À.- Summer In Brazil Ail about the farmh4use there grew flowers- and vines & every soôrt Wicb had spread into bbc neighbouring, fields froni some ganden abanidoncd long ago. Whoever had lived there last- and lb turned out tha,.t no oneî -jî the countryside could remem- ber who bbce last tenants wre- had loved flowers and onchards for at one side of the bouses there was the ruini of a fine or- (chard of fruit trees... Fromr the emineace 'f the abandoaed orchard there was one of those tantaliziag distant uicws wbî,hcb always make bill country fasciriating. Far below the Barreiros Farm there lay another valley witb a great mnarsb filling tbe hollow. Be- yond this. . . one could see the tiled -roof of a Great Bouse. Notbing but bbe roof was visible for the rest of the bouse wns cntirely coaceled by tbe buge pinerros wbicb, la full over- whelm the bouse la a froth of pink blossoms. 1 was also ta discover that, Ekie most Brazilian Great Houses, 't was almnost a mirage in itself, filled always with people of al ages, cousins, uncies, aunits, nieces, aephews, grandchildren el! the splendid matriarchal Doni- na Ottilia. A grent friendship was .destined ta spriag Up be-. tween the people of bbe Fazenda Ottilia and the people at Man- bando-Brazil, and there were te lie great visits and goings and comings fromr one fazenda te thec other wbich were la a sense real expeditions, because in Brazil wben anc goes visitiag, one takes al bbc fnmily down te tbe youngcst childrea and soinetimes evea dogs wbich, in Braxil, seemy to be more amnia- ble.,, The season was the end of summer wben bbc Brazilian sky is at bhc most beautiful. lb lsaa very special sky which from tbe tops of bbc ilîls appears langer than the sky elscwhcrc in the world. It is speciai blue la colour, and of great biliance, wvhichb 1ecemnes bitter as tbc sua sets and as night cames on un.- til presentiy the blue fades in- to dnrkncss and tbc stars camne out lke diamonds on veivet. Ia the day bim-.3e and i particular L thc bot afternoons, enormous white thuader bcad clouds drift gicross tbis bitte sk3i. Tbcy ne- semble immense beaps of whip- ped crcam and la summer anc <an always se bbc warm raja fron- one or another of tbcm treaming down over somne re- mfote srnall area of farnm and ewnest ." Towards eveaing we turned back from tbc Wiiden parts of ,,the fazenda townnd bbc big low rambling bouse and, as we eeacbed bhc top of bbc at bil before desccnding bbc stLeep lope dowfl bo the winding river, ffi c whoeeof bbc valley lay sprcad out below us and sud- denly it struck me that tbbc whole landscape was very like Pleasant Valley among bbe woads, billsanad ich fields of Far-oP.Z Obia. Th-ia Brazilian. val- iey bad bbc same sof t rolling his, thc samne marshes andi tream's,te same woodlands srewainng bbc tops andthebbcsteep glopes of the hilîs. - Fromn - "Pronm my Expeience; The Pleasures and Miseries of Life Dn aFrm" by Louis Bromfield. SHALL WVE DANCE? -- The wlz nig Sam without bis Matilda, obove, k sD. V. 1. Anthony of London, Engand. Anthony end- cd up i this dancing pose after fhrowing the hammner at a track meet in the British capital. Hiîs dancing may be awkward, but lie hamnmered bis wcty into se- cond place with a 186-foot, 10- înch tos5a. IN THE DOGHOUSE-Canadlofl soldie Brunswick, have developed a nov( volved in traffic rishaps and othE is a speit in the doghouse, buili espec S Sgt. Bob Weatherill, from Coldwc ture, wih condolences