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Orono Weekly Times, 12 Jul 1956, p. 7

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More Graiceful Fiaqttering mabke-up and a flatfering hairdo combine tor- *abovo - the - shoulders" attrac- tivenoess. Wbile ive are now summier- keyed to the cloarer organgey ieds and bright pink shades in cosmiefics (and the accamrpany- ing casu'al, easy-to-koep hair- dos), before the sumnmer is over we shaIh be projýcted3 into the "Lyrical Look." Tihe New York fashion group, predicts this as the ne.xt great U1look"~ in hair ai-ci cosmetic tashions. t wil] encompass the entire waman, however, bier bearing and carriage-and even her attituAde. If is a look de- srîibed as a "refurn ita grace- a b-ead-to-toe symmiefry." To achieve if women musf learn ta s,ýta ndc eroct again, move with poise, and look "ýquiet" once mi-ore - fiseir sfrengtb- in ser- enify. The "Lyrical Look" meansa return ta romLinti'cism -- toaa deicate -look in make-up (based onI a soft palette of portrait eolors), and ta the flaftering, femjinn hairdos which have been making womnen mare beau.- tifill for a ýouiple o!fefuis The bairdos sbown proved1 that the Gamine, Urchin, Tigor, and ltaliaàn looks have disap- peared bebind lange-r, more in- tricate tresses. Eevry model in the fashion group -was coifed anid made up ta emphasizo "wtomaniiness'I in kooping witb the vaporous chiffons and .wbýis- pering silks wbich she woro. Tbe rmake-up which gîves this nof t, pale femninine glow, takes its names frare periads o! the- past. There is Cbarles o! the Ritz's "Directorie Look," witb Is pale, opalescent foundafion ef powder, pink lîpstick, and rounided oye mnako-up, Elizabethi Ardeni's Mme. Recamier Loak"e JE (if tbe same periad. Michael ef the Wialdorf's coi! called "Bonaparte," and Claude's coif- fure "In the Manner o!f David" wero early l9th century in in- spiration, Michel -o! Helena Rubinýsfein's coiffure cailed "Farthingale,": Avon's îo<ik called "Classic Beauty," and Frances Denniy's "Watteau Look" are descriptive. Se the porcelain look, the scruAb- ïbed look, and the doe-eyed Jook of the past yield to a gent eel one in make-up, as well as in coiffure, fo a rather pale, soft, gIowing look for ail ifs camea- liko quality. Thaf l9tb cent ury ladylike appearance is quito ait- tainable with our adlvanced 2't'h century cosmietics! "Glowý" seems a kyodin make-up this season--for if per-î tains to the type o! dewy finish1 whicb means moisture and is young looking. Charles a! the Rifz bas an under-make-u1P creamn said fo givo a "sainy look." Cty's liquid make-up gives a dewy effee.t. Elizabeth Arden's a shnen, and Helena lubinsfein's a dewy look. Ger- imaine Mnti akýe-up offers a 1,10w, its basic inrei nb- ing algtrelc said ta minimizo uines and to miake for a more radiant, luminous look. "As fashionj goes, so ïloes hair," is the saying. And. certainly hir and cosmeutic fashins follow closely and coordiniate wuýith read-tcy-to-wear fashions, Sa that any,,womnan cian acquire the al- lfapc ok so essontiail ta c-hic. This spring, "*short cut ta the ea1obe with smaioth lino that fumils ountat sides with rounding c6ýntouirs," describes the general hair style picture. Hair stylists favor short ta semnishort, with sonft sidelighI-ts, because if pro- vides the neoded found.ation f'or widecr, deop-set hats. S "This year, longer hair is more important thanr it has be for the past f ew soasons." Jamnes Caesar says. "The bîgger the bat, the groater the need for the softening effecf of a longer Michel1 of Helenja Rubinstein advjcates a lino based on smoth simfplicity expressod in long, f oigcurves. Hie calîs the longtb "," and if is ta just belaw the oar lobes, wbere the hir curls soffly in- ward. Hfis ino curves sfraight hair close ta the head, smrooth and sleek, i0 complement big btand both the Directoire and h-igbi-bosomoi(d Emipire dresses. "Soft styling," was endorsed by 