~- How Insuits Win Basebal Gamgis ~- When Enos (Countryi Slaugh- ter steps up to bat in a close bal gamne you can, if you lister, -losely, hear 'the rival dugout "go to work" on hlm. The voices are shrill, the remnarks pointed, leaving littie to the imnagination, because Slaughter has been mar- rieti five times. "Here's 01(-J MarryTi' Saml3," they chorus. Then, as Slaughlter faces the pitcher, one voice rings out over the rest." ",What do you dIO ith your olti wives, Tommy Mnil? These heekiers aren't some of Slaughter's former in-laws; for do they have any persqonal iii feeling towvarti himn. Theyé simply want to "get bis goat" and this Is the best bit of Information they've got to do it with. -Anti the rougit ridera of the diamonti doni't hesitte ta use the sharpest "neetile" handy to get under an opponent's skiai. t may be coarse; it may be cude; it may even be sheer nonsense. But whatever it is the basebaII "jockeys" will use t if there's the slightest chance it wil shake the rival player's concentration by making hlm angry. Prime targets are players with "rabbit eairs," the uys wh "go up in sinoke" when însulted because they're overly sensitive. But everybotyiynl basehaîl gets his full share. The dlugout jockey goes f ar beyond the "hol1erý" by whichi o. "live" beach aima at inspiring the home team. The jockey is eimply out ta get a) barb into the opposition andi if he hasn't atiy Insult handy, he'll make one up. Thus the bail player must ex- pect to run the gauntiet con- tiaually. The "needling" ranges through bis temperament, weak- nesses, romances, uagûartied statemnents anti particularly his physical ttppearance. Take 'the case of Yogi Berra, thxe Yankee catcher who is short, aquat anti somnewhat simian- Iooking, When he was nmarrieti, Birýdie Tebbetts greeteti hlm one bright afternoon with: "Hey, Yogi, how does your bride ltike living in a tree?" It waa too goodt t pass up anti every beach jockey in the league grabbed it, Wherever Yogi went other players adopteti gorilla- Jike poses, huag frohi dugout ceilinga, seratcheti themselves and greetet irhimwith Tarzan- lilte screains. Yogi stili hasn't hearti the endi of il. Pity the poor players like Carl Yurillo, Ralph Kiner, Warren Spahn or Ralph Brarnca, boys with, a "sechnozz.' Anti aow that they're on the same tfeami, Mic- key McDernxott will quit walk.- ,ing arcund on his knees in the dugout wheaever tîny Phil Riz- zuto cames ta bat. Things promnise to be juat a bit more quiet titis year now fliRt Leo Durocher is gone. "The Lip" coufld "dish it ouf' even ketter, perhaps, than the 1famed John McGraw or Jimmy ivDykes. It's quite possible, too, that Durocher wNas the worst (or the best) of all timie hecauise he coulti, at timres, cut like a knife, ai-i it kept himi in trouble from the start to the finish of his ca- rewrites Oscar Fraley in "The Police Gazette." Baýck ni 1928, when lie was one of the freshest bushers ever to break into the mnajdrs, Duro- Cher wais playing second base for, the, Yankees. New Yor-k had clinchiedtte pennant in the first ,game o)f a doubLIle header, andi Leo ,was fee-lingl his oats. There weetwo out i n the ninth inining oif thie second game anti "Fatty"> Fothergili, the overatuffeti De- troit outfielder, was cmigto bat when Durocher daishied up to the plate umipire. "Stop!"' he screamiet. "Don"'t -ou know it's llegal to let two mýen bat at the samie tim-e" 1Fothiergill tried to brain Du- rocher with a bat, and maniy havTe been sorrv since then that "Ftty"e ditin't. Týwo of theïn are Cari-l Furillo of th-.e Dotigers and AI 'Roseni of the Clev7eland In- dians. Durocher "got on" FuZrillo so mericileasly, ni with such un- printable abandon, ini 1953, that they squared ,off in a slugging match in w,?hichi Carl suffereti a brýoken finger, Theti, in an exhi- bition 'game between the New York Giants andi the indians iast spring, Durocher neetileti Cleve- 1land's AI Rosen s0 badly that they weent at it. "It wvasn't that hie kept yel- ling 'Show us your mnuscles,'" saiti Roseni, "it