being offerE oif Barrie, Ontario. by Sgt. John Sawchuck, The Day Chevalier Fought Carpentier Wbe- Georges Carpentier, f a- mous Frencb boxer, was ten be fouglit a big school bully of thir- teen and was gettîng the best of it wbea his opponent's tbree pals joined inl,.Georges was llgbting on fiercely against these over- wbelmng odds wben a mari camne up a3nd dragged. hlm away, de- m-anding: , 'What do you kids tbin yo'teup' to? Do you want te kilI the boy?" 11e asked Georges bis ame, then said: ".My nane's ]Iescamps. 1 run the gynnstic club <at the Maison d ý People. The lads mneet twvice a week, Tuesdays and Fridays. Wby don't you come along 'il '1 teaeh you somnething better than figbting la the street." That, proved te be the most fateful mneeting of Carpentixer's life. For be duly weat to the club at Lens, near tbe smnall mningm town in N. France wbhere be was born, and Descamps be.- came bis manager and friend througbout bis -career.The finger of destiny was already pointing the way. At Lievini, George's father drove a horse and cart for a f ac- tory and in Lens becamre a brew- ery mnaltsteýr, One of a large fa- mily, Georges says of bis child- hood: "We drank, beer at ait meals, ai sort of very light pale aie. 1 was actually weaned on this light beer ..ý. wh'en tbe time camne for mne to go on from milk this beer was put into a feediag botie-and 1 Ithrived on it. At sehool be soon won a re!pu- tation as n serapper against oider bulflies wbo thought he was eaýsy gamne, but qjuickly found that beigiht, weight and br~ute strengtb wee$everyýthing; speed and eaccuracy were mucbý(- more imi- portant. After a timec, Georges no longe«,r watited to be attacked; pick-ing- a lad of suitable size, ho chaJIenied hlm, nnd onily rnr-ely came off second best. Twice a weebý for two year, he attended "Professor" Dus- cams'gy classes ani. learned F-rench -and English boxiag- Wben a Ger-m'In circ.1s ,an-e tc Leas one of the arh t tok D)escamiips tbat in the troup, wa, an PAlgeýrian boy, Ai, good naý Englisbi-style boxïing. "Is h-e?'- said Descam-ps. "Well, I've goi a_ boy biere wbo's not bad at ail.' iA figbht was fixed whicb lastedi only ten seconds, Ali went down for bbe count fromn a series of quick a7bs to, the fnce fromr Georges,. A few days inter Descnmrps ,,nid: "You like boxiag, den't youi?" 11e was Sure be could mnake a champion of the lad, and soon promoted hlmta be is adult class, where he becamie best pu- pil- On leaving scbool, Georges worked' as riveter's mate at a iboilcsSmaker's; lawyer's messen- &er boy; ther) as a collecter for an insurance conlpany, HIe wasn't quite thirtee-n vwben Descamrps put hlmà down for a regiona' tournamnent 'n Bethune against a wmell-buîlt young cor- poral about 'twice bis weigbt. "I wvas more skilful than he was and very much quicker," he says i a vivid autobiography, "Car- pentier by Hîlmself,' translated by Edward Fitzgerald. "Before iong 1 found I could land wbeni- ever and wherever 1 liked. Two or three times hie Jost bis bal- ance trying to avoid my attacks an.d measured his length on the boards." It w-as so much a case of lit- t14 David floorîng Goliath that the auience began to laughand after bis victory a crowd of wveIl-wishers wanted te kaow nis age, Hatig to give it, he r- plied: "'Three years c11ý next Christmas." Thizee mnonths lier, Descamps entered him for the French ama- teur boxing championsbip to be held i'n Paris. H., couldn't afford the