25,000 hairdressers this spring at the International Beauty Show, This cut has a wavelet bang off oct on the forehead wbich comnbines wvith a series of waves and balf waves worked intricafoly aover the lhoad ta creatoe a feminine coiffutre. Lots of Waiting At The Church There hoe wýas, wa-iting at the chiurch, faîl and handsomne and dressed fa the fiînes. But the istrange thing wtas there were jno wedding guts And nio bride appeared, There wasn't, evon a parson. Deciding tbey had arrive an haur too3 soon, Derek and bis best man. took a pew. Thon guesfs began to arrive,. . but they ail turned aut ta ho strang- ors! i The graSm hadn't merely mnis- faken the timne.lie bad arrived a day toa soon for is wedding! -À \i arseilles smniled at. bis delirmma. Anid the laugb was stili on 'the groomi next day, for bis bride kept him- waifing on tent erbooks beo re she evontu- aily came dow,,n the aisie smoil- ing anid radiant. In Paris, too, pretty Lucille Jackson endur-ed an alarmingly lonely nigbt on ber honoymoon. lier American husband went oufto find a garage and lost his way. Ail thaf ho coud re- WHýOOOD96bO-Bird oi ili-omen for the famnily dog, "Pug," is this baby screech owl, Iatest acquisition of one of the young- ters of a Dallas family OwI doesn't give a hoot about Pug's feelings-finds the dog's ,,,ater dish un ideail place to take a footbath. mnember o! bis bof el was thaf it was -a ueven-storey building decorated wifh black bricks - liko scoreýs o! sirmilar hotels lfParis. Warriled Mr. Jackson wander- cd round ail ngtsoarcbing up and down the streefs. At dawn le wenft t the police. But if was nearly mnidday before the gendarmes nt lastfracked bis bofel and bis weepy wife greet- ed hlmn wifb the words, "There ,you are af asf!" E-ven a level-beaded sixty- seven.>-yea)r-old Lancashire lad, from Boton, !aced a simiuar dilemrma w'ben ho visited Lon- don. He and bis wife stayed witb friends mn Paddington in order foe say goodcbye fo their daugbfer, who was off fa New Zealand. Just after lunch oni Tuesday, lie decided te pop ouf and buy a posfcard. "I shan'f be- Piveinuiiites," ho said. But the five minutes furned into a grim five bours , , . and the mnan realized ho was hope- lessly losf. Af fer trampling for miles be decided fo go fa Eusfon) Station and bead back to Bol- tobut ho found thaf ho hiad leff bis ticket bebind and had comne ouf wifb onuy a f ow shil- lings, Ho sp)ent the nighf buddIed on a station bencb wh-ile bis anxiou.s relatives fored thse boýsiptals. The nexf day ho again fried f0 find bis London digs end again f ailed, If was Friday beo re, exbausfed, hmn'gry gnd utnsbaven, le stumibled into a CZECH - Womnen behind the Iran Curtain wilI he wearing this beaich ensemble, according to a fashion retease frorn Com- munist - dorniated CZEýchoslo- vakia. Open-toed sandals, black pedal pushers, turtlenelck jer- se>y and white poplini jacket are just the things to wear beside the- (Red) seaside, it infers. police station. Later doctors -insisted.t.hat he should go to bod for thiree days. The queer things that happen ta people! Football fan George Grahamslaw went by coach ta see Newcastle Ulnited play at 'Preston and the excursion should have endod ,v-th an evening- in Blackpool, But George mîssed the coach back! lie hadn't a penny. Ail be had was ten cigarettes and a stick of rock. Home, sweet home in Newcastle was 167 miles away but George set out to walk it. He didn't know the coach party hjad loft some cash witb the police in case he wjas strandod. Ho lived on his stick of candy, slept under a hedge after twenity-four bours on the road - and tried in vain ta soul bis cigarettes to buay food. Finally, à framer's wif e gave him' some sandwiches and ini- sisted on stopping a lorry so ~tlat George could have a lift. After four days on the road lie reached his own friendly stair- case -- and collapsed. But if enly lie lad known if he Could have loCked Up his sistEýr