A second inning flurry by the Port Hope PeeW'ees -gave thiem the gamie On Monday eveniing in Port Hope whlen Oroo wasthe (visiting teamn. The Orono boys camie up with somne pooi, play« in thiis fr-am-e which gatve the Port Hop)e mie a totail of aine runs1, owevr, ourîng111e--est4o1 --t v-V 's-r d~j OU Ysors of Progress ýGENT71 32 oz bottle 23c 16 oz 33c -'I '/11 Be surv you pick Uip an officiai sav- ings folder at youri IGA FOODMA-. KET. Tiien, each tmte you shop at IGÂ, slip. your casr register receipt.- into it for safe keeffing, 0Excelltnnt For that Oiit-Deor Barbecue 0 Barbecued1k R DJChicken lb 'J85 T-ABLERITE QUALITY MEATS CUT UP CHICKEN ùLegs and Breasts lb 73c1 ýWings lb 39c Backs 2 lb 25cg ~Lean Minced Beef 3 lb. $1 .OO0 ýfPork£ Side Ribs lb 49cd [ TABLERITE'* Cello Pacage ~Frankf urters~ lb, cello pkg 3 7d, SUNKIST CITRUS FESTIVAL, OR*'vANGES size 288 29c SELECTED FOR SIZE and QUALITY - ELBERTA Peaches 6 for 29c FOR HOME OR COTTAGE - Full Red good esize Watermelion each 89c ONTAR1O GROWN GREEN PASCAL Celery Stalks 2 for 19c .Frozen Joods ten ounce SWANSONS TURKEY or CHICKEN TV Dinner 25C sÇc HI-C 48 oz. tis SOrange Drink 29c g LIBBYS FANCY 28 mince ins Sauerkraut 2-3 5cg TEN CENTS OF'F DEALg Instant 14 oz elg Chocoliite pkg F RENCIIS -5c. OFF DEAL ~abec Ue 10 oz gSauce pkg4e gFirench's 6 oz SMustard jar13 Saturday evening but due to thé Porit Hlope Celebration for the twe1veth~, the gamne waýs called off. In Girjl's Softball the local nine findi themiselves -i second place iii the ebague. Couirtice has taken top hnusfor the suilnier schedale o- play vith th-,ird a'nd foujrth position going to Newtonville and Newcastle-. KIRBY WMSMEW the gamie the Orono boys put up a rhe Kirbyýý W.M.S. mnet in the' gaeas equal to thait of their oppo- Church on Thursday, July\ 5. Mlrs,. sition. Thie final scnrLe restoci at 12 Allia, presidont, opened themetn to *by uise of Hyrna 38',foowdb prayer. Te23dPsailm was re- Orono sco1.d two ruals in thle lr.st pae ferwihaMe.b1t by 1_arr1 Milerad Gar McMckin vt ers.Mi.R. Chapimanfaoue The thL'ird tally xvas in thie sixth byuswîh l o "B- y Quiet MWater s", A. Q-uanîllt1. Orono wals, il, thle ma'in The minlutes w-ere rvead nd ap'proved, part, rthrweak iii îthe tigde- and roîlcal givea and offering ,re- parit11ent. ceive dd edicatfedTe Treasur- Port Hope score'd one run h hees1 eot1apgvn nifirst,.aine ,,n.te seýond 1aad( two in itIl\"as moved by,-Mis. Reid that the sixth. Ia the remaining thd-ree Mr.s. Wmî. Rtef ,*r.Ccrn ings Oroo was able to (-ut off the aMd MsR. Chapnmba o aommittee, thrateniag ruals before they s(oed Io plan our August meeting. Tri twc, of these three innîings, Portj_ Hop lodedi the bases wvith nione0ut, Mirs. bo-wery tcook mte study noolc howe>r,,roo put up the battiej withb the help of Mrs. R. Chapilarn leaiîng the Port Hope mUen on the and Mrs. Reid, reviewed our studyý bag. f the Cainadian Indians and Hlomeic Missions. Roger Barlow;ý started the miound duties 'Ior Orono but fouad trouble Thie meeting was tuirned over tci in finding the plate,, AI Quantrill the W.A. for a1 short busine-ss meet- came in to relieve in the second and ing. It wa's decided to ship old woolensa Don anchk ii th forth.Ros for biankets, to be packed August Don anchk inthe ourt. lusl5th witfi Mrs. W. Wannan, Mrs. K&, Tamblyn, behind the plate, turned 'Henderson and Mrs. G. Wlison as tbe a good game as did Les Hopper- who Commîttee. moved from third base out into left, field wvhere he did a remarkable job of cýatching three difficult fly banls. Rasement Tempirary Room The Orono P'eeWee team l ave heen î (Continued fromn page 1) invited to play ln Peterborough 0on Hinton, moved that the motion re- Satilrday evening,. JuIy 28th. This 1questing tlat a Portable be obtalae<à lame has been receiving publicitY for the, ulcSho sps~'a over, the Peterborough Television the 1ast public meeting on Tuesday,, Station and the boys are lookiag for- JuWlO 1th be recinded. This motionâ ward to a real outiag in the City tO cai-rTied by a majority of 30 to 5. the north. A r-etura gaie will be Floigti oinM.J-C playe late in O'ono.Gamney moved a motion which wvae The Orono PeeWees have two post-' duly secoaded that the Truîstees pro- poned ames et pQa g'ainst ceed with their proposed plan o e Newcastle. moving the boys washroom to pro-- The ronoBant',n) to avevide a suitable temporary classroorri ThayedOrno aa ms wert oo aven*the basemnent of the sehool. Thie,, playd agamew»nPo~tHop ~nmotion aiso carried, filint POINT. HEATING Service Guarantees Com fort with Economy! l1. We 'tho0r. oughly de a n and recondition yGIJI ail burner . Remove heat wastîng iQot and scale from yovr furnace. Scientifically reg- Ulate your 011 burner so it wili run efficiently and with10 ov u alCori. sumption. vic wihmyb needed duriig the year. r 4Cme make autematic delive- jes of top.quality o11 of th~e right grade for your oit burner. Alil this for a Iow annual maintenance cbarg e plus the cost of the oil you use. Not only is it the fine ' t kind of beating service, but the most eco- nomnical and satisfactory, Phone Us N-ow For Detçils For Yosjr HouseM 1ýczdau L Fel & [Luner Ltd. CrLne THIS FRI. ANI) SAT. Ail-Technicolor Show e"The Man ýA hi Ne ver Was"', With Clif ton Webb and Gloria Graham "Tich Andi ro" With Jack Éawkfns iand lMargaret Johasieûn1 Phone 14816, NEXT MON. TO WED, Adut Entertajumient la CiînemaScope- é"I14pay, The fith Day 0f June", W-ithi RoeTaylor and nçyai 24ýoz 39c CHOICE 2 -20 oz tins 41c Butter 16 oz37c size 220 49e PICTS1WEET FREINCH CUT G een Beans