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Orono Weekly Times, 16 Aug 1956, p. 2

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ucteddownthishli but he felt Side alk An Fie Pote~tin bat itwasfesible to try and widnJo nM Jm sM P Local Tobacce Growers the road, --~ Councirlor Dent brought up the R e o t r m P ria e tH l cmtiudfo ae1 suJ csO o n i Meetàng iTowsip of pots rom PalroettHcItiontnueferntpagh1 Su3j ectow0fsCipncflClarke and gave inforn- ation otained fromn Mr, D. Low of the- the amendmnents provide that fishecr- he thought, rieeded building up but fomrOntario Fire Marshall's office when Marketintg Legisiationie will be covered by jeblesýý aid. 1genrlyseaigtecrp eeu h. recommnedd that the eounicil car- county road from Kirby west. he recently visited Orono during thle During the session, we have heard The latter will be of tremendous as- good shape.Hahodsapeso out a prograni -~1fiedmntaon presentatiQfls by mnany farra groupa sistance in a field which is entirely leaves with spots on thera explainin oyotaprgri f gravelhngs. 1f what hadcaused theni n wh Ghip Stone process bas been used in It was recornmiended that fire who have suffered a lossaof income new. ing, primin&g and eventually apPlying the Village of Orono te sonie extent 11wa a asdte.adwa wedh aaredotveip~ store surface. Such a prograna d hîigr>fvurby areas could bc set up in the Township, coanpared with ther parts of the TNtoactuisrmde pih atlen lhywr wudb areou vraperiod 0 nf odigu fI aby and that'the Fire Marshall's office onomy. These bave also been given At eoatnalt, the a e me es nttdamingb in.thcasas, two te three years. Trhis systeni was A letter was received froua the Or- had aiternate plans that ,would ha conisiderable study, without too rmuch AttenonnIeeaet,, nttodraigi otcss outlnee tethe ounil arlyin he no hambr o Comerc reardngfeasible for the area. Mr. Dent point- rasuits to date. Po-ssbly, somne of the tv national studies going on'in Can- OflO - çlaa under faderaI auspices which will uqeto time the debatable yen bytheEriiner. he eev gurd ail ontheMllo Hill, Mr. d out that thae Fire Marshall's offie- urgency was taken out of 'the prob- be o~f gratimportance when the question of irrigation came up for atated, that la his opinion, this pro-$'E. Dent was instructed to get ili wouid be at their disposal for orgaan- lemt by somnewhat bettar prices recent- are puyse.TeFwe oms eedure seemed the hast rmethod. touch with the Chamber regardirig ization or. information. lW ard by încreased shpments of sio isudinhe our yser cofrai1di cuaroun.hrAreutirrigofte ad th The road superintendant wilI tart this matter and report back at the Mr. Dent pointed out that .betweeii western grain, but the prohlemre and eeiinbodatn r n enrlte4i htwy oee grvlirgwtintawakadth etmeeting. Mr. R. Dickinsûn did sixty and seven-ty werýe now purchas- mains as an unisolved and îimportant ýothertecomnimission hoas bna aing m eaytretodoitbt t andHevai» *rd, 4hi, 5th, 'and 6th concessions state that at oue tume it was consid- ing fire protection froua the Village wveakness in our econoiny. There has the present and future eco eo pros- excellent results. Mr. Vickery> sait vere xetiouedý for gravelling. .Alsc ared that a sidewalk was te ba con- of Ororo at a cot of -five dollars a been no report yet fromn the Supreane year and oua hundrad dollars a fire Court coucerning the validity ofpects of the nation. Both of these if carriad out the systemn used should stdofhol eaaial u ith be one that would irrigate in the. cali. Iu the fire area plan, E. Dent mnarketing legisiation which was ha- suissol eaalbedrn h ucettm sai, ha ta ir Mrsal'sofic ;g esed btI rninorae tat next session of Parliament.qiket im possible. Irrigation said tht te Fie Mrshll's ofice tesed, ut,1 çrn ifored hatsbould ha avoided at the hottast time- prtetin holdcot o hi dcisýion may ha forthcomlug l as water on the leaves then could b.