~- i4aiy eayme, and(1I c an- For aigIit J a boy I thouglit and i-len I learu- ug rny chum, fo te new( plàces- tr ý.From now 7oni, beih-b very weil "'Now he lias corne back'to iine (with n-ro apologies) and c-ails o esm every nighit, as he used to. But whenever we inake a real date to go sonie- where, he doesn'tr show up! 11e sýays he loves me, but how can he? "I learned yesterday lie has Ïold se-veral of our friends that we're g-oinig to be married in the faiL 1 have neyer even prom- ised te marry him, though 1 want to, because I'mr beginning to rea4ize how undependabie he is. Yet I don't kniow how I coul~d face tomeürrew withitut soine word fromi him! What shiaif I do?" * The flrst trait, dernanded bf *any' vfriend i~s, hesty. How *cani you eail this young. m-a-n -bhon-est? 11e double-crossedl *you with your best friend; she *was as guilty, but that does *not lessen bis deceit,1e *swears he loves you, ytwe * le plans to take youI out he * doesn't shIow uý p,1He sreadIs *the story of y-,our comrng * marriage, and lie liasni't even, *proposed, iqYu are 17, old eneugli to *realize that w,ý,hat you feel for Iiiihlm is only a physical attrac- * ton, that famnous old chei- *cal reaction which, iven the ~'chan@e, you could feel for al- "most ainy other attractiv-e lad. *Why deludle yourself? * The emtosYou arous;e in * hlm are superfici,:totliei'wVise h le would be yoDur devoted at- ~tendant, taking you1, out regu- >1 larly, sholiowhf yotu off, buiild- Parîs-Jnspired! PARIS iuspired i-li lovely hunes etfi-is ensemble -- yoult look se wý%oud1erfu1 wbeu yo wear iit! Bloused j-aciket buekies 1baIow i-be wais:t, addsung a sritiart iuew t oucli i-o i-be -fshion- able "long look," Beneaili is n imple sudress . ited and i3atiering, Pattern 4811: Misses' Szes 12, 14-, 16, 18, 20. Siza 16 dress, v½ ards 45-mch; jacýke2t,2 yards. Dis patteru easy i-o use, simple I-o sew, is iested for fit. Has complete illustrai-ad instruc- Send THIRTY - FIVE CENTS (3<,siamps eannirot lie ac-cepi-- eýd, use postalI note for satei-y) fer tis patterrp. Prini- plainly SIZE, NAME, ADDRESS, STYLE ti'lJMBER. Seud orçier io ANNE ADAMTS, 123 Eighi-enth St., New Torion)- ,c Oi- *ing up- that confidence which *every girl needs io feel. for *the boy she loves. H1elias ne *regard for the finer qualities, *ne thouglit 'for anyi-hing but *the pleasure- of tLoday, wlien * le can eigjoy your friendship ','and your love. You couildn't 4livP with hlm for long; you *wolld rever know wihere lie *was nor witli wliom, and. you ceetainiy ceuld net expect *hinte protect youi and cher- *ish you as a god huitsba.nd 'sho-ul-d. Within a year, youj *prcbably weid lie se dis- *iliusioned tliat you woid , wisli yeu liad neyer met hLm. *Yeur onily escape fromq this *painful situiation is tei send *him a-way f or good. You de- *serve somneone finer than lie *is. If youi will list ail the *qualities thai- make up a goed *huisband, youý wili see thiat lie *lacks airnost every euie. Wake * up, betore you waste any *more precieus timne and step o ff tlie tleep end Dear Anne Hirst: I arn 21 andi have been married over a year, We live in the suburlis and I love tegardlen - bu-t rmy husband will 'NOT allow me te wý,ear shorts -. yet lie cani't pass -a girl wlio dees, witiottulirning bis head te take a second look. "I'm sorry this sal habit in- furiates-. me se, bt i can hardly keep still abount iti. 0f course,' lie JulaIuqhs!" * Men are ,abouitasicnst ent as tbey say wernen are, *Somne proh-ibit their w.ives * rom u tsing imakc-uip, cujtting *their bair cor wearing revTeal- *ing clothes, but the sam-e men *cntkeep) eyes front wlien *othe-r women mi-ak-e the nmost of et teir charms. * Wliy? ecaus tlijey do't * ike theirwie to aitract *Mter males, *Since, yor-bu-sband is ne *exception, wby diguit y the You may bclanlovebut if yoiir boy friend is