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Orono Weekly Times, 2 Aug 1956, p. 2

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NEWCASTLE MERCHANTS BASEBALL CCUIR a b ala Sports ay MDNDAY, AUGUST 6th NEWOASTLE BALL PARK BASEBALL 1:001 P.M. NEWTONVILLE VS. NEWCASTLE -LADIES SOFTJ3ALL 3:00 P.M. Oshawa De's VS. Clarke Ladies Ail Stare ADMISSION-50c AND 25c Monster Carmnival AT COMMUNITY HALL GROUNDS AT 8:00 P.M, BINGO, GAMES 0F CHANCiE, ETC. Vigr lion Ltd. Stoie O0 2Ocents per gai. Fuel Oit I6 i cents per ga. For Delivery Phone, ORONO 1567 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 L I I~I - hulerel~JohnX M. James, w.r. (Continued from page 1) atwelersth isig oldb a-Reports From Parliame,-nt Hill Claimis Autheuticatiflg m- J be a recurrence of the serjous These vastly restricted hours were Tough News ConiPetitiOn mgh not deemed practic,1i on -Cêoi-nt Of Because of the large inmber Of illness he had a couple of Years ago, the difficulty of setting and lifting worldwide events of great conse,- j and that hie Nill be forced to give UP nets in the time allowed and the quence which have takeni place dur- the leadership. If lie returns as ex- length of time taken travelling to and ing the week, including a ship disas- pected on MUonday, July 30th, the ru- from the area. A split shift SYstein ter, nationalisation of the Suez Canal, mors wi. eunt hi rgntr also was more expensive to operate Marilyn Munroe's visit to England withoUlt comment. aind at thiïs late perîod of the Year and across Lake Ontario swimis, mlost, 1employees had been laid off and nets of yotI prdbably hatven)'t worried too- Report On Raffles stored. mauch about what has been going on The third report On the Comimittee -Mr. Boney proceeded with the p re- a alaeti taa kon Capital and Corporal Pujnish- paration of is brief authenticating ment and Lotterio-ý will be made- thiB each dlaim and having boats and gear Target Date August Il' coming week, according to informa- evaluated. Ti re assbitd But, the 'House Of Commons has tion usually reliable, As this will deal in January, 19,55. WiVh the arrivai in been in action f rom mi-orilg until late with the highly controversial subjeet Port Hope in May of that year of re- at night, trying to finish this ses- of otteres, ther~e wili bc even ruW-e presentatîves froin the Deprmn inbfr he sminer conciudes. At interest in the findings thon there of National Defence, Fisheries and the mo>ment, the target date is set have been ons the other two subjeçts. Transport We conduct a survey the1 at August flth, but that doesni't At the moment, there is soine indic ' - principle that comnpensation bc paid inean too . much. We have a saying tion that the committee w;illdo more was established. that the goverrument says when a ý;s- than just approve present îegislatiun, M uyt er rus rat ng ela oc urr d.jsion wiII open and the opposition de- but it las een nost difficult to earu Caim omother f a i sheme n y o utede termines when it wil close. It's tru, any details. 1. oubt if state hospital Cias o oth ere is sq eoig 1 , because if an opposition wishes sweepstakes wili be recommended, Durhm Count wee a-o bingré-to continue asking questions and mlak- but have a huneh that the limits on ceied t Otaw, I oficil crees img speeches, there is verY littie that Present raffles mnay be raised to a iwas felt thai aal daims wouid bc any . governimnft can do other than to mor fd a iust tead ih of eaI e n submitted before any individual extend the hours of sitting to ire e nfrdista ofcre n awards were made. Mr. James, how- everybody out. Frankly, a little very without too much objection in mst evruge ha hepinileo frt o wahe ould~ do wonders to- cases. corne f irst rerved should be observed. warits completing the session more -The Durham men ha-ing their edaims quickly. Once VIe hotel rooms and Steel Stike Settled first sbould receive first cQnisidera- parl.iainei4.ary officLes becônme stif- tion. This view finally prevailed with ling, tIe politicians tend to forget There will be sighs, of relief in yesterday's happy outcomne. how important those speeches werle Ottawa Dow that the U.S. steel strikt - and hegin thixnking more about get- hias béee, settled. Possibly you'll re- Satisfaction Expressed ting out into the coutry away from Memnber that the governmnent weTIt AttémeinHnM.Ioney's of- Ottawa. though a hectie pipeline debate a ieie ail the fisherinen expressed sat-1 few weeks ago in connection with lay- isfaction with the. governmecnt award ing a g-as Une from Alberta to Win- though they pointed out that it was Flooded Witlh Tourists iiipeg this year. Thé steel strike couId difficuit Vo comnpute the ioss suffered have halted that operation and placed hy being deprived o! the right Vo Ottawa is drawing more tourists the. government in an emibarrassing 1fýis'h for smieit ini their old fishing every year, :not just Caniadians who position if, work were delayed. Ilow grounds in the ear-ly miontîs of the want Vo sec their capiV ,btAmn uhdea a een caused y th ai Year before the fish came in shore. cans in great nuLmbers. Durham wNas most mionth old strik suno , I The herring- trade was also v,ýirtuaîîy well represented this week nxnong theSbut there is every reason to helieve lost to them. guet n t a' rattrl othat the compnny laying the pipe will Mr'. Honey aiso des(r, d h a-sh*)w several groups around the bud- no-w ,be able