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Orono Weekly Times, 26 Jul 1956, p. 1

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G OMOQ mm TE1 Vol. 19> No. 25 ORONO, ONT.- J ULY 28',th 1956, Trustees Agree On Site For Mies wlaet fitoff Ifnuued Wilh Shower Subseription $1.50 per Exped 55 M.PiI. contrutî Being ?IPanned For SchoQl 1 schooL. Also a room would 1be aveil 3 The forepart of this week it ivas 1alîe to be used as a nuses room w learned that progress is belng m~ade teacher's rom.n in preparing additional 1asio 1space at the Orono Public' êlfopl.i The scheine now 'being followed 1Following the motion passed at thle is to *build the ~add4itioa tc filout the last public- meeting- to remove the south-east corner .hus miaking aval boyýs' washrooms into a neuw addition able the three ro-omýs suitable fai and providing a classroom ltewashroc>n.s and the extra roomn. Thui bahomient -roomn on the so)ut;h off the addition is to be so constructedi that building bas beexr the course for- the;I i, the future it would be possihla tQ Publie School Trustees. I buih[ an additional room above it. The Orono Sehool Trustees met, Nwith the High School Board on Wed- jro Men Vote nesday evening off las week when f'the probleins 1eing fa<ced at the local On New Agreeent school were discussed.. wQuldap- pear from information available that Eleven thousain nd embers off the; the High Sehool Board is in accord to Ontario Mydïro Employees Assaciaý pay- the four-sevenths of the cosit of tion are to vote on a new one-year movig te wahroms.agreem~ent in Toront'o whieh wouId give themn a wage, increase off five per it is understood that niow the, Board The off or of the HydroEectriC intends to remove both thie beys' and Power CommiSsion off Ontario waa ae. the girls' washrooms into a new ad- cepted hast weekend by the executire' dition on the south-east corner of the (Continued on page 8) Bant amn Play Offs Creatingr 'u uignway 'lui twenty-fiv en-ibers of the0, Evondg Extension of the 5 ïm.p.h. pè j nyfvninbr ftb v,,iglimi-it to No. I4i) Highw,,ay east of AuiitecottageHghadCek ebngtuidy At the regular mionthly m-,etiîig off gated first prior to anly ther __hdAxiiry journieyed to theihadCrei engsuidb IteOrono Police Trustees on Mon- it was rris 0te1Tusee,1 the Ontario Department off Higliways J.ay eveninig in the Hydro Office, a'jLk c~~weeams noal it is learned. The Ulit is now 50. r !ro Vlaepojeswr The paving off Station Street wa s timie was had, tate tof be llnde r a. Sch pNro-, brough.t before the npeting and the-ý Cars left 'Che .Tow alc~er at Decision to make the' increase-'will jects mientloned wvere the fire tan,kjT~eswr nnmu htt approximate!y 6;:30 ënd on arriviîig lihrely be hased on thie experience on sidewalk on Station Street 'and the e . at the cottage2 were wý!coned by Dora o 0 iha hr &mp 'building up off the bridge on. Cob Hill ToWn>-isl-p aithat a cUlîvert ho phac- andI son RBÀms, 'An ahundant supver imit has heen in effect since July 6. to ho a alingara aros te d across the road to giepro per ofsld,~~dixe eihs ~, So fair officials are pleased with ~~structure. ~~~~drainage to t1he road both from the [pies, caokies, cake 'and ton wvas servd terato f ooit otealw west and the east. I placing thie u e ance off an extra five i4iles plurs the A question which has heon dormant culvert it was feit that it would tako IAffter suer a nib rof 'a ta tehmti sil5 o for omeime ag inae up for dis- the Wter to the east off the Orono lde nodbatresand al e-,tnka dpio ftesse~ russion, this hing the placing ofqf Fuel and Lumbor buildings and could Joyc a 1ak around' the !ake whaei now in use in many United States washroofiis i the Municipal Build- be ditchod thlrough to Cobbledick St. thrceeyWa' y oll.O u~Jjrisdictions. ing. A proposal to 'have the, roomrs lThe requttst is being forwarded to turiiig to the spacious cottage tie phaced oýn the east section off the bal- the Townshiip Road Department The reniauider off lthe oseningWa spent At the samo time the dpat eony and the south east corner off the iBoard foît. that with the road p)aved in contesÏte and .