FaJ1j01Uio plaufie froiu the~ great allies- Farm - Union and Organized Labour- greet- ed Labour's fainous speaker. (Coninued front page 1) The edtorý of 'The Farmn Union"' position where agiiculturalLsts will, pape, in the person of Mr, Sa.n bargain collectively withi capital t<> Bowmnani, ecngratnu1ated the big Dur- sdei their produets. hami Count Farm Union No. 79 f or Mr. Stan Pikey, United Auto Wor- the objeýtives reached in a short kers of Anierica,~ pointed onït that a period of tUrne. The Durham Farin Million and a quarter in orga-izedl Unioin has ireached great stature a4 labour and hundreds of thousands ila packs a hard(-hitti.ng force for the Farmers' Union rainks eau stabilizel benefit of 4?anadian farmers. Mr. our Canadian, economy and gt) for- Bowmran went on to explain the part ward to better days for f arrn pro- 1 played by the "The Farin Union" duoers and u'ban consumMrs. ;Mr.- publication. in thîs progressive per- -Pïlkey proved to be a very dynamnic iod of Farmi Union. forcefuzl speaker and thunderous ap- i The Newcastle Farmners' Union MWI SUMM ER S COTTON ORE. Mid Summer Sale on Our Cotton Dresses $7.95 - $10.95. Women's £ataIina Bathing Saitsr in cotton and elastie. Size 32 to- 42.' Price $7.50O - $10.95. Girls cotton Sun Dresses, size 3 6x. Price $ 1.95 - $2.95 Mens Cotton Terry Cloth Jerseys, Color tan, blue, white. Price $2.95 ORONO WE1ERLY-TIMES 'T]UVRS»NY' 2ULY 26tb, 1954 Oni Tuesdy of this week a nl3mber, ofGirl Guides of the Otrono tnêp o I.cal News letby bus for Pidgeýon Lake wbcr they will attend camp for a period ofj~ n n n.~Mlo aby n ten days, A further group of Orono rand auhtrs.fln are iitinan. girls of the Explorer Group lêft cin and M'ns. Jack Leishmari, Grimsby Wedniesclay Uo spend a wee of Bfeachi and iMr~ and Mrs. Arthur campfing at Camp Pr~etoria, Jnorth cf Bshop at Nitaan Falls, Ont. Oshawa. Mr. and Mrs. Perrin, Kirby visited with Mrs.' Fred Brimacombe Tuesday. Mi.rslton Dunbar who spent the ,meetin.g was one of the largest past week with hier parents, bas ne- gatberings of farmers, their wives tum~ed to Port Hope. and f aml¶lies that Central Ontario1 a~had ii) a d-ecade. Mr. and 3Mns. Keith Morris;on ne- c ently xyp'vèd î*t Ce home of, Mrs. li endry, Ôxono. Mn. and'Mrs Jjim Pickaby and Norman are spending holidays motor- ing throygh Eastern Orntarîo, aJIso visiting relative*s la Mo'rntneal. Mr. and Mns. Keith Heënderson and 1-1 elfazaily, of Lively, Ontario are visit- mng relatives in Ononio and diýtr'iCt. Mr. and Mrs P. iLawrie of Detroit (Prices, slashed). While theY last White Se, sizes 4, 4 ,, 5, S. Your choice for 95c - $1.95 GfrI's Bathing Sijits in printed cottoli elastic, nYlon and knitted cotton.' Priced f rom $2.50 - $7.95 Mens fine cotton short sleeve Sport, Shirts. Size M. L. Price $1ï.95 Mens fine Gingham SportSMts long sleeves. Color re4,, tan, blue- $4 .95 Save WbIle Tou Spend "Save white you spend" Ask for your-Free Bonuis Plan Catalogue and Savings Folder Now! Free Gifts f or the entire Family with you.r Everyday purchase. Start Saving Cash Register Slips to- day. Nothing Extra to Pay. Eveni ngs FPiday & Satturdui w.dnesday Open AIl Day Armstrong's Stor- Open Ail Day Monday efigratr saie NORGEg to Norge, 111/z eui. ft. Customatic _____ t] ~60 lb. Freezer, Reg. $479.95_______ Sale Price $599.0} --------- o Norge, 14 Cu. ft. Cu stomnatie a80 lb. Freezer' Reg. $549.5 (j Sale Price$590 Nre131/2 eu. ft. Tri Level o;-) lb. Freezer, Reg,. $699_50 E- Sale Price $5â9.00I McCLARYg fi IMcClary 12'/2 ft. Automatic Reg. $409.95î Sale Price $319-00 ]ROY fi Roy 12.0 eu. ft., Reg. $47î5.00 Sale Price $369.00: AMIANA ~ Aiana15 eu. ft. Upright Freezer U eg. $669.00 - Sale Price $549.00 Ail FuIIy Automatic 1956 Models Five Year Warranty gRoll-out shelves, Butter & Cheese Keeper Door ShelvsPu many more featuresg ROLPH HARDWARE. gTelephone 143 Oronùo, Ontario qý gi = I= ,0 - C = 0IZI0C= 0 = _ý 00c : - - >c =_ - = c - -- ý iMrs,,C. A. Cunm~ig.. Toronto spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Carl Billjngs. iMr. and Mrs. Ed Grahami, Ma.lene and Terry visited wjith frien'ds in Trenton On sunday. FCongratulations t'W Mr,.' Wilf-re4I Hlawke wbho was execte4 ta a' Grand bodge Ottice, of the' âîasonic Grand m5eeting