fare, so booked on1y ta Arras, then speat the, rest of the jour- ney -dodging out at stops, jum.ip- ing in agnin whea he saw wbere the inspecter was, and at the Gare du Nordi slipping out with a crowd of passengers. Hfe reacbed the semni-final; but wsdefeated by an oldezr ladt who floored hlim witb a painful sw%.inig to the face. "It made me realize," hie says, "that if 1 were ever going te turn boxing inmb -3 profession 1 should bave to flpd waTýys and means to avoid taking blows of that sort." For a time Dcscamips and some of bis best pupils - including Carpentier - toured villages and snall towas giving boxiag1nÏ e-thibitioý , If there wns zno hall tbey diti gymnnastic tricks la cafes, blnncjing, on chairs and tables, then passýed the bat, Later, tbey supplemeated t his with spoof tbought-reading. As thi s racket brought in a lot of money, Descamps proposed that Georges give up bis insr- ance work for fulI-timne boxing. Tbey made an, agreement that wýas neyer signedor i witnessed and neyer disputed by either throughout Carpentier's wýhole career. Only nnce were its terms t.agdwben Descamps suc- gested, after Georg-es' victory over Jiira Sullivan, that bis sbare rbould lhenceforth be oinly twenty tnstead of1hiry per cent, Georges was assisting at Des- lamps' boxing Jlessons at thet Lille Sorin Club whien gi client who happenied to be pass- ing thýrou.ghi came in for a little practice. "He's not very old, is he?," be sld when Descamps nr'eseated Georges. "Youl fmnd he'1l do," said Descamps. H1e can use bis hands." It was Mau- rice Chevalier, the famnous comedian, wbo was fond of box- ing. Later tb.ey becamo ý*fast friends. At fourteen Georgen gt is jreat chanice when Salmon, a Young Eaglish stable lad, chai- lenged ail comers at bis own wJTe ighftt 130 po0u ndàS, and Ç;eorges went into strict train- Lug, fouaght lmr, and won on a ioulinh the third round after flooring him with a left hook to the chia in the second round u~.Soon after this he went t Prsfor good, and was wel iaunched on his professional career, At fifteen, in 1909, he was champion of the North and the Pas de Calais, lightweight chamn- pion of France. In 1911 he won by a knock-out seventeen of nineteen bouts, includinig the 7first European title, in Lonidon. The story of his great victories oyer Bombardier Billy Wells, dunjboat Smith, Joe Beckett, and more than a dozen others, and his epic 'defeat lby Jack"Demrp- sey, mnakes thrilliing reading. Now he runs a celebrated bar ini Paris, and in retirement has some chýllenging things te .say about present-day boxirig and boxe2rs. He was marnied three months ago, at the age of sixty- two, te a pretty blonde f ashiôn model. HowCan J? By Anne Ashlley Q. Row can 1 prevent the shoe rongise from Slipping to one side? A. Cit two short slits near the top of the tongue, about a quarter of an inch apart, and slip the lace through these slits before inserting through the top holes. Q. flow can 1 soften andi whi- ten the skin? PA,. A gcod method for sof- tening and whitening the face, neck, arms, and bantis is to mnix a littie raw cornmeal and sour~ mil, and aPpply Q. How can 1 make matches waterproof? A. Dîp themr into, very bot Inclted paraffin. Q. WVhat is thse correct way tor roi! pastry? A. Neyer operate the rolling pin backwards and forwards when making pastry. BRoll it for- wards only an.d then, lift if. Q. IHoivcari I remove stains trom white eriamel furniture? A. By adding, a small