flot k;eepiing yeut happy there issoehg radcaly wengwiL-W the frienti- ship. Remaiïke youirow rules' before yen slip into the doormat rote, that can onfly speil disillu- sien for youl. lu ine o(f confu- sien, write i-o Anne Hirsi-, Box, 123 Eighfteent'h St., Neiw Toron- in, Ont, Police atAccra on i-be Gold CoasIt arr.esteu d IIIjailed ,a monkey atter it had attacked and bîtten a l'abou-rrIt deatb. !n 0olden timres, annia cold i e arstdfor cime lk a humnan beýing and tried iy a couirt. itis recorded thait a bd teprdpig whilchattackleda serf and caused is death as selýomnly rie ly a court con- demned land led etlte lie c-,D ver'ted into perk. If the aia a the cauise et tbe c rimne or had beauusc in the cmisofe11-be' etf- tance, it was nmade te be' the exeutinoret ts bun11 ?1part- uer. Thiss particulnýrly se Shien tce "Mide" was in usa. Forrunerof the guiillotjine, ce-leaden mas Dike a lioge easel telel et !ih. On theicnniier sides c e i-ie rawre grooves in wiCh a sharp axe was placed. The axe was poised at the top of tCe fraxe and held in place by -a pe2g ltewhîi a ',cord was attaclied. HeLavy weiglits wr fastened fte[the axe se thatilt wSould 1rnidownli etwýeen itha grooves witli terrificfoirce. The criminal was ade te lay bis he-ad on the crossýz bar at the bot- tom etf the faeokdirectly bciow the n'axýe egetn teet aboya. The cord was flxed te i-li hersýe or cw hili le ad siolen or used in biscrime and the ainimal was suddely lash- ed. It gatloped away, the peg, was jerked eut and the axa *CHICKS IN THE HAY - t's one better thon turkey i the straw, as a sexfet of beauties add glarnour to a pile of hay. The bevy oif barnyard beauties wvasý publiciziing a county fair. Married Best Mau By Mistake 110w many etf us, a-somet -peried in our lives, bave lieue-- ti-d by a lucky istake? Aul erre, purely imaginary, of course," in filling in their coupons - somnething i-bey would have alt-ered if heavîf e or daughter lied net fooilslily posted i -be coupon - las proved a daizzlinig stroke ef fate- for sevýerai people latly. nd, equally, a mistake may lie ai- i-be beart et romance or conter oun-w peopile happiness theiy neyer imagined possible. jus- two )slumers ago, a NorweUgian gr won a statLe foot- ball, prize oet $6000. Being youýg and lovely, a flaxan-bhaei Ce priniceis, as ena ewsýpaper des- cril)eid ber, she foundheat inudn ed by fers oet marriage. Several suiters preseui-ed i-heml-- savsin parn .WuL-h u eye te tuture luxuries îl ickad ona eue, n weali-by silver Fox liedrsson. She sk-ated, ýski'd and danced wl-h ibiim, iHe n- ebIa nIn-men ts eeed te0 îm divine. Has1au"date'n ler for tîny couni-ry churcli near Lille- bammor n mW by an inlcredihle mni-up e l ) ver 1the ýnames etn brideg-roemm ad latman, a vagu-midad pasi-or married the irl i-o i-be latter, I lte vs iry bis I]llnder was pointed out "Wal, saIllebiegom "yýou'Ill bava teoconjduci- i-li veddiug cerciminy ilaov er agiand mryme -e H elga -.net him!' TFhenitha g i 1uilo-short- bis apologies wutb articg tinali- "Oh, ne you wni-"she de- claredi.- Igot imy monIey by chanice and now Lti looks as if the samne gda as givnme a husband. Tbank yen very -mucli, paster. Ifi-, ha hast man, is wilnso ami1V" And ft î'le w ,amî-r ,wtL-b a bliantid he lad mi- euly enca eoebulaaviuig the euse d liridegreom crsîgbis cýarnîaion butten- beole nu tury on i-be clicbsteps. Now, ns i-be i-lier et thriviug twins, slis e s s ppily marriati as i-hapincaîs in auy fairy tale. A imistakec eat](ýid i-ôfor-- i-u. A womnan, net long ago w'ent i-o a PMidÀland bosp;piafor a filu- ger operation and i-ha surgeen amputai-ad i-le top of the wrýoug finger. B3ecause et tha i isi-ake, a judga aitatodîieAssizes awarded ber $7,500. More subsi-antial wvas i-be damnage mionay paid i-o a New York couple, Ifsaae and Rose Keller, for a yeaar et terrible leani-lreak. Their