When TOMMY Bu nis Lest The Tiffe Back on Dec- 26, 1908, fightb- Mng before te greatest titrong ltaI ever witnassed a boxing cottest in Austrelia, Jack John- son, the heavywaigitt titie ca. lenger, beat Tommry Burns, thle champio, in sucit a ferocieus1 and ona-sided baIlle thet 5Sid- ney police had te stop the fight and seve the champ from his gigantic Negro epponent. Titus Johnson becamne the firsi Negro te wear the heavyweight erewn, a giant teking his place aiitong g-iants that precedet i hm -Sullivan, Corbett, Fitzsimmenns aud Jeffries. Burns, onily esset in the fight was is gamnenesýs, and il was te old story o! a good Ettle man oeîng lefaated, by a better andl biggar opponent. Strong- hearted ýan& !coluageous, the Caainpugilist wenl down., before te superier skill, strength en sd prowess of a cQmipelter wito outclassad hlm lun every physical respect. Oui-weý cigitP by lwe-,nty-five pounds and sitor- ter by,, six inches titan his op- panrent Burns iwas neyer able te etand off the onsaughts of ttie Negro, Seldoniidld he get an) çopportuni,Wte ake te offense, and whan ha 'did, Johnso-'.s superier sparrdg abiity and ,iiter'ing-like el1usiveness setL ait naught it e ijldog rushes of fte citunky Cefuaçilln. Joitnson th. Çe flrst te en- fer te ring accempanied by his seconds. Jack Mlullins, Boer Unitloiz and Bill Lang-, and his m-nenagex', Samn Fîtzpetrick. Buirus was accempanied by Pat O'Keefe, Kid Keating, Blly 'Denîîell, Burke and Russell. Bath fîghters receivad an enth-- eiastie rec--eptioni, but Burns' was mutch louder and longer. John- weîgited 192, Burns 16P/2. The Police Gazetle's Rinàgsider reported ltaI "Johson jumrpei itoa ait arly lead witen he sent the elkiampion sprawling after a .ew mmen'ssparring linlte epen.in, session. The blow W, as a hard !le-f Iuppercut0Iite jaw. Buturs ,ent dowin fer eigitt seconds,, titen ruise into a elinrcit, Johu'son sceore aJr righ t swyï ing te lte head, but BSurns rétaliated wllh asmia pun&h -Êta-his.,opponent's ehin. TJhe ïchampfion here showed seme clever ,oxinig, but lte,- Negre, Ia?ded an effective lefIt tlte bdad as te bell sounded." * Iotnlny'$ Mouti-e "Johtnson centinuti- iisgoed werk in te, second period. Burns rushled ini and priomiptl-Y receivedl a bard rigitt on bis ebin, fils iankie gave waY, and he slipped tete floor. Burns wvas on his feet in a second and rusited imb a clincit, bot mfen doinig considerable infilhting. johinsen was now forcing lte ighiting cotinually and dr,ýove-- lte Ceanadian across the ring under a shc-wer et rigitt andi lefI swings. As' Bui.ris ýert tn bis ce3rner-,iis left eye was nearly eclosed, and ha wvas blaed- ing aI te moulli, -'Thte rcitampion sitowedbi fjghttin ability ln the thîrd and scored effectiveiy lu the clincites. Johnson, itowever, pouinded lte ehampion's kýjinays. The big Negro sitowed by titis tiie taI ha clearly outcla0ssa4 his oppotm- cul, ond Burns' hackai's ware astoundedi at Johnson-'s claver- ries and speed. Thte men were tantif-ig eci thier almrost lu- aesnlndi il was clearly a grudge hhtie. "Johnson aasily imaiintained,. his adventaga ln the fourtit, Out-pointin1g the citampipu witit1 apparent ease. Burns eg"an rusited, only te be steppeti by, a heavy rirgit swing te te ribs, Bath men were now t;alkýin-g wildly and imany wide swings wvere tuncoirked. At lte -close, Burns cliinched, andth ie bell faunfqthbtemen l e', arl'q GUZZLiNýG GROUNDHOG - Hiting the bottie at am tender cge is a mcnth-old groundhog, pet of the Harold Moon family. Holding that bottle - cf imilk- with the poise cf a veteran h adopted woodchuck iý, keeping a wary eye out for free-loaders. The Mccn's ccet dug the animal out of the greund before its eyes ,were cpened, and is reur- ing it along with her kittens, nothing, the Ringsider reported, though- his eye and meuth wýere bleeding stili more as the fi! th losed. Trhe sixth was unevent- fui, the contestants swapping puniches, thoug'h the blows littie affected the Negro, and he drove Burns acroîýs the ringc as the bell souinded. 