-st ite paving '5iste it could te squnred. Mr. Dent Wa Neatonville, Kendai, Leakard and infermpdr that titis was in te law- 'Orono nmionnted te $14,564.30. Mr. yers baud. Brown, did point eut that tiis was only an cstimated -figure by bite Pav- 1Alebter was received frein Mr. ing Company. The esiniatcd costs'Porter Oreno, regnrding te Insur- are a-, follows: 1 ance ýn the Towasipi Veiicles. In Onono Station Street .310bons at! e5.15 per ton $1,5 96.50.' lKeu4al, 672 bons at $6.40 per ton Newtoville '6Ntoens at $6.50 Per ton $4,294it<. Lesicard, 728 tons at $6.15 per ton IrIte ia»bber Qcf Npiýv1g consider- ,ýtb1e dise usïin e.vo1ved around te -condition , of! ri>dsin, 1.eskardand Newtonville, InLalesard te pnce -was quoted 'fronthbie seheel West te ibhie corner 'and tirn sout te Nichoi- son's. Here te ceuncil feit tint te road sGut ahouid Iirst te araight- ned tcf o-e paving. Work -wiii - o dnèen the section frointhei 3chool te a point sosti et tic four eoiners but neýt al ite way te Nicitek s3ons. In- endal te last five itnndred or se teet of te dead citd treet was discussed as bo witetiten lb wouid hoi advlsabla if lb ahould te pav'cd. Mnr *Savery toIt t1iat te job ahould te 'tompleted whiie oters feit tint tii 3iein etfnead was used very litie.j Thswas left over te be dscuassed mtitthc Enýgliieer as itlso wa itae street lan Newtonvilie whicb is nat'row in ~places, Mnr. Br<newn pointed out te tha encailtint te avlng Cent- pany dldt state titat they would do te section in te Village of Oronio wititin a week or two ivien tey wene doingt te Coiunty rend intoth ie Village. Other ronds tet e pved would te lcft until te Develepinent rond is comipleted se-me timie iu Aug-ust. 'iti ce-un1ýcil passed n motion increas- ing the titree policies te ýIffl,00<)fl0 coverage on ail veiticles. lb was found that te increases were net A letter was received stating titat a su'ba'dy was net receivable by bte TeFwnship for the construction of à sidewelk along a Tow,,nship Rend. Titis concerna teitamlet et Kendal whe last munth requested titat a piece 'et sidewalk te builb in te Pra' Mr. Walkey titngit thbie tiatter should te left ever te th~e next meeting lu, erder titat titey migbt tien know huw muci paVing would bc done- in Kendalý titis year. rTis met witit bie appro)vaI of Counili. A leètter was receivcd fron te Ontario Hydre requesting permission! bu tb'usit sbray along te rend side where ,urler brulsitatfeoted titr powver hunes. Tite clerk poinbefd eutI that titey '-d been notified that snch wenok could be started. Tlhe Mydro se- cepteO any vesponsýbîlity on tNaS prejecb. *A bill was presentedi to 'te. Ceun- -ci by Mn. T. E. Stephens for damage dune tehils car whicitMM. Stephens stnbed in bis letter was caused by te condition eofte rad on te igitti concession et Clarlke. The letter la te be- refenred bu Mr. Porter. The Union Rod and Gun Club ef Ositawa informed te Coizncil of te purchase of ixby-tive acres on te third iine of Clarke. This nro-perty is The prices quatecd were for the pro- te be turned into a Conservation area viding of the asphalt anid the laying. and the club asked that the assess- nhe reeve further poînted fiut that ment be adjusted. The request is te the Co~mpanyr would prepare the be referred to the ass(,ssor. ioa4e for pavig using' their own gr tir t acost 4-f nine dollars per A draft By-hrw, for the licensing cf hour. Couneil feit that lb wvould be Trailers was brought before Council ad-visble to have the