who was on holiday in Blackpool nt the time. - Could it bappen to ycîu? Nightinares can happen at axîy time to anycne. Drive uWlith Cate Modern Etiquette Q. Is it proper always to seat a womian at a table to the right of lie r maie companfi? A. Wben practical, yes. Thie fow definite rules ajbout this i- clude the seatîng of a guest of bonor an the right af the hast or hostess or chairmran, and the military rule by w7hich thie sen- ior officer walks as well as sits on bris junior's right. Q.Wheu somieone to whom elle hs been ùitrodueed takes leaveofo one by saying, "I arn very glad to have met you," wýhat is an appropriate res- ponise? A. "Thank youý," or, "Thiank- you very mruch," or, "I've on- joyed meeting YOU.;" Q. Is it niecessary tisat a guest uï)fold bis napkin entirely whien placing it on his Iap? A. This is neither necessary nor praper. It should be only haif unfolded. Q. Who are correctly askied to serve as pbalbearers at a funeral ? A. Mon who are close friends of the deceased. Mombers of th,-e imrnediate famifly are- neyer ichosoni, as their place is with the womnen o!fthe famnily. Q. What shonld be done wliei amarriage engagement hi broken alter the wedding pres- ents have alreadfy been re- Ceived? A. The ghilshould rètwrn ail presents to the donors promptiy, with notes of explanation. Q.How mavy sait and pe- per shakers shoïîlt be used oni a dinner table? .A. A pair at every ather plate 1s the most convenionit plae- ment, Q. hen spaghetti is served Italian style, how sçhould it be caten? A. It is miuch bettor for the average persan ta break it witb the fork than ta attempt to copy the Italians' skillfulj man- ner of bandling iît, This may save you bath emnbarrassmnent and laundry. Q.Is it ineeessary for a who habitually carrnes a pipie Wi his mouth to remove the pipe wben speaking to a 'woman? A. Most certainly he shauld remove the pipe. Q. Should tee creami, served in a sherbet glass, be eaten with ilhe spoon or fork? A. With the spoon. Ice cream is oaten with the f ork o-,nly wheni it is served -with pie or cake alamiode. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING AGENTS WAIITFO Go INTO BUSINESS for yourself. Sel! exclusive ouewr products and appLiances wanted by every lieuse- bote.These item)srare niot sold 131 stores. There is no competItion. profit nlp to 500%q. Write immediately for f ree color catalog with reta'l priceke shown. Separate Confdnal boe sale price ist vwil ho incild.dMur- ray Sales, 3822 st. Lawrence, Mvont- BAYCHICKS BROLLERS - September delivery, asIk for prices, order now. We bave mixed chicks and pullets, (dayoid and sitart- ed) wide range, inicluding Ames In- Cros3s, prompt shipment. FuiliParticu- lars;. Bray Matchery, 120 John, N., H4aniiltn. SPECIAL iow prices on Turkey P4'oults for JuIy. Rxtremeiy broad breasted Bronze. Thompson Large Whit,A.. .Smith Broad Whites, BlsIl bts lo-e id ens. toms. Foldler. TWEDDLE CHICK HATCHIERIES LTD. F'ERGUS ONTARIO AT titis time of year you waat cieks and turkey pouits in a hurry. e have themn, al popular egg breeds, dirai purpose- breeds, w pca broiler breetds, Ist geiterationi Arbor Acres White Rocks-, Ist generation Ind.iani River Cross. Ttsrkey poults Broad Breasted Bronze, Thompson Large Whites, A. 0. Smith Broad WhItes, Beltsville Whites. We batch every wveek in the year. Catalogue. TÙWEDIJLE CHICK IIATOIIERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO MAC HI NERY BAKUTstock of new Massey-Hsar. ris feed milS, harmmer type, bal bear. ing, complote wsith hopper. Regular price $145.00 to clear $45. No C.0.D Federa]. 185 King St. E., Toronto. FARM IMPLEMENTS NEW and uised Titreslsers. Lowest prices In Ontarlo. Deliveredj any- whiere. Wite GEORGE $QÙTTH, leatis, cote. Ontario FOR SALE FARMS & ORCHARDS - thse ricit "Beaver Valley" Georgian Bay Area. Carefuliy "ap)praised" off or exception- al value. Highly improved, bydroi etc. Acreage; quality; ternis to suit You. State your requirements 'NOW'. Garfield Case - Ciarksburg, Ontsrio. Gordon Stoutt Ltd., Realtors. READ THIS5 EVERY SUFFERER 0F RHEIJMATIC PAINS OR NEURITS SHOULD TRY OiXON'S I1EMEDY. