ORZNOWEE4i.KLY TIMESJ nioidas Second Clnss -Mail. Post Office Department, Ottawa W'm c' R&. Vrreter Publisher. R. C. Forrester PLANNING NEEDED With ore seve,\re building'restricýtiOns innegbuigrua ~n~ ura'~munciplftesit is reasonale in bielve that .thos ewihin 1- buildnay seek aimatwee restrictions aie moreliniited, » P<--em dute the Township of Clarke and Vi1llage of Ororo aresea eehomebuildeýrs can erec-t bildings ith a Iiited restir-ictE ý_s to -hiiara-fer, si7O aInd structure. Asý a result of the limiited rsrcin it is quiet rea-nable to0 bequiTht bulders may look to thius area for housiner site,. The C'onhi~(ouncil of Clarke bas rai~ this fact Po4 are to study the draft ofra ne building by-la-w to take "hnae of theared sont-datc, one w ilanow in ue Mhe present condition la certa*nl an indu1cement forthose butent on building a cheap bouF-. Suph boucs have a low assess- ,nenit value and are a burden to ain aiea for al'-houghi a low assessed ebuildin- ipays less taxes it demands servics on a par with AIl oder housingý in the arma. Thie mo,- by the Town,,ihip to redraft the building by-law for the a-ei la certainiv a miove, in the righft dire-ctio)n and is a mosve ~whlc z cmmisnopetoo soon. WVitin the Village of Orono ýwhere lots have been at a pre- m,ý-iuii it is niow v ident thiat owners of trac-ts of lands are(bginnng ,-oo en 1 ese areast-o imake lots available. Raýre again somie control rbS' the governling body should ens ut tailpelts hbdymf'rnt ~owners isholdtie toigethe(r or l~ bvcnomtosePictos rs.et do-n by the Denartmeint of Hgwv and (ýt-er such bodies. It 7401gtbe sugg"ed bore tbt an '-verall 4,on hoWld be drafted for' ,ý,nideveloped areas ln Oroi n to mke the most use of the [and and to nareueonomi-ýical municipal servicesý. A CH ALLENGE AND PRTNY The strike of Steel v-ees l in e Un&td Souts nrm"et an "n-moi'unty and chAllng to the Canadian steel industry. This strike .f it i oninedover a engthy period of time, as seems likely nt t-e nmonient, will huve a direct effeet on the economiy of Canada. t meau np- ,shortages of steel for important construction lobs and for ,many braniches of industry, That, in turn-, wil mean unemiployrnent Y-or considerable nunibers of Canadian workers, This, of course, arises fromi the fact that Canada is depen- on the UTnited States for ai large proportion of the steel which iUsed in this country. Further, if as a resuIt of the settiemient of Uastrike in the United States, wages are increased, as also seemns _Uike]y, the direct effect ,vill be to increase prices for steel in this Poiitry. This flows uiimrringly froni ouïr dependence on tihe United .States, for so mnuchi of tire steet we require. Thre opportun>t and challenge which confronts the Canadian ,ýsteei industry, is that it expands to such an extent as to make this country selfdependpet for steel. With miucir of the =a, material for die UILS. steel plants enating from Canada, surely it would be %Me bWter part cfSsdlm to have these miaterials processed in Cati- idathir(ugh an enar.ged steel industr-y which -wouid give m-ore e-- If1yetto Caradians. It ila true that in recent years Canada's see! output bras increased, and the next year or two ýwill see further w-xMné"io (cf the cmuciy of Qainaiasslplants. fur steem