M Jam es, M . P1 forces will be. making every effort to e1 Rjnng Co., Lîmite4, two Crown OÈ eK'% i u e e mrent, plans. This, even withoiut ail the Research Committee studyiag non- ort F o m Pa li m e t i" carried over busine.F4 from thiçpres- military research and while net sub- ý0rtà 4 ro m arlia m nt H il ent essionwoulcinormaly taxanY ject to the barrage Of criticisrn, dis- ju e A t Eer is _________________________3peakeire capacity. The new, speaker played an amazing kniowledge of the - i ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~will find the job a nerve-racking ex-isbet rnl is ftedsu ________________ we in the flouse of Com- he persuade Mr. Speaker to remiain? Periene.sion on atomie reactors, U-23S, heavy haegnefenone If the resignation is accepted. will it I water, coolants and moderators was A 60-year-old Peterborough driver Russel Grahamn, M, Ont'iriro St.,, the Ongony, ater certeara wh ilb h u-Men With Ability miles over my head being well up i sknl, evnprsossn t aelacerations. dteliberatondaand ediorcessr? the leradt onead osblilt a lwy be rvltinte cetific field. But Atlatn the few Boýmanville Memlorial Hospital late Patricia rie 25, Jonee Av-niue, r. Speaker Rene Beau- mrore Conservatives and GOF-ers are to me to find how much ability therle heurs 1 spent as a new member of the Saturday night when two cars Col- Toronto, face cuts. that he had taken en- known to be very fon~d of Mr. Be'au- is among the top non political men committee, I learnied a great deal lided head-on on Highway No. 35 ut JÇeneth eClyon the3, cf arp On- ind tendered his resigna- doin. Is there a possibility that they working, for the goveriment. This fromn Mr. Bennett's patient explana- Enterprise. K tar, riverote2second car.,On he ii-ight return te VIe may break ranks and move that his week as a memnber of the Agricultural tiofls. Next week, we hope to visit the tro rvro h eodcr Commons ai-i make bis resignati9fl be not aecepted? As of and Colonization Comrnttee, it was Chalk, River development to se o Dead is James McCliggott 69, of Donald McClymront. 24, Karp, On- l4eslber of Iarliament tbhs date, it would appear that the my good fortune to watch George the ground 'the things ,ve have been 371 Woolsey Street,, Petérborougil, tario, a brother. being hampered by the r.esîination will bie accepted with re- Mdaivor the Chairmnan of the Wheat taiking>â.bt It should be no5f in- driversofeYe small mode?ý European; Helen Scissons, 23, of Toronto. car.Poie "" ted with the Speakers lutance, mainly because Mr. Speaker Board i action. The Saskatchewan teresting. 1Plc said Mclggt died instant- sa sur-prise mnove Vo us lias nmade up his mnd to get out of CCF-ers tried every attack te breaký nBwavleMroîlHsia yfonafatrdsui *sadt h ppsto iido4r n icun h.jbte Const. Stan Rospond, Const. Jina hlm d orwn and odiscountprethe hjobcathe1Target Date July 2S 1were: Gladys Jones. 5,of the samne McDonead Gl .M eso sndtVeOpoiinispeethtea.Board has been doing for western, adesa asgeinteM lg adC.G..Kat o with car mouths Open, ' ~In thie IHouse of Coiions, theades asngri h clg the Bowmanville detachment of the hat camne -next. fresbt~r cvrto hmgott car, with severe body ect, p inetged Beisvert As Successor? fail on a utver. quelyve themthe-main business of the week bias bLJ, tii ne gt ereaVoa bs REo zdvryqitygveteiteon estimiates of varlous departments Boh-art>----tta-lss For P.M.'s Return _My nominee for his successûr is f acts of life on barter deals, give- Trhis portion of the Highway lias. y, out cf respect for the Mfaurice Boisvert, now chairmian Of awýay prograis and the other famili- But the heat seems o have gone out