Flowers And Races ji s fact aso reducdthe nuirp (Continued front page 4)> swine, shpep, poultry and tattle r1ass-e -frmr were comipelled to re.mamn at es. Gate receipts were down $1K)00le lhomne. to compiete harvest operatons. over that of last year. 1 The hors( usual of tc exh'ibits fIn classes. 0f was the al *1- - VIGOR 011o. LIMIITED Betwéen Orono .and Newcastle on Ilighway -No. 35 Vigor Standard CasoIine 38,90c per gai - tax inc Vigor Iligh Test 41 ',c per gallon- tax included STOVIE OIL-foi your convenience in sinai quantities avaliable -~ at the Station Open Evenings and Sundays - ~ ~-n -- Geor.Shfi ftfn <OlIy~ ples Prctj.. Woy'e -i h Peciaotî,j A fic aith swtCland the irot seat on'1 forctle ehrdth'e wh5 C hev o e pS ,,we r- poit,>ned Set OUO P@cyr option!i The new 140 h.p. Blue-Flcime "6 , Zjivefiest in Chevrolît history!tUIra igh .onpres- Sion ratio (8 fa »pmns more efficient use of gaîsbine thon ever before! Big gS-vedrvthe CheYroe~1 ert jt ets i0wer teaf altOg yOIJr eng rIY CaVer hie 10eli bators 11 .LLItUiu in ans four-, races )n 'which thirty-two horses1 took part.* Four different races ofi two heats each were rwi< off oni the Afast Orono track. This Was the g-reat- etnumber of r-ace horses at an Dur- m'a Central Fair in miany a year. Spectators were brought te their feet at the close of' one of t-he heats when every' driver Was pushing his stead in~ the homie strceh. About oine hnundred and fifty feet north of the stand one trotter stumbled and feul ~on the track thr-ough]-ing the (river on ahead, When the accident hapipen- ed a second horse was closely follow- ing and went down in the spili with its t driver. catapulting into the air. After five minutes had elapsed horses and carts were untangled and both driv- ers and horses returned in the second heat of the race. The display of farm machinery was on a par with that of former yeaýrs. The midway was noted to have extended this year. fl DRAMATTC CONTEST The Little Theatre gr-oup from Peterboroughi took the top mnoney of the Dra-matic coi4est whichi featured four one-act comnedy pînys..Gop conapeting in t, contest wre, ro Pueêborough, Lakefield, Woodville and Thornton Corners. -I The Peterborough play«v was spec- tacular iii its presentation and enter- taininig. The calibre of tItis play left little te be desiired and rcie ra 'wjce ~ pur 'of itar~ îcer, e" ,o rsrefor We' tJC ~ ~K 4 $~V~.'~'1 - V~G~ tT,ÂLc~' ~:~- ~I~gkf- iS~c1~u.~.e L4D~U r~À*e CL~'~ p~LOLSU~4t ONTARIO praise Ifront the judges a.nd thte au-* the 'entire game. Keith held Littie-- dience, Britain hitless for the first seven in- !n.ings. Twý-o lits were registered atW Lakeflid, in taking second mnoney ehiir i-n the eighth whieh tabled Littlcý in the contest, also presented a top Britain's two runs. Keith faced a mr entertaining feature. Thornton Cor.- thnirty-four batters in the ful fine- tiers and Woodville took third and nn.gsoply fourth places respectiveIy. go ly Raye West topped the game with. four hits in four trips to the plate.. Livestock Prize Winners Raye wý,ho proved the heavy hitter in. the Bowman-ville series lias agairi, At Orono air found the mark. Don Mercer and Johinny Sheffler f o3lo-\výed with to SHEEP j hits apie(ý. Singlýes we.nt to Robin-- Leiesters- N. R. G'reen & Son ýon, Armnstrong, Junior West and Ký. took, six firsts, 3 seconds and 3 tirdý(s.West. Foster Srnowden \von three seconds and three thirds. Southdowns.- Dr. Taggart, one DIED fi rst. Shropshires- H. Ski nner& Sonls MYLES, Delbert Nelson-Suddenily aI;t Ha]Ycmphîr. otr Sodn Oshawa, Ont., on Wediiesday, Sep- Hanishi-es--4Foser nowentemiber 12, 1956, Delbert Nelgoi,_ onfly Competitor. Myles;, age a9 ye'ars. Beloved husband6 -SWINE ýof Beatriice Lilly H1iller. Resting ai. ~Bacon Hogs- Geo. Stephens t,,k the H. Barlo)w Funeral Home, Orono.. 10 firsts and 6 seconds. Service Saturday, September lbth at 1 2 p.m. Intermient Orono Cemnetery. POULTRY Americans, English, Mediterranean R. M.L Brown, only competitor. Duk-R. M. BL rown, two fir-stsý and on(, second; Wellington Farrow)v, one first. Turkeys- Alex Moffat, only coni-ý petitor.i Children's Pets- Arlene Allen,! Doug "Barrabali and Ro)ger Barlo-w. SPECIALS One Pair Chickens, d1ressed- Mrs. C,. W. Do-wney-.$ One C'hicken, roasted and garnished -M.C. W. Dow,>,ney, MUrs. 'Stan. A iluýn. Lunceona Plate for two- Mirs. St-an Aluin, Mrs. E. M-. Gamey. New Exhibitors - Cake iced- Mms. E. Bon Mrs. Downey. Canada Packers Special .. Pie-. Mrs. Gladys MVoffat, M-ýrs. S. Moore; ,Cake- -Mrs, S. Moore, Mrs. W. Cob- bledick, Mrs. E. Brown. Magie Baking Powder Special for Frosted White Cake- M11rs. Gladysý Meoffat, Mrs, Stan Afln!, Mrs. E. Brown.1 Bowmanville Frigid Lotcker S-ýpecial' for- nost worthiy entries- Mips, C. DoweyJMs.'E.Brown. Simpson Sears Special for lady wvinning mlost points, i3eedlec af t- Mi-S. S. Moore. Lake of thie Hoods Miling Cet.- White Breaid - J!Mrs- C. W.Bligs Mr's. C. W. Downey; Laýyer Cake - Mrs. F. Munro, Mvrs. S. Moorpe; Pie - Mrs. S. Moore, Mrs. F. Munro. Orono Takes Second Victory From Little Britain Grono walked away froni Little Britaii on Wednesday afternoon and ran Up a score of twelve to to.The gante was polayed in Little Brîiin and was the second of the Series v~~hnow stands 2 teo 0for Orono, The third game of the best three o)ut of five series will be played in Or- ono Saturday af ternoon commencing at 1:30. If Orono slaould win this ea- ture, and there is nio reason wy te shouldn't, they will be- the series champions and will advance further in the Ontario playdownis. Keith WVest starred on the Orono mocund giving,up only twù htsi The :Women's Auxiliary of Bowmnanville Memoyial Huospiltl 1 ~are holding their Annuital BLITZ inBw~avil n uroniDRItEo front 6 to 8 p.m. M, As this Canvas is to raise funds niecessary to carry onl their wojrk, thie Auxiliary 'hope that ail -'011 su'ppo0rt the effort genIerOISly. Mris. Mý"cKenzie is j inCharge ùof the Orono Canvas. Park Plaza WiIte]Rose Servite Station Greasiitg - Tires - Batteries North Orono Highway No. 115 Phonie 13-r-15 NICHOLSI BOWMANNVILLE