ITIU Orono Girls Open Final Wiith Win Over Courtice Gir-lsm the - -to-night Thursday, quhc The finl cmapionship rocund of [ The local nine came froin behînid a heClarke-Darlington Giri's Soft- 7 to 5 count in the last innling to wini bail opeT-tned in Courtice on Friday 1 with a two run margin. Coiurtice lead even2lng of last week. Thi-s round is temajor Portion of the gamne until beinig played between Courtice and the seventh inning. OronoII with the openinig gane goin-g Bot'h teamis scored singles in tche to the local squad 9 to 7. The sturies first wi'th Donna V'orresterý netting is the best four ont of seveni. The., the Oro-cno rin. s(econd gamne is being pityed in Oro-ýno Courtie -vent out in front la the1 f. - Sar-ong G Comfortable "Dî>p" Sarong Girdies for figure control with' lots of comfort. They are talenteci as ever in walking, sitting and bendîng with yu. ... and in not riding up. Light weight pull on with criss cross. French dip~ top for complete1 waistline comfort and freedoin. Nylon power net lwith pretty criss cross front panel of embroidered nylon, neatly banded at top and bottom for close fit. 1 white only. Size 24 to M8. Pull-on prîked $5.00 Side Zipper ý,,-;.ced at . . .......-11.50 dmit ~ Gothic Brassieres in mercerize cotton or nyJôii'. Daisy fresh Brassieres $2.95. 3.R priced $2.5Q Creseît priced $2.00 Eii priced $175 Arietta wide $2.7ï5,, ylon priced -$3.50 GleayrKite ron,.ar«an. Perennially a Win- ner of three cheers f rom Îthe. Campus. Crowd.. A splendidly soft, weil fitted because its fully f ashica ed Cardigan. This one of ',Pettal Orlon" a snap to care for. While it looks first cousin to Cashmere Rland finished fnatching peari buttons. Ail colours to choose f #om. Price $8.95 matching pullovers - $6.95 Clearing the balance of our Summer Dresses for $5.50 ap'd $7.95 ShoW Moc. st le. Reg. $4.95 f r$2.50 WÙite Sandals, size 4, 41/2 an-d 8. Price $1.95 MWs' Leather Shoe withnylon mesh. Regular Pricf $8.95 for $5.95. S*Ort Shirts for Men in plaid or plain. Colourls whitJe, nile, blue, tap'. Long or short sleeve. Pricî $3.95; $4.95,'and$6.95 Evenings Vriday & Saturdaj Wodnesday Open Ail Day Arm strong ys, Store Oii AI] Dey Mopday -v r KEt'I1 LUtited Chu rch on Snda ix I iast oni "The Word in the beýgi, mns atten-and stated that it Jis the lives I Wen atn u- < te o agat couint and nt just be;ing a -,eean u-eroewec.e or nme of th& Churoýh. Mrs The conistru-Lction copay ave cheýr Poster anid Judy an onto spent bee wrn n Ge~wo' e"I, the Garden"> and the Antis, no0 receltl'y .roadla-Il week.Critshould corne" wa"s 1endeý in &,vo an Th WAz.fnwill hoid a bake sale the Choir. IBoth nmbers wr aio e-manville on FiaAo~gust 2t N aS ,at the organ. Lned hom-e M.EWruro )f Ccu r ticýe Hospita on preaheda fine sro~at the Kend.ul iss Shirley home' with ber, Mis MaieLew "s is spending holi- days wîth bier parents, Mr. and Mrs Fs] T .Lewis. Mrs. R. E..Logan left Mion o Wedniesday niorning by T.C.A. to visit ber sister, Mrs. Alex Eiiiott', Saint John, N.B. Mr, aii( Mrs. Art Haseldon, De- troit, Mi ch sperit Iast wveek with Mr. O r and Mrs.. Percy Morgan.Ou I Mr. and Mrs. Harry Taylor, and family of Napanýree visîted with Mr, an4-Virs, S. Allun on SiLnday. _Mrs, L, McCalhr, Re rew Ot.ý, c and Mrs. C. [Dunlop opf Perth spent! the weekend wAith Mr. and Mrs. Percy Morgasn. Poie. hlr. and Mrs. Fred Zitzeïzr and children, Nancy, Janet, -Sally, Mary- Pat and Stephen, 'fmom Toledo, Ohloe Visitedi this week wihber mother' Mrs. E. Grady and relatives in Orono.I L ' 1 Visitors this week- with Mrs. F.i Brimnacomibe -,ere Dr. Ross Lang of i Chicago, AMiss Marian M e e'o Toronto, Mr. Fred Thom-pson and 1 famiy oif -Vancouver and AliS. Chas,; Thomýpson o):f Kendal. jMr. and Mrs. Archie Watson., Betty 'Ann and Larry, Toronto visied onýI Thuirsday with Mr, and MrS, Alex Mr. Sam Browzi returned homre fromr Bowmianviiie Hospitali Satte- day of last week. The Orono Fire Departmnent will attend a Civil Defence exercise i the~~ TonfPrtHpe t-igt ORONO VICTORS (Continuied fr-cm page 1) i Gerrardi dr-ove a single out to) leftl field. In the remaining five inn-.ngs jo.batting for, Bowmanville only one . hbwas ailowed by M~alett and thusj . no further scoring.