duht Ml of Gqýplph viited during the past while, been the scene ter who is in London, t E-rnnAfarsCmittee, 1Var suggestions that are proposed froinj fth pporin' ftrs1n IL st1 M rcer's parents. Lm i'! dMi. of a numiber of serious accidents and« is-fated that his resigna- ,vill be interesting to see how this time te ime. $ever once did he get of the memibers are now approaching >-Mr. an dMrs. Fred Warren, recently. is the portion between the two bills becomie effective at thie prediction fares. Boisvert is a lawyerirattled and, quite ohviously, he knew the stage when they feel we shouldi at Enterprise in the vicinity of Mr.. lie House. This gave Mr from iNicolet-Yamaska, Quebec and. b is job thoroughly. be closing up shop. On Thursday, Mr. Robbie Alexander of Toronto nbeysho. etng P.M., an opportun-! I believe, would be acceptable to the House leader Harris anneunced the is bpnii'is vacation ýwith his ______________s_________ the decision until Mr. St. Qpps1tion. H-e is air in-offensi4u Inl Atomic Energy Field trofmnigstrg n Julyl6th parents, Mr. andMsBlk ex rned. cliap wvho has cendac'ted the External Ano1ther high Calibre tý-e wlio was and, rumnour has it that a tentative ande,. - Affairs Comnmittee examinations 1in in this week was William T. tar'get date for prorogation bias been ici Speculation IW itiiout any difficulty this year, but!Bernett, President of Atoic Energy set for July 28th. Usually, with the Mrs. Emmiett and Miss Luane of n lias been nif e al le ow lie wouald make eut as Speaker'ci Canada and EI(Iorado imngaddvtofmri singsComtTrno and MsWifeRogly >ll-wig ues:Wil th i~anohermater.Durng pr-ete-e work concludes and everything Jis and son Donpiie of Oshawa visiteti thec resignation or can tion session next year. the Opposition; cnenrt--n---ltnte u- Mrs. Alva S"abrick during the mness before thie House. weekend. Mrs. Swarbrick spent 11ast week visiting relatives in Oshawa. __________________________________________________However, there have been 50 iuiany upsets te orgýiniî4-d planning this Mrs. Wooýdc-ock and son David of year, that none cf us wouald be sur-J Toronto joined lier sister Mrs. Elgear prised if thie session extended intoand daughter and,-baby son, Bonnieý Augut. 1and George for a couple of wveeks at' the sumnimer heme here. Hoiidaying at Ken-Gar-Hilis Camp KE DA -ie J a and Cheryl Ann Barreca,1 G LASS 0 FKEDLaeei wit 'Ms.Wm.Wison oriand Wayne Godden, Lindy Vistor wih Ys. Wm.WilonLou Redford. David Roughley. Mar- latiekwere Mr, and Mrs. Pusse shali Wells. Karen Steed and Todd M IL K ofToronto and Vice Florence and Fiobsher. Lid ison. There will be no churchsevc iln the Kendal United Churcli next THIEY ARE mistaken Who think ani increak in Mr. and Mrs. Alec Thompson and -Sunda.The Sunday following, JulyYI Tie city wages automatically helps farmers. theJdr. Vanningome h Toronto ead it "..0 in tne o:in Sun- PHONE 9rI ORONO The farmer's selling price for mnilk delivered to day School will be .1s usua.-l next the city is the Same whether the ultimate con- Mr, and M-s. Paul M-ecer nnd Sunday, July î5th ait 10 am. TRAIL RIIYER$ HOLIDAY IN ROCKIES. The majestic beauty cf snow-capped jioutain peaks tRie exhidarating tRrilI of camping in the Cania dian Rockies, thie panorama of azure bine lakes and alpine scenèry -- al this awaits Vhe Trail Riders cf thie Canadian Roekies. This summer, the organization's mouintain holiday includes a fivie-day ride, from July V) Vo July 17, and' a six-, day ride frein July 13 Vo July 17, and a six-day ride, frorn July 20 Vo July 25' Opportunities for photography fiishing, trail riding, - and nature suyare plentiful daring tRie day's excursions.