was the other things, the dirty names, that made me m-.ad."' Jockeying which got out of handt touched off a feud between Billy Martin of the Yankees, one of the beat in the business to- d1ay, and Jimi Piersalof the Boston Reti Sox a couple of years back. The taunts went from bad to wvorse until Piersal finaîly explotied: "4You've got no guts, Martin!" "You don't have a gut in your whole carcass!l" Bllly replied. They met under the stands andi were whaling the daylights ou,, of each other when finally pulleti apart. During the last World Series between thLe Dodgers and Yan-. kees, the pugnacious and fisti- caully-adept Martin was reatiy to go at it again when Don New- combe began riding hlm. "I'm,~ready ta take you on any timd you're retid'," MI.artmn rag-ed, "so put up or shut up!" There is littie jockëying done on th~e color, race or religion of a p)layer, . thouagh when Jackie ioýbinson broke 'the color bar- rier hie did for a time take a lot of bad ritiîng. Subsequently, wlten lie hati lincheti his place as one of the game's greatest players, hie became one off the game's top nieedIers, Thus today he stands among such heckling artists as Martin, Mcflermiott, Tebbetts, Charley Grimmr, Casey Stengel, Jake Pitli, Nelson F'ox, Chuck Dressen andi Piersail. How i)Can!1? By Anne Ashley Q. flow cau 1 test the quality of coftee? A. By puting a spoonful in a glass> of colti water and adding a few,ý drops of lemon jice. If the c-offee is pure it will remain on top of the wato!-r; if not, th-e water -will become discoloreti. Q, What can be done toaa wvoril shoe ining? A. If the shoe lining has w7orn in places, which of course wears out the stock-ings very qulckly, paste stripa of atihesive tape over the worni places. Q. llow eau 1 remove water spots f r4n varnishied tables or fuîrniture? A Dy. rubbing with a cloth or feather dippet in itou f camphor. Q~. 10w Lan 1I make a chicken, strate 17 o% venti( 250 surge as Dr. Robert P. Kno lype resuscittor on he ?oppairu-tus con substi s.Device received its i onls attending a syr boxer, "Bizzy," watches veterinarian, demon- line pal, Weighing 'orily for much heoivier con- i showing before somne sum on smail animnal Wresler Cari Beat Fighter- Joe Louis Joe- Louis sany2 heisnt a 'boxer alîve who coul'- knock out; a topnotch wrsersiha Verne Gagne or Luî Tes, n "that goes for RockyMrcao too." The ex-champ, who can't un- erstanti the rash of press crît- ism aver bris entry into wrest- Iing, bas a lot o f compaaiy in this view. Primo Camnera anti Tony Galenti ag-ree; but Jae Walcott is the only flighter- turned-wrestler who tioesn't "If a rassler rasarescl2" sayas Walcott, "lil fight any off 'mant i lck 'em. Trouble is, rasalers don't abitie by the rules. T hey punch anti kick ai-i they won't stand uip." L~ouis put in enouigh timie as a wrestling referee arounti the country 'Io convince himnself that, as a fighter, he'd neyer be able to llck the' gooci wrestlers. "I'ti have to take ont a wý,rest- 1er with one punch," be saiti. Th tidon't happen too otten. They stay Iow anti keep their chias la, anti K they d-op you, you don't bave a chance." At the samne time Louis ex.- plaineti that wrestliag la a sof t toucb cempareti with figitting. "Im42 years aId," lie says, "anti l coulîtirassle every aigh- aight of the week, In fact, I got this offer from -Ray Fabiai of Phi-ladelphia wbich guaran- tees me $150,000 a year ta go on tour. But I1tion't want ao rasale six, sometinies seven nigbts a week. Got toc maay other busii-esses. "But take the fightera. If [bey fighlt one a mnonth, they're busy. They gotta Le young anti full of Uèndurance. in raasîini', you v.alk arounti a lot. i weigheti 211 as a fighter, Now I'm 240 anti that's goot i rsSý1ii' weightil." Ia the days when wreatling was consideî-ed more of a sport than a siteshow, you coultiai-. ways get an argument by su- gesting that a Jim Lontios or a Strangler Lewis or a Gus Soanenberg coulti lick the best ievyweigbýt fighiters goîng. This genPraîlCý matie the fighit mob scream "fou!!" -Yet in the f ew instances when wrestlers went in againat figh- ters, on the up-anti-up, the fighter neyer itati a chanice. This waa s0 f ar back as the turn of the cenury. Once Fariner Bumnaý, Middlieweight wrestling champ, took on Billy Papke, a great mititleweight fighter, anti the ,,riestler entieti it ail1 without even gletting a sweat up. On the other hanti few wrestlers e-ver mnade mnuch of a dent lai boxing. Frank Gotch, a great grunt-anti- groaned who fanicieti himself a boxer, founti out you coufldn't mix 'emi one night ,in Dawson City Alaska, la 1901. Gotcb waa touiring the ter- ritory, takiag on all corners in wrestling bouts, when) Frank Slavin, the Australian hieavy.- wveight champ, challengetihl ta fight. Slavîp was in the KIoni- dike prospecting forý nuggets of golti. The challenge was assepteti, winner take ail. Gotch, miagnifi- cently proportioneti, looketi île a fighiter. H-e waa hantisomne anti quick on his feet-but Siavia) k-new too mucit. At the, endi of the fut round Gotchi was bleeting from ithe rmouth ai nose, anti one eye was battered to a closeti lit, writes J{erb Goren in "The Police Gazette. At the bell for the fifth round, Gotch, furhius aver bis inability to lanti a soliti punch, rushed Siavin to the ropea, pickecl hlm uip anti heavet i hl into the ten'th row. Slavini, badfly shaken, crawled back to continue tne hostilities, but the referee had already dîsqualifieti Gotch. When it was over, Slavin re- marked: "Gotch aught ta stick ta bis own trade. He's the beat wrestler I ever fougbt vwith." IVaybe the same shoulti be said of Louis, but Joe is~ tooi ol teto ight, anti he coulti use -the wrestling dougit. Beaities, as Tony Galento puts it:"Yur neyer to olad to rassie." GalIento, who once flooreti Louis in. a beavyweigitt title match befotre Joe stopped hlm, bias this advice: "Jeyou're. a nice guy anti you were a g-reat llghter. If you're gorna rassie, botter learn the holtis. Get somebody te teacit you. In two, three montits, mnay- be you'Ill learn." This la sage atice for any- bodiy in any business, particu- lary for the fighiter turneti wreat.- 1er, Joe tioes't look so pretty on the mat, Lots of folks say it la beneath Lattis' tigaity, but but this oaly geta Joe mati." Rudy Dusek, a big name in wrestling, welcomed Loui- into the gam-re. "Im53 now, anti I wrc-.t-leti unt iil two years ago," Duaek says. "Joe ahoulti have at least five profitable years as a wrest- 1er. if I waa bim 1I wouldn't go in againat a Thesz or a Gagne for a year or t-wo; at least. but he ought ta do gooti againat the big, slo-maïving guys. H-e re- fereeti a lot anti shoulti have picked up sometbing. Anti it woulti be înteresting ta see ha. guy wbo can bit as bard as Joe can do againat the wrest- lera." Diti that miean Louis coulti haul off wîth bis Suntiay punch? "Not e-xactly," Dusek saiti. "But be is allowed ta bhit with the ide of the bis fiat. An el- bow smash or a rabbit punch is ail part of the wrestling game. He colti chop uip a lot of As for Carnera, whio recently openeti a bar anti restaurant in Los Angeles, be was a carnival strong man anti a continental freak before becomning a wrest- 1er. 1"Louis neyer wrestleti before,"ý he sait. "This is not like hoxing. To wrestle, you must know your vaY 2arounti." As Dusek puta it: "Louis la supposedt tahave matie four and a haIt million dollars by fight- - iag,1but he got cut up so bati hie woui up owing, the govera- -ment a - million bucks ïa taxes. Ia wrestilag he wonl't get cut up 14 tiafferent wa-ý<s." Dusek, like ail wrestlers, thinka it would lie a joke for any fighter ta com-e into the ring -with gloves on anti try to stop a wrestler. "lt's been trieti many times, anti always the fighter nieyer hati a chance. Lik-e Louis says, the fighjter w-oulti have to enti it with one -punch. Once the wrestler crevwded ini, the figliter would be a- dead duck, Therewa a funnly sequel to, Louis' first wrestling match with Cowboy Rtocky Lee, Third nian, in the ring was Joe- Walcott. Lee took exception