- Mercer, Armstrong and Junior West cmbne heir efforts inthe eîghth to score the winningrun. Dean West wenit for two bits, R West one, Junior Weýsl.t two and Rob- Yrth of the Roses swn th big bat with three hits with sýingle': Couinters to Gerrardi and Cowle. ý IA, Band N ew , Gênerai Tire For Qs un Egar Miss(ii, Mlirokwr o A. _Robbins. me &IMM Mrs. L. Wood, (the former Amy Car-scadden) Buffalo, spený a few, days with ber cousin, Mrs. Mona W uvall, H AF .Myr. Frýank Robbins, Mr. L. Rb Oshw attended the Annual Leskard~ uI~~EIImnic-beld in rne Park f~ 1o For Every Brand New Factory Jïreshg General Tire You 'Buyg Jamieson Tire Offers You A Seco n d Tireg 6 FOR HALF PRICEg OWhen You Buy A New General Tire g SOriginal Tire $18.,5q(600x 16] I Second Tire $ÇÇO Uo PLUS CLASS A TRADE-IN g Original Tire $20-70 [670x.15] TH Eg li Second Tire 10ltda& mvW mL gPLUTS CLASS A TRADE-IN irrdo 'Sale starts August 2nd Ending August 18 g R g (ý50 ýents per ire mçpunting charge) I 8 ~ JMESONTIRE HOPr King and Sle tet omnil Ali155 L. Martin, TorontoL, with'lr. and Mlrs. C. Martin, . Mlr. and Me tnBaTvstdm n ~.E. Green and faniy visited Algonquin Park this weekend.~ -Coîbou!mne this weekend. We are soi- ry to hear that Mmc. BalI's inotlier, Mrc. Jreland is in the Toronto Hos- pital. We wish ber a speedy ecvey Mm. and Mrs. Jaek Merc(-er and son with ber parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. We are --!aï! to hear tbaàt IMm. Keith Feis makin-g good procgr-ess after bis r7ecent illness. UNITED 'MtRCH Or-(no Psoa ,'UNDAYS, AIGUST 19 & 26 KIRFBY Sunday Schl at N.45 ORONO No Ser-vice LEFSK.ARD -No Sevice F0w ARCH SALES And SERVICE compiete service guara, sy-ear round ~A VE MOTCRS Newcas.1,,(Jtai IONOTI NSHOP Plumbingi Fîxtures Accessri.,ýes and Repairs Warmr Air Heating and Air Conditioning B-H Paint and Varnishes' R. E. LOSAN, Prop. ontfl'~ (lrryj 'i Briefs, Ladies' Tricoshene fabrie, rayon. Color of pink, white, maize and tourquoise. Siýsal medium or large. Pair for 35c.. ....pair $1.00 Nylon Hose, fi ïst quality, 51 pgge, 15 denier, Latest shad s. Size 9 to i....Pair for ô79c. Gleem Tootl "Paste (N..........33c. and 59c. New Prom, 4orne rmanent, easiest method ever. Bottiefo WeOýjI, Cushions wýith leatherette and plastic covering, ideal for boat, car, home or cottage 95 . Ladies' Ankie Sock ,' soft 10 nylon, shrinkprooL.... . White only. Sizg 9 to 11. Pair for.....49, Special -- Odo-r Qno. Reg. $1.00 jar foi only.. 69C. Special -- John/ýson's Baby Po v-ed-, large tin . 65c. .ýtins for . . . . .99e Tee-Shirts, ' adies' ra yon rbbed cotton waist band assorted kyle and col Ès. Medium, large .. 98c. stock p0onthese nGroeceries Aylmer Ga-den Peas, large 20 oz. tins.. 2 f or 35c' Aylmer Chili Sauce, 9 ounce bottles......... 25c. Aylmver Pmk,2S3'ounce' tins ...........15c. Recd Rose Cfeý, lb. bag ...........$1.00 Orange Juice, 4ýreesw-eet, giant 48 ouric'.tins 35c. A Vel Detergen1i j r.. . . . 2 leg lar p1kgs. 69c. Apple and abrYJàmn large 24 oz. jar-s" 29C. Heinz Baby oocl ,2X varieties to choese from, tin 5c Week-end S44ial - Libby's Boiled Dinner,15 oz. tins. Haîf price. Regular 30e. for......... 15c. OROO C TO $1.OO STORE I Open Friday and Satirday vnîg for your N r~ s' s' s' s' s' s' s' 's' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' 'N s s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' 's' s' s' s' s' s s' s' s" s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' s' '-i s' s' s' s' s' s s' s' s' s' s' s' s' 'N s' s' s' 'N s' s' 'N s' s' 'N 'N s' t; s' s' s' s' s' s' 'N s s' s' s' ~s" s' s' 'N s' s' s' s s' Ilil