.~- w - 5No rize Winners At( Vanîýhc Bioi Ne~ ewc "Harvesl S. Mo, iR,js anid Saucer Mi ford, Mrs, Leý J?4hlia, Bes MrS. S. MoorE Diingi,-Tab] Mrs. L. H(Ooey ;in the shoqw - Ys5 rs. E. Abramn",C tW. CHRISTIES HONEY Grahams Wafers BEEHIVE Corn Syru"p Maz-ola Salai 011 13 V2 oz pkg. 1310 2 I1botUn 31C plut 39e KRAFT Poly Bag lminiature Marshunallows li FT REMM FRESil ~SLTCED) ~ I ~ LB Pl 290 LB 59C 69c BIRDSEYE Frozen BIRbDSEYE Lemonade 2 BI RDSE YE Caulif lower BiRDSEYE tI Brussell Spr< BIRDSEYE 6 oz. pkg. j' r~- i ~. j vo ror .âc 10 o.pg 27e~ 10 o-7. pkg. uts 29c 16 oz. Pl kg. 35~ BCod Filuets 29c I D ~ EASWU~ST ib. DàmLr LUIY M iru LE LAMB OHOPS centre eut L~B 75eC Ô' Shortening Wagstaffe's Raspberry Jam, 24 07- jar ,... 44e. FRE$H PRODUCEOgiliiie Vita B 7c off, 36 oz. pkg..... 27c. FANC GRDE NTAIO AIiLET fiSunbeam Soap Pads 1/2 price sale2 or .. 21c. Pears 6 qt bsIk 89e 0 Herefcrd ýCorpied Beef, 12 oz. tin/....9e CRIlsp SýWEET, CALIFORNIIA RED9 Grap s 2 bs 2 e gRed& White \omato Catchup, il oz. btle. 23. FIR, e 2NTARIONO.5e ateis Redi-cut Macaroni, 1,1b. pkg.....6e. F, uatoeONT6Rqt 69e0g Plastic Fly Swat t ...........,1e Tomte 6O. ONTR6OC F1Y Tox, 8 oz..i t...............39c. Cucu bew 2 fr 1~ gAeroxon Ely Coils, package of 5 colis...18e, ONTARIO NO. 1. WELL CR» YELLOW f Aut MNary's.Sliced Bread, 24 oz. loaf.... 16C. Onulous :3lb 19IC g BEST\ UYS [ gAYLMER AY STOMATO JUICE 3 fr39C 0 FJýVE 'QSEs f "FLOU ~5 LB 35c~ g E~R'S S TRP 14 0 BABY FOOD 4&for à5c 8Kraft Dinner 2 pkgs 25c Golden Hour candies, Scotch iMints' pkg. . 29c, Golden Ilour Assorted Chocolates, 1 lb. box 89c. g FEATIJRE BUYSg gBETT Y CROCKER - 'White, Devils Food, Spice SCake Mixes 20 oz 3 for $L~g WHITE SWAN gT-olet Tissue 4 relis 47c APPLEFORD,S SAVB-ALL 01Wax Paper 100 ft 'roil 25c g gPCALPC gPaste Wax 6c-off lb in 39c,,,'g CAI4PBELLT'S NEW PAC g Tomaito Soup- 3 tins 34c g Chickpn Noodie 2 ins 35cg Yegetable 2 tins 25c.~ j j I j i I f2 i j i j j i i i if i f I f j, * 10 f i j I I f f f f I i I I e -~- ~-~o~- . t ,~p,'. - - t'.- '~ I "t, - - -. - - ~ .. -, .4&. . . . White Bread, Mrs. CW. Billjngs, rýW...Downey. Mis. . Muro. Saladi Dressing - Mis, C. W. Dom Whole Wheat Bread - MWS. C. WV.ey, IYhs. E. Brown. Dony r. .Mto Four ways of serving tomyatoeý Fruit loaf, yeast - Mrs. C, W. Ms tnAln Rillings, Mis. C. W. Downey, Chili Sauce - Mrs. E. Brown, M~ Pan of Buns- Mrs. C. W. Billings, Mcugi. jMis. W. Cobbled,îck. Sweet Pickles - Mrs. E. Bro, Pan. Chelsea Buns - Mis. F. Munro Mis. 