'Jonhson ruLshed at te open-. - ing of the seventh rud»the Ringside.,rurported, "and show- ered riht and left swings on his Opponient. Burns appeared tei be losing strenglte but gamne- 1ly stuck te his task, infighting wjth fair success. In the lest minute Burnls sani to the floor under a successJion of heavy punches te11c)his ribs. H e was groggy when he arose,' and rushring mba linch, lasted I1 the rtd. Johnson remrorselês- Ily kept after the champion, and in the riext rýôund cotnued te admr;iister the hieavy Swings that werce paigsucit havoe with Burns. The c, hampion was fatweakening, but he 1ay shed his ne-rve by eang continuaelly, alth.oughi not suc- uessfully, an-d taking without finching t~terrifie pun-ishm-cent thttebig Negro was infliet..- "Little flghtïing was done in the niinth 'touind, both men Coni- tenýti'ig titemselves with shout- îil, insu'its et each other. But in the tenth 4Jonson resumned his battering tactics and scoredi fre- queptliy on tIhe champinon's head and body. Bujrns ,,landeti several punches, but as his blows clear- ly lacked steam, thec NegrPo enly laughed and boredin "The next round showýed con- clusively that the bout wojuld net go fuil time, Burns fought gamnely aPnti essaYed nianriy swings, but ail' were cleverly bloclked or sidestepped by the, darkskined-figure that daniced] tantalizing ouI o!()freach and jab- bed se cleverly li return. "ýJoitnscon refused to ]et up a bit and puimmeled the champion* from post to post in the twýelfthi and thýýirteenit. Burns. however, Was bristling wiîth grit and stood up undler the punishment, dwigthe admiration of the fa-ns. Johruson senjt thýe Canadian te te1flo0r agpin lu the thir- týenit with a hard righit swing. Burrss groggy ienhe ~weit te his corner," At this point police were rea'dY te, s-'ep the flght, but BrstOICd the ref hie ws~ right a'nd the bout wvas al]owed to continue. 'l'ientancae the fatal fouir- teentit. "Jüohnson waced lu 10 end te contest, aind, waving bis arms ike., flails, sent blWv after blow te the head and body of the now dazed Burns. ýThe Chaiùpion sank te the mu,,t on a heavy swing telte jaw and 100k the count of eight.,,Totterïng te his feet, he staggered into a clincit, ulinging te, the lestshrd of te titie witich was being torn frein his grasp by the man wit7lom he taunted for~' marly months about bis coier andl box- ing . abillty, Johnson ý rushed fiercely in to score a dean knockout, but lte police rmoved first, stepping te fight." Referee Mel1ntosh t tin award- ed te decision te Jehnsen, Thus ended 'Johnson's tw- year-chase of lte Canadian, in which lhe demnanded the prIvJ.ý lege of fighiing fotr the honors which Burnsf received inl a most5 urttsual i aid gomewhat ques- tionabie Nway. 1Burns taunteti Joitnson with bis celer, dcnmand-. ing that te Negro gain a repu- lation. Stili Joitnson persîsted and folJpowed Burns froni Ame- rîca te England ani from Eng- iend te Au-sîrelie. Finally, cor- neret inl a far-distent peint .o! lte earth Burns -madie trrins tte like of wilicit iad never flgutred lu a world's citampionship hieavywaigitt battie lunte past - ie was te get $30000 of- the "'35,000 purse, regardiless o! the c ulcomne o! the batlle. Tite Negre agreed that since Burns wes ltee hampion, hie terms must be met, And so Johunson gave wey, claiming taIlite oulcôme woid prove is suparior.ity, and his reward would follow, e v e n t Io ug h Burns was te receive miore than three-quarters of Vite, purse. Se Joitnson was ,- vinicateti, and aven B urus coneeaIed Ithat itý ad met a btter maen. î-le seid a!lter te bettia: 4'l did lte hast 1 couid.