ta the way Walcott handled the match, called him- a cheese chamnp and snowed im iyunder wîthinsults. "Cowboy," said Walcott, "If you thinik I couldd't fight, you're welcome to take me on aniy night in the week," That's the way Walcott telis it, and a week later they wertc thrown in together, with gloves on in Baltimore. "In thie first rouind," said Wal- cott, "I showed Lee a little of the tech'nique that; brought me the heavyweight championship. I just wanted to tease -him a littie bit, in the next round I knocked him out. 1 don't like rasslers nohow. They're al musclebound, and they can't fight a Ilick, and I think if they rassied according to the rules, 1 could stop an)y one of themn by fighting-." That's Walcott's story, but his version of the rules may not necessarily be right. Louis could be just as vigorouas in defencè csfL box-,ing, particularly since lie stili draýws $20,000 a year fromn the International Boxing Club as a so-called ambassador of the game, but he just doelûsn't be- lieve that any fighter has a chance against a wrestler. "You could throw in Marciano againat any real good wrestlerý,"- says Louis, "anrd say: 'Rocky, do you want to fight with gloves or without gloves. Take your choice'. It won't matter. The rassier, he comes in reanl low, and he's on you quick, andi you don't have a chaince." Jepaused, theni added: "A fighter's got no morIe chance than a man in a mn wife argument. The -man always loses."7 AGENTS WANTED GO0 IMTO BUÜSINESS for yourself. Seil exciLISIVe hoUSeWare produÙcts and appiienjcesý wanted by every hous- hoidjer. Th,,ese~ itemns are not enld In stores. There la no co!ipetition. Profit up to 500%. Write limmediately for free color cataiog with retai prices shown. Separate co)nfidential whoie- sale price list wlll be included'.1 Mur- ray Sae.3822 Stf. Lawrence, Mnt.- reai. BABY CHICKS ASK us for prices on wide range pul- je;ts. Dayold, started, includlng Amaes I-Cross. Mixed check!, September broilers - order nlow. Fuli partieu- lars. Braiy Hatchery, 120 John N, flamilton. JULY chicks aind turkey pouits, we have themn, aIl popular breeds, chlcks speciaily bred for maximum egg pro- duction, dual purpose snd 2 special broiler breeds lat generation Indian River Cross, lst generation Arbor Acres White Rocks. Turkey put Extra Broad Breastedi Bronze, Thomip- son Large Whites> A. O. Smith Bread Whites, Beltsville Whutes, non-se.,ed, hens, toms. Catalogue. TWEDDLYtWCIIICK HATCHEitIES L4'D. FERGUS ONTARIO) EDUCATIONAL PREP SCHOOL SMAL boadingwith pleasant homne. like- anes phere. Individual instruc- tion ind the closeý,t personal atten- tion in aIl grades Io matricuistio. Guidance and testing. Enquiries wcl- cond. 4240) Girouard, Montreal 28, FARM IMPLEMENTS INEW and used Threshers. Lowvest prices in Ontarho. Delivered any- Where, Write -GEORGE UT.Heath- FOR SALE FAýRMS & ORCHARUS -- the rich "BeverValey"Georgian B3ay Ar-es. Caeuî saied'oferecetion- a] valuie. Hihyinproved, hydro etc. Acreage; quality; ternis t0 suit vou. State youlr requirements 'NQW'. Garfleîd Case - Clarlesburg, Ontario. Gordon Stoutt; Ltd., Rtealtors. RILEY and McCormnick Ltcl., Calgary, dA1berta.Pioneer Saddle Makers of thÏe West Write for our free ceatalogue on spurs, bits sud- ail cowboy gear, 'rHIRSHING Machine 32 x 46 white grain thrower, ail in good condition. Sel! or trade for iivestock. W. J. And'.rson, Concord P.O., Phone AV. 5-2437, È MEOICAL POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BANISH thic torment Lf dry eczem1a rashes sud weeping skln trubles. Post's Eciema Salve %wi l nt dsau- point Vou ftching scaîing sud ibarn. lng eczemna sene rln-gwvorm. phluples and foot eczema will respond readily to the stainiess odorless olutinent re- gard]ess of how stubho)rn or hopeîess tey se m Sent Pôsi Frec on Receipi mi Pric P~ 2 ,50 pERJAR POST S REMEDIES 2265 "f Clair Avenue East. TORONTO 5PIîc > Quickl Stop Itcbfing of bnsciJues, heaur ash, ecesema, hives, Pîmipies. scales, scabies. athiete s 1. an sd other exterealIly caued jo troubljes