and Vegetables ESTIVAL - Califernia size 2898 z7 FR ZEN FOOD FIVI&IS Iliaut, liai 'f m pick up an offic r at ynur- IGA FOC n. each t;ne yoti our asar registeri safe keeping. I.G.A. Savings IGA ÙPeanut 16 oz jar SButter 3 c Ccolate tin 4'9c~ IGA" GCIOSE ýDoé. Food 3 -15 oz tins- 25cý PEAMEALED- Whole or. h&lf Ro-Il lb, 47c 2 -6 ex tins 43e 6 obz tUns 4 lb 4le TABLERITS Rindlefe Si de Baconb 1 b.flt pkg. 6b 7c TABLERffE - 1 pound celle paage ra nkf urters 37c Chunk Bologna, lb. ,.1. 39e Chiunk Liver & Bacon, lb. 4'7e Chunk Macaroni andi Cheese 5'7e Chunk Braunschweiger, lb. 4%; KRAFT PREGULAR 8 oz. jar Cheez Whiz 33c lji/JCHOICE 4eas 2 for 21%c ATINER FANCY I 2's 27c /1CLARK'S - lit Chili Sauce 15 ('z. tins _Pok & 2fr27c Queen's Royal Standard Diced Aler Choice Tid-Bit 15 oz. tins t'ineapple 2 for 35c Margarinie 9 PARA-MOUNT Sockeye Salmon 1'Ys 2s 413 i'SndWàlk 'e ~emurTownshpT.Pv Commences In Village Cnnudro pae) Theý sidewalk, programi for theVil age of Oronio commenced on Monday aiwne of this week. The niew construictionI1MNr. Dent, at thie meeting, brouight of a three foot walk along a por~tion lUp theibjee of'ire protecionfo Of StaItion Street and into the nlew the Township which was briefiy dis- çIeveiopnit arounid Gianville's Mill eussed. it was poînted out that New- is now tcaking shape.! tonvilie and Kiriby have been con- The contractor, IMr. Fred Grahiam, sidering consýtructing cisterns but has .tarte(j the forming of the walk thit inothing definite has been done, and laying a basýe of crushied stonelVuera- frte cenent. The sidewaik is being The Road Vuhraonigt kept we(,li ahove the road le\ el so that 28.7 was passed on nmotion. it -wili net become fiooded aS rnanly TeRee r .T rw n ofk aei the Vlaea eti forrned the CouniilU that w,,ork was tc dine of he yar.sf trtvitin a day or, two on the con- Anlothei project of the Oronlo Poi- struction of the road w,ýest of 4Ii.rbyý ice Trusteeýs soon to be started isý the ' contrctin f he îr tnk n iheThei Coutiei(s are spending- an amounti ojsUiýutio otree arethekWinte sof $3 0N.00 on this road. Mn r. Erw Broher reeivd te cntrct f 1 sta--ted ta it wiii be aill new con- wor o teir ed e.olstruction .fromi Kirby to Mr. Whitne(y on tliii, tnder.Boyd'Fý Aliso ýthat from the west Fuîther in new conistruction of corner south to Mrs. R. Best's the sidlewaiks in the Village the Police roa1d is to be ditcheUd. In do'ing work Tîust4ees have c2ontacted( the Green- on the road east of Kirby somie of j wod Bothes Pvin Comanyre-the fenec and teleplione poies wîIit garding the Iyn fasdwl "hav.,e to be temiyporariiily mioved so that (continued ou Page 5) the bankt ay be eut back. Mr, I oer 1a deiegated to contact j Ratepayers Sanction Port- owNners who wili be affected. i able F ,r Pnhlic Schol oneil asjourn to ieet again (Continued fromi page 1) _Board to carry out as they had asked flg ýIfor Tne- motion to provîae the ýtemr- t a o porary portable cls ,o ascarej by a wide mnajoity of the ratepayers present at the meeting. During the course of the mOeeting it was stated by the Boarcd that an estimaited cost of a portable class- room, wouid be in the neighbourhood of $6 COOflOO. This hoever it wasý peinted out was oniy an estimnated cost of the building. The true cost of this venture was not known by the Board. The chairinan, Mr. S. B. Ruther- ford, stated that the peopl~e of the area reaiized the problem facing tpe Public Sehool Boaird and the tremen- dous arnount of work involved in fac- lng the problem. Hie aise expressed thanks te the PuhLý 'c S-]hoi>l Board ,fer the work they had doue and aIso for the calliixl of the public meeting to acquaint the rat payers wvith ~the problem and te seek a soluition. The Orono PeeWee Teýam came Up, with a decisive win on Monday even- ing when they met Newcastle at the Orono Park. After the five înningsi oýf play Oro)no lead 23 to 3. Roger Barl*ow was the winning pitcher, giv.: ing up no runs during his three inn- ings on the melind for the iocals. 1n the fourth inninlg AI Quantrili gave up four waiks and an errer eat the plate aliowed NeweNastle to score their three ruma. In the fifth inning AI took three strike euts te retire. th~e Newcastle t-eam. Terry Carleton Dlonald Danrehuk and Leslie IHopper were three of the better hitters fer thýe local crew. The PeeWees have at this tixne four gaines left te be ~played in the achedule. The team ia entered. j l the Ontario ?laydo-wns, OUR TING Service oug' recc 'd Sci ula bur Jt viewhc mybeieS> Af top.4uality needed during the oil 0f the right year. ade for your oil Ail this for a low annual mainteàance charge plus the cost if the ail you use. ýt only ks it the finest kind of heating service, t the most eco- nomical and îatisfactory. Phone Us týw For De o ~rHouse ~'c!are Fu i & LFer or Ld Ortuo THIS THURSDAY TO SATURDAY '4 "HWTO BE POP tlý. Withi Betty Grabte, and S -reNorth Phone 1481U~ NEXT MONDAY -AND 1W NI UNCTJON"P Phl Stewart Granger and Ava Gardner XNEXT WED. A'ND THURS. Eye-FiUling spectacle "'ALEX"ANDER 'THE GREAT"- Wýith an Ail1-Star Cast IGA, into it 4. - 'OT