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Orono Weekly Times, 6 Sep 1956, p. 3

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- - This BRAND NEW CXEVRoLE~T WITH TIRE, LICENCE AND wA ,,\\Viu WHAT A THRILL it would be f0 wIC tIis beautiful New' *-oo CHEVROiET Sedant complete with Heater, Licence and Gasi . .. but wbther you win the Ch.vroet or flot you witl receive a Iovely, 39c value TANGEE LUpsticfç ini your favourite shode--obsolutely FREE! ... so get your free entr-y form leaflet at your Redi & White Store and enter 0BEST BUYS "4IT'S PICKLING TIME".9 .IVE gCANADA BRAND 15C. deposit oBLEACH 32 oz btl. 23C Vinêgar 2 gai. jug 33c 64 oz btl. 39c ISFT TOMAO -Pickling Salt 3 lb bag 21c SOUP 0 OZ3 FO 85cMason Preserving Jars SUPREME BAD SWEET MýýIXE» 16oune gS mail size doz $1.19E PICKLES 2 FOR 39c, Medium size doz $1.35 WESTON'S COCOANUT BR - 42 biscuits per pack-age, SURMEBRN BISCUIT1. 2 FOR 59c h ixed PiCkling Spice 3o o 5 FRERH PRODUCE FEAoiUY oCRAÂSE and ANOR NSTANT -- 15(c. offP S NKIST -- Tree-ripe6dZF$a1orful5 9uiU Oranges 12 doz $3.*29 CFEE6O*15 2 doz 65<, CHASE and SAÂNBORN INSTANT - 5c. off COOFFEE 2 OZ 59c~ ONTARIO NO. 1 FREESTONE . 0 @Nft MIL- - - Pe che NEW Noi. 1lThin-Skinned Ontarie NEW Solid Hleads Tender Grýeen Cabbage ILettuce qt$60)CIJLVERHOUSE COC ePEARS 20 o I e i I I hi oz 2 for 35e~ 1.0 lb 350 LR' 0onetn 2-1or te Large ed SROSE BRAND 'Margarine 4 Ibs $1O. u SPECIAL -- BONELESS Round Steak Rst. lb 6c SPECAIL -- ROUND END Rump Roast ISPEFA UE - N at MinuteeS*teak Minced iBeef BREAKFAST Sausage skinless Co& rnish's lb 69)c lb 79c lb 29c lb 39e Romd&aP Frozen Foos BIRDS EYE Lemouade, 6 oz. 2 tïfns35c., BIRDS EYE .Calilowr,10 02. pkg. 27c. BIRDS EYE Brussel Sprouts, 10 wz. 29e, BIRDS EYE Cod Fillets, 16 i m Orffl., Ontario Commercial Course Popular (Cotanedfrom page 1 Gàrsk ntat g ra de niua is reduaced this year, gradeI~LUI~ teni -»s iuch above thiat of Ia--st y,,ear,I Mr, V. F. Auger, B.A. is a yneIw i (C-ontinuýed fro)m page I) 1 mero tesaf hi ~ing are 110w being used for tobactco -lcigMiss Ireite Kiig whýo did not amiig and thegoin fCh21' return týhis y-r1o h shol ,MiIs trees by prîvae con-ernes, resuit- A erisanaiv o ttýaaanLd ai ng jin mch hýghr prices Per- acre graduatebý_ of the OnItarjoi Colleg-e beih*g askied. The cn~ swais, that, Eduatin ummr oure.He il be s Aut'hority shtoild conItin-ue to ac- teaching atnGeography, Social {ur utbeIn o t ups Stuie ud B-oo-keeping. even rif prices had tO re modified. 13 Boo-kee-pimg is heiag introduced M oved by W. J. Boggs; seconded- iiito thlecriuu at th-e Orono i ehrtOa,"Ta hs uhr I~~~~~~~~ Scoltisya.Th ore safi ity offer to buy -adat $25.00 per- i scale course desig-n-îed ina accos(_ance jar' Crid to the Departnent oýf Ediucatio-n Accounts Payabl!e: The followîig standards. Mr. Auger is fully quali- accouints ýwere approved and ordered -fied to teach tlhis sub et angh d aE-Secretary-Treasurer potg accounitancy training. The, course will and oýffice supplies ----------- - 1. I be open to students of grade t-welve. Port Hope Board of Trade, I The commercial course at the 0Or- i Mimneographing ------------- 2.25 ono Higli School which was started E.Aduhuigsoea Ilast, year is beiug favoured by a ý Sylvan Glen ----------48.00 grc-at numiber of students this year.1 Geo. H. Watkins, hauling stone, More studeats have enrolled in this' at Sylvan Glen-----------..... 