liamiIlons . Insurance Sen Every lass of li an(c. is represefltE our office. The fo ing. --ie somre of main ove'agesW( Aujtomobile Lifie, Accide Sickne1Lss, PI te Glass, Lii Fire, Burlar ospitali Livestoci, LBolier, Wind, Riail, Fidelity Bonds, ORONO PHONE IIFIRST MORTGAGE MI SLeroy llam'It RJiAL ESTATE 41101 The Kend(al Wom-,e's Institute helti have tai ther anual pic-nic on W Metinsdayond lic Pak.They ee uss tte box ily ur viccteylaN, wcaýstle when th elerM. Gerýo escorted arount ibte îactory andi July lit n1sur- sonalkntso oxsboth plain anti fancy which they foundi Ms -ad II ,teyintereýstinýg. 'There - were a couple I îihM llow- of sliowe-rs, but eeyn rpreP lîa te a vry ejoaleateroon. oet 2Cam Saying at KnCrHlscaip1 auta s wek emeMar,(-obbic-, Alva. and Brt PReid, hryNeal anti Lon- MrN ni area Wye niSharronuinleti hi' nt and GodnLndy Loi Red'ford, Ailan Wotce abfliy, ati Gar-.y Armn-st-rong, Todd Dairb- homne hei zation, shir-e, aronSteed, Mrhalan dreunt Plolio, WartA Wll KeitbSwarbràkJack etc. GoianiLeica GarbhutPaEnny aià Rhoýda oe, e anti R. Wigumi. iy atte IP116 Me-a-iî et an amateur Pegt awa paîi last week featuri N amaStetianti Mn tec Sha-ron Goden singirg and c!hicken 3ANS dancin-rg anti Cheryl Barreca, Lindy MiLssJt lou Redford -nti Todd Darbyshire Mý,isses j- ,-odtHlng. ence Wil, 1I picnicon 1 jMrs. L. Thorne camýne homne from iiday last. jh-p-u,1onMday Juiy 9th and we Aospmal nksw ayh z a n -É ong alright. Callers oni Sun, ,Mrs, Blke Alexander, Mi- LADIES' DRESSES Regular price $995 to $19.50 SALE PRICE $7.95 CIIILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 10 - 12 years Regular $3.50 - $4.25 SALE PRICE $2.75 Ladies' White Leather Straps, regu- lar $3.25 to $4.45 SALE PRICE 95c. Ladie's Straps and Pumps. Reg. $3.95 to $4.95. SALE PRICE. . .. ..$195 CIIILDREN'S DRESSES Sizes 10 - 12 years Regular $2.50 SALE PRICE $1.25 LADIES' DRESSES Regular $12.95 - $23.50 SALE PRICE $10.95 Ladies' Mloccasins and Canvas Straps Regular $4.45 to $4.95. SALE PRICE $2.50 Ladies' Canvas Oxfords asd Multicolor Strapes. Regular $,5.95 SALE PRICE $3.95 01 purchases in our Drygoods departuient and use them with your Valuable Premiums. Friday &Stra WQdnesday open Ail PDay s IGA slips for Sýtore Open Au Day Monday _______________________'-o-,,- VIGORb ab 01-1 LIMLTED Between Orono and Newcastle on Highway No. 35 Vigor Standard Casoline 3S1' c per galI tax mnc Vigor lligh Test 41'~c per gallon - tax included STOVE 0IL,-foî your convenience in small quantities- avaliable. at the Station OpenEvenlngs and Sundays - - ---- Toro TAM 1PLAYDOWNS sonBH ofTs 1The Ono nam Babal team kend ih ber enter- the 0O.B.A. Playdoýwns n oun"11- R. E. Logan. day' ee&n, July 23rti when they to was a guest rae to Courtice for, the. matc. I The sre wl ethe besttw-o ot Mv atMi. of three. The second gamie & to '~ At Ides. Feux !I ýiyee h Oroo on Wetdinestiay ev-en- riiýlly of Tor.