- meth net ouat one and a haîf mills the fal. New Laid Mark dangerous. oun building assassamat. A Disillusioiied Group d-Ercti In or Hope HrnnSiho eafo h Counillor Dent furthar suggested, The people in the snieli bans lad IdI Dri Hra miho eaî fti ithat a -vote be held on the question iug field left here this weelcerd, an ____tohacco growers preposed a vote of 4/ Iat the beginiing of the year te seek unbappy and disillusionied group. A A tiew landmrark blas appearad in tbanks to the visitera, for ail tue the opino ft rteaasl vh ear ugo, their association in an at- Port Hope in the formi of 150-foot trouble they had gone te and for thf lareas concerned. te ttoeau teansrkbs tower which will support a directioral work thay had done. jIt was stated at the meeting that inss suggested t}iat the goverun ntenafrTeBl eehn o until Orono aud Newc'astlefirde should assumle control overnaoney pan of Canada mobile service. By E umrDraaArclua partuaeuts were brought Up to a bet- lending in the $500) to $1,50, fied September 1, the local mobile trans- Representative, acted as chairmuar aersadafrdtey pro tleto fr thebusleudt imeg ove 00 erthan itin fsaton s eed f o ave so tamsteigdy p asathe e- terstadad tey adlitie o ffe! Ut~ tht tme anoneotaicl ' tti Clonei stn~cte ofhave-offthe meeting a rdetta dicua&- on. entering a fire area that thae Fire1 would bear. Great was their surprise ms 0mls the àisposal of the growers. Marsha%s office would urge that1 when they found theiriselves burt byi thie equipmrent ba hrought ui to a2 thair own suggestion wheul Bill511 The new tower is locýated near the 4' Y O LJspecifiad standard. was produced. The governmentat had corner of Victoria Street and Molas cop fnbletlpoe evc u 1It was also said at the ieetic introduced the followiuig rates: 2 pr- Street. It replaces a' 40-foot Mat lsrt ope. mbieTphe ne sevcle iii, S that lu wlntar noth ire protection" cent par month up to $300, 1 percent which lias been in use since genreral teghntetw'ioiina x U W~Eimportant link in the chain of mnobileý %borrualareas would ha diffici r rm$0 9$40 r / ecn oiesriewsfrtitoue O O A i some cases impossible during win- froua $1,0W0 to $14500. As this was liera early in 1.953.ig tton xtnlg ru that protection for tie nmon.tha Was recommended, they did their hast te noueit aterd. Bt, ohitcaly, tarebile service, the naw tower will pro- ~ ~ ~~~ D ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~~tr moth: butn f t ha pinonbare haodthred ut oion lthe led diint ppoiglclao oot oM ra D E~~~E W E ~~Mr. Dent said that fire areasWrewso future n eeuin ar cern lu R 1 -E . hettaghforaintransocing ervic th r o~~~peratiug la other Townships and' panies and the bill went throug~ egh orig tasmtr, tbeb coul se norauor hy t culdnotwithout altarations of the suggested efsirirg an unbroken chair of con- oparate lu Clarke Township. Ha fur-' rates. It ramains to be seau how miuch ncin ewa rnmsinplf FAIJLT her sad that Orono or 1Newcestle bsdamagoel the lgitintealong Highwy No. 2. Apart froua___ IF vou HAVE THIS ne rigt elfr rotection boan fied, especiably to Canadien lban Port Hope, thiese stations are located teteTwshPfrbth centres had comlpanies whosa costs are higher at Toronto, Belleville, Kingston, totheownsi