WvEEKLy 7Il F THURSDÂY JULY 12, 1956 ilamiltons tes urance Service Every class of Insur- anc#. is r-eprei-1snted ini oiirTb ffc.Tefollow- in-g are ()e f tC' offer: wVeca 'Automobile, LifQ, Acident and Siekness, Plate Glass, Liability, Fire, Burglary Hospitalization, Livestock, Boiler, Wind, Polio, Rail, Fidellty Bonds, etc. ORONO PHONE 1RI(i FIRST MORTGAGE LOANS Leroy Hlamil toe fiLkAL ESTATE i3KOKk.it SAVE V To Consid--:r New De-veJopm iment i.n the room. it wol heii L--caI Ne-ws vaid rs. Clement Il. Webb rýia Harbour were guests of' amunt Mr-. Howard Wal!sh lastj Foio ingte Public Mýeetinig o- the south-west basemnenU iroom reRwnnea eurdhm ratpaer li te locl hool section foraclsromfo ,te teHi)jMs tLhe -rcooPbi School Boaird m-et ýsch, or the- Pu,,bl( ic Schol. The IlastWeedy after spend1ing aÏ at the ShoIonenedyeena oadpopose thait a nwlorcould eekvisiting h',er nphwMr Gog whenwasdiscsse th decsio! b lai inthebasemient roomi, wihShevlin an.d fam1ily of Prsvle pasdat the Pubic ýà,MeeLting.Thi is p)racticaibly al above groundau N.Y. deiso biu heobanigofiit- tatdecorating and CIother wr Sable acmoaihfrtePubliciwoldmake te uo s sutb1 is Faye Ncos',Lsad 1 ol o epoaycasomas wudset a few dyswii a ry Lylnn Inth mttr fsnndngý ortable. Bàly I fr prtbleclssoo te Board Sc oe~~~Ellen Milîson dougher 7of r. Jsoftheopnin(tatt1i aout wuî pove, tmoay acm n r.1.E iîo,,netie 'rI andistif provid toe accmmodatin fi th irthday thta1rabewud Further in support of ti. recenit M and Mr.Aîu Bso n In netan hsthought hedeel ',lnite Bad feels that Cd'urghterJaculieof NaaaFa7lîs, Boad el tatthebo'swahromwherie ihi the case of thje portable nio Ontarioû, visited with MrI. Airs. coud b reove frm te peset gant wýould be fbtcoig'!hat ft iltonj Tamibl{yn last week. loctin ad laed n n ddiio wuld be for the 1-rmoving,- of thne -which Icojuld be4 bilt at the South-, boys wýashroomi. Lt was roughily e Ms-n rs .J; eme r enst corneri of the scehool. The pre- tmtdta h otwudbe lstharing a we' ody trn setwahoo ailtesaefar f rom than the $6,N00 figure and l that j, through Eaisterni Ontario and Quebec!.j being adequate and will sometime in itinteHg eol la hr r.Luraý Cooper is spending aJ the future have toe, reie-wed. The in the cost as ,vou'd the Depar-tmenit few weueks wîith relatives in Picton. addfition) for the -new boyvs washroom of Education. Agin it was roughiy could be entered both f rom outside estimated that thec cost to the local Congratulations to MNr. and Mrs. or ro te minhal o te irt, area could drop from $0,000 t o $1800). W. W. WIatt on the birth of a daugh- !floor of the building.Th onPubiSholoada ter in Bowmnanville Memnorial Hos- so feels that such a move would bie pta n oda,1y ,19P With the building- of a new wash- ( tne n aeegi)Mrs, SneIl Mrs. Comistock, Mr. room and the placfrg of îlew 'equip- <otne npg ih) Milton Elliott of Bowmianville, Mrs. _________________________________L. MeGee, Orono; Mr. and Mrs. Hu- ______________________ __________ bert Cobblpldick and finmily of Leam-F rHI E OU SPE D tnars.W , ort Hoe andlsoMrs. Abbeycerom-bie, Toronto were recent visito rs with Mrs. Brimaýconube. WVe WiIlGive , CASH REISTER DO US SLIPS on any Drygc'ods yeu buy' lom US, You mnay acic them to y* our Grocerie s and will help you get your Pirerniiums much quieker. We wili start on Thurdaty morr4ng oni this/Cash Saving Bonus. Be sure t ýget your Cash Register Slip. i It P~ays You oý Keep Them. 50 ,S ALE Ail White Sandals, regular$.9 Colored Mlocasss and Sandals ON SALE FOR 9c.Ri Sf $.45FR ONLY ... $2.50 Ali White Puimps, open heel s-aRd Is and straps, regular $3.50 Multi-Colored Sandals, also C-'anvas ON SALE FOR............. $1 )5 Oxford, reg ar $5.95 for ...... $3,95 CLEARING ALL LADIES HATS, r ,gular S6.50 o $9.95 Your choice for $2.95 Evenings Friday & SatulrdsV Wrdnesqday Open Ail Day Armstrong's VIIGOR 011 Store Open Ail Dny Monday Between OrQno and NèWcast1le on Righway No. 35 ~Vgor