-amxes.Also miore lunch isosdrn ecmodto o uptairs roomi met with the alppovah) tat pr-ope r drainae should be p)ro- for those desirigit à n se' ing ath e im i aton horee ,iff the entire board, This, it- aleqtlvided T 'hîs was authorized oin motion _joeoftakawsted dElizabetha way ini the Aldidereot.area wold notinte4ere ithay Off the 'bY S. B, Rutherford an-d H. M. Mer- Dora for the vet-y enjoyabole eveinig. weetetplgltedi o room ei pace in the buildinig and shouid cer. Dora, i réplying, ttdsh1a also 'ne thre rmost economnicai situation , dbvil i adhpit liklh i-i -vl eri ,for the washroomis. lt would mean In connection wththe prposed jyd 1ah s n pd to ee usto 3 leser h limithwil e raibed new road east off Church Street ~ a hiagain next year. No doujbtcsie t mlsprhu ihsed o týhat a tle bed would have to be phacedi11-tw aeen Cofledic Street and ewiîl ing graded down in stops ffromi the in the space hetwevcen the Township i wspooedon ha he 50 miles limiit to 4-5 in approaches Hfall and'the Municipal fBuihding and fi ch ieme h-,ad boggied own dut te toEei to the lWý%er imiit area. lhj prisinwudhvet eo-the fnct tha a numiber off property Evan uxiIary- 1l JUJY lt i, also reported at Queen's Park ,tainedl from- the Townshiip Couincil.0inesccrid r otna- Th Barindicusn newater o'ls onene5wrent n c- Ai ak4e ' yij gthat the dpartm ent imay seeklogleis- The~~~~ BorPi îcsigti se cord with the Proposai The caintne htion to permit passing on ither s3upply for the toilets and basins a statedl that the only oth ltraieidofantrveceona ake ?M. en f -ecuh splyth ould be to swing the road to the -Miss Margare-,t Fiiitoff 1off Oshaw,,a, fouir-hanie highwýay. It is now illegal water this procedre is to ho followed l na t the haif way mark and take f orin"erly of GiOrono was hon'oured ,vith to pase on the right. andths pocdue i t h foloedpr>opet>ty. This xould meanathat the a miscellaneouls shlowverlast Frîd(aY T fuirther, Tlie Board felt that they Alliia hou se wouhd not hlave tO he evening 'at the homne ofislm il scag h Dprmn ot weýould ho as fair ahead to pay a month- mve, ndwul ls pe nelt rdy tole ccs hgwaswhs ue lir rate for the water rather than on tho panderty suitalo fora buiîd serveOto speed up3 traffic on <OI -provide water by easoff a Twelhor" Someir-ie friends and rola- fulnes je, in miany instance des- ýcisterii. The ilse off water from r ngst.Mr .B.RtefodWetivos attended. On bher arrivai, tetodb rvr h persist ln tra buiid ppoînlitod to co)ntact Mr, pR, ad p,, obews shrd o tchirvohling u-rtverpasnglo. Dent's would also provide te dî the hageaalasotofidofhnu n rsetdWtiacr ïng wvith drinldnig wntor. In this imat- out i i: wul1ee wtofe p-saeof rosn es Among the , pres- o.R1H aeen gvro f teI the chairmian wnroc iag o Ystr uct, reen odR.H.Ptosooh-roro tain prices for tho construction off rvloff those concerned wýýith -thýe h h hohd1h DnJil ih Il ae thne toroomns and aieo for tthe Alia propety. Follwing this *infor- .worel a dozen se 001f cume, W1axinuil maitîon beirng ava*Ilable andj Cithju 'ee rom Toron1t, Mnraspritaetofth aiu roomracessoits adsdisosai.ThesePort Hope anld Bwavleto bhring Aec-itY retiormatory -at M illhriook, ýiguires are tp ble presonted nt the aprvhte Truste- f't ha ,th - argaret bot wisos. fter afe codigt eots at Queen's Park -ni xt regular m eeting off"the Bo ard w'ýo ud ëia il me eing of il c nc rne'd contest e ' a d el o s lunch rw a e wrv ed iii g t e o asals tep osti the mnattor. by tIr osesoMie W d, Th-is move jr on-e off several being Sidewahks r Wr ray La onfctin wt w'~ sieaiks It was rtated at the eetiing tiiat r.DoadS O>a4 Me R ëii- cnhtd yRerm Mjgt hIn yonr teTr4s<otha ethDprtiont off ligh-wys is ro- MheDoffBomaviie Foote as reLzuilt of the gap in depart- p 'Oii yer te Trstps flt tat he ays s p1ý_i lment raniks due to the deaith off Rahph wahk startifig on Station Sýtreet ývas patring to iniprove the tural on High- ThVie ovening cami-,e ta ncoc after )y, tr rvneecifiset- to lie constirxeted up to the property wvay 35 at tihe couthi entran-e to tAie orne happy reminiscing -of ait off rsGamnstiv. Work will againVilg.