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Orono Weekly Times, 13 Sep 1956, p. 1

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Vol. 19 N0, 31 IPTEMbE1, 3th 1956 Pruze Winners At Durhýam-* Central Faiýr HeId At Or( GRAIN AND SEED one bus. Ham-per McInIo0sl) Busisel Faîl Wheat, - J. 1r c-inglon Frrow sank, E. Gray. One ýý6 qt. baket Clapps Bushel Lite White Oats- J. Critck- Snowder. sank, E. Gray. Cf-, ; -6qt. basket Bartlett Faîl Wiseit, 'Sheaf, Wellington. Snewden, Farrow. HOME HOBBIES VERTABL5SSOpen te institute, aaid Reb, - Lloyd Snowden, Mrs. StanI groups - 12HaApos Allifl. 1jdecorated te represeaIt tise 12 Carrela, - Lloyd Snovwdea, Welling- 1oe ttie yeaý. - Blackstoc(ýk -W.A, ýton1 Farrow. stock W.I.; Bxninml . Cabisage- Lloyd Sniowdea, FiLOWlERS & PLANT Onixa WeliatenFarrow, Lloyd Crain r.C Sawdemm -WeI Far1'gt-,f Miýss-P. 1Leacis, Mrs. Chas. 'V Pumi-pkiu-, Pie - Welligt_: Far- Rose,dapa Tea Roses - Tow. -Lo San-éford,, Mrs. E. Abrams, Squash -Lo Snowdea, Welliagtoa Guy, .Farro-w. Roediplay Floribundaslas Toinatoes -Weinigton Farrow, antiss Mrs. L. Hooey MWrý Lloyd Suitwde-u, ramblyn, i, Mrsj E. Snod Turnips, Swede - -Russell Osisorne(, R ose, single bloomi - Mrs. 'Wellington Farrom., isý , E. Sandford, Mr. G. Brc Turaipa, Table. - ussell Oshern, Zinnia Fo-Poîn 1-Ms.S. Lloyd Snowde. Mrs. _M. Ceaies, Ms E. Abra Potatoes,eay- Lloyd Snowdcn, Zinnia, lag-lwrd-3 Pottee, ate- ellngta arrwCoates, IMrs. Chas. Warrei Potatees, Collection - Lloydl Saow-1 Staples. sien.j 'Zinnia, aay other variety - jAbrainis, Mrs. M. Coates, Mrý Display o~f Gaede% and Farn Pro- 'Warren. _ducts - -Wellfrgtep Farrow, Don Dahlia, collection, - Mrs. 1 .Staples, Lloyý Snowden. 1sre r.L Gy.Ms . One Bale Mixed Rmty - Caries Tam- j »inig-Table Souquet - ' 4,yMrps. Stan Allun, i Gui, Mrs, S. Burns, Mrs. A. Baled Hs'y, second cuttiag -W.ei1 Living-Roon Bouquet - itngloni Farrow, J. H. J'ose. Burns, Mrs. IL. Guy, Mrs. E FRUIT -ford. Best Collection of apples, aamed, 6 Best Basket et' Glads - Mr -warieties -".R. Osborne, R. K. Squair, W. Ruadie, Miss P. Lesach. --on Staples. Gladioli, arranged' la a lowv Duciss, c) ut, basket - LloydSow Mrs. Chas. Warren, Mrs. E Grensten,6 t. bas1,et -Lloyd IMniatre Bouguets, - 0011 dien. WPUi River - Don Staples. Bienhein i Pipin - Lloyd Snowde». Cf' Ape .-ûLloyd Snowdea. Spy - Iý sbrne, Lloyd Sriôwden., Pelicious - -Do.n Staples, RP. K. Lasaale - R. OsIrxrie. Gýolden Russet - R. Osborne, Lfloyd &owdn, WllintonFarrcow. Stark - Lloyd Sodn R. Osborne Bdwn- Lloyýd Snowdeai, We-Ilir.g- ton Farro-w. Greening R. P-K. Squair, Carlos Tanblynf, Wellhgton Farrow., Talinan ýSweet - R. K. Squair, Don Staples, W'eili3igtoa Farrow. Bart'ret Pears - -R. K, Squair, Don Staies, Mr, G. BrownTi. FlmssBeauty' Pears - R. K Squair, Cairlos Taniblyn. Beï,rre Bos .K Squai-' o Stapfles. Clappe- Favorite - R. K. Squair,' Caries Ta-mbly.n, J. 11. Tenm diswPlIumai - Carlos Ta- blyn, Three banches red grapes- Mrs. Green Grap' -Ms M .Ta, blyn.' Commercial feature - APPles Five 6 qt. 