Voi.19N.4 )NO, 0O LY l9th Subscription $1.50 per Orono Band And Majoreti Take Part In l2tht Celebi Port Hope was the scene Saturdîay e, one of the most clourful demon strations in its history, asOrng- men fromn seven counties in Central Ontario assembled- te celebrate theI 266th aniniversary of tlhe Battie of the Wonlel three thousa route. ù that the out on P Street on lodges \v starting1 The Oro July meeting of ian Tem.peranc~e on Tuesday, JuIy of' Mrs. J. D. flrov nienl1 , ' ni the t le a1 hing the par- s along the ýe procession just turning ato> Walton h as the iast ft from the rial Park. ine of ing t] heea-i 2veryti ene (lni Toront ,Nea 'tes Bryson Family telebrate Tweuty fiftb Reunion ration At Orono Park', Saturday, July 14 over une hundred utembers eof the, Bryson cluua gathered te celebrate ETING their tw,ýenty-fifth fam-iily ruin A programi of sports was thon- the ome's ughly enjoyed by all. Mr. William Uion w ais Savery, Newtonviile, mwas the eoldest Unith athemember present. wn. Memnbers attended 'fnom Windisorý,! the meeting Hamrilton, Toronto, Oshawaà, Grafton, ni "More Love Trenton and Mýllborook.1' uiten, Learn" and uObe.. rs. by ail. utton read the seripture lessorn clos- - g with tle prayer hyma "4Take timeYu tr ' rbe HoIy.u Mrs, Kelly read a splen- Y uleteeGQwers Touir d paper on Peaoe. Mrs. Rowe then " w i ave a very interesting readirg en- LclTe lnain tled "Made Whole", by Carleton, A petitien was signied by 21 mnem- Some slxty-five Christmas Tree ers protesting the saile of 'beeIr in grower-s, miembers of the Yu.letree ýrocery Stor-es. Growers Aýsso)'Cation, attended a Din- During the meeting the iimemnbersInrinmeeting and tour of plantations ,ere favou1red by a iovelyvocal duet and the Orono Forestry on Saturday yr Mrs. Russel Ornmiston andINMrs.1 afternoon of iast week. The dinner oyd Ashton accompanied by Mrs.i wasý held ini the Orono Oddfellow's . iMeGil. Mrs. Sutton extended au Hall duiring- the noon hour on Satur- vitation te meet at her home for day, July i4th, catered te by the e August meeting. ladies of the Rehekah Lodge of OT- Mrs. Walsh led in 'prayer and the one. lizpah Benediction was repeated in )rs, 2; the offeig $4.5f),J the Association toured the Orono re- A voe ofthans ws erende toforestation -and plantations through- [r. Brown~ for her kind hospitality'Ottedsrc.Goeswr rs terwhich a 'deicieus lunch was seî-, aït frein 'many far and near dist- ýd. icta. J'.arke Game Commnission Releases 2400 Pheasants an .lendea of Conservation arewi g in the Tow- study th Tonship Gaine ,-ea to birds (2000l) mission were anced by the g birds were Hami4u andi 1t loose in the ed birds froni Madtlt birds. Commission .2000 IbirdsiLn miilaB asement Temporai ein, con- Voted For Pul y on Tues- it te Or- A W a decisive'Alil-Stars Take BowoianviIW e tecedth itry ina a I lO lo TeOrono emei In$Y tern jThe annual Lakeshore Baseball League Ail star gaine played eut in LOOJinidsay on 'LSaturday evening ,v'as a decided success in every way. T'he ils crowd was fair and itwas teated rrth made up of playýeîs fromi Cobouig, istOrono, L;indsay and 1 I lope eked out a close ýr-2win oNer the 'Bowian)- at1ville Brookdaie Roses. , f im teoi DotCoun Me k tl -- >' 'ý '1tii ni ia tue Township of 1,armoe. laiite bandiag cet the birds a yei- low plastic, band and an alumi jnum baud were used oný the twco differeut lots of birds. Mr. Tolmie wishes te thank a num- ber of scouts whe) assisted in the bandiuig of the birds, Malcomt Me- Kenzie, Douglas 3aud Willis Barrabail. .ast Twe Gaines Go As Victories For Interinediatesi St. Petor's Ar, was electedp um'ýibenrland-Dvr so)ciatien abt4 in the Chatea Cobourg reeîn ceeding with a pertabl( The meeting voted un accept the proposai of outliined>at the meeting Mlr. Jamues Rickaby a( mana for the meeting as Mîlison as ýsecnetar-y. Itry 'wï- riî- met1 The Stars picked up a singleton in Mr. F. E. Lycett, cha i-final series., the first and two in the fourth for, Board, first addressed their- margin of victery-. The Roses outlining the pr-os and j kept pecking away and s&,dred eue in Portabie Classroomi.