Company Prc-an~d briefly~ diseussed as was a Build- pare the streets at this pieie. ing B-lw.Both By-aws are to b-e- In the correspondence it was noted studied byr the mnembers of the Town,- tlia th Tow~h$ ha an moutefship and a special meeting is te be $'72,004101 te apend on roads thiscle ybb ev efutc~ds yearas te susid' hadb...apcuss themi and te take action in pass- proved by the Departînent on titis ig the By-laws. aa-ount for the year 19,56. A petition signied by a numiber of The Reeve and the Road Superîn- residents of Kendal was received byl tendant are te mot with the Muni-1Cosns eqtn the fed llw nce pl aeed cipal Epgineer and viow t hý_Hii e'reovd, uner question for paving, r1 Sarosethe r, Hlwance o ve BrQwr ý:*ed tht he urMd.rsto Council ini this matter on motion by tBat hey wued that a ndeý Ste1Wakey and Dent, instrueted the thtteod ver preClve a se u,-ý Clerk to write Mr. Hil askinig thart ter rketlwn tozeqwoed or av-the fence 'ho rem-oved from the road iIng. Cn u page î) A number ef n.ine)r roa-d projeets camie Up for discussion bLefo3re the lbwapoinbed on-t at ticmetn that te cournct grave lis te te Put on bite ronds withithbite ext fewA, weeks. In tic matter et)ite-,Bend- ary rond bebwenr Clarke and Daling- toit te couincil instrucbed bite PReve .aud R-ond'Super-intendant te ,cnt"t' Mn)-. Gorie, bh i Muicipal Eagine:er,1 regnarding titis mnatter as Dnrclington' Township m1i1 ret give nny assist- ance te fixiing this rond. Mr, Lowery 'was efthbie opinion tibob,,undary ronds 'bobih on te enst and 'wesb should be r nmintaiii-ed un a fiftby f ittyj bases by te concernedJ municipali- ties. Tic Clerk was instated te- con- Thonght For The Weekf The happiness ot your life de- pends upon the character ef your thoughtt 1 Cowanville SckooI Report 16,049 Polio lneculation pa e s Sa c in1o t (Namea luorder ofMent)IluUnited Coun lies Since the i-iddle of .Aprii wheniR o o u lc S Grade 8 te 9: 4)1poliom-elits vaccine -was 'i-eeived ___________ Ruth Getlick, Bruce Ogden, John by the Northumberland - l}urhiainteeicmtaesits 1Wagenaar. heLalth unit and clinies tarted, A meeting- of the i'2 _cers of the ~ ~ s~et s Grd Cao 7:ks arDei.10in.hrotlti oneree, stdiatesf-Sehool Section o ~ ~ .12 ap- room ifor the additional cl, Grdel Hicks, MChrlateroryeRMdiad.f-proved the construtctierî. of a portable ificer of Healtit. Becauee of the short- classroon te0 arcom-odate public the Public School. Tiec SGrade 5 to 6:- g f h vacicine, it was neot possible scolcilrno hescinfo h 9ng the basement room, Stephen Simipson, îMary Lee Simp- te give third doses te al te school sco Tuesdyev fension tefuoir m romfrthe H son ebidrn wo wre ue e hve t.coming term. The m.eeting 'was hield 1 offereti by Mr. H. R. Beat - Grade 4 te 5: thiffwr t 2»7inoclionenndec3ived Scitool te whicit around fifty rate-E Lcet i Leo DeMeoy. Harry Wagenaar. chien e ie theidiouain and 6.8691 payers and parents attend'ed. The de- Followingý the proposai1 1Jr- Grade 3 te Sr. Grade - hfre ee le herfra w'cisîon of the meeting was handed 1mnan opened te meeting fc Tomy errn.doses. There are always a few child- downvi by motion at'ter nearly three Questions on maay plia To-n Pern.rnwho miss a dosc, usually because heurs were apns naknïn n-prbe eeakdo h Gro eGae3 f ilness. It la hoped te be able te eti sigadas poin eeakdo h j Ady age~aa, erbR~i, Bnni~ r~ig futitr ioclatonsfortirsewering questions and discussing thc anwered And Wgeaar BrtRei, on ie, arrne fuherbite fa tion