Tfis ear nw sias hae àpparedalorig t7epovnia ig. iniaigthta$0fn e aw.a:its those ae cuh ho-DIED CL~~ .S CT~Ç NProfessional ire~ or ubbish alng he sîdes t hese roads. Thi i, vry iey ecuetepresent time oftheyear, with its eLie TINE tLytnnstRt-1- _ and touring atnibl parties, lis the timie -whien this hiabit is alost Hom-_e, OTonn $,l aturday, Juivy th-, CMING VNT-- TeSduyStar condenins flot only those who it caîls litter-Jir .W.r1g-- a4li U crntymee.-cVce A FlEMD b g , b t a o h o s e w h o d e lib e r a te ly t r-e s p a s s o n) o t e r p e o p ie 's l y e a s ,( hiu s b' a ii d f th e a t 1' B e l a w i)l bý e ha ' e u n a y , u g s t h, a tP H S I I A a d U R E O 1) operty, ch(1fown trees for firewood and leave the place, littered Ramtsbottornantd father oV Westol}. HSCNan wi',h garbage and otherreu. It also has a strong word of Ctci m ~c a ed tteorsFn Male Cook for S 'lok i hurcl,'n tu for pepl xhotro junk ,fromi their cars and trucks t,, litter the ealCaelpomavl, nMndyJckso-n, assis ant onthe 20t .0 .. :0t :0p oa s d . E xt r i naýýti on l of tVe litter ug, it sa y,ýs, i j at as ir ?o ta t ch rg , iIlspefa. S pI al sc w ill 2 . 0 î 4 . 0 nj ; 6 * t 8 , 0 p M as1 the exterination of black flies and miosqu,,itoes. eeig u Oha t:0 0 o'cloc,, Ill- Or-P U n1 .~ he provideýd,a- SudyadWdedymb This is just as true of Gýrono as it is of other places. On te t r e tHe no n e te Bancrof, __________ apntment on y s M in St e et on a w in d y d a y, ill b e seen a nt at cu u a t b n o f p a p er., T e a y a 0 Ip. . p-YJPL A S E C O N A C T E V aiy awrprciaetsndother wiicblowni trash that should TISFRI A iE ,CNACTcO M EV -> S PHONE 1471 - ORN Moqutesanblack flies, as thie Sudbury Sta onsot, - - TIS h helvh O R.sLimsad rpit uC. FOrýRESTER? at the Orno Park on 51tur- DR R.JTA AR may he'anannoyanc to the skÀin, lhut tire litterbug ,,'creates a situai- dayAug.s Jth495& o an tion that is,; annioying 40 the eyes. And from the lhealt;iaspeict of this IIUUWL big u famil nd me95TERNAR SURGnO practice,meia authorities h sonie definite ideas as to the ex- PILINtI'K1Ii-, ndine11ýîu VTEIAR I1EO. tent 40 w h cl it is a mienace to the hiea lh of t e co m uni ti . 8E L A L1 AER AI J i olci friends. b c V t r i r , m d c n s i l g e l The, Main Street and business se(ctioni of Oronio seemis to h-av7e nPatngn eiradinrmntetez be om n r a he e ev rthing is tossed. This sction a satni e s-Od isu ens e, ea aniythig Lht taat and tidy évenl thlog h i an business nen do nake ST ICCO e L 0oI dPîNE 061 ORO )NT aneff'ort to keep the street elean of w r'appers and other tra-sh. I H if r, e nd a if ye rs ol,0__1___ __ _ ORO__ _ A i ln u b e r o f e a rs -a g o th e L io n s C lu b o f N e w c a s tle p ro p id e d F r e e E s ti mn a te 5H oîA te n. M i n g f o e rs w e e , L Orono w-ith a numiber of tras'h canis but these canis stayed but a shortW mihpG ate whil ant soo diappeareti fronm the street. Now ýýit woulaper'ndrIesPne1--,Ooo- thtschdn wudbea sset in hielpingl to keýep the business A- section of town dean of1 trash.