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE ,335 Elin, 1Ottawa. $1 .25 Express Prepaid POSTIS ECZEMA SALVE BANISO the torment ot dry eczema rashes and weeping ski» troubIle. Poist's5 Eczemsa Salve will flot disap- p oint vou, Itching scailng and burm- ig eczema qsene. rigwormr, rimplesý and foot eczemna wiil respond readily t te tainless odorlesq olntmeýnt re. gardless of how stucbbor»r, b opelesa, they seemi Setit Pos* Free on ftecespi ot ro PROCU $2.50 PER JAR POSTS REMEDIES 285 ïtCair Avenu. iat TORONTO OPPORIUI$ITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BE A HAIRDRESSER JOIN CANAOAS LEAÔINGSC-Oi Great Opportunity Lear» la-irdrtessing Pleasant digniied profession good wsages. Thuandsos etsuccessful arve"l graduates. Americas Greatest Systens, Illusttr4ed Caialo.g Free Write or Cali MARVEL FHAIRURESSINO SUflQOLS 3.5e Bloor St. WV., Toronto B'ranches 44 KRing st tiamilton 72 ltidea u tk. Ottawa POI'LAR POSTS O)UTLAST METAL. New proven mnethod. not bluestone. $1. Hleinrichas, Box 22, Staton C.. Winini- .0PPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN TRADE me your old wori sud brolten -jewelry for new 50 yeaýr Solid Staiti- ies TalewreSetsý. Free patter» Cîrcular, Write J Maione, 3370-N 53 Street, Milwauikee 16, Wisconsin. üIGNIýF!ED, leisureiy homne %orl< for women. Ag- no handicap. Incoine comniensurate i t tbh determination. -Writeffans Alioffniann. 6130 Çleni Drive, Ban Leanldro, Californria. PATENTS FETHERSTONHALIGH & C o ni p ". n Y. paient Attorneys. Establishied 1890. 300 University Ave. Toronto Patentsj aU jCoutries. AN OFFE]ï to every invent.- List 0f Inventions and full tinformation gni free, The Ranisay Co, Registerea Pat- ent Alttorneys 213 Bank -St,. ta PERSONAL $1.00 TRIAL offer Fwenty five de1uxe personal requirements. Latest, cata- logue icu e.The ,edice Ag-2ncy. Box 22, Tria "Q" Toronto Ont. -~ SWINE LNVESTIGATE the profit. maldng abli- tt-y o-f the Swedisb -baon ,ty-pe L. race swine. We banve one of Canada's largest and t limporteti.herds. Guar.- afteed ln-ptg sows, weanling sows and boara for imunediate deliver.y. A13 guaranteed breedlers. Foldeýr. FERGUS LA-NDRACE SWINE FARMI FERGTJS ONTARffl ÏN A jrF Very first uSe 0f ,oothinsg. cioirg iiqid, VJ.D, Prescrtïon poidively relievei twrt h-a d y eczemia. ra8hez, scalpiroitation. chilag-otheritch troublen. 'Greýatees2, taMines. 390 triai bottle muui 4aisfy' or m'oney baci. Oon't suffe-, Mb vordruitgfor. !).#. 0PRESCRIPTION. Simple Ulcers Boils-Opemi Sores Now Get Real fIoIp At Home- NO Time test [roui Work The slimple E-NIERALD OIL hom1e treatmesn perln$1a work as! ucuai wbilo those olti sres are being helped. You get relief reaî quilitfor lM OAI IL lbelp2 prom-ote healthy healing,. LMERALD 011 tcta tnistanitiy 10 quiet pain, reduce ln1Iammiraticn rnd gtirimulate circuilion bringlnig fresb -blooti to te Injured part. .ust foilov ths pe diretionu. EMiNERALD 0Olm it sIt!hy ail WITN FAUE HEIN If you have trouble wtb p'lates zhat slip, Teck and cau"sesore gu, -ry itrhnrma PIaat-L4ner .e- applicatlo makeepiateà t snueeLW -aui oaSe ror Peste, beCause BrImas, piatl-L!aer bardeno per- maamtly tu pour Pl ate. XriLad ?nSrStois pte, Ina a y nu powder or paste tan d.. Uvtn~ on .15. rubber plate, >OU get 1005 resuite au auontha 1tuaa3'ea' or or, YÇJU CAM ZAY ANYTWNG1 filnsply bey @Qft trl p Of yP1Mt-I4luer on troublesomne zpper or lower. Bite 0et! 1% auidn pertctiy. oafj 5k a4, Ifwiltu, odoi'e, 4aIrmiesa go you aMd pour plae s ReMvablo as di1rezted,. Plaie eeaetr ied. Meefçey bac)( U oiCamptetelY .aUtdn. Mtilahk a u Drg Cfea. a A gets OUI -m oderalion - S E.C.'NA'E.c5- Che J4ouse of zea-gram Men wvhç think of tomtorrow pra ct/ce moderat ion -today

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