-- cýommenYce- on tiis project when Mr. Ln dîscuissiag thre Pire Departmient, Townsbip anr d that thre requestwod J Pa.en IIUYftu2l t;ie pro- 'S not h roe oe s ýiib The sýecond letter ffrom thle Chami- For Mihhbrook Reform.atoryl posed ,idewalk aiong Cob Hill andcot aDsnees si wsf er deait with thre paintinig off park- ithis miatter Messrs. Mercer and that tiwýeive active me-libers ohv n insl iebuiessciou off ICol.'e Paterson, former assistant Forestr hd mt wth ir Centis sow grate intelesitwaspoit-thre Main Street off t'he Vill1age. There uperin tendent at Burwash, was ap- Engineer who had stated t'lot t'he I1 ed out that the--frire engine was to h et1wte ht aecascul opone gvrorofth on o rond -would bho pushed ot in thsar-j etdo T dypir oteMt- paked on'the Main Street if diagoa' ut f hkeprcmended b ea as far as, possible. t was pohîsed linos were poinrted on tbe et3ireet. Aise an inquiry made by the Departinent pone i Aid Schemo bDy a memiber offth- 1, o)ut at the meeting tant the wal< on the nortir sld'eoff tirebll had heen torn up whein the rond was re-con-1 structed and tint the wahk on the sGuth side was now aIse usehess' due te the recent work on this section of1 tire rond *The Trustees felit that b- fore nny action on tirir part was tahken that they sbould firet wit te see what will happen when tire pav- ment îs laid. With thre walks being- t-akea out off use due te tire re-co- struction action off the, road it was3 feit that the Count;es sirould cor-ý tainly assistlainraving thie re-, placod î i t wae necossary. Tire rend, it wns tirought, will be paved som-i ümo tis weeok. Village Stroots It was statoçl by R. C. Ferrester that ho uaderstood that therqese oýiling off certain streets in the Vi-ý age werEý to ho donie on Tues;day of, this week. It wns also br-ougirv tbeffere tire meeting t1hat a niumber off r-,,, dlents ýon Park Street were hiaving trouble usiag- th>ir drivewnays dîue te tire receat citching Tins wasun dertakon tire lttrart off ast week to ineure proper drainage for tire enstevar section off tbis stroot and aisvo te-i improve tire rend bed,, which iras been lu poor conditioni for some tue-.ý 'Tire use off culverts fortithe drive- ways was frowned upon as tirir le little faîl or deptir and tint in tire- spring off tire year tiiey would onily' plNx-up. Thre. Board f oit tint crtished gravel shciuld be put on the rond as Soon as possible and some put ia tire drlveways te maise them i ehtly te elewcars toe nter witirout touching tire bottem. This should ho investi- I Tiionglit Fer The Week' Said Lao Tze, thre great Chine-se philosopher. DI>g your well before ,you are hrt! Ontario Pire Marshall's Office. A motion was passed to bill for the re- cent oitside fire e-au to Leskard. In the correspondence two letters were received from the Orono Chamn- ber of Commerce. One requested tbat aguard rail bc construIcted on either soof the Miison Brïige and por- tions of the Millson Hill. As this miatter was a ceancern o>f the- Town- ship the Tr-ustees referred' it to thait botdy It was poîInted 0ont that thi had beeýn up for consider7ation by the Six Fire Departi Part In Six fir-e deýpartmients took part. in, a JI n t s chenie o n Tueý -s d ay e v ening, n the it]ageoff Orono hn ea béi ng tested. The achieme, accordi-ng to he ouny C-orinaorprovwed ïa int Oc g I A Great Deal 0f Interest Tire Orono' and Courtice Bantam bail Association. ýasebaîl teames are presently m tire Tire second game off ire eories weaa iidst off their pILaydowns te advanco plnyod ila Orono on Wed-nesday aLighk. ýt tire Ontario Baseball serîes. wviih went as a victýory for Orpab. To date two gaines have heen -Play- j Tire gaine wae at t unde- dlsyufe 1 witi oncir takiipg a -win. Tire firet as botir tems wvere stri-inlg irarM for aile off tire celies ýwas playved if ia victory. Tire final sýore- stoodL et ýourtice on M*oaday nigit wiricir was sýevente-eii te fourteen for Orouqo. callect ifif thetop fait of the seveamf on account off darkness. Tisgaiiie Xen Kned started on p i reverted te the end off sixtr ihmund for O-rono b-ut a roi fiâInd Courtickp Iea,<diig and tins 'lnig ie P la-tpïndi in the secotLd gave firenithe win.