fr. probleni being faced te Publie Af ter anexhauating Wilson. ildei by-fa lncsw1e el ad .hoot Board of S.S. No. 12. questions te chairman c; Grade 1 to 2: Dr, Iomer w-as assisted by physiciana Mr. S. B. Rutherford acted as chair- mto edcd ietp Brian Ogden, Bobby Simpson. in the varîous arýa . order te' coin-1 man for te meeting and Mr. H. E. miodation for thé Public Titrea pete te programme by te end of Milison as secrebary. asked for- by tite Truste, Teaciter, Mrs. hrs Martin. tschtooi year. The first part of te meeting Was schoolý Tt îs not possible at thija tinte te given ever te thte Trustees wite pre- M.J C. Gamey move( say when preschool'rciildren will, bel sented their findings te titose pres- hch ,,,S dul'y seconded r SeoolReprt mnunized, statps Dr. Hlorner. 'ént. Mr. Lycett, chairnian ef 'the PuIblie Scitool use te ty n -------Board, discussed ail possibilities of as a temporary< elassro, tIIJk*r W1L~.. ~providing additioi-al accommodation fOnmended by te Board, D~ue8 eft it&ews Cisonor te Publie School giving 1both thbet Tamblyn titen *moved an (Naines arfé isted by ierade,% in pros and cons Of eacit possjlblity. AI- that the flieeting g»o on rec eirdex' of merit) A resident of Oshtawa f(ir 38 years, se speaking before the nWeing was ing that te'Rigit Schoe Grde8 rae : >lbert Mattitew Gibsen, beloved opened for questions were Messrs. R. hr full progixamOf oE w Grade 8 oGrade 9: uisband of te former Berthta Mc- R. Waddell and C. Tamiblyn, batht rep- teHiglh, cl e Irnt Andy Sitewchuck (hon.) Cornbt passed away at te famiiy ne- resentatives frointhbie Towrs.iip of nuniber of 1Orema as eo Grade 7 to Grade 8:- aidence, 27-3 Haig Street On June 25. Clarkce on te Durham District Higb the-r that tite Pu~bie Sc Pau T~bln (on> Gena Cw-Mr. Gîbson itad been in faitiag heait School Board. te additional aeconodat PaulTambýn (Gii). GendaCow-forsix years.exr lsoc nedýd anl (provisionally>. A son ef bite late Matthew anid Mr. Waddell stated tint ite couldn't extra l csalrnThe amen Gradé 6 te Grade 7r hoee Gibscn, te deceased was born see why tie Rigit Scitool would net Iried and thus the original Janey Hancocic, Beverly Cownan. a~ Orono'on June 24 1879 and waà ecniuaL rnofrmnieetd rnarried la Toronto on September 17,yernfs odf n taerity Sc of thoard With the defeýat ef the Grambers ofae- 6 1ite .decision was breught for Sandra Bowin (hon., Mary Jane Prier te geing teo sba.wa Mr, Gît- were in iopnnw tngocn-meiý A thsontt Brougit (bon.), Grant Yetu, Benny sou was an empioyeec of The Orono tinue bte chool ln Orono'. Mr. Wad- cîassrom came up again Koropatwa, John Hancock (provis- News. For 32 years, prie)r te hîs re-dcli. in speaking te te audience fa- sien and a motion by Mr.1 ionally). [tirement ln 19418, ha ýw,%s an emipîoYee voui'bd a portable clacsareorn fori-bchel, seconded by M.R Beade iiswie a aavs e enitpublie scitol as te only answer te am1 efur nr.tin. Gjpade 4 te Grade 5: ef General Motera. tepolmMr. Tmlfe apitoe h eeig Sharon Tnmblyn (hoii.). Peggy i5 pasing tIwo daugitters Mrs. Clin- titat ib Was te general feeling ofthbie conimodatien te provided n Hanoc (on) JdyMaeo -ton, Crawford (Doris) of Oshtawa and HligitSito Board and the principali preva,,l of te Departinent bert Munneke, equal; Ganmey Lyeett, Mr.H . ai Blanche) ef Ton- tinat na111gb Sciool could net opeirate tien. The, type of approv, Bouma Bandstra, Garry Pattersen. oirte, and one soni Ronald of Oshtawa. efficient!