StedrdGaoo 3S c pu'gal - tax imc Vigor lligh Test 414i î per gaI$é'n - tax icluded STOVE OIL--foi ',vur"4nvenience lini mailiquantities avaliable at the Station Opln iEvenjngs andi6dy Mr. and Mirs. Ed Grahami and fvunu- I iIy spenit Sunday with. Mrs. Mac Gibbs and Sharon Dunharton, I Mr. and Mrs. Paul Snodgrass and son, of Rochester spent the weekend wîth Mr. anid Mrn. Wni. Hoar and other relatives.N Mrs. S-iell and MrI-s. Comstock of Bowmanville visited with their niece~ Mrs. L. McGee and Mr. MeGee. M-. and Mrs. Bob Goode, M1arkhamin visited over the week-end with Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Ransberry. Master Donnie McKenie ie la p di + tis Jweek in Markham wit\ Mr,. andMrsJ jGo ode. I lsý nd MrQ.-Don Gilhooly, Eow- iranville yvisited 01n Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billings and Miss Aud- rey Billings. -~Mr. and Mrs. Donald Graham and faiiily, Oshawa were recent visitors with their. parents Mr.an Mr.B Wýýhite and Mrs. E. Graha. Mrs. Lloyd Crabbe and daughters are visiting wýith hier parents, Mr. iind; Mrs. Clarence Duncan M'hile Mvr. Crabbe is taking a f ive eeks course at Ryerslon Institute, Toronto. 'jMr. Su-,m Brown is a pationt in, the 1Bowimanville Memiorial H1ospita av iniig su(fered1 a heart attack. r.and Mrs. Jack Bry,,son and 1 family of Trenton, spent thne week- 'i endi with Mqrs. M. Sherwin anid1 Laur ence. Mr. and Mrs. Neil Wood and fm iyLakefield and Ir. and Mm-s. Geo. Crowthier and faily, New;castie vis- ited on Sunday with Mr. and Mrs. Char-les Wood.I Mis ary Jane Pound with her Saunts from Oshawa., left last week for a trip to Mlexico. jMr-S. A. L. Blooey, Neil and Cathy spent the forepart of the week at their1 cottage. Plu bieg-He4ing g REE EST ATES Ha N4Partnei gTYRONE MA. 3-2240 f UNITED ru«URCH Charge Ii SU-NDAY, JULY 15 KIRBY Service a't 9:45 SudySehool at 10:45 OJRO No Phone 32i51 Newcasý~,, OROMUO-TI N8'HC Plu-ibiln Fixtures Acc :Qi and Repairs We rm Av- Heating and i Air Cç nditioningm B-H 'na d Varnishes, etc EL(,GAN, Prop. Tee Shirts, Souvenir Orono Canada, maize and w\hite, sizes small, medium and large....... 89e Shoes, L4 iies' Sndltype te and tan r Regula r $3.29 Cleari I e.... .2.75 Beach ýaIls, two zes.......29C. and-769c. Souven -H- s for cildren ........Eachi 25c. Pennants, Souvenir of Orono.......15âc. and 25c. Hlats, Misses and Boys Rodeo Mexican, enamieiled straw, assorted colors fromn 5 to 6x . Each $1.98 Blouses, Ladies Clotton sleeveless in num-erotis 1 styles and colors, Size 12 to 20 ...... Each $1.00 1 Croce y Clearîig Prices Fry's Coco ............2 tins 35c. ;Red Rose çoffee.......... i1 pound-ba.gs $tJKf Meat Bal in Gravy Cordon Blue, 12 oz. tins 25-é Dreft containing lanolin, r-egularý size box .. 35c. Rasp-berry Jamn, Stuarts,, large 24 oz. botties 3 5)- ý Macaroni Dinner, Stokely's, 15 ~OROMO 5rTO $100 Si jOpen Friday and Satarday evenings -rjveriience 4..t..4#..M.rt ~9oe~.e.fl','e't - - FRecent visitors with Ms.T. J'. Car- Pr n r.Jc aV scadden and family wr Mrs. Gay Trnoipn hrdiyls aý,nd Honnie Mrs. Ralph- Geaich and aunit. Mrs. Wml. iMaIlley an<ý family, Mr. and Mrs. L. Ruddy, Whit- 1lY by, Mr. and Mrs. Norriýs . a.ind IDWAK Frompage Mrs. L. Stevens, JohnI Stevens, MVr. the' holiow of Goh -lii It is and Mlrs. Roy Berry.DanMrS- tet'ILM ion cfte Trstees toIhaý John Bery rono; M.and'Ms akcosrce of hotash Gleorge Winni- and famIIly and Mi-s and yd at the eas-t side of th Nellie liiii Kenida,. Tisof courso u ýst -meet Lt proval of the Counties EKngine M rff . W ili a m W erry spen t the le-k W ill aso b 1- t ct d in bu end -with Mr. and Mrs. IH. CprlILt is 1f.eit tha-It th it) n ~nd Mree rfi on this ond dlue, to il paved iii The near future waru, Mr. m. amsY, ngto pet ak for pedestrianis who the wekend i 'th fIrinds in GOrono. trve lontis sectionI of th SALES And SERVZçý , r Our coi plete service gua pntees year roundi Ïý driving epfasure CA VE MOTOR%"S ---------- 7 C.ü ý/ m