piece of potash to a kîettie of clear wa- ter, letting it stand for a few minutes, and then wasbiag the furaiture with this solution and Soap. Q. HOW Can I re-use used paraffin? A. By heaiag it to the boili.ag point and straining througb threýe tbicknesses of cheese cloth over Z, fun1nel. Repeat this operation if necessary. It can be cleaneti wiha brush and warm wvater if not too dirt. Q. OW cari I remove ink stains from a rug? A. Saturate the spot with vinegar, 'lhen sprinkle sait over it. Take a large speon and dip up ai possible Repeat this for- mula sçveral times and then ninse in cold Waitei-. Q., How can I remnove mortar from window glass3? A. Try ruhbing with hot, stronig vinegar. 1LATE S nojaer. inese items arel ,. 150'u 1'i. stores, There ta nO COMPetltion- profit ap to50. Write lnmediately for free color catalog with retail prices- shown. Separate confidaittisi whOle- eale pnceu Wi be ipcluded. f4urray Sa'.s, 382st. Lawrence, Cota! ARTICLES FOR SALEc NEI;D a new roof?' Re-roof with Roof- Renew, the modern rubberlzed roofing cornpound that brushes on cold! No messy tai' pois. Applies direct fr0m drum. Roof-Renew is guaranteed satis- 7 factory. Tern-itorleas open for agýents. Write to Hannan Varnlabh ComnpaflY t Limited. p.O. Boy 218, Dept, W., Galt, Ontario. BABY CttICKS PLENTY chieks availabie. Cockerels. Pullets (Ames In-Cross order in ad- vance for Sept.). Broilers for Sept.- Oct. should be on order. Prices> par- ticulars. Bray Hotrhery, 120 John N., Hamlton. CHWCKS liatched every week -in the year, ail1 popular breeds. Try Our iiew series 400, 401 and 402 for e<ggs. Speclal dual purpose breeds, two best for brollers lst generation Indiani River Cross, lat generation Arbor Acres Wh:ite Rocks. Turkey Voults. Cata- TWEDDLE CHICK RATCH-JERIES LTI).i FERGUS ONTARIO rARM MACHINERY LJSED grain combine bargains. Five, six and seven foot eut, engine drive. M8cCormick andi Massey-Harnis. Pbono Deaer Bedel, 820 Siflaoe, Ontario- FOR SALE FRUIT farmi 55 acres, 24, planted to choicest ;Apple vrities, tiled W undd by river and i hghway. ungalow, iepraver, irrigation uit s adsuppU1es. Thirty thousand, tens. Box 144, 123- l8tb St., New Toronto. --MEDgCAL ATRIAýL - EVERY SUFFERER 0F RH.EIJMATIC PAINS OR N 5URITIS SHOUILD TRY DIXON'S REMEDY, MUNROS DRUG STOREI 335 Ibm,ï, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepeî PQST'S ECZEMA SALVE BA*NISH the torment rf dry eczemanî rasheýs and weepirn* 5kim troubles. i'ot's~lcemaSalve wlll not disap- p oint you. tching, scaling and brni- lng eczema; aciie. ringwormn, j-pimp)les and foot eczemna wlil respond readifly to the stainless, adorless olntmnenit e- gardlesa of bow stubborn or hopeIès they seeam PRICE $2.50 PER JAR. POST'S REMEDIES 2865 st, dair Avenue Fast, TORONTO OPPORTUNITIIS FOR MIN AND WQMEN BIG PROFITS~ fiAISE ftybricl Earthwo-riinayear eoulid in backyard or baiSeMelit, Sell to iisher. men, bonrt1cutlt u riata, etc.; 35e brings lluskrateti boollet 'There's hMoney irn Earthwormis." G. HOWL, 1106 Glen- -ýtrn Avenue, Toronto. )ZARN up to $25 a 41aY in your saure ime easlly. Work horne. Thousands dIo it. Iteceive arnazng offers, M\any different ways andi exactly how, to do it. No risk No obligation. Detaiis free. Rushi postcard to B. MASSOW, 166 Kenilworth Av e, South, Hamnilton, Ontaio.