6.5 portion of schoQling than can bc 8.C orley G. Mercer, hauling atone commiodated and also' more than were atSlaGe-------40 expected. This course is open to stu- a l A ttGeun -e-- ---M-Ileage. dents in* grades tenanad eleven. The H. R. S. Ryan -- $5.00>$5 O room la the basernent of the sehool Elmore Scottu 5.00) 1.48 6.40 used for this course will be filled to T .li----50 ~4 8 capacity anid actually morebspaceW J. Boggs - 5.00 5-00 10.2k could be used to teach this suo ect. Ie*lbert Ol1an 5.00 2.44> 7.4ý * Mrs'. Marjorie We-stheu-ser will Hilton Harris 5.00) 2.41) 7.4( Iteacli music in grade nine of the Highj Hor-orar-iumn: ýMoved by Elmert Sichool. Other menibers o>f the staff Scott; Seconded by Hilton Harris Iwil ha Mr. W. W. Watt, principal, "That the Secretary-Treasurer's lon. Mr. S. B. Rutherford aud Miss Reta orarium be $150.00 a year." Carried Barr. Th sr chool hilding is lu excellent! Mapîs for Coaservatiou Talks, jcondition this year wiîî al Moved by Mr. Scott; Seconded by Mr n ow aiewly decorated. Duarlng the, Harris, "That Mr. Latoenell be givel summier months roorns which wr authority to have maps of the Ganar. not decorated during the summier f aska River Watershed printed, at I1955 were freshly painted and Icos't of betwýeeu $25.00 and $3.00. fai jthe entire school has taken on a distribution with other matex'ie cheerful appearance. among- the schools la this regio)n, ii preparation for a serias 0of Consai i A u tlon Sale vation taiks." CarriedI. i M.James Burgess, Lot 19, Con- Coi-ferenrce: Mr, LatorneIl'ggai Icessoin 8, Clarke Tcownship. One Cou- notice of a conference of the A-t&tliu cession north and one m-ile east of ities to ha hbeld at London. OntarIi, * à----~--o -- - - Kivhv is pivh ng tip rminz - 1quîil October 29th to 31st 1956. t - ~ sel y Pbli Autin o SaurdyPhotograph: Arrangements to hav- JTSeptember 15th at 1 p.m. sharp, ail tb-eimebers photog-raphced at tIfWiL ' Ihis fatrm stock, fimplements, baled meigfie omtraie ihay, grain, hard wood and some furu- S iture. There being no fur-ther bus' esae. - - F or further particulars see Bills. brought for-ward, the meet;ng ad- Termas cash. No reserve. b-c journedi at 5 o'ciock._ R Y AROTA TIE AT E IvBOWMANVI E-" L iTHIS TITURS. TO SAT -- SEPTEM)BER C,- 8 iMatinee ",aturtli)y 1:45 ueninDurwar'l (Tech.) Kid NEXT MON. TO WED. - SEPT. 10 -12 "The Trouble WIth darry" (Tech.) H&ife Etcbock's -Npw Fârig1ti Coed Edmund Gwen Shirley MacLaine Aise 66CHICAGO SYNDICATIE"P o 8:45 only DeesO'Ke-efe Xavier Cugat, Abbe Laiie Adult Enter,-ainaiexit This week September Calendar No. 581 is worth $30.00> Expires Sept. 9. ilt't (httnrt tttr tfr14 1ze ...shcýu1d prompt you to eýallUuPo ~usintime of sorrow. We ýl4res simple beautiful setVices th:' pioeconsoling to the bereaved, RARTLEY H. "àARLOW plone 18r7 FUNERAL HO-NE Oror ',), -a-., - - - ?@*~o-a~.w~~ ...-.---.. -, w---, 'I',,lone

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