-1 fougi-tl.hard, butl Joituson was tee big for me, a rdc his raci nd dafenise -was such tat 1 could net penetrata it anad strike e vinerable point." Rurnu was refly caPitifl sight. Botayas were bleoken- ed, his nese aind lips 7wara swol- leu tle almost twica titair normal siza, enJ ha we,,s stif and sore lui almost evary part e! bis body . Witile Johnson goel but $5,000 and returu transportation te Ameirica o! self and manag-er, ite bat haavily on hiinrsaf, se, he ld et fae badly off finnciaI-. ly t odds rangliijg fr-om, 7 te 5, te 3 le 2 against hlm. 'Johnson's,: long career hed six- tean more years te run, thougit six yeaas laer ha lest lte heavyweight tilla te Jess Wil- lard by a knockout lunlte 26t round lu H.avane, April 5, 1915. He flnially retireti afler is lest bout iu 1926 et lte age of 48, Johnson died, in Raeligt, N.C. June 19, 1946. For Burns, lte Johnuson match îwes bis las" big fitl. The~ cour- ageous Frencht - Canadieýn (ite wes bhem Noah B1russo) foughtt (only six morelîimes, titan quit te ring. In July, 1946, et 65, h wed hIts second wlf e, Mrs. Nel- lie Susan, Vandlerlip, 50, aý ricit wicdow promiînent lun Caifornia. Hle was ordeined a' inîster iu Coalinga, Cal., con Dec. 25, 1948, and died May 11, 19550, lu Van- couiver, B.C., et 74 Triumph Ini The Soap-BoxDerby No yeungster eýver entered te alA ei Soap Box Derby se sure ha esgeing ta ]ose as titi1-ye-edNormn West! ail o! Rochester, N.Y., et Akrou's Derby Dowýns. Evarythiug, il saamed, ied gene w,,rong for hlmi ever since hae cama here. Bujt the siendar dark-eyéed son o! Easîmian Kodlak Comn- peny anigineer Robert Weslf al anti his Scottisit-bomu wife Janet overcame evary obstacle in wiuning lte greatest roece o! ail1 boyitood, and ltae $5000 feur-year univarslby scitoier- sitip lunlteunivarsîîy o! bis citoica. Il won'f lite nre'-wmeýCkîujg final inspection dýy for ail rc cars lte Fridey itafore lite race titat Normean's troubles began. Ha learned ha would have te rTalac3 eune o!flte witeeis ha hed "babied" ai-d breken lui so wel. Ha aise i tle rpair lte nose Dt! his rccer tbit a idbeen da-ediii sitippînjg, spoiling a Nvýonderful peint job ha batd dlone. To top il off, hae and his racer weigited lu 1/s pounds heavier titan Damby ;rides alow. WVork-ing tirelassly ail day Frida-ýy, Norman replacadthlie witaal, ani fixed un lte dam- ag-ed 'nýose of hls car. Ha went on e diat of onea suce of toast anti a cookie al ltaI day and managed aise bo suice eut a citupk o! wood te ligittan bis WGG ProduiýciaChIas DnPuîrpose (5ikBelrChicks, Fira-st Ge n s' ation India n River Cross, and' Artior Acre Whitc Rocks, Turkey Pouits hatcheti everýy week of the year. For Mamfinum egg protitction on a miinimoum amutof feeti, try our new series 400), 4o01 and -402, or our Shaver Strain cross, White Leghorni, Rhodie Islandi 'lid, cr White Leghorn x Red,. Yot canj't beat aiiy of these six for egg1s. Catailogule. TWEDDLE CHIICK IATCHERIRS ';LrD, FERGUSONTARIO CHCSEroilers andi pilets Mstiv to orti. Athougil we are lhatching v;eekly ant imay have sonie on haild for qick sip,,ment - hetter ask for fist. Bray Htchery, 12G Jobhn N.. S BROILER Growers, ..oldyulk b biy cockerels every week of tise year? We ranl suPplv you wïti th e Nichol No. 12, red feathereti cockpea in lots cf 10.000 or morte, saine price as non sexeti chicks. Seni for fi details. Aiso non se-xed first Generatien Intitar River cross:, and Arbor Acre White Rocks. Folder. TWEDDLYt CHICR, HATCHERIES LTD. FERGUS ONTARIO BOOKS 4'XWHY the U.S. WIJLQse World War 111" at your hookstore or autographled copiles $2. postpaid. .j C. Higglns, 1751 Kilboýur, Los Angeies 65, Cali- formia. -- FOR SAiE -FOR SALF-194 acre farin 100 acres tillable, near Hilhway 15, 2 barnis--- onle new, new silo, 7i rooni bouse, hydro, netr schools aiàîc hurches. Immnediate possession. Appl7y Oden Mustard, Elgial Ontario, QUILTING Patches. L arge bois ,in lll or fiannelette. 