~ JONBE A MAIRDRESS ER JONCANADA'S LEAOING SCItOCiL Great Opportuinity Learn Hfairdressing Pleziant dcignitied profession ; gooci geýThousýantis of successful wae~Marvel graduates. Amierica's Greateat SystPni Illustrited Cataîog Free Write or Cati MARVEL HAIRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St.W, Toronto - ~ Branches: 414 King St., iamilton 72 Pideauï St., Ottawa PATENTS FETHERSTONHAUGIIS, Co0M p an Patent Attorneys ýEstablished l1890.' 600 University Ave.. Towont-o. patentn al Lountrïes. sows. Wrie for foldier and futil de-. tails. FERGUS LANDRACE SWINE FAV(M F1RGUS -ONTAUXOÏ TEXTILES COMING BACK Cainada's elderly primary teX. tuje industry is taking on a niew and lbighter look in 1,956, Main reason is that sales, pro- duction and employment have9 been edging higher. 'And after taking stock of iti longer term future, the indus- try sees greater opportunitiem DRIVE AT BEST- TAKE A REST Xlest before starting- out on e bong trip, don't try to drive too far îin' a day, stop for regular coffee-breaks on the highway, eS>UE 33 - 1956 42uickl Stov t hng à inectbit",. heat ash ' e5,hives. pimpies. sles, scabe, atletetd Vsf, q«ick-ati, sothing ..tbetk OD. D, ~REsHIyw J#~ Gtesless. stainiess. 1zdiý 'os & s pu noney basck. Your dxugio, Fiory, licing Skin Bots Quiok Roelie Hlere ila a dean stainiles pene-. trating antiseptic oU thCat will bring you aspeedy relief rrom the* tchig nstOddistress 0f Eemra, it(,,hiig Toes and Feet, Rtashes a-nà +h- ID -OILieau 'LU TO EUROPI ER AND FALL SAILINGS TO BRITISH PORTS: At Thrift-Seasofl Rates First CIqis from $200 'ROUND TRIP FOR AS LITTLE As Tourist Closs from $145 $ 9 VESSEL IVtRNIA CARINTHIA SAXONIA SCYTHIA CARINTHIA ASCANIA SAXNIA SCYTI-IA SAXONIA ASCANIA CARINTHIIA SCYTHiA IVERNIA ASCANIA SAXONIA 1IVERNIA f Froni EO~1~~AL Te - fr1. AOC. 10 Uverpool Havre, Savllmampîon Wed. AWG. 15 Fri. AOC. 17 frAOC.2 4 *wed.Au>G 29 fr. AOC. 31 fr. SEPT. 7 Wed. SEPT. 12 FrI. SEPT. 14 Fr1. SEPT. 21 *W.d. SEPT. 26 fr. SEPT. 28 Fr. OCT. 5 W*d. OCT. 10 Fr1. OCT. 12 fr1.OCT. 19 *Wed. OCT. 24 fr.OCT. 26 Wed. NOV. 7 fr. Nov. 9 frNOV. 16 So.NOV. 17 Set. NOV. 24 Th,,rs. NOV; 29 FrOni NALFAX S-,. DEC. 9 Sml. DEC. 15 fr1. DEC. 21 Lverpool Havre, Saeîiiampten, Lîerpool Havre, Sotb-op CreenaDck, Liverpool HarSeetampton Liv.e'Pol HarSoulh.o'na Lîerpool Creenok, Liverpoal Have,5o hmp1 f Creen.ck, Lverpeoi HarSothampton Liverpooklit H.vre,SoUthanlptofl Creea, Liverpool Har,oath.mptefl QEN MARY- eRITANNIC OUEEN ELZABETH MEDIA CARONIA MAIJRETANIA QUEEN MARY ýPANCONI'A QUEEIS'EEIZABETH$ PAR1THIA QUEEN MARY BRITA NNIC 1 MAURETANIA QUEEN ELIZABETH MEDIA QUEEN MARY FR».ICONIA Q1,EEN ELIZABETH MAURETANIA PARTHIA QUEEN MARY ORITANNIC OIJEEI4 ELIZAEETH MEDIA MAtIRRTANIA - EE4 b Ryý QUEEN ELIZAITHk First Clss f romn $20750 Tourst Class from $150 ro New IUIT. D' W.d.AUG NhEW rYORKtamto Wed. AUG. fhr. AU;G. fr1. AuG. SoL. AUO. Wed. AUG. TSe. AUG. Wed. AU G. Thr. ALIG. Wed. SEPT %Aurî. SEPT: SEd.sPT. f i. SEPT. Wed. SEPT. Th. SEPT. Wed SEPT. Thurs.SEPT. TrI. SEPT. h-r. SOCT, Wý. SECT. ftI. OCT. We. OCT. Trs.OCT. W..OCT. fr. OCT , Ch.,bo.,eg, Southemýpton Uverpo,.ool Cobh, Hlvye, S.Oth-oCP Cherbourg, Southeraplon Cieobirpo Cherbou'rg, S.Othamplcon Cobh, LUverpool Cherbourg, Southamptoi Lerpool Cherbourg, oîmpa Cobh, îrpl Cherbovîrg, Sovithamptcn Liverpo.i Co,,H, MreI cherbceurg,$tIenth tig atone. El 'r -s -s -s ~~ \ Se your local agent- YurI, Sna serve ypu better Ororlti. frfri.-ds/ \ i~OYT~~9s CU ARDLIME "'l" ï *i ; "'- " $975tou Tel, EMpire 2-1481 L" chm 43 ilys-16Corner Ray & Welington Ste.,. oronto. Ont. .1- 1 -1 1 1 I