t-weu--six-- year-oid sou, Murray, eýoliapsed iu au underground train and died. By semae xtraordinary ev,,ersigh-t, the Police and heospi- i-i authoritles coutused lis name. ,Tbey descrilied hlmr as "Sotruar.d,"' and since nie eppear- ed te have ne relatives, buried lmin a pauper's grave. Yrantically and despairîaigly i-he Kellers hýuni-ed for their missing lad. At long lasi-, they iredOver ilie files 9,et ie city'b nlie dead and there, te their thorror, they spotted his portrait. -Imagine the m-o- thr' gony in suddely f md- ingÏ lier leost son's photo record- e d inanother ue u it kept lier self-control. The couple sued the auIhoriies for- $300,- 000 damages. Eventuially, they settled for S$30,000. Mag-ician's e-rrers can bc cost- ly, tee. In Cartagena, Celombia, a f am-ouis indian w,,,izard, Siuxcu, creaed tCiin trade in b r în-ig-gback aobsconding buhis- bards. AIl weit simigyfor wî- zard and abandonýied \vives uni- tIi, in briîigiing back one wo- mnan's liusbalid, hle presnted lier w ithamnslie hadner before seen. vht' our hbus- ansaid !trip wizard, puttuing on isî mosýt iLigrati,ting sm-ile. "Oh, ne, it isni't," she- retorted. "It is yourhusad snr, Iiissed iexu."You viIl taIke him" "Wel1, I shah sottie thia"," s a id ta omnWliereutponý, stelpping ,ibrskly forwxarl, shie dealt himý a te-rrifieup,-percuit. It s:tretelied him eout fiat on top of hloispewa gpeats. Counitless golden inventins woul neer ave fmatJerialized, jexeýept for a nlucky mistake. The terrible tolt traffic accidents wýoufld lie f ar more hiideous had net a French .cham-ist, Benýedic- tus, acc-idenýtally tippedi a botie off lis laboratoryý shelf. "Goodi gracieus!" eixcl-_ý(-a:imed thie astonished scientist. "It -hasi't splintered. The bottIe tay nt at bis feet, criss-crossed by crac,,ks, Ibut otherwise Complote, 11e knew w1lfat waq in the 1bottle; collodion in soluition. This sol- vent had, atter evýaperating', coated the bottle's walls with cellulose nitrate, se formig a skin te hold t1he cracks together. A day or two later, thie ehemist rendi of' a womnan, shoIckinglIýy iacerýated by flying glass in a H1e linked lis bettIe accident in bis rmnd te hier facial ýijur- ies. 11e experimýented u tntil he evolved safety glassý, thus vast- ly improving the scutrity eto motoristýs. A misplaced com-ma recently savod two girls from prison. It was wvrongly placed in a sen- tenice and, agreeing thait it .was "blad JlaW," the recorder ord_7ered3 thle irls' case te be leard afresh. This tfimre, i-le benihai- iowed tliem te go back ïe their homes. Eveni more fortunmate wTas a Sussex -girl who, .sufferîng frem, acte emotionai dis;tress, decid- ed te end lier lite. Turning 0on ail taps, she thrust lier liead intiolier empioyer's gas oven, and losed Lier 'eyes, ineyer ex- p-ct,'ing te wake. But fate res- cued her from obivien. The gans supply ran out. She had tergot- ter, te prime the mneter. Se a shilling saved lier lit e. Drive With Care (loiNd 1 ler ie ;Ia-veatg e diL ne [ilri g ilaýsi - ee's heat1 WaeiV didoCtlniakýe nie fee nel rte raîniemba)r how cmfr 1be ivwas aYea ao otfotal wearing a soii, or1 îa1 s%(.ater-dress' topped lby a igî-ahtlong 1ceai-.Somimesn,, 1 a' ifflte %warm ilellngh bui e0an se iltw-s preferaete Whis we l ad te puit iup wilil ilast -ek WantIlbe lheat and huiitiy tC-- rific? Epeîll ftersod n- ne1 in , e-abreai-lioet air a-e indoors m olui. I woudn't etr olusida ,dinilg the(veang anyIl wa-ni. jwth gianti-size mnos qui-as r(>nd.AI!lei-be pasky in scs seainabnormaiflly big this, bg.Davtdivalus siili tvitihlus and the -pool. luite 0dmp iv cvered 'Nith bites lilgh I aniatled thiln w-ins erpelleni- severtil - 1 Mes, a da:Y. Lt was fltei o- werklekiag. atter an active yongsi-er bt i-b botter if got thie gladderii we wera hae wasllarIe and ïnet [n'the1cii-y if 'ye hAd beau alloed we ould like te