- iuliirgS-7s7 a?'eived by -Donie Ly cett wboh, finished tie game, Orono has ho-wever lod 'ged a pro- test on tis game as tbe base umllpile, Tire cilubs-i now await tire find- w-hicir was suppllied by Courtico,' wa s i- fron- tire pr'tst beffQre nnity fur- coaching tire Courtice bops in tlhe theýr dates are -e. If anotie game in gamo: Tire protost was filed eon Wed te ho played it villho e i-d sometlaQ nesday te thre Lakesbore IMiner Base- noxt week, Orono Girls Win Opening 'Game 0Of Semifinal Playdowns tneletersttpUu .i. 3. urVlt-ýc~n mte wnoesaloeccapo oof menibere bad proven thie point. Mr Mercer I of tire Boyd gang fremn the jail in The Orono )girls took the firet off th hrd Oronio was behindi in thêe refferred to the iastpitigoff the the fahl off 1951. gmeofth eifiaaladwe i ae by siuna ad as thre local -los a u tinod tat mor'e car the Clarko-Darlington longue ou aineý went outi order in the fourth, woldhofailtaod aslaowy s The institution at Millbrook plan- Tuesday ovening thre bard way. Thi, were thon ut tire short end off a ten, woud h lft ntandals tat jnodteboue te ejratrs ndgame was played iu Orono at the te tbiroe score. Orono thon acord good distance for oacb Cýarwud trouble makers froni ober institu-ý local park against Newcastle. Tire' four if thie firth and si in tire sixth, bave to ho aliotted Tire TrUstees de- tionis îs expected eo ho re-ady for 1use Newcastle entry went ai wav out filn Going inito the seventh inni»ing theï cided ta givoý the matter ffurther stu-,-dy tins laîIl.I front iu the first part ocf the gams score ,ctood- 1 o13frNewc ast 1 2 and , hso to askdanyti14ormati fotha the i Oroo ambeariy ffo mmertt ce neacivt panodt ke 'ohut Orone finaliy ffeund their hiLtng OnIy four batters for Newcastle weat. the ronoC'bambe of9--l acivît Plnnea'vakeeDthestreng-th and edg-ed thbe Newcastle up in tire seventh whilo Oroýno in tire mright bave on baud. - Mihibrook ilamate's busy la that off ie- nn 5t 4 oeshehh h otn af rv ateten Th etn dore.ense plate making for tire province's lain 5to 1gamewstile ir te botto nig mlfdoeite engad mdev ers. hese in re thw eng hthe seventir inning when Oromono Marlon Boy>d was thre ouîtstanding m ad t G eIir t s ne t e m c - o t in fr-ont te take th oe vct ry btter of the gam e with five blitï £(>r iaey s lmet heleeteders a Neonte tatd hers 'i~fve 'tripe te the Plate, This waa s-i n s T k eing caied fo)r bfideon eUPPlI . Nwcsl g md hi soig c'sh new machines Ùte ho insanlld t Mi- earhy in, the game witb woruns in I oDonn od bster ail - 1r Coe brook. the first, five in the second, t-w'i n naforrosftee r heetire co, tho third, onie in the fourtir and fou-)Irtooftefienrus R ela _____ .-0 ruas in t.he fiftb , 'Tire mound duties for Orono ,rer y ireld bY M'trloe Can!it! rl d Enid main~Fames stetae aewyudr~Union HIldhs îMass Orono on th,,eotrr'-and hifft tiýàerirTenanat. îi-aiis1Lce aea av Wy coring until the third nnn whe-n Th third gaine will played luj tne resýir î[ýeiý usd a tht ý. a e ee[ingAt Newcastle threruais wceosccred. At tireend ono on Fidnyevng. Followig ,the sirme unch was- ,served tiwr firemen at the OooMu- Presîdern À. V. ornc Dff tre - ii biig.GtroFarmners Uio-n iig'îhe.,Sixty I.O0 . Fl . M em hers ,,~ m~ ~ ~~ a mass eeting ef Durr Uut Mairiall's Offie wýere pros-,enýt at farmereadtrirfmils aNew une üexorcise ,and inter ilitaie evefif i csthe CmuiyHl eety weenae tdid p)rovè tint twoaddiresýeed a nmbor (onitire seting pumer cohdhouso'd l gmigupacstmfr ieprotection ,for The