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Orono Weekly Times, 9 Aug 1956, p. 7

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Fooled Guests Confetti and rose-petals show- iered one of the smnartesf streets ln the West End of London as hie baudsome young engineer drove bis bride away on their secret haneymioon. Blithely the wedding guests attached the us- uia1 "Just Married" placard fo thec car-but this time the iaugh w,ýas on them. P1reparations for the lavîsh edngreception -- held in at Iuxury fiat leased by the groom's flim --bad given the bridai pair an idea. Quietly tbey rented a fribdfiat in the saime buil- ding. While the guests weLýe gues- siing wbhere fbey had gone on their boneymoon, the happy couple drove around the, block and re-enfered by a sîde door. Their friends littie realized that tlhe newlyweds were next door tuit one in their first married New-style honeymoons have underlined June bride niews. Iiu Glasgow kind-bearted Margaret 1\11som cancelled her boney- moon travel plans and sent lieri widowed eider sister on a mrucb- needed holiday insteud. Straight from the church, Margaret and hier husband drove fe the sister's house and began leoiking affer the two babies. "If will help lus make tup aur rinds," sraid Margaret,. "whether w.e're ready yet for bairns of our own." Ini the samne way a Cobbam eil Went straight home affer ber wedding and bier e-ighty-. year-old parents wenf off in the,ý bridai car f0 catch a train for their second honeymooni. Youfh club leader Angus Me- Gill faced a boneymnoon dilemma when be f eh in love with pretty Barbara Clift. He had promised luis club members a coacb trip lu the Riviera and he didn't wanit fo disappoint thie boys and girls. Happily ,his wýde agreed fo share the, honeymoon witb the lub members and so tbirty- three youngsters wenit to the South of France with tbem!t Yet uindoubtedly the most un- umual honeymoüon of the year will be that of blonde Josey Glanvilie. She and ber husband, tail and handsomne John Lowe, wrill share their bridai suite aloard sb-Ip wif h thirfeen other people wheu tbey sail later this year. Josey and John are to cross the Atlut-,lu the replicu of the Mayflower which bas been. built la Devon as a goodwiil gif t toi the United States. The original Mayflower fooký the Piigrimr Fathers ta Am-erîca ii 1620 and the discomforts of sea fravel in the frai 180-ton traff probabiy have not been ne- lpeafed for 300 years. The pus- zengens wo-n't have separate rabins, for the pilgrimns didn't. TPo compiete the strungenjess of the honeymnoon at.mophere, Josey wiii we-ar typical- Puritan ttire-a long woollen gown. POWER ASH TRAY - Latest gad- gjet for the car dashboard is a vocuumn ash tray that snatches oway discarded cigaret stubs, *xtingu;ihes their fire and vac- vtmm-packs themn for future dis- posai. T h e vccuum, power whisks away stuba and a!ihes Ifrougb a tube' Into a sealed gilass contadiner which needs s.~.nptyn rly four imes a year. CHRISTMAS 15 COMING - Jack Richmond trims one of 26,000 trees now on his evergreen plantation. The whole thing started as a "Christmas trea hob- by" seven years ago, but since has grown out of hand. Though he hasn"'t sold a single tree yet, Jack hopes ta unload ai fewv thousand in November and De- cember. After 20 Years- The Pay Off A Complete Story by Capt. Frank H. Shaw "CALL it agricultural mach- inery," suggested the shi.fty- eyed man. Captai Simon Carley nodded. "Where for?" he asked. Then whistled softly as the port 0of delivery vwas mnind Twenty years of smnuggling had robbed Carley of his con- science. He asked what the suggestedl fee might be, nodded wheni the handsomne