ORONO WEBEIYTIMES ' J. ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ s I oy S.sWlFor-L and family. J. W sod & eo$WinFourLES ARDWe' are sorry to hear t1hat Mrs. H.1 lsAm C a A CEScott ison thesick lEst, we ihel I IGSPMrs. iMargaret Everett, Mr. A. MNr. and Mrs. Ross Robbins andi Showing- at the Cainadian National Wa-ite, Toronto, M'r. ard Mrs. Sid Gai!, Teronto- with Mr. and Mrs. Art ExibtinTirot, heenris fHughes, Orono with Mr. an-d MVrs. E. Robins.b J. W. Boyd and Son, Orono won foutGen r dM~.AtYug Qot Ist; three 2nds; one 3rd ad one 5th Mr. and Mrs. Surtees and daughters xith iM.r. and Mrs. C. Martin. prize with their horses. of Tor<ýnto with Mr. and Mrs. A. Mrs. l}ewell, flowmi-anvirle, -with a I li. and Mrs. H. Davey. 'T They also wvon the Chamipicnsip over>" adhdteRsreSno r.Rbr httadMary Ruth,, JP for the best Roadster Mare, any age, Champion (CydesdaleSalin S r sntaofertw d raindTQonM, i with their 2-year-old "Blackie flan-IEcho". MDrs. Bassinett. -e ne; hlis g -~ '~'~'~* ~ -~ o-onto tBettel tçusýifess Jiaea3n wili l-ry Ijamilton were Juidge F. A. E. speak on "Fashions in FiF.aud" o ind Mrs. Ham-ilton, of W;iipeg. ThurFlLisdayi, September 20th at S8 çýu at the North Simcoe Public' SchorL Mrs. Phîoý,be Gordon, Sagina1w, The winner of the draw for theý ficigan, spent al few n n ronio free MVernibership in the Cadii Tisiting friends. Ass-eiitioii of Consumers was M4 W.W. Gibson, Newcastle. Spend Your Dollars Wisely Buy Quality Shoes É Girl's Fail Shoes, brown or black Oxfords, r ~ - L afers. Brown leather shoe wîth one strap, f patent leather with two straps, Saddle Shoes white with blue. Size 8 to 4.1. $2.50 - $5.95 --bv's browvn Oxfords, plain or moc. style also boots in bIac!ý leather.....$3.75 - $5.50 Wtlomen's Shoes in Pumps, W'edgie, Loafer Oxford. Low heel, patent or leather shoe, "White lmeckeL. Saddle Sbh hsIn white with blue Prcdat....... .......... $4.45 to $12.00 GLENAYR Kitten SETR LADIES' FAL~L RATS Where there's drama there's full- Ià velvets, feits, hrushed wool. The fashioned Kitten. Wherever lovely wo-ve y latest styles for f ali wear i black~ men gathe. . ervrexîig "hn9 ivy, greens, rust, beige, rose, tour- gainr wvreer ecuig nn~s -buoise. Pric(MJ from .... $4.95 t6 $7.50 happen. You'II find th~e fabulous Ètten f ashion leading forf ail in niew f 1ý,T,%PT V rAI t T ezVL fashioned super 70's. Fine botany flew dressmaker creatio~isý. New -full4fash- ioned coIIars,\ new pettal orlons and ev- er popular la.bswool. ColouV and range of new styles utterly breathtak-. ing. Priced Eveuings Friday & Saturdfi7 Wodnesday opn'Ail Day * i....~.95 to $8.95 i j, L4 Li V I iiL<L VI)REýSjJ i.Arriving each week. Newest ini style and materials. .....$18.95 to $21.00 SKIRTS Ini straig1ht or p1eated styles, new iaterials. S,-izes 12 to20. f>riced at ..... $6.95 - $14.50 ýArmstrn',s 'I I il- --I FUERFRING ES TECOSJ' of an houir's wor-k in business in- cludes some rnoney tht the esploye 'doe-s Dot -get irmediately.- l: n additin t th /hourly wage, ,there is the money the employe.rnust set aside for vacations with paye ,or, statutory holida3fs and for un- employm nt'1 :rance; in the ca e of rnany corn- panies tJhere,- paso t-he moniey iequir-ed for hos- ýpital -and medieal care, for Pensions and other "fringes".-- Many peoplein in\I4ing thse self-employed, thc4stselheseIvJave or their holida.y and their future nees and/desires. On the other hand, people who2w 'rk,ýIn sorne large enterpïîjses f or salaries or Wages apparehntly pref er to- h'ave their ernjdoyer set asiçie for them mney for, such purposes, Jiringe benefits are savinýgs for, t e benefit of the employees,'and a substantial eý'pense for-the pmplo-eprofyers. TIley arepat hfé cost of an hour's work whidi rmust be ,"recovered from custorners in $eiling price./ STEEL COMPANY 0OF CANADA L.1IM I TE D MOtTRALGAANr'E~HAMILT'OtI BANTFORD TORONTO store Open AUl Day Morday -and Mi 'anville, FORD and Il f * j i Mrs. Mae Gibbs andr'Sharorn of Dun- bartan sie on the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Ed Grah& aixsfd farxnily, Dr. and _Mrs. J. H.