-, wibh fewer titan four construction only. Ib waa Grad at.Gm~ac 4:The niemorial service was iteld at grades. Ile sbated titat Orono hnd that te Inspectons la Grae 3toýGrde : Wý,Aru ohî,i o tits year on~e of te beost Higit,.sta.ted that no gant. wou 31arenePeletie (hv.1Schools and an ottbnding staff and COiniiig foi- a portable Ci, Grade 2to Gr»e '3: ev2. onK eftiiitre that hewould Il ate te son the Higgh acconimodate public chot Leslie Stephenson (hion.), Donald Shincoe Street Unteý Citurcit,.con- TScitollave rno. nasdabte Ornne hooi wý Blewetb J(ce Garent. ýducted te services, lInterment wasv n i tecanatenakdMr.Ly.. renbing rooms tb»the it-Hgi Meunit Lawn CeMpetery. cett if the Orono Board had any pro- Mr, Lyrett stated that Grade 1 to Grade 2 iThe palîbeaners werc . nCb, Pesai for te meeting. in addressing oî~ îtat Kennetit $ewetb (hon.) IM. Armstrong, L. Barrabal . C-jbt etn r ycett stated that P5il ntc kT Teacher, Mrs. J. L. McKenzie. heu, 0. W. Rolpit and C. M CIer fit was ratiter Inte te seek a contrac- te a etter Idea than th ber te comiplete werk 'betr ctol lsrei o it rbe opening on any structurral change, in' îng te section. Mr. W. E. thcbidig ee bdt»t4t'presente<i an am~endaent M r. A nd M rs. J. T. Brow..n Board fait that there were oaîïy to! levi h dicision t courses open. Stagg,2ered classes 0 oardt ieh as f out ec te 'tal kîng"ver etfte ntTypingf-int dci C elebrate 25th A nIlrar ro iMgitScitooi. riview of alil Ceu. rom pap On Saturday -afternoon and even-1 and- Mrs. H. M. Allun, Mrs. E C ing, July 7, about 20<) gue3s called 1oradMs lxFotNw 33 S cheols In D u h m o at "Bnowview" te cong-ratualabe Mr. castie, pournig tea lai te afterneou. and Mrs. Brown on te happy occasion of their Silver Wedding Anniversary. Mrs. M. C, Fisiter, Nnewcasblexl- Mrs Guests wcre g-reeted ut te door R. Caldwell Port Hope, iVsa Sadielp t n S r p o k C by teir eldesat son, Eiare wiie Ger- Brown, Mrs. M. J, Tamblyin ro)nol ald, )&IerrilIP and Lyrir.m assiaeted ilaMrs. R, K. Bragg and Mrs. J. R. Or- Wi-btec-pralHetbt a,'wkins Scditeel (IMas El, welcomig itent. lun charge of te misron, Bowmanviile, penfonrMed tüinsScoo InspiecteLrs, 33 scitools la West son Port Hfope)-, S.Neý IGuest Booek and inm4,tingg-ues t i tonour lu te,- evenn,-, Durhtam and 51 in Nortituiberlanti Cavan (Miss Junae Keilr. the dining-room lWere mga, Italph Cam1ýbell, DBowmanville andMi ss I Other re31 Marion Brown, R.N., 0.lhawa. in serving- ters3 of the hIeand g(>m -eo w 'dinig tah nessed, the cereionr twenty-five tier Wee-ir years ageýý anid piiik v Dpliciotus t eeser- ved, with Mrs. S. D. erowrî.Orone aryb Lations WeL'r ~ i ~of 'beautiîfu '.%K iJ£ rFIIMJ4AL%. hluv~t Hield AnnuaJi Sunday~ Serviceý Co-operatin-ýg with tE Unit-dc rs bd Chrc ie Oronc o]-oticultural so- In additio- ciety held their Annual Ser-vice onwre receive Sunday. Tne front of the churcb was1 Fellowship profusely decorated wth exquisiteiMrs. Charle" flowers which theinselves carried the Eddard Kei Imeage eof the service. Adderd-to the ,Mrs, James j interest of the servîice was the Bap- uigt tisl into the fellowship of the cburch ,Drn h of fîve fittie unes - Williamn Mark Carson and Carmian, son of Mr. and Mrs. Williamn sang a love Carinan; Carol Elizabetht Chatterton, is id Jaughter ofý Mr. and Mms. »v,*Ille inter Cbrinj Chatterton; Charles Peter du With, wibh theRo son of M~r. and Mr. Henrick de With; Çb5 Margaret Ruth Molfat, -uhe of The js Mr. and Mrs. Aleck ýýf;'; Yvonne the "Gospel Diane Schoenmiaker, daà hier of Mr. These