figure was mentioned, The Stormny Petrel was well- named. She was a thirow-out of the war: had been a f ast mine-3ayer; and Carley's eng- ineer was a genius. Betweeni themr they'd renewed her into somnething phenomenai. Sorne of the turbulent Cen- tral Artaericani republics owed governiment changes to the com-. ings and goings of the Petrel in the past. It was a sort of Piracy, but it paid. And Carley was ambitious; flot so miruch for himself, but for his son, Dick, alad of whom ail Who knlew him, had the highest opinion. "'He'l1 go far-be a credit to you," wa5 the mnusic Carley liked to hear. "Nothing hie can't reach out for," And youing Dick hrad had the saucy temerity t0 fail in love with a girl of whomn Siion Carley thoroughly ap- proved. She wras an earl's daughter; a fine girl. A mani nieeded mocney to kerp such a girl in the state f0 which she had beeni accustomed. Carley went on makng money, stacking it up, with that desirable end lu view. D--ick was ambitius toc; that's how he camne lu contact wvith Lîady Aileen, Hle cut quite a dash in society. Simon Carley oversa-w the ladng of his ship with a sense of satisfaction. It was a night- tirne job, naturally, Even in suchl a free port aLs Tangier, -men didn't handle contraband openly. Though the packing cases wvere labelled Agricultural Macin- ery, anyone withi half an eye could guess their contents wýere of a less harmless quality. ".Ail snutg-oh?" asked t;hema wvith the shifty eyes, whomi Carley knew for a go-bet-weenà representing powerful interests. "Right1 as raim, Cash down of course?" Tha't was always a part of every such clandestine bargain. Nobody trusted any- body else in this underwoýérld 4)f intrigue. The negotiator had a suspiciousj bulge under his armi- pit. But Carley carried bis gun even hander-up bis sleeve; a neat little automatic like a tojy that could yet accounit for se-yen if it camne to a showdawn. If arman's h-Fanýd made a sus- picious niovemnent, that little pistol dropped like m-agic Into a skileéd hand, and blazed forth in1 a trice. . "Sure!" said Mr, Hopollus. The m&oney was tabled down, i US. notes of- high value. Carley -cointed themr swiftly. Ail cor- r'ect, And at the handlJng o this go<o>dnorey, he feIt the o14 spinal tingle that another riot- ous adventure wax afoot. A ýoupnle more runs like this -*-ie mieant that Dick could offer a sefftlemnent on tche girl of his Choice, andf thut iought f0 clinch the deal, couisidering bow pre- sent high taxation affected her noble sire. "Wle'il pull ouf at ndit" Simron Carley promised; and wvas as goodl as bis word "'Somiethiug,'s li kely ta haup- peu,"1 laugbed Lt-Comianden Hibbertson, R.N., commaniding H.M.S. destroyer 'Utra-rupid'. "Keep yo-ur eyes open, wuatch- keepers. Regularrar-tc" But there was a radar wuatch aboard the "Petr-ei" foc. When- ever uuyfbing suspicious shojwed on the soreen the skipper made quick clculations, stopping en- glues ta do so. If was a kind of ghostiy duel between twio opposing forces. Better to run, away than ta is detection aud seurch! Carley en j oye d tiis lind man's ituf reck1essly; he had a feeling that he was gamnbling with fate for the small fortune that shouid put bis son on vel- vet. That roll of American cur- rency wus sfôwect away where even a custom-s man couldn't find it. If if came f0. a -how- down be wus quit e neudy to dumnp bis cargo over the side- the cases were the size thaf could be easily bandled; and they were bailasted with rocks thaf would sink tthem burriedly,. No need fo worry!. But be feif bis stomiacli turu over when a sharp flash of lighit sbowed on bis starboard quair- fer. If was quite a whiie be- the duIl boom beaf