îUse ouick-acting, soo,,thing, antiseptic D. DO. 0 PRESCRIPTION. Grease1ess. stainle'ss tcb stpsr Ysour mnneback. ulour drugg stocks 000 RaRPIN The United States h~ suc- ceeded in squirtilg a guided inissile 2,000 miles over the Oucean. The record-brealking flight- for a Western nation at least - was revealed in one ,)f a s;eries of announcemnents uf United States progress in rocket boimb warf are. The .intercont-inental weapon, a; Northrop "Snar-k," fiew 2,0 miles over the Carribean froin a launching3, base in Floricla. jet engined, and flying at only abouat the speed of sound, îf, was in effect Pa pîlotiess bomiber, The Amrerican defence de- partMnent promptly announced however that the Snark is to bc- superceded sooni by an inlter- continental missile of loniger range. This, i't isbeivd would b e a rocket--powered bomb which would fly above the atmnosphere and descend uipon its target at high speed -- prob-. iably twice the speed of souind at least. In the fielId of short-range guided missiles, the Amrericans announced an "exceptionally high", degree of reliability in its Petrel guided isïle which ~arms aîrcraf t. The 'Petrel, which seeks out. its target by radar and homfes on .it, can be used in a-ir-to- iground or air-to-submarine combat. "Launched by patrol aircraft well outside the range of the target's air defence, the missile 1attacks at high speed and wvith devastating effect,' the jint, announcement said. 'Use of the new missile thuc will save the plane pilot fromr the anti-aircraft hazards which attack-plane avýiators met in tlie Secontd World War when they closed on the target. Drive With Care MEDiÇAL NATURE'S I4ELP - DIXOWS REMIbY FOR- RI4UMATI P'AIN&S, 2EURJT[S THOUSANDE PRAISING IL. MUNRO'S DRUG STORE, 335Eligin, Qftawai $1,25 Express Prcpai4 OPPORT.UNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEt4 DIGNIFIED, ieisurely homie Àürifor womnen. A" 'no handicap, Inconie v.ommensurat.ew i t h determination, Write flans A.Hoffmann, 880 len Drive, San Leandro, Califorinla. BE A HAIRORESSER JOIN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOI. Greal Opptirtunity Learn Hakiressing Pleasant dlignxfÉied profession good. wages lrhousp.nds ut successful Marvel graduat'es. America's Greatest Systein Illustrated Catalog Jree W1rite or Cali MARVEL 1HAIRDRESSLINC SCH-OOLS 35883mopr st. W., Torooto Braniches 4K in, St', Hmlo 72 Rideau St. Ottaws AV1kýTfÔN and Guided Missile Enm- ploymnent, (U.S.A. and Cattada) Coi&' paniçs, persons to contact and appli- cation fom. 20.Pestecii, 1Bq 543, St. Louis 1, AMissouri, PATENTS FETHERSTONHAIIOFS & C ,ni p a n y, Platenit Attornieys. Sstablished 1890. q00) University Ave. Toronto Patenta aIcountries. AN IFFEIl% to every inventor. List Ut inventions and fil informattonezit frpeeThe ltamsay Co. Registered Pst. cnt Atornieys 273 Bank St.. O-ttawa. PFRSONAI, $100 fIIiAL o-ler i'wenzy five deiu;g pesnlrequiremnents. Latest eata- logue included. The Mledic Ag-enicy, Box 22, Terminai "Q" Torcnto Ont,. SWINE LANIMtACE ýSwedish bacon typ~e swinei aegaîning ini popularity lfy Ieaps and bounds. Buiy now and cash ini oi the good prices ýou will receive for breedlng stock. We have somne of theý best lmported Lanjdrace that mnoneY wi]l buîy, Guaraziteed ln-plg SOI, weanting sows and boal's forimd ate- delivery, ail guaranteed bhreeders., P'older. FE-RGUS LANURACE SWINE FR FERGUS NAI Gels Quiok Relief bring you aspeedy relief froni th* itchling ad distress of Eczema' ltching Toes andl Feet, flshe ed other itching slin trou bles. MOO0NE'S EEAD<Lnot onîly helps promote -q)ii a'nd healthy hreMiag li open s;üres an(t wVounids, but hoilla and simple ul- cers are alsco t -ky eilevedl. l skin affections-t-4e iteliing of Fe-~ zema la isquickly E"ased, ~mla Skin erupt11ions dry up Fnd acal in a very f ew days., MIOONE'S FnMAERALt OIL cas be obtained at nny drùg store. ISSUE U9 - 1956 CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING s <N 1' Nu Nu :4 N N N N N 's -i 's .4 's 's s M Ni N s, N M N N N N -i -i N N N N M M