,ono Pe O.B.A. ,et Feriwick ài Saturday ,e Closed - - - - more after s, ýs, Be rcady to i es...restocl< t, ralIy MIll.those C, ving items from n)ing is Simple ij AYLNRIR CHOICE Tomato iJuice 2 20Ooz TIS 27e AYLIMER FANCY Flruit: Coc.ktail 2Am 15 oz Tins 43e SHORTE NING ic lb 28c i Jar Peanut Butter TABLEPITE I.G.A. Lard 19C 16 oz jar 33e Ib pkg -18c BETTY CRoCKER Brownie Mlxc 15 oz pkg 33c IGRAPE FESTIVAL ---- f3 . IGASweet, Temiping. Take home sonle of each MNALAGA RED OP, TIOMPSON SEEDLESS GREEN 2 2b2Çcu CALIFORNIA VALENCIA - NOW AT TIEIR ZEST SSunkîst Oranges doz 29é ONTARIO GROWN, SNOW WHITE HE-ADS i Çaulifflower each 5c FRES H MEATS, 4 te 5 pourd average 45cA l b pkg 550 ver lb 270 24 oz pkg 53e lb41 FROZEN FOOD FEA PIES ATUR.E ceF . -.-; - TURKÉY - CICKEN - -ýBEEF Cadbury's Instant CH OCOLATE lb in 4«)c oe~ p - EVAPORATED MILK CARNATION 2 tall tins '27c Glosa pU-55C 1 i lili iii' i ut ~ I LOCALNEIWS Thep Oronio Pee-Wees took0th1 i firýst jOn ededa Se'pt. 5th arounld ~amponsip cres henthey de-!f,,rands gtee at the hlomle of Mi., Pated ak ideinthe best twvo anid 'Nli. 0. (Cowan -to honour Mrs ut o thce.Thelocl bys re ow aur Coperon the occýasion of her ,t of to eet ith Fenwick S we 5hbii thday. 'S. 1H. Burgess and t'he sm-fnl e i efore the Mr. -Adee Myles assîsted i h a- Ltl bi. t las ee ierne tat heternoon and (jMrs. Ray Good n irse t aie sillbopen yedin Oon <,MrsSidney Hughes in 1thc eveing,,,. ist gauayne th ganedtime at,0.01Mr.anld M-,s.Glenn WginGreg- 'doc.k. This series \vil' a1so be fth e or a inda DnMili:s sAeL th est tw"o ut of thr.ee. waen it r adMs.M ,n th,.e OooOkRidges series the Sape, ocalis ovrhdwdt cir opposition1 il h rst gaine was playcd in Orollo. iweek ag-o last Saturday wlin r o- no walt.ked o)ver thei. opposition 36 b « s ur c oG.. AI Quantrili was the -winning 3w t dt~ezwith »elief going to Roger w tl giewsto be played in- Oak, Ridges j n atrdrylast. Orono an te um pi-en appear in ful st, ent bult v nyfive Oalk Uidges playcrs appearedi IIfor th-e gaine. The gaine was thus for- Cei ut anOd cheer this youjng Ste arn on to the hapospfor the Orono Bantains Defeat Cour- lice fn League PlaydowrtsI TheOoo Bantanis ca.ine froi be- hind on Sauda vening ut the l- cal park 'o0 Xa Cutc 7 to 6. Tis -w*ingave Orono to.to Cour- tijcïsone anc ibtus elimiated Cour- tice fron the league ehamnpioshipi plyon.The Oronoboys _ar1e sho igmore s iri nd better plaýY ln the gaine during this letseries. Tt ;s not kn-owýn at tiune whki team iii the leagueOojo il now meet but til e anr.on-uced in the future. ORONOELMN E r-eplaceed with Crteer. Junor Wcst op""d the "atti, viththe forfoi.Mece and Rob- inison floe ih2 for D3 and 2 fo 4. Haydeni topped I3lonil,3fr F UEL OI& in 'kect, tlen burninq. AtieIps prevent býrer j AefomatîcaIIy deliv- 3 ereà with- peisonal atténtion to yur need'. Coli us novk to arra hge for next winter\scomfQrt, McLA N'Sn Fuel & Luiber Ltd. Phone - Orono 14816 3 DAY BARGAINS B8c. SA LE Items regu>arly sein g up to $ 1.75 offered at one çsàie price cfiSM ENAMIEL ROASTER, 12.%x8'/2x57/s - Self basting BriàIant ze Enamel -,- Molds 7 Ib. Rcast. - 4 lb. fowl -MEAT CLE A VER - carbon steel blade retains edge, Hasi R O'ewood handie WASTE BASCE T - A1 metal. 13T' high, deluxe pat. CUP RACK - hio1ds 12 cups and slides out for acces. FLASHLLGICH - co lýpete with batteries has ýhree-w y switch and carryiitg ring NO DRIP PITCHI moulded in oné-4ieoe plasft This twe-qu ,t PU bcer is available in pdttery colors A large of 44 Items ea -Ch onty 88C. MI~XING BO>WL S17t - 2.-piece jp astÎe, asstd. colors CAKE BOX -- a crysta1 clear st f"age box Ideal for cak~e, cheese or sandwiches PLASTIC STORM1 WINDOW Kits - Coniplete. Windproof and waterprooif, îhi transpax kt stormi wili cever3672 FLOWER POTS plastic witJ base, coiors 3 for 88c. STEAK KNIVES, ser ated s ,inless steel, 2 for 88e. 0ROL PH KARWAR Phone 143 ORONO' ONT. "F rbid*en Plan1et9" WIth Walter Pidgeon j nud Anne Frances ReeiIn Town" THIS FR1. AND !SA: o ad uh oani ahw t :45 and .OadRit oa I OMNG-NEXT MONDAY, TUE DAl)Y & WEDNESDAY The Great Truc Story of a leovedi Miinistcr ves are ýYith ýR-lchard Todd and Jean Pet(rs :ll