to press forward at a jjhed th ings. If you haven't seen heml, I rapid rate to fulfil its end of VIe bar- ard as a fair one under the . cru- riîyrcmen i I an stances. Neither he nor thé fishermn erîs potuiy ieeeryn ha vrdisputed the governm-ent else, you'Il lbe ver' y proud o!thirHo-use In Good Nlood right Vo the area ini the national in- dignity, stateliness and, il' you are ter'est but le had felt along that thej likemsi' l oatrn o ilî1 At VIe end of that pipeline debate, fiseren hol4 . ompnsted inrmene for mnany yas About opposition for-ces were loud ini pro- somie way for, the 1o,,s of their right three to- four tîouisand a dav go cli ngthtthore hnd beeni so muiii tp fish those waters. thro-vgh the buildiing-s during Vthe bitterness mal so much distrust of FinallyMrJaewagldosc summer. Being nosey, 1 enquiru ri the three men who ocecupied the 311%Jame was to se dole a edf rom Speakcr's chair that Parliamneit could onle group of middc gd olrd, sthé culminationofls effor.o fhý ts on1h- lde wot, wr nêwce thc ot continue to operate. Poýculiarly, haîf Of the men. IHe said that he la adiswer fom.Thy -vladwcorne aitVethis feeling lhas almoestvaiedan found thay e go(,Qitveme t offiiais fa ev wayfro mN e 'Tw York City by bus and t cstolrnary- good-natured anter- bu îtVelng were spending a wx(eek in Ottawa s(ec- ing back and forth in debate has re- c, dclay had been caused by the acces- in, thlesih. After Ne-w 'York, und sit'y of finding n, formnula tînt woufld you'd think taamgh-bdu, satsf a patis.but lnV for- these folks, they wer-e Speaker Speaks Ot iovingl evcrY 1m1inute of it and were MiSpae or hnslinPpt Ontarios Deleat Orono With Od nthneir praise of the Caniadian Mn iSp-ýek er foal i el in a ,spotI Pepeas "hefriendlicst foîks. ti ckwhr ecui itul take a crack at some of those whe Last Mnute a[Y lad criticiscd iim ci arl ier. Many o! 1 rwCauses Rumiors therue are like iawýos -which have 74e few errors taht crOPPed uip in been bUilt up by -precedents over Vhe l i, f'. of cars -Aa,-a- a -resu,_a go .cae Thulrsday night's gamie ast week in Production, Dept. of' National Reven- Oý rono betLween the Orphaas and Port c inciuding Canadiani Broadcasting FIOpe Ontarios w.erc w-eff uliiîd hy " hiiliant plays on both -aides as Port 1 Corporation, National Ilealth and ITOPescord t-vicpin te "tWeifare foliowed Vlie conclusion of thie Hoe coedtic i tetop Of the debate on1 Domînion-Provinciai a x ainth Vo break a four aIl stalemate agreements whici were passed. Op- tînt lad been. in effect from i e sixt .h oosition Leader George-( Drcw aroused ipnig. Port Hope won the game hy ail kinds o! speculation when le was n 64 coint J absent throughout the week, report- Keith WesV wet VIe route for tho ell suffering fromn an attack o! in- i-sers and' was ouched for twý,elve fluenza. Rumors were rife tiat iti safeties but kept therri weil scattered. H1e walked thrce and struck out six. 1 Sleep Le. started on the mound for In -al VIe Qrphans picked up ten Port Hope and hurled uni VIe sixth- bingles, one walk, on.- lit batter and when le retired with non. out and four of theinwont -down on strikes. two on. t!Mflke Harrison came on 'and Orono picked Up singletons in the. pitched Vo onlly one man in retiring first two innings and a brace ini the the side. Melvor picked Shýe tien off fourtl. Port Hlope rounted tvjice in secOnù and w1hen Mercer slded to leÊt the third and ninth and on.e ace i IKeith West wvas double(d off first. the- fourth ýtnd sixth. can be prcscated for both sides of any argument on procedure. On one mao- tion hs vwcek, Dona,,ld Fleming and StanIleKnowles argued Vînt the ýSpeaker shouid present n committee report to thc House xithout allowing debat e. Durinig the pipeline debate, Mr. Speaker gOt hims'elf into hot wter because samne gentlemen argude thnt ho siould aliow them and others Vo speak on questions of prijv- ileges and poinits of order instead of irmmediately prescnting a commîLtee report. Eariier, le aibo-wed them Voe proceed and then haçi to reverse hn-- solf the following day at whjch ine Vhe opposition blew up a stormn. This time, h. didn't take any chances. lie sent the report back to committee fo)r them Vo settle their chairmai's r.ul:ng. Sud. is iife in higi p)jaces. SEE THE Newcastle Gentennial Celebration IN VULLGOLOUR Motion Pictures and Sildes IN TUE WNewcastle Coumunty Ral Saturday, August 4th -8:30 ADMISSION 35 CENTSCILRN2 ET RELIABLE SOURCES CANADA, it has been said, is a couintr whîch* lias policies favourable to importers. First, be- cause our customs tariff is low,. with many items on the free list. Secondly, the rapid growth of the country is expanding our home market at a pace Canada neyer has known be- f ore. The steel 1 .dustry here in Canada lhas expanded3 somewhat faster than has the home market. so that today Canadians need to import less of most kind s of steel than i n earller days. 0wý occasion, steel from other countries is sold here at prices below Canadian costs. This occurs when there are prolonged or temporary sur- pluses elsewhere. But a pickup i, demand in the exporting country redý ces or extiguishes these externa1 souroes of supply. That is why, yea~r in and year out, the Canadian producer is the most reliabIe source of supply. THE STEEL COMPANY 0F CANADA LIMITED ~MONTREAI GANANVI"E EAMIITON ERANTFORD TORONTO ý 1 CIIILDREN 25 CENTS

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