'Moore. M rs. W. Cobbledick. Mustard Relish -Mis, Con Tea Biscuits - Mrs. Gladys o-at1HoeMsB Bw. Mirs. C. W. Downey. Bread ýI d Butter Pickles - Mis. Bra Mffns- vrs S Mor'W. Downey, Mis. S. Moore- Mrs. Stan Alliia. Jam - Mrs. Stani- Alin, Mrs. scones - Mis. Gladyslfoa',ui Bot W. Co.bbledick.. D.ozen bîowýn Eggs - Mis. C.J Banana Layer Cake - -Mrs. F. mun1 Lauighliii, Mrs. Stani Altun.L re r.Gladys Mfat3 S l Jelly Roll - Mrs. (Mdys Moffat, mu B mrs. S, Moo[re. %Uý l,",n S l A ngelCak - iss P. Leach, Mrs.- E. Browin. he u-n -dersignied -lias receeived Dairk Layer Caike 3J Ms. E. ~on strutcion, from Mr. aril Gilba IVL -s. C. W, Dowjney. who is gvn pfrnnto seil Liýglitü Layer, Cake Mis. S. Moore, public AuIction is" cattie, hens, If Mlis. E. Brow ad ailney.Sale wlill tak e Il DtLof-Mis. G. Wa'tsoný, Ms.a Lot -5, Conesibn" 5, àlâm~ S, More.Towýnship two -miles as of Ba Chi"ffon1 Cake - Mrs. S., Moore. duf'f ont Satuidayý, September 2c Cup ake~ Ms. S Mooe, is. eîmscas. Noreseve.Sale a G la dyVS Moffat. Jack Reid, Auvimneî Sice Cake - -Mis. S.Moe, rs ROYA' TrýEATft 1 Pl THURS. to SAT. --Sept. 13 to 1ôý g MA INEE SAT. -- 1.45,,.mn. fi JgMANMAIRE-miTzÎlGAY R -Pu'LRA-eRRIS. g TECHNLCQL P COLEPOR ROBERT EMMETT DOLAN -ROBFRTLEM g SwigThcrs, Fri.1, 7 and 1üý0~1 Sat. 6:30 and 9:4e6 fiSECOýND FEATIRE ~'heKIFrom Txs L,"Îwth Audfie Murpnrhy ao "Bîily the Kid" oThurs., Fri. at 8:45 -Sat, at 8:15 NEXT M 1fN. TO WED., Sept. 17 -19 [g Excellent feature inýCillemaseoPe frbm t e ivel "Juhal Troop"' fi ~ by Paul Weliu ODutstanding Cast inýcu GenFd gErneuýt BorgI4n'e, Roid ,i,ýr and Valere Frelch 8"4 ourÀAlert" Ttel% Starring Jark Webb)J fi Comiplete shows3 at 7 and 9:25 Aduit Entertainmient U ~September 20()22--Helen of Trot Septemiber 24 26 - Rose Tattoo 0Ctobr 1 - ,-Gîys an »0IIs Sept. Calendar Ne. 17,59 wins $35 jackpot. Expirea, SeitemPber 16 gfulri ShcVýu1d Promipt yo.u to eaiu UPO us in time of sorrow, We ,4res simple beautiful ser-vices tho prove consoling to the bereaved,. HiM'ARTLEY H. DAPâRLOW "t' Q ft Phone 18r7 FUNERAL HM oror~- d MEATS SIFT'S PREMIUM, (WHOLE OR HAL F) LAMB LEGS RIBý (SHORT CUT)- tLAMB CHOPSý Glady ad- Mrs. C. Oremo, outarlo o=:>OcztDoc= fE M al