-à ieW each of the fifth and eighth stanzas- stated that he, Mr. H.' buteein could net c'et the equalizer. For Mr.ý J. Rickab had travý land Weiner Sellers shared>the niound MVcCarthýv supeointendai thenewPes assignment with Hobby Gallagher be- cation for the Province c ih(: nwl osea hind the plate. Chuck Jones etofCe- was pointed out that a Po ýsent tinie. m's bourg threw the first thr.ee,. the On-_omwt asaeh tha gvÀrnI taries' H~arrison served up the maiddle lighting and blackboard it. The cure Ithree and Lindisays Deug Leucks f in- $50 and that no grlal [ti wic echished up. Rich Evans started behind "aaIlable for the clas,,sro, th.ic1 aeh the plate, Raye West took ever in the The chairman stated titi etclu fs-iecond with the veteran. Andy Widdis f e that the nioney cou mortr is re-spent in the school builc Lg mnnuer anid oming on in the seventh te receive Vt otbe osge mr is aîways for Loucks. Don Mercer 'n'as iu the b oys? teliets, which needf - tield for part of the ga ie. A fter the e i o d ou of t e b game Lindsay was the host. at a de- emodotofheh ise aeîied .i, new addition at the sout ahnst outakirts of tewn. Featuired -here was se, with M tie Yourt.hs -famous, rendition of ew post the "Big Wheel' and the impressions peetof CGeneral Jones. iberculosis Assoc. Lake w,ýashroom out of the bý basoment rooni eould tih suitable for a cIassr'oýjut ic schýioeL t was feit thi, be dloue costing in the hood ef that of La Portahiý it wao~inted eut t]- woild be z a"ale for tih re- Iexpc 10mes, [erived its incel officers Stan Fr trteasure Olntario, NorthumrTb&lanid, andl urlintfmaly té hst ed- The Oirono Initenmaediate basebalifoUrth and fifth. Orono, however g~s&~f ast»urhm biugng p bh tein ritht ad et~,ored the Ce- came te_ the fronrt for th'e first ofth -re' Th-e iuost vivid impression ftiuhor team,.on Thursday evening etf gamie iu the - b,)ttom -eof the fLeurthi Vit spetaor' md b ~b paad last week te take the gamie played wh len hey. scored te four ef their was oeeof color, eacit group viemng laIn the local park, by a score et 6i to six rupns. These wévre sconed by D. Mith te others ia the imagnificenice 3. As usual, as has beirn-the custoni West, J. Shetlen, Raye West and, Don -eits <dress. lateiy, it rained and between flurries' Mercer who ail hit sn'fles. Chuck ofonly five and euie hait innings wero lArm-rstrong wîtit his single wvas again Prize-WinneZ$ lu parade played. Howeven in the 'hitting de- credited for liina a run in titis Tlhe following were the wifniers et partmient the Orono beys drovr eut, tr am-1e. the si-ver ceps i the varieus ern- eight its te Cobourg s six and went-) petitions la the Orange îparade Ofl jj o n utscone the Cobourg ct r Titis wia te & rono .gace thei a $aturdayý te hiee. Deani WesV, Raye W esa firmner gripo on fourth place in the f ive. Best Brase Baaý,d, Lindsay KIinsm-eni Chuck Arnmstreng wene the big hiitters 1mbge Boys Band. frOon.The Oronhoein wili, thi yean, en- Best Fife and Prunt Baud, Bow V e inýClass "C" Baseball for thet m-aniville Fife anid unBand, utesotgin oiie xpadwsfrthe Diitarie Champion-1 Best Fluto B'and, SonsefU!ister ci'f&etpichers held duties on the ship., This wlll" be the first year.i that FiLite Baudn saa.mind, two feror Oono and foui ohhelcl emlas beon euteredî in BMpetMs Le dgeO '1, Faevle oor.Juniior Weýst was thie start- Class C. Basebal for 'the pIavdownis. Mapl Let LL 4. rg pitchor for Orono iand Di'on aletLast yenr the V eninreaiedinthe BesV Wmen's odge, obourgtheL reIiý ' in the top et the fiftÏ Col- "B" Dvso m eeptetb Mapbe Leaf LOB 35L ' ly was redited with the.loss a r e-!Bwmuvll Rses who wnton -te Bost Boys' LogLisyEtr iet camne freinStanley, 'Vine't ald- int?,eo Ottaie G_ aitapionship.) prise LTB tHuk-1t9 .The last two Cbur n ir lu19,54 thioe nono tmeantercd he' Bost Girls' Lodgo, "Iorankford Riverithe i ce if1ý 'Valley ing when.Oiono did t'ho greatost titis division tnt it ey won theOu- Best Mixed Juveile odg, Tronc rofettheir scenîing. tarie Chaimipionisip,) At preseat it is Unity LOBA 12M4. -' ý Best AIl Round Locgi (Port Hope Tite irst scornugcamne in Vte etkuown whi te pla fill .,e start or wit io te hhbo Board et Tiad Cup), Cartwight coud inning and titat by C obeur g LOL 43. 