up againsf the iigbt wi*nd. If ever a signal f0 "Heuve-to or l'il sînk y ou!" cballenged a man if was then. But the seurching finger of light mnissed the 'Petrel'. She was aiready zigzagging' smarti.y. The flash usteru showed again, fthe duli echo boomned coaxingly thnougb the ebouy gioom. There wIas no mnoon; Caniey knew his work, and lad arranged the run for prisely this part of the mnont b. But he beard the hig) pitcbed whine of a shell, wbich mneant thec pursuen was firing by radar, not by sight. One of these daned up-to- the-mninute fellows," le scoffed f0 bis Number Onie. 'üiv-e ber tbe iwhole works!" The 'Petrel' began to fty; and the questing destroyer hiadn't a 1o0k-lu once lier throttles were- fhrown wide open If wus au e-xultant victory for a mail who dared f0 take a risk. Long befonre t'ne firsfL crack of dawn a lightfflickered ableud. Carley sfopped engines, the 'Pefrei' grew quiet as a -wraith). In a lapping stiilness, row boats floated up like sliadows, hookedi on aiongside, and the noiseiess cargo-gear got busy. Ca-se af fer case was winched up from the hoids, swung ouf, received. Boat afted boat, laden gunwaie deep, stole stealfbily away. Witb tbe iast parcel of caýrgo transhipped and receipts given and taken, the 'Petrel' smoofbiy turned about and rau at easy speed for a distant islund HFere glie coliected barrels of grapes anid such-like truck. Hier alibi established, she headed for oper wafer and started her returu to, Tangier. Ail fhe dsroes iceafion couid find fault witb ber! Onie lean gneyhound did hoist a fiag, signal demanding imm-ediate balting; a trimi naval lieutenant came aboard. Wbafever bis sus- picions migbt bave been they buad no foundat ion. Fie had a cask or fwo of barmless fruit open-ed for his inspection. "Is there any need f0 usea forfy-knotter fa cart muscatels around the Medterranean, skip- per?" be smiled. "A bit extra- vagant. Oh, ail igbt, - dýean bill. Be carefui thoug- Then fhe 'Pefrel' resumed ber be il right; Uivk would be a, conscript, but he'd be taken care cf, A nice cushy clerking ~job couid be arranged as easy as nig Hie wrofe f0 var- bous addresses to that effect, and loaded up with conitraband cig- arettes %with a iight heart, This time hie had oniy the Italian coastguards f0 cope wvith, and they were easy. He rai. the 'Petrel' le-an into Genoa harbour under night's shadow, and daringiy tied up et an ob- scure pier. Ris luck held good; three trips he made without 50 much as scratching his paint. "Catre ta try to r'un a final load of agricultural stuf?-" Mr. Hopïolous asked in the, Tangier hofel where a hardwýorking sea- skipper was eutitied ta fake his ease affer a job ell done. "Don't mmnd a try. Samie "Hge.Riski's increased s0 the pay-off's even bigger. They want the stuf s badly tbey'lil give anything fbat's asked. How about a drink?"' Hopolous ciapped hands for the waiter an-d ordered lavisbly. A mnan seated threw down a wvell-read newspaper; and an outsize headline drew Cariey's attention, He reached for the uewspaper with a bit of a chuckle. "Cyprus Terrists Strike Again," he rend. Then one name leaped ouf at if hmned iu fire. "One British soldier shot and kiiled, seven others wvounded." he read, bis mlouth parching. " . . - Privafe Richard Quent in Carley, Army Pay Corp., shot frorr behinid whlle returning to camp. The assassin was fataily wounded by return fire. The weapon was probably part of a cargo landed a short while before. . "Somefhing wrong?" askedl Hopolous. "Everything!" gulped Carley. As his baud dropped from his- glass the tiny automatie f ouuid his palm. He pulled the trigger; then slumped back ini bis chair. It dlidu-'f matfer-what did any- thing miatter wxith Dick mur- dered almrost by his own fafher's hand?