ý At present no one bas any place to de- A"C. U WOwOcDC.Sso BA po0sit wrpprsad candy sticks so they hit the street alod Jeave Lwec .Nsn Oronlo untidy and Ihttered. 'P e rke 2304ET' Tt c')uld be a suggestion to one of the MNunicipal organizationsBR ,NwoleI F2.EN30B4ite ndSiii~ or bodies to p r-o ide suc!, dispo sajiu is in an eff ojrt to dean up Orono _ _ anti garagelïc ït along the ,main! street. 0f course the trasýh cans ar~e not themselv es thte -- --- Phnes:F anwîsfor it niso neetis the co-operation oL eveyoeAplyMu TmbnPh * .S. 3-r19 Oono ~Office MA 3-5688 Home MA 3-5m5 a.The Office o f R. R.P h . .D Rkeu i 1 e0o'c JOHN IUA1N DI * * n Oono illbe osedfr ug.4th -1U to Auig. 251, 19d ~ urlteNtr ui LIMTEDLOST 33 Tmeac t,~wavl Betee Oon ad -%rýeatlonilgha -l1 k Iet 0,pe' uin Phone NIA -329.- Bet ee~ Or no and wcatl onlli hw y o 35.~Orono 'geekly Times jthe ast four d iVs in i ciiy f Orono. RewarE. Vigor tandareCasgll 38%ca lemc ly Ties or Le ýy H m1_ilton. a- .JCKR i OC- One steel diium, 10 a s 7.OOoosLcn. Vigr HighTest 41 1C\per gallo ý-tax included I1000 'g'Aal OrroWo i ous, $70.00 ~ ~ aiVauao in smail quantifies avaliable I at the Station '2IIsrne evc tar ea ut business. Yrc. Furtniture Sales ý1eariin oney thé firsi; day. ti, CroiuIt Pme for termes I you ownboss., SeIldailynees gne Ever.ýycas of Insur- inBtny Lktc,.omnîe nd dates Ilan'eo r îepie&?nted i r o ii' ~~office. The follIoW- csteNwtii. AI] fainilies Ure users of U Jr manIY j j t lisrn o t e prodl cs. W it to Dept. am ex T E anu aSUfu S mance 'a ~e ecarJ Station C.»Mon reaCKSON - -A I Wewillbe pe e 'o pic up dead adVlao ' ~ A to m bil . L fe, c d d nt nd 1ci ppe- f r m a ima s or san itary C o nîdu t s A uction S a e f al. mI Sickness, Plate Glass, Liabillty, 1 disposaI. Teleph one coi'ct, Cobourg _ad a eaonable rmte. Fire, Buirglary Hospitalization. F. -145o orino ,3-3 136 ihl iF à,Livestpck, Boile-r, Wind, Polir, GR) o ITI erOnaio e i Ir.A Rail, Fidvlity Bonds, etc. aP oL y0Uj- DTD pry najo e Ev' iE. Morton, at rOono, f'u date. IPEMIER LIFE INSU RANCE SCIIOOL OPNING ~ PHNE 1R16 'EALTOR 19 eso lis OR ~~~C-hildren andAdl;Mrta.6 -~F. E.LVCKTTr 80t3R NG B D R Doo Southl f UniOroOt Phu1I17 vRn S To -G a n enc L at e Lyo i r D D AR -1-Re-inforced at Wearîi ,'PointsýDA rAR -STerAcFIusFORDc BwmnBR &. O E, N A I Phone Whitby 552 Du -inr thnm )a h of Augtist ONLY otetV AESTRUUGHING jRFA t~ieYOU Smt On the purchase of auy BINDER or any WATERMAN PEN and PENCIL SET! FldUIaa .Aprai SHOP EARLY AND SAVE? !LU O SIA J hoe 2 roe HARRY E. LYCETT M LIO O to oPont*a et k_ m"l 'h~ o e STIMAitqai P% tata r* occasion mi