'baskets Melba - J. . Jos, Wll~sgcnFarrow. Fiv 6 t. asktsDuches - Lloyd Snowdeis. Five 6 qt. baske-ts ltoh-.Well- ington Farrow, J. H.' Joe. Five 6 qt. baskets Séarlet Pippin- QThsught fer The Week Onse thingq maay a ýperses ha$ o ye t era t, that c tavel the wong road and' oi t»tey I eti.too Feuïc "etat Ooi Ption Presented To Vilage Orono Ixnté,rmeý.diate& 'trou PeeWees, 16 To 6: For, Conistruction 0f Road )flO The Orono PeeWeps wr do-,V1d .,Ti-e Oronlo Police Trustees heM a Little B ritain In O penser, i-th-e final game Of the smf~asseilmeigon Thurbdayeeng -Wl-for the orvnc f Onitari6on Sat- of lst week! to complete som-.e phases Tise first of the best three out cf!thres hits ,idcltwo Oronc e1 urday fero9 tt(e)on A u sinesf Aso during the co)urse Vwhen Feiwick took tise first g w, b(et fhemeeingthe Trustees draftedfieg es aspyd aOoonooqnteohehal - Lloyd a scor'e of 16 t o 6. six ruals wer-e a popoSed BSuilding By-law for the Monday evernig of the Oron-o-Little- eighit ruas offE three hitsa Lodscored la the t'iraI in-ning by Fet~iclç Villag9eo Orono. BrIan series. O)rono, ia this feature, iag errora by Little Bri - which puit the damiper on tise gamie ILt wAas reported that work alonmgsugdaedlth scodingWettredteray for Orono. -At the end eof the second Stittioný Street was practîcaîîy cerin- w ith a total cf eiglht ruas which Lit- ý.vith a single hit foillwe( Chureh inning Feawîck led by a score of a-'ineplete-l and weuîld be -witiiathe n ext j e Britain was unable to overcome. Gerald Robison and -Dea s ila y'o one.,ewdatys. t ws et-iaIsme seod1ae fthe ser15s wi11 Betis teams scored sir nuiotiss r1 Theo Orono PeeWees scored one in graveliing woqul4 have to ha done on: be played lan Little Britain ol-n Wedaes - fourtis. Oronoos score cuni I tstefstrf, ntefut.adùothe road noitis of Station Street be- day etvening with the third gamni e ereraa asigl ln thse bottom- of tise seveath is ini-. fore it tcould he left. yWet as tienn Wng poît-ece cm A. Cooper -,as tise ifninUg pitcher. Tise chirian reported that Ùh1el Keiti st a h ""gPt three timies inthtie ganeP ls Mound duties for Orono were Ihe1 by cusîverts for Park Street isad as Yetcher giving up oaly four iits aadthr:ee walks. Tise Lttl@ I1 famiblyn, Roger Baricow who pitehed a portion rot arrîved la tise Village. It wastaking eight strike-outs la tise ful -1 Warren. of the first îningi, and wars then re- poîated oItsIsm epewr six malagas of play-.. Coraisis was the ian ft.DanWs Mrs. E. lieved by Ai. Quantrill wise finisisedi concerned of' fuel deliveries le their losing hurler --iving- up sev-en hits mn centre ieldon udatis Mrs. L. out the game. isoms as the ditches bad been deep- to tise Qorno squad. Junior Westtmand vmcd oeo asn Tlhe Fenwick boy ssowed more de- ened te a point -where a truck could Gerald Robinson topped tise locals Oooscored a furtiser or Poly- termalaition la thse gamne whicha gave not cross over theaf. Tise Trusteesiitag ihtw fr-ise.onW ttseixsofto ns s.M J iemtsee' vrtise local erew ia were oftise opinion that lumber fronitolwe ifto o or Mercer and Charles I Iis eatre.TerryCareto cae p tse irebai culd ha used 0ie, j Tise second ihming was tise scoring crossed tise plate in "hi L. Guy, wîth Orns et iidn pa we the needed