1 ttiree bit, one a double, scored pae Thte judges wero: Jameps Car. Reed tv.- runs. Aniother score for Cobýouuirg On Monday the 1ntermiediato -Base- Budge, Ghaales Stevenson, Owen came in it tird te give tterin their hall teanm streagthened their poti- Lent,, Stuart Smiart and Rii i total ef thnee. Oronto scored lu thle tien for fourtit place by detea--tiug 3on. bottoi aet the third with two -c-n Liadsay by a seore et 2 te 1, ________________________scored by Reu West and Don Mercer. 1 The pitchiag for hotit sides was ex- West fit a single te ho put on hy a clctwt et etadDu Theuht Fr The W ali J scrifice by Rave West. Merer thonclenwihKttWstndDu T n g teoer Tae iolder'sch oc e ego t e irst. L ouks b tit going the ful distance. The appnes 9fyou lie d- tuc, i dermstri ten, th a1 , yKeitit eu the Orone-mound turned iu The appnessof our ifede-bit, sent otit West and Mercr c- his best efthVe seasn allowing only pends itpoa the character of youf ross hiomne plate. t our bits in ,thte full eight inaiings. thouht&int tie furtt Oonewas o teains turned i.11,a tight gante d on on ruti in the 3 tD 2 cout. aCuc Armstrong and Don Mercer1 will continue- as executive secretnry G.C McCuIIagh- was re-elected audi- Mauy Deleg-ateýs Feilowing dinnler, the calliug et thte rolshowed, those prosent te hav come frein ail parts efthtie United Courities: BwavilNewcastle, ~Fras.evile, PorIt fHope, Cobourg, (Iratton, HTai-rpto)n, Mill'hrook, Camp- belîtord, Hastingýs,Co4ceBat more and Geiberne. Ia his report te the Meeting, Pres- idnt Uugh Goiecmani, said that en- thusîasin auid gnowth etorÉite organi- saio u!,nug tite ýiat tree years hýad been ino-,ýst gratifyg.TeT. sea - salfe 1955 hdrogh i a- proxmatey $1,00à a ttal ircrea.se ovor Vite thiree year period omr tIta ît pncn.He spoC)ke et t'ne Set Up Budget Prposed expenditures fo)r 1956. cludedl sucli !teais as X-nay chi and miedical cupervisýi. oft ciis, tulberculin testing, etc, 000; tubiêrculosîs educatien mate: films, dispînys, excludiag al chargod te mass survey enganms $1 -n; ass survey organizi- It wvas lear iPortaffle n te roi est mniRl Six Fire Departments [o'i Part In Exercise At û- heay tskMrs. Pew--trsscoey hadmale et.Heras MssDo- n usay eenn l rono, p0asns Wi iaec o~n oi toVhe wonkst hddn and Pl ie ii hve Viebpruiy e 1 ý - Vit pstnates fr "itirpat i wtchiîînýg a -MIutuial Aid pro)grnila hadln tegrenVvlm f aer hc itiedeatnnswi ake Tests wil be made by ite Otn lai onttitougl Vie milS, part. The prograin wifi be a practice ineltrsatast resi Speaking et pon ope, M r. Colo- et-nof aypunliping i otittoenins voiumeu eiwate punpeu.aise man rew ttetion ,teate high bl- et toree achines miibe diraVilup. Cue >rjt ciande at tT.B. lu t!iat twnand11 sidnthat aeci ' sYwul o Departmeats taking part la tho de-! mlade lu that çomrnnity, headed by mntainwi ofri eia-lw~ 'Ms.Inra ofe Port Hope. Thte ville, Newcastle, Port Hope, 'Cehourg, The exercice mil givté peucple et Nrthung"me1nd imHai U-Bewdley and Orono, The scheme 15 area an opport au. cot( Nor',-,nb,ýlrdDirath4-at eiag piannaed by the Couaty Ce- shmei U.cceWiflC~u *us ciV cae iu tor higit praise fer the ordimiator freinCoboujrg and wil ho £À, 1,1L'Iln inanner iunwhich Dr. Charlotte Hor- drce n hovdb etes~a ttast 4C ~ naeej Viteaf AssociatiOn.edwit firceTernde. 'eLnce ved te îî cea mtîa n non and her staf a opeae ihfreinthe Ontario Fine Marshall' cari l Lt)cW i Mr. teeuîv ecear, Waten mil ho pumped frein te uoieL atzied alk-1 eee.s ssace P;-wl.ess ex 'vesocetay'Oroto ?Park Vo Main Street and aloitg 1 Ixm