-From "Tit-Bits' Simple Ulcers Boils-Open Sores Now Get Real HeIp At Neme- Nu lime Lst From Wark The simple E-MERALD 011, homie treaimein permnis worl< as usual while those aid sores are being helped. You get relief rea] quick for, EMNERALD OIL belpa promrote healthy healing. EMERZALD O1L aots lustanitly ta quiet pireduce Inflammiation aud îsilinulate circulation briuglng freeli blood ta the irnjured part. Sust follaw the sml irections. EMERALD 011, l iJ 1!d hyal AGENTS WANTED GO INTO jUIE$ fr oref sen exclus-Ive hueaepout n appliances wanted by~ every house-ý holder. 'These items are; flot sold Ini stores. There -la1no competitiOnl. Profit Up toe50 % rté,ieiimedlately for free color catalog wt retail pricee sbow,v.Separate confideutiai wle- sale price wflbe iclde.Mrray Sales,_ 3822 St, Lawrenrce, MOntreal. ALL Popuflar egg breeda. dual pur1.pose breeds, and two (pecia'. broiler breeds, Cirst generation indien River Cross, first generation Arbor Acres White Rocks; hatched every %week ln the year, Also turkey pouits. Catalogue. TWEtiDLE CIHîC1KIATHRI LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO PULLETS. Dayoid. (Order Amnes in-. Cross for laie August-September now). Cocherels. Mxed Chicks. Order Sept.- Oct, broilers, Bray Hatchery, 120 John N., Hemilton. EDUCATIONAL PREP SCHOOL SMALL ooardinpg with pleasant fhome- ike atmnosphiere. Iludividui mstruc. tion and t'le closesi personal atten- tion in Pli grades to Matri-uiatio.n. Guidanee snd testiugl. Enquiries wei. comred, 4240 irouard, M7otreal 28. FARM MACHiNERY six and seven foot cut. engluie drive. McCormiick and Massey.Harris. Phione Deaier Bedefl 820 Simcoe, Onitarlo. THRESH-INà Machine 32 X 46 White grain thrcower. ail lur good condition. sil or trade for 1iyetock. W. J. Andersou. Concord P.O.. Phone AV. 5-2437. WANTEDI Clover FLUer self feeder aud blower, 24" eYlibner, ý-00d shape, Write: Gordon Graai, Porquis, FOR SALE RILEY sud AMcCermnick Ltd., Calgsry, Alberta_ Pioneer Saddie AMakers of the West. Write for Our free catalogue on spurs, b5its and- ail cowboýy geai. MED ICAL - ITIS IMPORTANHT _ EVERY SUFFERrR OF RHEUMATIC PAINS oR NEURITIS SHOULD TRY DgXONI5 REMEDY. MUNROIS DRUG STORE 335 ELGIN OTTAWA $1.25 Express Propald POST'S ECZEMA SALVE BAIEthe torment of dry eczeins rashes sud weepIng skin troubles. Post's Eczema Salve wiU not fdsap- p oint you. Itching, scaiing sud burn- iug eczermS; acue, ringwaini, pimpies sud foot eezeu, la il respond readly to the stsainless, odorless oiutmieutre- gardiess of how stubboîn or they seemn sent Post FrMe. on Recelpi cf Price PRICE $250 PER .JAR. PosT'S REMEDIES 2865 st. clair Avenue East, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN AND WOMEN BIG PROFITS RAiSEfltybirid gartihworrns 3ear round lu bacltyard or basenient, selilte isher, menllio$lctuirists etc,; 3U4 brlngs. iflustîated hooklet 1'here's Money ïin Earthwarmis." G. HOWL. 1106 Gien- cairn Avenue, Toroutýo. PRESERVB Living Flowers! Inidefinlte- I_ with miracle flower preserve. Won- derful hobby. Profitable occupation. Full details 25C coin. BoutanzIcal Won- ders Service, P.O. Box 5909, Los Augelesz 55, Calforiia,. EAREN up te $25 a day lu your spare tinme easiiy. WNorký home. Thousands do it. Receive amazing offers. Mauy differeut ways sud exactly haow ta do ft. No risi< No obligatiou, Details free. Rush postcard to B. MASSOW,16 Keiiworth Av e. South. Hamilton, Ontario. 