haive kep I- itu ai] uma butil arn faid ou'r lwrk wud hav-e sutf",red. As t <ws Parter lad i-oquit f iig tancsbcas tie hemat11a1 mosquitees twerai- lnnch for Dave. But was h iafrod or hisl!Par-ner lad been i g the anrespreader as a1traiter belind thIle trctr nd Da)ve ieni- a1lug si'Ling on a ýboX evered witv1h an old puill-. Ta vs i-ha t-cal atda v enliing De Art. aoe nd I-ha baby am io ake, Da i ome. hI- waýs Six,\ esincie , Dave hld sean Mumm11y aald PDaddy aad ai- tirsztI-nha wsni- te sur abpout i-hemi. Hwvain abýout tiv miutsi-eraunion was com mvouder we 4otten hear "a boy aud aï deog bleng -togai-bar.', Thi- is c-7 t Ilre Nwith Dave adlbIis deg. 'lhle bbWel, Dae Loi'tte incerestd Lui- ha baby. L0elooed ai- lim aud said aica hgby,' mc i-hn wat bck -eHonley. îVe had alratlime ladngie ca itioys, egsjcohes, aud whih ervd s n ¶lsrtof) our chi1angeable cimte tside etf six wveakýs Dav-e hadn] or Necer i-ing trom la snws iol nd uber, bootsfte liile mlore i-han Ihis biri-i day sulit. "Thea1]- few da(ys lha had beau ruu-nning around clad ely îLu a liita pair t rioncpnt.Aftier everyone bad igenf!le i-house sa sbo qieti l got ver-y lui-la slep i-bat nightl. There ws Il i-ha amy et ant ne mal boy twvisiing rasilassly i around ibi skslapAnd 1 WOUid think aboutlm and wcondor hew ha wassetliug d-owa ,]in bis fhomlean- j i roamnt nd wbai- wý1111 \old be bishî raactIion i-e a new baby in i-be home. blese(dly cooi l Pai-uner adonly îiph doge tra)iliug hh i reund on biýs Nway ti-eli-ieoba !lior i-ha han ouseiý auLd INnw a saed inumail rouis trips i-e 1 ie bbn hroom. Mici-biew comad i-hal hage!Atter anaii or a"ory i-ip I-e i-be bouse ha foui-io t se peaceul he stayed aond a11 day. Aud et course xewere a'I.le I-be Ciy" sblowing tr ad a fore a11d afttr. Fir'si as a pros- paerons farmi, Iibui-Hie sale et tarill,. sokand impflemnents. Finalli-bte wastakn ver for a sli dliviýsionl. Adi-heui-bIle f inisbied IpeItura aMily lite la a naWly deveMlpe à1ud disadlvani-ges, hi-uws se god 1 ho1pe I-ha OBO wiht apai"u. ,-Lt is uwMonday mrig nt leviy, coel ratrasbiing mrig Ne ex(Jjcuse new fejr net ge!iting on tit bewerIt. Ati- lasi-if a persea but prgesieekns sanotbrer that .ee ih elL, hec ould nti banie e 1hlayv ,o he sold the stalnà- rente onehaifof thefarnt another iýforpatur. ven ai thai We, havealot to e li thantfuilfor. Partner is we1I and be[la1lthy im every otheýr respect. Iltis jusl "the miser,[ies" ,Gtatgetlim dwn-i afterrnath lliof ', Years asev As an 'o](1vet' he couflid iroba iy get a iurtl out pensîion. Bnm %wno cudlive on $1200 a Year lthee 1aystUness ilt hasboen change4 that U 1w h u xnuninonie For i buntou pione(r. ,Thie Lord helps ithose whlo helpthnele"- buit apparently Hlat isn' te poIic3 of the Dopartmcnt ofrVotorane' Smart TV Cover Easy te crocheLtlthis loveLiy c-over for any,'size TV Set -- M youir favorite pineapple design' 1Crochet Pattern 891: Direc- tions for TV cover, 25 inches in ÎNo. 30 cotton; smnaller in No, 50; '&larger in mnerceized bed- spreadi cotton. Four make aî 50- iclh clothi. Send TWENý,TY-FIVE CENTSý (stampl"s cannot 1be.-,accepted, use postal note for safety) for this pattern te Lauira Wheeler,, 123 Eighteenth St.,Ne Toroin- te, Ont. Print ,plainly\ PATTERN NUMBPE, your NAMIE and AD- DRESS. Our gift te you - tw,ýo won- derful -p at1t erns ýfor youirseil, your home -- printed in or Laura ý Wlieeler Needtlecraft, boek for 1956! Dozens of othcr new desîgu,,s te order -- cr0- che-t, knitting, embroidery, 'iron.- ens, n-ovelties. Send 25 cetsfor your copy of this book NOW - witl i gt tpatterns printed in ii CHINESE IMPOIRT- - Li LiHua noted Chiese actress, poses ai the rail of the ship that brough her te San Francisco, Enterint under the: Refu-gee Act, L i s ei route te Hollywood under con tract to Cecil B. De Mille. -Tht five-foeettw-o-inch bnaýuty ha mcde 63 filmu.