o b r.vleCrwl n otel - . ~ ~ ~ ter wThE mniiie., ha said, laY than fheir large American cutr roWlConalad otel B>ad judgment in passïng is one of 1 hth owsip pr ".Te bîlI 'does net comane to ef-ý Mobile tebephone ser-vice pernaits A ltte frua ha rovncal Plan- veutaga of the uew rates. otateponihrfiedrm- drv e vhiplcult asaohe -, ete mte ProGieÎ thraco tet WlI, hat boutthisiydistanme- drier Noerpul ot t psrinohg Board was raceived by the ,Sincere Appraiciation co- bile, thet car ha reached iu the ordîn-! eý ~ntss OU seeuniL helaterdedclansUPway hy local or long itn yodaedewcastle, Towship of Carkeain-uin for this session. 1 hope to ha chanuels. Auaong other cstomers iu road ahed. iýcjdin)g roh-o arrange a nieatinikbacrk you at th~~e in of the titis area, this service la aîuployed to M1N VPl 4. ti the Departient of. Planning nd naxt and prohaly final session oif good advantage by the police depart- 5IL AT THE Devbopneu lutheview of discuss5 this Parliamieut. Until titan, meuy niants lu botb Port Hope and Co- Ht 0 W.>GA E. ig Planning und Dvebpient lu tha ,,thaka for your kid lterirdaai ourg. Townl 'Ierebestwishs fr an ,,jyable, H O~~N G O QD ARE w~~~~vole of Clarke owsiP. M4r. Ross cr atwse o uej T Dickinson was asked to bring the lat- "What'*s laf t of the sumnier" and the Mobile service was lntroducad in VO U D>iIN H BITSg erbfrateNewcastle Gounrd1 with fl n itP I2o aea8 rbCndab h elcopn o h _____ R IVI N theblt of a joint meeting of louaes of a fedaral nature please send first time lu July 1947. Late lu 1952,1 arI~k l z ~EPRTMNT F HGMWYS-NTAIO the TowsiP of Glarknad Newcast'lE them aloug to me at Bo-)winanville dtransnflttitig stations wera astablished' ha hld itbtheDeprtînent of. Plan- î ,shall contact the appropriata (le along Higliway No. 2, and the jobJ DEPA TME T OF M GHWAY 0 TARI 1artmi-ent. A spcal word of tak of .settirig tem up contiued throughi- uing rd Dvalopug. ut go to the nawspapers and tbeir out nost of 1953, to Seditors wbo hava pu'lishred tiihes. eu el cpbJr-c Sticles each week. 1 hope te ae S .Vun Daan, elTî]ehoneý Greasirg \,,irg- Batteries b.elped lu keapiug you iuformad of maauager for this region, conimentted:I our activîtias on Paliamaint HilL. North Orono Highway NQ. 115 Neaig ecuso"The growing importance of this ar- Phone 13-r-15 The third ýsession of Canada'sMi aneitncsryoboanth tTwaînty-Second Parliament pvobably V i go r ~ O Il C o. L td.wîillhae nc'[ded ts deieith oi Oenn Riine beo a t c olumn appears li print. ben f ogrduration ard hà%l C t E a-possiiltîy that aven thetat record Diayà j 1 hébroken if La cabine xnier 3 ahoud nmake a remiark wNhich arouSs lm M the ire of the opposition and bringa tove Oi2O 3 et e a.4otf:~heaîugesi I~ RRN aria ciits pûr gas Fue 01 1 ~ c tperailag ua., Opposition foresDERS b »Ar gaiegiven full marks for hatthing tvery, incih of political ground along the 'way, until thare ware times when) Fo eie y P o etbae goverriient appeared confused Dlgger Ud Btter thmaee ... AUl vitb 2" rings3 and ahaky. ljndouhtedly, tire famous edbayut O O O1567 or OSHAWA RA. 5-1109 or irtfum)ous pipeline debate waa the u ev uyfti every ppe anud hringi.ngunuprece-1 mate.l uad e large v eyof lealimers dented crowds te the gallariesý night S~,or ...... _______ af ter night long after the bewitching tccos froin. ________________________________tour___of midnight. Plentif ut Power 3-FMUTHLLSOS - COIPLETE ON SAME 33 EVENT PIReCRAYM lacd heoks latung ou Prices Stârt at $3*95 PortHopeFai, Frdaynigh on$, Ag. Sat. monta hee: egiaatir ~hc i

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