access to these properties. prio of tise gamre 'and was elso a! briag tise total score to ýw. e snared a hit hall going for' a hit. The question of' a gu-ard rail on tise portion of tise gamne tisat noted ai Ramis amnpered tise ga -Moore,I Terry made tiepa1orasetc- 'Mîllison i a gin brought' upiflood of errors by botis sîdes. Littie the players continued tsi tms. lar out. Les. Hopper and Don Danchukad Iere tise Board decided to a 'ritiaeedfuinisfrm ofsxt niglaiedrz Mrs. M. topped tise hittiag for tise 'Orono boys draw tiis te tise 3ýttentiO of t ts a, Don %witis two hits apiece. ' Townsiip Couacil. Tise second game of tisssriswill Tise chair-man pointed out tha4-tht Mrs. E. lie plaiyed lain wc on Saturday Couaities Helth Unit hadi viewed the'Bu l i g y L i~ a Chas. atteraooa at three o'clock. If F'enwirký locat*in between the~ To-wnshij) Build- sol i hsgieOoowlbcing adtseMncpal Building as a In " "' F r (L r1 R. Van- eiminated froni fur.ther -play ilahtise 1e ed fer tise Washroomnor tse 5t For iTwkx U..I ~. Abramas. playdiownsii. If Orono sisould be tise Municipal Building aa ud had found it1 vrs. L. wvianjer then a tiird and deciding net adequate. Il isad been suggested îwn uicplsri Glenney. game -will be played on neutraltisaI a 111e bcd be estaislished cither, Or. Moaiday eveaing- of this week aupplied Or coaaeeted itti vrs. S., ground semietimnexiWee'k. 1 cortiiauei page 4) tise memnbers of tise Township Conil astieBldaIspto Sand- bowl R. Van- ection- Flowers And Races Top g-atisered in tise Councîl CisambDers Oreno, tIosold their regular momtily meeting. Tise maia subjeet bef ore counicil was tise condiition et' tis roada tisougisout thse Townshsip and inyi Entertainment At Orono Faierf orweepentdbf I M.-.Sandt'erd, MNrs. b. Guy, i v i r s . Chas. Warren. Tise flower exhîbits, hartiesa racingt annual exhibition in Oronio. BesI arranged Higis Baskcet - Mrs. herse- show and drama centeat WLref The Bowmnanivlle Training Scisool E. .Abrams, Jno. Abrams. top) features of thse 1956 exposition display et' crafts in woodwerk, nietal SLow IBasket - Mrs. Chsas. Warren; iselin 0a rone, Saturday, SePtenbr8j work ,and~ leatiser work was spectacu- iio. Abrama, Mr. G. Brow;n. .> lar and worti tise price uof admission -African Violet - Mrs. W. Cobbble- Tise flower exiitilatIffe fa"ir WaN jIt.ef iewrnanii nts diek, Misa P. Leach, Mrs. E. Abramis. fan e aond tisa et'oi-r yer and rous sarticles on display ws-s almnost Boute)naire, 3,' - Mra. L. Guy, Mrs. tpe -yohrclsafrnme t ubeleivahle. L. Hoey Mr. Cas.Waren. exhibits. The competition Was keen LRoeM-.Ca.Wre. witis a superb showing ila altise var- ipasb th lolRersa- Disis Garden - Mrs. IM. Coates, Mrs. loua classes. To tisis waa added tise'isp sbnieloa eeet- I . o r, a. Allia, ehiis oupo te, RolpissHardwa-re and tise.New- Stnsplendid xisad display cr- astle Leatiser Club aidsled greatly te IBride'a Bouquet - Mr. R. Vanhorne. Inoted by tise OronQ Horticultural tise annual eveat. Of intereast to bots, f . ouquet suitable for child - Mrs. Soc<iety wisich everyone aI tisefs-r young -and old was tise ahowing et'f ESandford, Mrs, M. Costea, Mrs. L, enjoyed.I