- iaigJuiy 26thi commllieing ait63 FlintoffMr. p.iu Corne out and cheer tbe lo0a ~*~i îmî~ ~ eamontovitoy id Mi-. Jamles~ Miss ntiay i the Mlr. anti Mrs. Ada ber parientsMr.1n ie Fraser. ~amiiy. ~T Wit lia n» antan d and, Wed- Spur-- e on ý1,Mrs . nu and Iuauglit1&,t, Ualieriue, Ivisiteti with Mr. andi Mrs. Wesley El- liott on Wedniesday. MaLster Bob Stapleton ofl Newton- ville is spending a few da'ys visiting Jwith Mr. and Mrs. John 'Forrýester, an fMr* Y i.ari Mrs.. Ross Gilbart have taken up residence in the bouse of Mr. E. Brown on Church Street eouth Mr. George Elliott of Saskatoon, Mrs. Wilcox and Margaret, Toronto, Mr and Mrs. Milton Eiliott, Mrs. G. JoeBowmianville and Mrs. Milton Dunbar, Port Hlope Spent Wednesday' with Mrs F. Brimacomibe, îMiss Marian Me&cRlvey, Toronto, and Miss C. Stewart, Sxth ZUng were recent visftors with Mtrs; F. Brinliacoflile. ~ Mr andi Mrs. Ançlrew Ashenhurst 1 of Uxbridge calleti ani Mr and Mrs. James Middl1eto;n on Wednesday. Now that warm wieithe a fin- aily arrived the atte!ndance at the Park prcogramn for thie childdren bas iincreased. Aiso those enrolled in the' Red Cross swimiing instructions are finding it more enjoyable. 1 Mi r in. lIrwin has started ex-' cavations for a house oni bis lot on Church St. South. jMr. and Mr. Ar-chie Watson, Betty Ana and Larry, Toronto visited wýith Mvr. and Mas. Alex Watsoii this wveuk. Mr. andi Mrs. Raye West and fam- ily viieiOn Sujnday with Mr. andi Mrjjs. Percy Haywari de Bowvnianville. LAKESHORE STANDING As of Monday, July i7th W L T Pts. Bowmia riville -------- li 3 0 221 por Hpeý ....8 F 117 Cobourg..............715 115 1Orono .... ..........5 8 2 12 ULndsay........ ..1i 12 Plumbing-Hpating I lavestrouging GFREE ESTIMÂTES H larvey Partnei G YRONE 'MA, 3-224 o ci il 'O ~ UNITED C4UlRCH Orono Pastoral charge SUNDAY, JLJLY 22, 1956 EKIprBy Chrhservice at 9:4<5 Suady Seoolat 10:45 fThe Oronýo Boy Sc day' vor lastw eek ceolle ityof five tons of th-e V'illage of 0Oroo to thank ail tho'se possi ble. M r. atid Mr1ýS. Jla Mr. nti rs.John lSt SLIPdav -WitlhMI'. SALES And SEURVICE Our c~mpŽteervice guarantees year rounid driving pleasure CAR VETH PMOTO RS ehone,3251 ORO1MO TII PIu~SingFixtures Accoessorie' and Repaira Wyalrmt Air Heating and Air Cr nditioningo B-HJ>'aint a..d Varnishes, etc E. LOGAN, Prop. Suntan 0iIý Noxema, glorlous tan withouut burnîng. Priced at ......... ...... bottie 75e. Lustre Cream Shampoo, giant 98c. tube for- ... 79é. Mum-Mist, 2 regular 75c. botties for.. ý...... 99C. Nair Depilatory Lotion removes hair in minutes Safe to use. Bottie for.......ý ý........... 98c. Knee Length Nylon Hose, full fashioned, 51 gauge 15 denier, size 9 to 11. Pair for.......... «98c. Pullovers, Misses Orlon (higli, bulk turbo pt"oq eessed) round rhînestone trimmedl neek, short, sleeves, white, size 8 to 12. Each . ....ý. ...$ 2.98 Sun Dr-esses, Children printed ccîtton, sleeveles' assorted styles and color. Size 4 to 6?x. Each ý--.'98 Boleros, Ladies Orlon, white only, small, iiedium. or large. Priced at................. $2.98 Netting, Mosquito, yard wide, green or white, yd 17e Diaper "hx disposable, pin on diaper, 8 large I size , medicated................ box 98c. Doàn't Miçs' i<% 1/2 PRICE SALE 0F CEREALS - CAKE FLOUR Rice Krispies, reg. 19c. Sale price 10c. 2 f or 19c. Kelloggl's> Red River Cereal 45c. Sale price 2e 2 foi,...... .................. ..... 45C. Quaker Cream- of Wheat Mec. 2 for only............ Wheaties 25C. Sale pi Nabisco Rice Flakes 19c. Sa]( Trix 29ec. Sale price 15c. Kellogg' Br-an Flakes 26c. Sal Post Grape Nut Flakes 25ec. Sai Quaker Puffed Wheat, reg. 15 Naple Leaf Cake Flour 21/2 lb. Sale- price 20c. Swandow-n Cake- Four regula T-O $1. 2Mc. Summer Clearance Sa Ladies' And ChilIdren's Dresses -~ Laie, Shoe sale, Save your Cash Regis- er Receipts Armstro, Cou ORONO Open~ Friday and Fa % à i _z-_