3 lbS. $1,0. C.O.D. postage extra, Publex Sales, 1445 Gerrarti East, Toronto, KENATE Winter barley for rase, heavy yïelaing grain. Sow winter bariey, avold the -dnpredictable Spring seeti- ing Cleaneti andti reatei. lW, Banks, 14 '4Leggett Ave, Weston, Ont._ MACHINERY * N1qW - Concrete Mixers, Finishere, Breakers. Pumups, Rotavators, Chahsý Saws, Outboard Motors. MIoney Bàck Guiarantee. USED - Ford Tractora and ii upïàent. Dominion 1Rirnt-Ail1s, Unionville, Ontaric, IT'S PROVEN - EVERY SUFFERER OF RHEUMATIC PAINS OR NEJRITS JSHOULD TRY DIXONI9 REMEOY. MuNR'S DRUG STORE 3'35 EIcin, Ottawa $1.25 Express Prepaid POST'S ECZEMA SALVE 8ANISH tîhe tormrent o! dry eczemsa Post~s Eczema Salavewvifl not tisap- point you. Itching. scaiing ami hu;. Ing eczemia; acile, ringwormn, imples and foot eczenin will responti reail!? "ýto the stainies, odoriess ontm euit re- ga-riesa ýï'of bowstuhhlorn or hopeles Sent Pôst Free Gin Reeeipt of PricP. PRICE $2.50 PER J/A'R, POST'S REMEDIES 2286ý St. Clip'Avpnu.e sýa t. TORONTO the name of Ford tur-ned ouIt te be champ. They were spared that preblem, however. Nouie of uis expected Normani would i:vini after thiat setbacký," confldedm Mrs. Westf ail after- ward, as the excited family rode tc town carrying a hiige bouquet of roses presented by th~e Chevrolet Division of GM, fel\Ig Norman's triumphial and noisy reception at th foot of the track by thousands of speciilators, - From Tbe Chris- tian Science Monitor. Tenlperature and m oi1s tuP I'e con~dtions in th-e f ail are iàeaI for rîe-seeding and fertilizing your lawn. Because the grass "h'bernates" during the winter myonths, it is important te give it an extra supply of fertilizer. Care should be taken te spread the fertlizer evenly over the en- tire lawn. I f Yo'Fa TIREDoh ALL THE TIME111 Everybody geta a bit run-down now gnd then, lize<l.out, heavy-headeJ, and mayb. Lthered by backaclmes, Fehipg msthhg aeriously wrong, mast a temperary tozic condition eassed by extes. acds and wastes. Tht'. lthe tim# e t tae Doddi ICiduey Pilla. Dodd's timulate tise tddneya, and seuIelp alort their normal saçiinof 9eo gseenacaisand asmtea. Tisai You eel lsettaçr adeep better, work beter. Get DeddWs Kidsiey Pilla now. Look fer tisebMue box with tise ued bud ai il éugsial a u an devnd on Dodd'.,,5.1 ARTHRITICS FROM, ill heaith 10 financlal aecuri.t3 through NUTRI-BAL. Use it, get re- ,;tits, and sell others. You receive mucis neeýdedJ relief front pain and sunffering, and nioney by heiping other, Write today to Nutri-Bal Products, W3 Piniewood Avenue, Toronto 10. OPPORTUNITIES FOR MEN & WOMEN PERMANENT Representative ,wanted te sel, outstanding u lne of sanitary aild m.aintenance cheiniteals, pints, etc. toe induistry in this couxty. Also openings in our Agricultural Cieical IDivision, Appontnients to be madie not later than october 15. State experience inu -elling F.eld. AUI applications coni- dentil and will receive a reply. Box 145, 123 EighteentIl St, New Tloronto. ATTENTIOIN Rural Famnilles! Good muarket for crude drugs, foliage, cils, furs, animai tails, inseeýts, leeches, bristles, many more. Cash binon vat Canadian and AAmerican. dem ,andl. Free information Nature's Acres, Kearliey, Ontario, RE A HAIRDRESSER JOJN CANADA'S LEADING SCHOOL Great Opportunity Learn Haird-ressing Pleusant digntfied profession; Mood wsvges, Thousantis of successfui Marvel graduates. Am'erica's Greatest Systerni Illustrateti Cataiog Free Write, or Cail MARVEL IRDRESSING SCHOOLS 358 Bloor St. W., Toron;to Brýanches: 44 King St., HamlltQfl 72 ideau st', ottawa SPANRE TIME AMBITIOUS MEN AND WOMNEN wanit- eti for spare tirne work ni Qwn home. For il the details on well paiti jobs 110W ide available senti totiay te; Bon MASSOWV 1f.5 Keniliworth -South PATENTS THSE RAMSAY COMNPAN'Y, Patent At- torneys, 273 Banh Street, Ottawva of- fers te, every Inventor fui! Iïnformnation free, on patent proceduires. Platent Attorneys Establishe'l 1890. 