r. * f A - -~ . -. - - -t- '-~~- U -OR- WTITE 6 Ce"ts OFF IAN T PACKAG BREEZE &DEERQET WitTe 7 WLCHVS PURE Gu,"RAPE JUICE CROWN - ORANGE PEKOE TEA BAG'OS 12OZ lPc- pkgof 100 75c: BA u 2u0TH,,PORK 2 FOR 35c IGOOD LUCK lEiNZ COOKED SPAGH ETTI CLVERHOIUSE CHOICE CREAM CORN 3 LBS FOR $1.OO.ý 15 oz tin> 20 oz tin> 2 FOR 29c 2 FOR 29c I u ~ ~ ~ I ' SPUN SALAD DRESSUNO l6ozjar39c0 i j o FRESH PRODUCE ISATIN BRAND~, SUNKIST SIZE 144 Oranges 2 doz 69c 12 doz 3,99$ FRESH, FULL'O JUICE CALIFORNIAý Suakist Lemoas HOME-GROWN, TASTY, TENDER Gpree*n Deans MARSHI-GROWN, FRESH, GREEN - EXTRA LGE. HEADS Rleai Lettuce FIRST 0F THE SEASON4 - FARM FRESH, HO.ME-GROWN Tonaatoes I j I v ii 4 fer 19C 2 lbo 450 each Içoc lb 39e SWIFT'S PREMIUM Cheese Frank& SWIFT'S PEAIMEALE» Cottage Rouas SWIFT'S PREMIIUM, FULLY COOKED) Skinless Ham who1e or haif SWIFT'S P.REMIUM. SLICED OR BY THE PIECE Dutch Lunch Salami SWIFT'S DELICIOIJS Pork & Turkey rLoaf Beef, Liver Cornsh's slîced Rod&a9 14jton'a Free Piriag Knffe Téa Bags 60 for 79c 'York Brand Home 16 oz. lare Peanut Butter 43c 8 ounfce Christies Ritz packae 22c Dr. Ballard's9 Champion 16 &x. tin Dog Food 2 for 27c Durham Grn Starch 2 pkgs 35c Frosteec Vanilla or Chocolate Dessert Mix 2 for 31c Monarch Vaniilla Lemron andl 13utters*)oth 9 '/ý oz. Ice Box k'ies 31 C lb 43<ft lb 45( lb 69< lb 69< lb 45C lb 29: g g A g g g ~ g g g n bhite Orota., Ontario rono Chilâren Take Prar M ili c The nnua reitalof iano )pup Il takig lesons from Mrs. Wý. E, C. Wor-kman of ï,owii-anvill,,, was held t'his year in the Lions Community CeteBowNmanvifle, on,- the even- ing of 'June 26. Pr-eviously this event L as been in the Orono United Chuchi as many of the,. pupils arýe from that town. j A large crowd, including over 60 MIrs. J. Emmersoýn, sf co)okies to the aduits, close a), mostsuesf Pupils who pkayed R'oger-s Paul Wntson, Janîce Rutherford. Avý 'Martyn Janice Lai Sl-;eep. Corinine Elliott, Camp, Elizabeth Bradý I ppisthirpaens nd friends Kae Bell, Phyllis Emmcn Igathered beforeteflwrd ckdKaty ,Tist Stephen Jeýffery,C SIstage. Mr. J. H. Parkhill ac(ýted as Wilson Troly Taggart, Bar jImester of cekemonîers, calling- the iStapleton, Douglas Hamm, A.nn j naies of the performiers who then son, Dorothy Elliott, Jean 'v Sannounced their own numbers. Larry Lunnemnan, Gamey Lý j The beginners are always chnrmn- Mar--rtet Shackleton, lan McKE jing in their lack of selfconscious- Julie Payne. Sharon Tarublyn. nes-s and pride of accomplshmnent. Judy Bell Brian Hancock, IThe littie girls were like suo many Watson Loie Tri, D j-bright flowers and the littie boys S- eeLoua is , Cora G i jlike small copies of dadkly. gen 'Roberta Hetherington, S, As these finis*4d.,. M4ý Parkhill Gibson, Julie Hawke, Marilyn1 awarded six Kelly Kerby Kindexrgar-' Edgar Werry, Johanne Par gten Certificates. Those who received' Dayne Lycett, Anne Werry. jthem were Sharon Allun, Ann Martyn. 1 Garscaddenu Malcolm McKenzie, !Mary Jane Walters,-Rosemiary Merk- una Coverly, Karen McArthur,1 Iley, Wendy Stephen, Susan Elliott. Higgon, Heather Rutherford At a inter point in the program Groen, 'Marilyn Cobbledick, Do, .Mr. Parkhill announced that the re- Foley Monty Emimerson, Ba suits of theory exams had arrived Brown, Joan Allun Elizabeth Xny that day and ail Mrs. Workman's n-- pupils had received first class honors. Irone To 1IId "Civic dide wer a ulnCcýbbleîck.Holiday" Ang. 6 Celebre Monty Emmerson Dorothy Foley; in- Grade 1. Karen lark, Judy Jeffer>r, At a meeting on Monday evq Janice Beech and Dayne Lycett. the Orono Mernorial Park Boarý Workmi-an's pupils presented her with èdd4 to hold a Sports progra At the close of the program Mrs. the park on Civie Holiday. Mo ant electrie teakettie and a peon and i August 6),h,. pencil set, týhe preserÉtatio->n being ýmadeby Marilyn Cobbledick, Heather Rutherford and Joan Aluin, ail of Orono. mr-- Workmian also received a beautiful presentation bouquetý from Mr. and Mrs. Hugli Purdy De- treit. Mrs. Purdy is the former Helen Workman, daughter (>f the late Mr. W. E. C. Workman. Th poram will consist of a Softball,'game, an Intermnedia.te bail game and a Men's Sc game. There is aiso the poss of a mineor hardball feature Further details on the day i publîshed wben final nrrang,ý have be-en completed. Then as is her -ustoin, Mrs. Work- Also at the meetingte man treated her pupils to ice creani placed an order foûr Lifea Sa' a nd chocolate milk while the quipment to be placed at the mothers, under the chairmianship of the Pa,-rk. ROYAIL TZ!EATRE BDOWvrM AINV 1LL E This Thurs., Fi. (7 & 8:30) Sat. (6.30 & 8:2 "Good Morning, Miss Dove Tcchnicolor -and Cine-mascope Starring Jennifer Joines and Robert Stack- 9 ALSO 9Sterling Hayden in a story about helcopter h4roes Next Mon. to Wed. - JuIy 16 - 18 "TRIAL" (Adult] 9 Glenn Ford- Dorothy iMcGiire, Arthur Ke>nnedy Fe-ature at 7:10 and 9:15 SPECIAL -Ail Cartoon ComL-dy 9 MNatinee, Thesday, July 17 at 2 p.m. ...shquld prompt you to cail upi, us in time of sorrow. We e<re ,simple beautiful services thi prove consollng to the bereaved. HIARTLET R. BARLOW FINERAL HO-ME Phone 18r7 Orono. o-, Phione f .eae, e , fl~foe.4 U~~Efo..oe ~ e.,.w - - * *.,.. eo~,.,., ~' - t ~ . N ý47 atm fi f là l' Il