- Les-i'e and Susani I of -PeterbýIorough spent a few days jwith M. and Mrs. Win, Riddei.ý IMr. and Mrs. Archie Watson, Betty Ani and Lairry, T'oronto, visited o'siýr1 the weekendi with 74r. and 'MI. Alex! Watson. Mr. ai-d Mrs. E. Neilson visited in~ Goderich and picked 4 Miss June Neilson, taking her on to bondoni where she has enrolied feor a course '#me'sOrg.anizatic ni Plan1 Turkey Dinner 4've.mber 14 The Septemaber mieeting cf the W.! A. and WM.S. was heid i-ýn the Sun- day School udtoiu -n Tù,jesday aft"ernoon with Mrs. E. R. Raine-y pre- of Heaven and Earth an-d Sea" was sung and th4e Lord's Prýayer repeated together. Reý,. r. Gthe pokýe br-iefly to tsepresenit. Mi,_ss 'E. Penf-ound rend tbe ji j nsi4es of -t'e lwst mîeeting and. an eecuie meting. which'el e'ad Itôtd a S rend, binga Very n-J et Sing- revle-w. Letters of thakst cor- ~ rs~n~ngsecretary er rend by j Ion) motion by Mrs. Stapies asnd Mms. V. RobinisQn alil sanigbish w11re -ord.erep( i. YMm. Kîtchen, for Christian Leader- ShIiip, epOrte-d ail the y0unger gm1oup's heginni*ng their meetings for, the fall and wintel -'e,~n The devotionai evc was then ta4ken by Mýrs. Robt. Alun habsed on the 231-d Psailm anýd repeated by al, on eamoh verse and it was a very hielp- fý1 ned'tation1, and ciosed the W*lor- ship service xithi prayer. In the business period, Mrs. Rainey announced the Goferenee W. A. meeting in Trinity Church, Bowmnan- -- - ville, Monday, Septemnber 24th. Aise Presbytery meeting-in October. By a 4vote taken it was decided te hoid a Turkey Dinner November 14. Arrangements were completed for catering at the -Shietler-Robinsoli wedding. Mrs. qtai-oes spoke- of the visit te jBo'wrarvitlie te hear Dr. Robt. Me- L ure anad called on Mrs. Car/i Billings te bring a few thoug-hts she had gath- ered there and it was a most interest- ing insight into the life cf the people of India. Miss E. Penfound aise apoke on Dr. Mebure%'s address which was 1gr(atýy en -joy'ed by everyonreý The Octcober meeting wili be the regular thankoffering meetir-ng when' we hope to have as guest speaker Mrs. Mic- Kinnie, Pres. cf W-M.S. Conference Branch. The meeting ciosed with the Miz- pah Benediction. UNITED CH URCII Orono Pastoral ~ Charge SUNDAY, SEPT. l6th, m96 KTRB'Y -Service at 9:45 sunday Scbhoo-I l udyschooI a ýt 10 LESKARD SerLvie at 2 e SALES And / ElVICE Our co#iplete servicei guarantees year round - f driv' fg pleasure I I O4eTH MOTORS i Phone 2 Newcas.ýe, Ontar' f[ôoNoTINSgHOP P1umbl*ng Fixtures Accesso ries and Repairs Warr Air Heating and'e i Air Conditioning- B- H Paint and Varnishes R. E. LOGAN, Prop. W OO4..»~<) - nc.oo--oa,-eoe<>0'ofl*' i I New Flower Pots, Cday wvith water reservoir, paiý ed, white, -e, ellow or green. Piceed 15c. to, New Plastic! Wate ring Botties wXextra long spouts for wýaterrÎng bouse pliÎts, etc.... Special -- Tk-a Towels, white with eoioured borleý part linen, size 16".x27". ach 315c. 3 f or$ Special -- Nýylon Hose, irst qjuLality, 60 -gaul-e, 15 denier. Popular cplors, size 9 to Il.- Out- standing value. P& îýfor........ ...... Electi&-L glit B ýÈsý inside frosted, 60 watt onI,ý Each 171ý 0n1o 3 fol: FIy Swatters, Plastie or rubber with strong wire hand1e.1 Each fOýfr.............. New to 38. Each Miii, large tins, .2 for SweetGherkins/,Heinz, 12 oz. bottie, eg. 43e. for 29e Macaroni Dinnrr Stokeiy's, 151 nce tin, 2 for 25c. Bfeef Noodie S'Oup, Lipton' s ...... 2 pkig. 25c. Gerber's Baby Çereal, Ba, ey . Rice, Oatmeai or miixedcl ereal, Box fQ........ .....5. Heiz Baby Fo , e9vlr 23 varietie to choose tin 5c. Gaines Hom-ogen-ized Dog Mea1, giant 15 lb box Regular price 79c. nom- selllngfor.....59c. ûoROoe5Cro $1.00 STORie O-pen Friday and SaUr,ý,day eveniings for vour