li)Toronxto. Mr. and Mr-S. Juaxi. Glfillan and' famnily, Montreal visited this 'week wiLh Miess Viola Gilfilian. Picnic supper guests with Mr. îand' Mirs Carl Billings on Sliturday were: Mr, and Mis. Geoige Meusteý, Janlice aiid KIaren of Centralia; Mr,. and Mns.1 IL~ C. Rickaby, Oakville; Miss -Marion Rickaby, Mrs, C. A. Cummiing, Tor- onto; Mn, and Mrs. Don Gîlhooly, Jeff and Michael, Mr. and Mrs. R. jP. Rickaby, Mrs. H. W. Jewell lMmn J. W. Jeweil, biss MUary Jewell, MUrs. Melbourne Wight, Bowmianville; Mr. and Mis . H Souch, Mis. Hiarry Lailey and _Mary Lynn. Mrs. Milfred Sherwiin and L-aunence Ispent Suniday with Mr. and Mrs. Jack Biyson anid family, Tirntoni. Congratulations to M!tr. and rs, REobert Chater, Leskard, oil the bînth, iîof a daughter in Bowmianiville -Mem- J ral hospital o)n \Wednesda1y, July! 25th.t Because of the ýcaRi weather th-isi year there wl be extra swýilming- lessons for the Beginnlers, Jnos Intermediates and Seniors netwe on Tuesdayv and Thursday at 6:'30 O urlssn star-ting with the be- ginner-s. The R'ed CosSimn Tests will be an AUgust th la h -1to ae visitinig Mr. anld Mrs. Wm.' iMr. Mitchiell of Bwavleis neleiving Manlager, » MhlM. Jooey is onholidays. Mn. ana Mrs, Horace York andc family are visiting with, Mr, and Mrs. George York. M r. -azýd 'Mns. Owen Fagan mnoved on Wednýe"s\%y into Mr. Floyd Nichol- son's house on Cobbledîck Street. P luwbing-Heatlig I U Eavestroughiuig g FREE ESTIMATES < -Hlarvey Partnet J) YRONE MA. 3-2240 UNITED HJURCH Orone -Pastotral Charge, SUNDAY, JULY 29, 1956 KIRIBY i Servicýe at 9:4c Sunday Scýhool at 10:453 ORONO Service at 1-1 Open--Air Serv-ice aLitheLake-Side,i Newcatleat 7:30. OronoBadn i ~~~aenýda!ee.,1 ý. "irý, a*pI Cpp was rushedb urem ar îuie iWt i e'Bwmanillp- Rospitw al twe folowngvanialuto accident on the -ne,; The (>rono Faýr Fnac List bas d.velopment roaç ?t Happy Valley 1now been pr'inted and will within ai The car apparently went out of cor, ffew days be distributed amnong exhi- trol and r-olled oýver doing consiader bitors who have madme it a practice able étamage. to compete ein the various and numer- À section oof the roof on the Oirom ous classes. Again this year as in School Building la being replace former years there is a section or present by thle Winter's Brotherz, class ln which 'everyone Could enter.j Anyone wishing a list ayo1 posibkl at the2 Fair on Septimber êWL tain one frorn the secretary, Mvr. j.' and Sth. New exhibitors are welcomrI C. Ganxey, Oronio. Thf Fair Board is to oomPete Ï-0 this great show aî anxious to have as inany exhibits as Oronjo. LFORD and MONARCII SÀALES And SERVICE Our coinplete service guarantee" year round driving pIeasure CAR VETH MOTORS Phone 3251 l4,quwca-sae, Ontar~' 0OROIPl O T1SH Pm PIu~ÂngFixtures r and Repairs 'Ai-- Heating and a. d Varnishes,, çtc GAN, Prop. .0001>eono.oe(>oa0.nfl0.. Fadle-resistant, woven blue or black....59e Nylo n Hose, Ladies first quality, outline heel, 51 gulage-, 15 denier, Fuili fashiioned sizes 9 to il Pr. 98C ;Su1n Dresses'Chlre' printed oi Ctt-on, sleevele'ss aisýsoQtedl styles and eclors. Sizes 4 to 6x. E'ach $1.98 SitMens cotton broadclothi, Tex-miade, Wash- fat oor, iessml' edlarge ... ...... $2. 39 Miss or 2 for .........$4.5 Cf Moccasins, MsssTUFE-PEE, Livht, cool and comn- for-table. Colors bive or red. Size Il to 3. Regula-r price $1.75. On sale 1 01,. . .................. $1.49 Briefs, Ladies (Tricosheen Fabric>' Rayon, colors white, pink, maize or blue. Sizes small med. large 35e 3 for $1.00 Special Value, Whisks, sturdy made. haïý, dy for home or car use........ ...... ........ ý 9 Sink Strai ners, shiatterproof, Polythene Plistic, wll not -mark the sink. Special ?rice........ 25é Don 't Miss This Pumpkin, Cherry Valley, large 28 oz, tins...15e Pincess Soap Flak~es, regular pkg..... 34e Quick Quaker Oats, 14,oz. pkg. !/2 prige 2 for 13e Red Rose Coff ee, ¼1 lb. pk-g....... 50.SC CertoCrsa, 2 pkgs. for..........'.. 25e Libby's Spaghetti wvith meat, 15 oz tijns . 15e jHeiniz Chili Sauce,.1-9 oz. bottie, reg. 39e for- .. 29C Crisco, 1 pound piackage,................. 29e OROJO5C T9 $t'O STORÇ Olpen Friday >pnd S-atarda-y evenings for your 'g III 'I IAcc r IB-HI 1 Sun Bonn)!ets, Ladies, fex'tileneý colors witred,.