1 fi râ' g$Fi "Corn Starch Makes Smoothe CA-tlADr orn Sfarch t/ eospoot'ai 4 ceps iik 1 SquCre unsweetenfdôchocolats 1 ttoSPn 'vOnilcO MIX ugô, BNSOS orCA$DA ornStarch and sati of dou)bÎe oier >O i k grdtop. i nO 0tinfl 5 ooth. Cul chocolte intc smo11 piecesI adt icmýUe PLACE over boiliflg woter and coi5irigcn stco)ty, until miture thîckens.sý0qr COVER and confin'u,*c.king '0 n,Utes gr strring 0crasiof'aY ctibeed RE M O E f r o i b ; trw ell u ntilch o r 0 l e I b e d d ADD ,larsWqaJcoOl sIighfly. POUR it seryiflç4 dishes and chili. YIELDI t 9serving5. CLASSIFIED ADVERTISING MEN ANDWOE LADIES1 Ladiezs aVe or ohe Get triple the usuel wear, Fiee gample.. Send setf-addressed stamnped euiveiope. Fawujtex 411 Rogers Ave., Brooklyn 25, -N.,) OMSs Sangs waute-d! Send songt sud poemýs ta, us for Free Appraisa). Bý,engol musi(- service, 93 Jefferson Avenue, ChIelcez ni, Massachusetts, -NEW fasi selling fishing item! A-gen-îts eud distributors wauted. Write f oý particulars. Uneeda Specilty Ca., 69U Wiuder SretDetroi 1 Michîgani WONDER, B3eauty, Fragrance! Miracle Mixed Flowers. Attractive bowi, Add wvater, watch it grow. Just $1,00. Bontaulcal Wonders Service, FAO. Box 5909, los Augeles 55z 1Ca1iforniia. BEAUITÎFUJL Cast Stone, outdool: Statues, 0,f Blessed Virgin, Sacredi iSeart, etc. Free illustrated jiteraturf, sud prices. David Beebe 8540 Grand River, Detroit 4, Mtichiîgan. U.S.A, fNTERESTED lu Mail-Order? Rush 104 for a copy of "Tjhe Excelsior", You'Ul learu) pleuty!!! McKevey's, 2814 Broui1 Pairk East, New York 67. N.Y. U.S A. RE A HAIRDRESSER JONCANADA'S L.EADING SCHOOL Great OppotuinitY Lesin Hairdiressiug Pleasant dignified profession; goodl wages. Thausanlus of successi ai Mýarvel graduetes. Amnerica's Greatest System, Illustrated Catalog Free Write or Cali MARVEL HAHIDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toronto Branches: 144X?«ng St., HamrIILtan 72 Rideau St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHE ýRSTONHIAUGH 1& C o M P a n Y, Patent Attorneys Estabiisbed 1890. 600 University Ave., Toronto. Pateuti ail countries. AN OFFER ta every Inventai. List ol iInventions and f ull information sent free, The Ramsay Co. Registered Pat- ent Attorneys. 273 Bank St., OttaWa, PERSONAI. $1,00 TRIAL offer. Tweuty-five deluxq personal requiremients. Latesi cata- logue lnciuided. The Medico Agency, BQx 22, Termiinal "Q", Toronto, Ouf, UNUSUAL Horoscope, 1011. Give birtl date "Fantasy" P,0. Box 75092, L.A. 5, Càllforuia. STAMPS 1,000 W:ORLDWkIDE; stamips, samne st!1 on paper, lots pictoriis, $200; 6,000 $10.00 Mini Cammnemoratives accept ed lu trade. Batger, Box 488, Statioi "A", Ritîmat. B.C. 5WVINE -- WHEN starting with the niew Bncoï Type fiog -Laudirace -Buly ifrom 3 Breeder with pleýnty of blqaId hues sud imiported stock. We have one o: tuhe largeat and beat bards of import cd Landrace lu Canada. Weanlinj sows sud hoars, aiea guaranteed ln-pli sows for itumediate delivery,. Fajlder FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FAR'M ~RGUSONTARIO INO RISK Wel"said an insurance agenl te newiy-wed Angus, "now tha( you're married I'm sure you'li want to insure your life." "Awva' wî' ye," repiied Angus "She's no' that dangerous" ISSUE 32 - 1956 er Pdig For free folder of other d'elicious recipes, write to; Jane Ashiey, Home Service Oepartment, THE CANADA STARCH COMPANY LIMÎTED, .O. Box 129 montreai, ?.Q. 4' N 't N N N N N N N 4"' '-4. '44 4'-' -4' N 44 4' 4" -4 N N N N N N -4' N N N N N N N -4' N N 44 N N 44 N N N N 4- 44 N N N N N N N N N 44 N 4' N N '-4 '-4 --4 N 4' 4' 44 N N N 4" N 4' 4.' 4.4 N N 'N N '-4. N N N N N N '-v N N N ~44 N N N -4f 'N N N N 4.4 44. '-4 N 4.4 4' N 4' -4 -4' N s 4' 44 '4 44, N 4' N '1 N 4' 44 iv 4' 4' 44 4' '4 -'4 s 44 44 44 -4 44 4' N N 'I 44 '4 '4' 4' 4' 44 '4 v s 44 '4 4'

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