MR r, 7> y y o YLMNER BOS'ON BROWN .f ýBEANS 15 oz tin 2 - 2'5cý fl AY - CANADA PACKERs twelve ounce .LUNCHEON MEAT 35cO, OQUAKER GJANT PACKAGE 000RN FLAKES 2- 43cý, U SUPREME BRAND SWEET MIXED OPIOKLES 16 oz 2 - 39cc ,orz->'- , cQCO gVIAUJ STRAWB'ERRY ECLIPSE - MARSHMALLOWSg J'BISCUITS 2 FOR 49cJ AYLMER PIENTO MANZ. Ice Box Jarg 'OLIVES 8Soz jar 39co HEINZ TOMATOi ten ouncee tins g oSOUP 9*FOR$1 -00J gINSTANT One pound package ,NU-MILK POWDER 33c,, * il ** I I I i I -'1 FRESH PRODUQE VINE~ RIPENED, DEEP REDi, JUICY .Wateruuelon iesz 9 FIRST'O 0 F , ASON-MARS11 GRÔWN - - Carrots 2iebuhe19 HOLLAND MR1,Washe4i and Trimiaed - Celery 2 Ige stalks 25e'] 2 eauls 250 FRESH ARRIVALS DAILY:, Ontrio ?otato43, Lettuce, Cauliflower, Bunch Beea, Black Sweet Cherries, Tomatoes, ets, Birdseye Items' Orange Juice I 6 oz 2for 37c Ai Turkey Chîck en Beef Pies 3 for 89c t i sta"ffcan hé e alled ýto it. The i (Cntiudfr'om page 1> ofa scodsump pump )called ýo1 j$1,000; rehabilitation and social' se- ',ftihý jvice work, $2,C'00, and ether items., pcfctoshsS Toal eti aed e pe dtue,11,-qorily e ", 1ained. Toti etimtedexpndiure, $2,- Unsaitisfactory installation 1 587, fhwes ;nth bo)ys',lockerron P eporit o'flthe welfare chaîrýnia, b ttnedt.D, E. )eRiver-s,i Mr*s. Welevas given by the sec- reýseniting the B~dod~ohl jretaryMs Pewtres's, Who told ho ceed to br-ae the lose fitt'ingas boxes' were made up of clo1thing,ý that they could not be moved throi gamies, candies and other itenI m s ost the Wall, to see wvhether -theL sho, I nganavrge of $6 and disýtributedi heads c an beý braced so that he to the patients in the san, and how flot be týwistedJ about, and to rinew patients were often. supplied with chrome fittings on the pipes wh jpajamnas aad hratre ni ley îemnerge from the wall. Hithe some cases, supplied with clothiag the iron Pipes have pýroctuded fi I h.nth atet eure hm. tie wall with no protection fromi etesPatients Reply 'water. ettr received f roui grateful On the advice of Mr. Parkin patients were heart-warming, Mrs. committee has accepted the pres iPewtress said, and that the patients gymrnasiurr floor, Mr. Strong -st Iwere very proud to be under the care fn stisacor floor wns .laid jof the United Counties organization. iginally and it his been replaced. ý "Verv few counties," she said, "sup- Complaints about workmanship ,'ply gift boxes regularly as does the the brýicklaying of the gymnasi Northum'berailad-Durhamn Associa- wall were quieted at the first mý I tonYing -when Mr. Parkin explained ti iFollowing Mr. Werner Stambach's the typeý of Stick used was such it greport as case find-ing chairman, the mortar joints could not be .perfeý oreport of Dr. Cliarlotte Horner, MOH, even. was read lw the secretary.________________ T'he number of cases on register as jof January 1, 14~55, were 289, and 293 aze lh ad esoewl ja9 of DecemIber 31, an increase of 12. Dr. liorner and her staff for the N Necases totalled 20, eight of which opera'tin extended to t1he volunti ie ohadiat We Héwarned, howev bere.p m n a th e , eath edu in -th at statistics should flot Se We gÎ year froni T.R.; 18 admissions to the Bupoitutongîeadt picueofpte g jsan and 24 discharges; clinics held B.station. e tsa tid that epT in five centres, 54; persons X-rayed, e'lyw ere gtnth ides that Io 1,083; nursing Yisits to cases, con-1 licked, but, be warned, there ist $tacts and suspects, 430.,idnicdneo ..wibm Mrs. K. E. Courtice reported on hien icdence of s tM.ich nne f ie meeting she attended in Niagara b ace,'..i tl agr IFaîs as a representative of the As- until every individual takes it uj Osociation at the Ontario convention. himnself to deerine if he has die e"saicd the speaker. Relief Worlcer Speaks j More Education f Wi4gle the business of the meeting Ile dwelt at length'on the fudti concluded, TrevDr Pierce, a former need for educating the public to relief worker with the U.N.0 and 'dangers oft T. . "We lcno-w the tra gnow field secretary of the Ontario edy of the disease," sa{d Mr. pieci fi T.B. Association, addressed the gath- "but the generationgrin up dû ering.flot know, and there lies our greatE B orn, in Wales, a former school 'challenge. If we COuIld instill into t jteacher, widely travelled and, whien1 minds of our, young people the nec( working with the U.N.O., mnuch ex- sity fo)r exahiinatàns ancl& x-ray, p)erienced in the. problemts of refugee j shoýuid Wbe muYhW nearer rgoal Scamps abroad, prai.sed highly- the jiial wphin out T.B." j Iwork of the Northumiberl,,ndI-Duýrham J , A colour film, showing hoýw a p IT, B Association. The tremnendous son eatches cold, how -,to avoid col( Istr-ides thje oranzai~nd rmnde in'1 and wvhat to do about Iýt whensi one h H the three years of its exýistenice r-aclcncue eig * THIS THIJRS. to SA'L- MATINEE - SATURDAI Thi ana Dlui Puritan Meat Bails with Gray Food Saver Waxed Paper Red and White In tant Coffe. 15 oz39c 100 ft. Roll 31c: 2 oz jar 35c RICHARD TODD o1"The La 't)CLAYTON -M SWIT'S PEAMEALED BACK BACON% Wq by the piece either endl NEX MONDAY to1 LB 69e BONELESSL PO0'T ROgA ST Rolled Plate lb 35c SWIFTS PREMIUM With thëý Sweet Sm*ked Taste BRle AFASTv BACON LB 69c SWIFTS PREMIIJM BOA"LâOG%#"%NA-by the piece 2 LB FOR 49c SWIFTS PREMIUM LUNCH EON MEAT SLICED LB 65c SWIFTS PR'EMIIJMlý MACARONI&CHEESE Loaf LB49c -, ~ WARNER BROS 'JOVOUS FILMINS 0F THE U j ~ SIX VEAR STAGE SMASH! Iro EATIRE 7:05 ,andf 9:15 c 0,Om IINOG-M oN. -WED. -July U30 -Ag 'I' 'i Bus Rod& ...shcýuldl prompt you to eaiu upon us in time of sorrow. We srs simple heautiful services that prove consoling to the bereaved. Or'eua, Ontario Johnson's Raid Bug Kîller-i11 oz Bouab$19 FRESH, HOME GROWN Cabbaore MICHAEL ALSO 'J 1* g g g g i g i I g t -n I o i o j ~ERHEELS He. Phone' o0W