was and Mrs. Klaas Sch-oe-nmraker, To gr8$g-tion. ecdiof bhe little ones there -was sentation of given from the Hoirtîcculitural ýSociety Hclb, on bo those baptised there ;ed i n t Orono Church hy Letter o)f Transfer ~sG. Armistrong-, Mrs. eith West, a-nd Mr. and! Rickaby. li sve Mrs. George d MUrs. A. A. Drununond eely duebt "Love Divine". Tyrrel asisbed the min-- ýg. te »apis sierhlce. ýose buds and t;he Certifi- ister's message was on lof te Flowers." as aImost a Caýpacity con- There was a splenldid.rep- )f the 4:nentiberolihip rd the al Sbciety preýsent4. 4aives,, and fnrienda assisted ftr-mbta -nicely deconated xlc çentrcd wib'i th rne- ,n cak, ke.. by tulle 4faebuds and1 candeintra. i>vaiy iardaz tcof rau re rcceivcd aiseý a number il gitta ïncLldng a l se ,1m-a mitwt amut~ qni eletnc ryig-an frein Shaw's Home ,-and SiolAsoitoa bou- quet et"Bttr)ifs roses from Clýanke Tewsiitp Cucloansi- verpiate freinmei OfrsetCouubies Ci.uonuSpecial 3Buildin èmmbe a Lazy Sfsann rv t ray frein On- tari,,eutyHoîDste-in Breeders' -Club, anld mnnapy ýther Iloveiy gifbs frein rel- atives ndfnied. 1rn and Mrs, Brown weremnrried atNecsl Parson-agýe on July 8,1 1931, by Rev. W, P., Rogers . Mn Broiwn is te cideat'son of Mr. adý Mrs. J. D. Brown , Orono while M-a.1 Brown la the former Elsie Gracei Bragg, ye-ungest dau.giteet bfite late Mn. and Mrs. Wesley D_. Bragg.1 Since their marriage thtey have res4d1 lan bite Shaw'a Coint'uaiby starbing! tarmtng on te former Arg-Ue Fan i 1934, bIen purchtaîngpart ofth---~ Duncan Galbrait land iu 1939, sub~- subseqnenbly boàidng titeir prop(-rty and Duritain were intormed by let- Mlrek baer -etite Cumpebibion. (Mrs. Auti Cobourg); F rein ffhese scitool3 26 applied for (M,,. Ktb 1cntiv and 19 comtpletcd books werePotop returned for conipetitien; -'- rein rtH.->t Cavan, 4 fromt Clarkte 2 frein Haniýii- ~tce ton, 5 front Hope andI 5 fromi Man- (Miss Vale vers. Ail books -gave evideuce ef ini- jNo. 14 Seu tercsb, entitusiasinand a good deal R.R. 1, Mil et researc. on te part etfte pupils j(Mnrs. Bellý and tîe Coniittee tecies tint"bite pro. kins SchDO Jeý4t.,v ,V Ye.I t,. it thA .zcitan,,. u 'l . Thc judges commriend tic pDuPils fo-'rns. Vi the- fineý work ticey have donc and forN.6 their original sece and ar-ticýles Porter, P. ill'usbrabiug some et thleir ideas. AI-IScoo bh0initi te main itmeCONSER- tYPool>; VATIOýN was missing at tinies andEnctn seacfte pictures lackcd cpin odP swighow titey fitted into a plar- nii[ an l ticular section bbc ooks i-n general Hope D'- werc neat anudattractive and are weilîPort HOP wortlh exitibibing., Prizes weýre awý%anded as follews: 1 idging ar -U.S.S. Mfanvars No. 15 ceived bhit -ant4 G-ý,vtan No. 16 <Mrs. M. H. ordeningt Wri-ght, Betiany>.1 have it ar - S.S, No. 5, Manvens, (Mrs. j ine tor. 'Mabe!L, Kenniedy It,.R Z?,BeCtiauy). IThe Cor $4 -OronqtPubIic Scitool No. 121citeque ln e 9st e r, Onen o), acit et th seciai> -S.S. No. i Hope (MIisaý Dore-en E. Perrett, 16 Baldwin IA. copy Port HiDpe). 1'f neools-an $5,00 te encit et: S.S. No.* 9, Clarke regulation (Mi. G BCouia, Ofrono >; Urý. petition al I 2th Suose 4r. L. B. H.dwo, R.R.' pe).R ti.n resl - * rtst, nd awrigpies were ýre was ins.ufficient binie bbe book, as suggea2lSted]. rlvc witit bte SerapbOe1 tic olosiingot0bte sclia emittee therafore sent n V.ite anunat et $3.5<> lie winncta eoftbtiprize. y et the lett2r sent te ind a' copy of thi iles ýpe Ji

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