coloum'e< filmns. Tisese films '*ere sup-, Buqut - Mrs. R. Van- - an general tise inside exhibits and Iediy Ètise Orono Hydre muid tise BoqeMoensi features promnoted in tise dill sh2ed Dpatn,,el of Landas-and Fo-resta. homne, 'Mrs. S. Burns, _Mrs. E. Saad- were above tbose c f formier years. IThle anIli tieatre -was coastantly full fordthroughout tise day. Asters, collection - MIrs. S. Burn -s, Tise apren display, open te \_urch Tise general impression ofet isen- Mrs. L. Guy, Mra, Chas. Warren. and otiser organizations Wý,as ouI- ;;(de xÎiibits and dispinys was that ,,sers, white - Mrs. S. Burns, Mms. standing la displayiag îwonderfultisywr iebs ayas R. Vnhore, workiisnsip aad talent. Tise Juniorý Attendance aItishe Fair dropped Asters, siseil pink - Mra. S. Burns, [departmeat was aise one whicis stir- this -year due te tise fs-ct tisat ms-ny Mra. «R. Vanhorne. remd inierest for tise spectators at ti (Contlqnued on1 page 2) Asters, rs - Mrs. L, Guy, MHs. S. I____ Burns. Astýers, mced - VMss5 l . Leach, Mms. MYM' '-' Chas. War-ren. Asters;, Mauve -Mra, L, Guy, Miýss V i5.111.- P.~ Leacis. . . . .*'-*. . . . Asters p-urple- Wellington Farrow ~ <' - 4. M-S, L. Guy. - . Maigold, Afcican - Mrs. U. Guy, ~-y.-' E. brm Warren, MisaP. Leacis 1~- Calendulas, Mrs. M.I Caes-e, Mrs, E, Areniqs. Scabiosa, Mrs. G. Watson, Mrs. M. ............. Contes-. Petualas, single, plain - lr. S. ~Burns' Mrs. G. Watsoai. Petuînias, -single t'aacy - Mrs. M. CxeIe, Mrs, L. Guy* Ptnado)uble, - Wellington Far- row-, 2l!rs. h. Gu7, Verbena--s, - IViLrs, Chas Warren,, Miss Saiv ia, Mms. C. W. Dewaey, Miss P. L'eacis. Snapdragoas,, Mrs3. L. Guy., Mrs. E. - Gamo -Mrs. R. Vanisemne, Mraý. M.Cees Dahlia, Cactus, - R., Vaniserne, Mrs. E. Abramns. D haShwMr G. Brown. Mi-S. E. Abrtanis, hs..n ~ -N-' Warrn, m-s R.Van'hor1ne. Dahia, pm-o Mrs. R. Van- 4 bhrne, Mùa. L. GuY. ýfl- GladôIoi, single s-pilce Welin-tcen Falrro, "Mrs. S. Bu£MS. Gladijoli, iste - Mrs. A. Gienney, Mms. . Vanhorne. Glaiel, ed~- ra.~.Vs-ism-n,. Pictured, beeare ý .,na- Ira. DeanWes fe' rono, tise-formner Gldoi ikMrs R, Hunhoase Anne Tanet Stapleton, dauigiter of Mn. sad Mrs. Jobs- M. Stapleton-, wiso Gladoli pik -Mm-. -. VnheueWeIre uajted in nmariÂage la Greno Uiîted Churcis on- Saturdsy, Auguî 8 Welingen arrw.1956. Alse l,ýctured w*i theisemlaRev. Johs- Rtche'n #hl ) erfortaed ho (Continlued Prage 3) >e(ry Tise Orono Police Trustees pres ed a draft Building 'By-law te Council which they asked te be pa for, tise Village oaf Orono. TiseT tees stitted tisaItisere was a need a bottr by-law and tisat homes ' hein,- constructed in tise VI wisicis would net havie an asseý value eof one tiseusansi dollars. R( J. T. Brown said tisaItisere was fiiiitely a aeed for a re-vised Bulli By-la-w wtiiatise Townshsip sad1 tise Towaship Council isad beén s-av of' tise aeed for somnetime. RE Biýwn was efth ie opinion that By-law ceuld net be passed juat tise Village of Orono but wouId J te be passed for tise entire Toiin- es il .li tise final permit. Tisetfinal cano h issued until tise g-i- las determiined and ail -gr adi pleted.L Aiso includ ed in lhe i.s a