j ~ It~ ~( _ ~IC . Cv T~M! amya~ - - SIFT PREMIUM - ReadV to B-at - Smoke-d Cottage RolIs lb 65c TÂBLERITE 1 pouaid celle package Frankf urters lb,: '37c -MAPLE LEAF SKINLESS Prure Pork -Sausage lb 43c TABLERITE SMOKED tzl pkg. 'Back Bacon 57c' ,tchup )UT CMiCKN NOD IGA SWEET Mixed Pickles IGA Whole, Chick.e", Swi ft'>s Prem~ 45c, 23c ll~ 16 oz jar- 25c lb 4oz &h Tin 1.'49 2'Stin43c 12 oz roundtin 35c OC O BEST 0F THE SEASON -Sveet Tasty Duarte Plums doz 23e ôBartleitt ?cears 6 for 29c Fo)r the Holidlay We-n 2 Lare 4 o 26 pudaverai ( Watermelons 79e Ontaro Grwn -Tender, Snappy ( G Uree.9 or 'Wax Beais 2 lb 29e o Ontaro Grow, Fresý-h Dug i SNew Potatoes 10 lb 49c ( F rozeCn IFT/1 Be sure yo-(u pick up11an Officiai dsav- inýs folder a( youir IGA FOOD MR KET. Ther, each turne yn'hpa - IGA, slip your casr register receipt5s ýte, it f-r saf epf~ .- r Eoods Orange Juice 2 -6 oz tins 43c PIC'rSWEET French Frics 2 -9 oz pkgs 35c BOOTH Fish Stix 8 oz pkg 31c TREESWEET Lç mon J ûice 6 oz e23c ,tins Z COLN C'HOCE BL saches20 oz tin Z21-c Ti z 35pwc i LbbY s t5eans 2for 3 BETI' CRyCK ER hieéCake Mix 31 c SUMMER CAN-DY 'z-2 1Kb EDINBURGH TOFFEE ami ½ lb. ASSORTED FRUITS Both for 39c Sport 8,,retS ound duties for, the local bioys and ;r foUr fuiii niings strhke out seVenk Wliile his relief, Roger Baiqow, pitchi- ing for two înnings t0ok five strike, PEEWEE BASEBALL outs. V. Rowe pitched the ,enitiire gaine for Newcastle and t.urred ina~ The Orono PeeWees accepted an in- fin, perfrac wt e srkot vitatioxn to p ay bal in Peterboroug h and gi in up nly i v' en walk. ts ýand tlravelled to the city on Saturda"y1 evening where they miet the PeeWeeF orOoo rigHa n i basebaIliteam of .the Peterbor-ough 1Quantiriiuproved t d nedx As It. Basbl Sehool. The outing was cer- ters with a single and a double a- tini-y enjoyed by the boys -anId a 11101t plece. Lecs 1{opper also went tw0) for- enthsi~sic aine of bail was the three in the hîttiag dprt'$ outeme o theevenng.Orono started the scoriag in thre first The game wýas a tight baitti iing and held the lead thr-ouigiout throughouit e~i~in a score of il the gamie but by a slinm margin oI ito 9 for thef Peter-borýourrh- teami. O-1I one run untii the sixth when, they onoc dîd not give up rntil t ,he final 'ixent out la fr-ont by five -juns. The ri a"Iit utii th' oi ofth ,boys. are currenitly showîing Plenity man an ut ut n th to ottheof interest in the sport and on Tues- sevnthinnng.day evenling sixteenl Orono, boys took' Pilly MNoncrief was the winning part in the game. tDitcher for- Peterbor-ouý,h who iused 1 ee durirr the tramelorerBa,1ow qtarite.d on the mnoiind for O'o'no hult wov, refflsced in thr-second( inni<ng after givineg u) a number of wls Ai Ouan-trill b4h"n is s;tqv on the Orono mound allowed onfly three runs io os th(, nlate and tooký el,-veri strkeotsdu-nng hi5s five i-rninzS. Tnercredjtpd himqi-elf with thiree rrrikeolit- in he first two ilinings but alsqo gave iip eiglt walks.J LrVMill p woed twjcp , Or ono as also d.id MI Quantrili. Te-"V Cari1pton pr A ho mos secssu batter for the local boys withl three- bits, for five tnes to bat and .sco)red on ail three occýasionis. Gary McMýackin sceored a sii.l m l n b1".o Hind.Cags score \vas a solo effort in the fact that he hit Orono's oply home run of th-eeaeOne homye rua wvent tn Peterborough. T, b arbooP'WeChammp- ion.chip for the îXiwanis Ciin Bow-1 ,i(~~1eiseaPot Hnrnrz' are ueeil fi,.n t1~first rntinof the seieS Orono will mieftithe -wunner of thisý seisfor the Championship. On Tuesday eveing a ýt the Orono' Park tbe Oronio PeeWees defeatedi the Newý,(ýstle teaim by a score of 9' to four w-hich provied to be a nIip and4 tuck affair unitil tle sixth inninig when Orono sc0)red '*ou' nI' jr i'Mle i-uns. Leslie Hopper took over the ( *1 The Orono PeeWees are expected to play host to Peterborough a week froin this Saturday wvith gaime timne set for six o'clock, BANTÂM BÂSEBALL' In Bantam BssebâIl the playdoiyn series between Courtice and Oronci is now deadlocked at oie game apiece, Trhe deedditag'gaime wWH be played ir, Bowmianville nieuti-af gr-ound, on Sat- urday even)in.g anid the winning teanb of this gaine will theni proceed on, ire the Ontaio Playdowns. Following this, the teamis wJll enter into' comipe- tition for- the Lakeshore Mirnor Leaguc Championiship. Iii the pro(;test r-egister-ed by Orono against the Courtice team concerning the base umpîre also coaching the Cour-tie- boy.s, the dicision went te Orýono. HwveMr. Major, manager of the Orono Banitaxis, reqjuested only tha't the final gm be pliayed on neu- tral grýouad aad that the recorid (if the- Courtice --,in on MondaIy of last wýNeekrman A goid crowvd of spe-ctatorýs at Bow.7 mnef or the decidiing Baatamn game this Saturday, August 4th, will help give the boyrs the lift teynee to mi-ake the gayre a victory. PO-Ü"INT HEATIN Serviýce Guaran tees Comf.îort wUh Economà-yl I 'NWet h or- ouglrly cleaux and recondition your oil burner. Remnoe \V.J\\ ~ heat-vwusting son S a CIilscale r o yLIr f ur ra ce. '7'Scir niicaUiy r u 1te you r o i burnmer so it alii run efficieDn-ly aid withlF v nil conl- snjmptuon. ice N'chMay bt neded during tt yar. 9 - i rea wreg corirc!s jil L;b - extra cat. .' aua k ýt;r c ies nf t bsrner, rn de- 'rts or f V u at no mia ke e iver- 'qua!ity right AUl this for a Jow annual maintenance charge. plui the cost of the oil you use. Not only is it the finest kind of heating service, but the Most eco- no.mkcal and satisfactory. ~s Phone Us Now For Details For Tour fioûso nù Fuel & Lum[er LIdp. Phone 1481; 1 i Twol1 Via Wi thi j and1 HFIJRS. TO SAT. Pirs4t-Run 1Hits Tecknicoior Proud Unes" 'bert Ryan and giinia Mýayo ,ughed [ast" Frankie Lane Lucy Mfaijow NEXT MO1N. TO WvED. 'Western flramia at its Best; in CinemaScop e "The Tail Men" With Clark Gable and JaneRuel ~TV (91 -v- b- Crcne L-