400) University Ave. Toorinto, Patents aul Countris. PERSONAL 1 STOPPED lhaving roaid6 £years age >lWhy sufer? Rus h I$. for amazing secret wthout delay. Deeker, 645 ILIm- pan Blvd., Los Angeles 5, California, POWER OVER FATE. Amezing book. E-xplains REINCARNATION, -PATR TG SUCCESS, HOROSCOPIE for 12 signa, Superstitions. Dreis. Dally fortune cards or dice, P.P1. Fantasy Une. P.O. Box 75092 L.A. 5., Ca,ýfofrYùa. P-oiIcy 0f New Mail-Order House Established by War Veterans, Bow-Nit Mills is the oe'tn paane of a niw Mail.-Order D use whose aninounced name js to serve the famnilies of Veterans, Civil Servants andi Railway Eni- pleyees with the ebest in mner- chandise at the lowest posý ibl,_ prices. Primarily mianufacturers of Domestic Goods they also do their ewn distributiori which iin- cludes comnmodities -lm p o r t e d f rom feoreign lands and thus, it is claimred, by elimninating _-inter- mediary costs, are~ able to'offe-r t heir customers really worth- while saVirgs. Later il is intended to issue a icomplete catalogue; but in the mneantime. those interested are advisedt to write Bow-NitMls direct at the address given in the advertlisement headed "FEAT- URED" in ouir classifiedi columins.' DÙ'RI1V E WITH CARE personal requiiremen.ts. ý,test caSa logue luclutiet. The Medico, Agency, Box 22, Terminal Q.Trto Ont. ATthe BarWn Shobw held lu Elmswel Suffolk, Engianti, on Man- Ott 955, Landrace won Suprenie anti reserve ýchampionahipa ant inl addition Land,- race ntiLarc cross took 12 out üf a possibe 13 clIasa awards. EIr eI ;s tie Largeat Bacon Sow of its ldind in Great Britain. If you wvant Detter' bacon boga you wlll eventually rai", Lantirace. Plby valt? We have guar. antee i ln-pig sows, %wean!illg sowa, weanling boars, serviceable boars, sowa anti bears, three t0 four montha of age, for immetijate dehivery Foitier. P'ERGUS LANDBACE SWINE FARM FERGUS 'ONTARIO Se deticious, and so easy sea make, tee! for dependable results -whe 1.Measure imb bcwl % 3cup lukewarmnwoe Siir n itablespoon uranuIpted sugar SprRnlle with contents of 3 envelopes ' Fleschmnn's Active Dry Yeast Let stand 10 minutes, TFIEN stir welt, 2. Stir imb yeast mixture ÎI I/.2cep worn water 2 fablespoons soift shortesmlng 1/3 cep molosses 1 tablespoonSadit 2 teospoons carawey seeds, optlenal Stir in 2 cusps once-sified rye flour (<Ugisior dark) and bect until smcoth. Wcrk in 2'/2 cupi <about) Osnce- siffed ali-purpose flour ta make a stiff dolUgh, 3. Turi out on lighlyfloured board and l<nead until 5meeth and tiaistic. Place Rn greased bowï and brush with mielted ,shortening. Caver. Let rise in worM place, free frcm draft, vntil doubled in hule-about 1/ ¼hours. 4. Punch clown dough. Olvide dough Rin haif. Shape each haif cf dough iffte a loaf. Place loaves, well apart, on o cookie sheet sprinkled with coromeal Caver with a dqmp cloth. Let rise until doubled in bulk- about 1 heur. Brush each boof with a flîtie cold water. Bake in a hat aven, 450', 10 min.. utes. Reduce lieut ta modef- ate, 350', and continue te bklt.until booves sound holloye when tapped with knuckIes- 20 ta 25 minutes langer. Yield-2 lbaves. : 1< x xxX-,x x'x, X Needs No Refrigercqtion N N -s N N N N N N N N N N $ N N N N N N N N s N N N N N N N s N s N N N -'s N N N N N N N N N N N N N N -s, N N - N N N N N N "s N N N N 'N N 's' s) N 's', N -s- N N N N