clause tl>at tise exter-le building anU ltise landscaping coaltdwîthin lwenty-f our et' tise date efth ie prelîiiimi No cellar or'garage s12ail for issman habiitation ance, 4ý3.0UUfor a ga permi-it costing$5 aid O-ne 'dollar, tise sum of 'xl ,Pd for- a oeï-nlit f lu reading over the draf.1lt ~ Byîw Reeve 13rown stated that he agreed TeTwsi orii lociie- with the nmajority of the clauses b-utfl The Tow ensi oncilal sid-va feit that it did not go far enou g » y veîngtht id After nmuie discussion and a- ew' ce-'"wôri, shotitd be done this year ili t-P visions the by.kaw was passed te1 Iuntles of Kendal and NientnUl cotobuiflding within the ToGhpTeCerk was iinstructe4 to call fo of (larke. The niotion passing thé bY- itenders for the laying or!teea Iaw was m-oved hy J . 1.Lwr and waia. The Dprtetof -H-ighway4,i E. Dent, jwi-il pay a cô),nideraàie shae of the. cosýt of the sidewalk i l t1aiet of.~ Some of the miore important chang- Nwovleal t1his wak iil ie laii es in the b-Iaw are as foîlows: The a1ong the in wy. itendal thn- flo$r ares o a single famtily dwell-Tonhpsalayteui s4* An; Ïs now 720 square feet compred h sid al cnsrucio the is fco;Itm to 48J in th-e old b y-law. The mînxi- thlj~t hiOO feet of ne,_w walk wilI. ba mmltfronàtage as set at f!!UY 1 laid tblis year. feet. A clause contro)lin,,g the )b-11 notious uses of lands and buildigs is included in the new lw as well as one to control! the moviýng of builgs ThKedl nieray il e ont anewsie.hed1 Octobeýr 2st, mor:iiiig and 6et- %jdeé the cond ions of the il. ing. Twpel. Pheasant Hunt Extented Expected FrormOct. 27 - Nov. 3 On MOndY evening of-~ this week undersood, iaSo be the agend&. the Orono Fish und Hun)t Club 'helc tr eeveniflg. Ghir fireeting of the u emI h lbset Fida , tober 271k with soetwenty members present. aSte date "01r the Aundal H!'I.tlioeee The- metig as ieËly gie vrIdnewhch agaîn AS appe~eld tith to planning aUctivitijes foir the Films were shown as an vittain- II X.1 teoino t th .e ýing- mnent featuri- f te evning. thlat the phemaant sarou n % It wirs dci y the nmeeting to 'own u4psQiciarKe and Dartnýgton hold a Corn Roast on Saturday even- wold be held from Oecober 27 to- ing, Setme dAt Iîea-Gar Huis Novemnber vw s pointe, out at Camýp which is sitiated oh the seventh: tenmtnw g Mt it eTownshp Game, Hume a, Keridal. It was decided that'ComiÉssion had. r.eased thwXe~ irdaincards be natle toth Ïelthpusand pheasants thin yau, and- menmbers of the Plub cvho la tura1téat this shou'd impeove hexltng in co»dinSit friends touthe Corn Roast. te distric. If the tire housand Tise Clt* la i asking that those ant- jPheaLuS'o1 releas"ed in CLaLrLs, twoQ iciatig in a4meding huld con- thousia weie raîeci locally MIL~ tact either Gerrýy Duvall or Win. young MAk, Si mue lihen birds ané Reid icaerder that tihe cub could plan tihe remaaing am, were pýullets. the aniount of food for thse occasion. Thse meeting adijeurned au mieetý There wilU be a sinall fee to cover thse agtà i ozi the f irst fMonday of OcWoe costýg Qf aise emting. Dancing. it i%151 h t.ise jMùaiciple Buildlig.

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