idustY slieer~o-u1d not be satisfied until it bas recachedI a status of prG- výicing ail this country',; requiremients of steel -- and then havhig aomethig left over for export. i Professional Directory7 wanted. A. F. iMeKENZIE, M.D. ac PHYSICIAN and SURGEON Office Hourg: ____2:00 to 4. P...; 6:30 te 8:00 pm. Sundays and Wednesdays by lpnath.appointnieut ouly "IF uU E:AVE THIS FAULT Parking with even part of your car on the highway is against. the Iaw. Good drivers always park comptetely off the road.. Moving tr;àffic nieeds -aII the road space. I HOW GOqb ARE-lé VOUR DRIV[N H TS? DEPARTMENT O-F HIGHWAVS-ONTARIO S W M A PS ~MonthlyÏ Meeting, 8 O p. Vicer y -Small sizes 751nd810 ly2 Playtex, Aduit size.......$. Oràeo ydro Office One Axmtinsier Rug, 12'xl1?', green predoinalt ; one Conigo.lpum Rug, 9'xl2' , Rse One coal or.%ood A-nnex .white' enaie stovýe. AI ïo one framne building D'x24'. May 'ave f'or tear- ing dor and cleaa ng up. Also anu Oak Ven,-r aine lece Diningroont suite,cir i bu leathier seata.1 Phone\3- ,Oronio. a-C F )R SAL 'tS MercurlrS4 ,Ha' age, Newcasijle, 0O no. SALE Two single bd a prirýi condition $6.00 ach./ Apply Mrs, . .Swer, Phone Orono 2 q-r-tv la Start a year rouind business. YOU l earn money the first d'ay' SVtrirt;yl youron boss. S eh dailyn st-e CaeaCavaP', iad, n-2tville, Milbro , NtblonSat' n, Nw Ailfailesa e user ofour nmayl Station CMnrel We vwill bc pleased to pic.,k up dead Or criPpped larre animiais for sanîtary, disposai. Teiephione collýct, Cobourg FR. 2-3643 or Toronto EM. 3-3138. GORDON YOUNG LIMTED i 0ORM toiER R'Y REALTOR P.O. Box,,71 Pihone, 1191f OROND - ONTARIO OFFICE 2 Doors South of United ýtr,K reails lect est wma , 269 L'soi buy e hmes. TY O ONTARIO Orono Electric PRfONE 1291 Ct)O 'RAZZCTORS FOR FARM and flOUSE Free &timatea APPLIANCE S -Ç, Prom't and GarnEe~paira o aU f ; cal ESUi0psiea' n as~ te ver fleaterà AND EAVESTRUGIINC CALL Uq FOR FST1MATES IIARRY E. LYCETT Phoe 84 r12 ORIONO - OT Gar-I PHONE 14 71 - ORONO DR. R. J. TÀGGÂRT VETERINARY SURGEON Veterina.ry, medicine.9, bilogicale and ins3trumnents ethieallr dispensed. PHONE 10616 ORO , )» LEGAL Lawrence C. M4aso., B.A. Barrister and Solieitst BOWMAINVILLE, ONT. Phones. Office MA 3-5688 Home M'A8*-Sm JOHN RECAN, B.QA. Barrister, Notary Public Phone MA 3-3292 JACK RE Auctioneer and Valuatot a-p cialize in Jiarm snd Conuitme for tenus and dates Phone5r 19 - TED JACKSON IAucti4>neer aind Valuatoe, Conducto Auction Sales e a ml . and at reasonable cet« COmmiunicate with h m a* Pm. Perry, Ontarjo, or see Mai. O.*, jÀ B. Morton, aLt rono, far date. LIFE INSURANCE Prension Plana; Edticatlo.ul PuIdm Protetioit aad Savinga PUMahW Chilijren anid Aduits; iMortggJl.. surance Plans. F.E. LYCETT Orono, Ont Ph... 11110 STAFFORD BROS Monaumfeital W'orks Plinne Wluthy 552 FINE QUALITT MONUMENTS AND MARKERS It', fot expeusirTete Lot us erect a han.dsi.,d a- ified mouiment ofer tes ed. ing place of your lovai onse. Its Bot expenslve. And ueag this Iast tibute wil giV* yrou etuiless comfort The RUTTER GP NJsO Phone Turner 5 P.0, Box 62.. Port Pope, (Ontario Moniuments, (iravemarker% Engraving, Goldleafing UBuy dîrert &damir~e cmmm*m %rpfle I& .R«etot -, ma»aged ai Apraws L. M. AWLSON Rmi Ytât. e & m"... - e N#a OU wtIWhe Sme *a ýI