huyerS off mr'pout waeroe-rîfm l'itirtre dcsirod ireTwsilofCak.Mr aejct icssroullefrers. La prsueat the fire or nzzoend, Lowofftire Fire MrialsOfce tiepaýsttins iprac-tice ! dr-asýtic- In~tie ciemefisttîee ~ otlne tresstniof orming fîe ,'!Y rduo farmin omunder- weeused to, purnp wateýr tir ,,n- rens tiongiront tireT~aii and minded our economy and addied mjan-y raîmle, thon it wascnt to twe and lai se xpied'mP'y tirermatesmlin etrepoisofbgcorper- finshy e oe. ump~s akig prt ertaining tetirhemaiojffa freations. No tirýe Candian fae?,r P', tire exorcise were- froni Newcas ËIe, department it ranzdParmer'S Union can Port Hope. (C"oboulrg, Bewdley, Peter- L--t ws Scgge;ted 'by AMr , w it ,atake a -,0nd tetop priçe-c-utbing ut boogr ad Orno itir corne sixt.y tirree areas ho set up. Oroýno ad tve vr e-(,. xes ,- firemea lan attendance. inity, Kendal and vicinity and Newý- arcltrstated Pros. -ormack castie arcd vicinity. Under suc',, a A popuhar and amiable speakcer ja Water was pum-pod rti tire icreek Scire ei-tb~er fimo areas co)ulJlhe set tire' prsoir off r Percy Rowýe, Ex- in týire park te noth off tho flax iniffl upand in tire case off Ne; cactle pro ýý- MP., delivered an inspiritig addiress an Coff-lliil. Tnin s etire fimt sucIir ex- tectio"n couid-hopîl b rsedfromn,1t MRw nw rssbetwl n erietint wator was punmpy-îed tire mnunicipality. t was ilso- suggested drives is informiation homei cloa- irnîf mile distance witir only uSIag tint tire Orono pumapore couid ho.- ldcnt style. Ho wenit on, ,)te ia thr pumpeor tbe - te t1ie Kendal amen to ho ueed for pro- that týhe Canadjan fumiýers3 are now Sirrty fftr ir si'ewas IR tection in tie- area. Lt was poijnted orgn.nizing rapidhy in order te stop epemation a iros,-eiw Open ujnder tire eut that a nuniber baveaosieaetire incessant exploitation and ,,ob.ry pressure in the firet rlyand tins iavestment in buildings la tire tobacco IOff Our farmers. Mr. Ro-we urged tire iehd Up nmattors for ?, brief tlimelarea and that they sbould have soce arnier's Union te go forwird te while a new section was added. Later j forim off pretection as sirould every success anmi aise thre nmst impoprrt- lin tire c. cise z'-second irose h. tire e- 'z ites hi the Towvra ip. f n ;'Az; in lu'stry t oa Enjoy Picni.*c At Rice Lake Talke a nice, wr Jnyda;aaiect-oaiywl biaed cala island dotted PHa; a por b ont cause every4hody luygged aloflg cerne cýapable off carry.mng'Pa dozen peopl'-e; ete,1wii chIlwre placed Ion, a long a group off w igmxerep plus bltble, forM eeryeWteheop tb6ur.. îng baskets off food prepared by somelslves, cafoyeriastyl,, off tire buet dama ceoke in Canada nd! what have yod'É got? WelH, notiing At2 lunch tUne, tirere was ne Wind,. but a Ait offcomponents. But pitI no mosquit ; os ne atsiad very ffe- [thenitegetirer, and brotirer, you.-'ve 1flies. Aftem lunch-7, a lot off very iuli- got a Sweili pïiic. Wirich is wirnt took place on Sunday, Jnly 22, wir tire Oddffellows and Re-bekair& off O- orie beld a pienic on Rice Lake, at Gore's Lanning Sobme sixty mon, wemen and cbid-- ren enjoyed tiremeelves hecause Mrs Jim Smith placed lier heautifui sumi-n mer home as our disposaI? witlî nujo st'ringe attachod.- Because Gejrdon Watson was gen- erous witlir iis power hoaý,t la taIag tire folks I'OTr nice long rides amecng - "'? ~ ~Duethre 3c~1 comfrtable peple, Muchi appreciat-sd wejre the Gra- ham's kindnesc in traaspo)rtiag tables, and chairs from Oon to t!ire picnki Pat and ]iie Green onjoyed their- -fret pici eoff its lkipf slave comiug Le Canada, froin Englarid, Blimeyl Those who didn't attend, mlsseed splendid outing. Just beffore ,the crowd began tu~ drit iromewvard, Mrs. Spiith w"~ than'r '1 for ber gracious hospitality, 'N N '-r' N N N N N -N -N N N N N N N N s -N 'N N s N 'N N N r N N N N 'N N N N N N N N N N N N. s N N N 4 N s N s N 4' N N N N N N N s N t s -s N N N N N N N N N 17 ,11-L *- 4ýl,- '4--- 1-10 -,-r ý,--

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