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Orono Weekly Times, 20 Sep 1956, p. 1

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*Vol. 19 No. 52 orN , ONT., SE-PTE'MBIR 2Oth 1956 Subscription $1.50 per 378a Mr. And M~s. M. J. Tamblyn Weediecrft Prize Wimnaers 'Thieves Enter Oronoo5c0$.CrtcVe sD mai C net AI Orono Fait Fair Make Off Rih Over $5(0.1, Celebrate 4Oth WeddingLncenet boied- Lad Pte or Pef ma < vrLunni~ I~j(" Leach, and took off with clothing and the Teafadcsue eeefci Over 175 guests called to congrat.-Ifl.JJ>L LY~Lnho Set Crosscash register vover 1'by Margot Saimuel a-stý,reen change of clothing, thie pli ulatte r . a n g rBaM tnk Tm blnisMunro. "The entry was made 'y sirâhing a - On Friday and Saturday evenings, wafor pa edandovel-Iohg ib ere,% t th r "S p i g an c F r " ho eBffet S et, crocheted - M s, S. w indow-ý at the rear of the . store. Iti ep n b r t a d 8 h , 0 o h y d of t ,au e c . on the afternoon and evening of Sat- Mr. and Mrs. A. Stevens and fain- ASeptember 7th aisi 8th, Orono playree r for ced o hsadience. eýý ntyinti Moore,,Mis, F. Munro. isbebienedtthat>th-selorhfurJwtre host Mr.foud Mitie thhatre g oups fnur lvitleewaenareewrentryin ras epiioftembr lth, eding Athe-oc lMiyha ea wirt , Mr. andaMr. Jon Buffet Set, Tatted1 - Aýima Cuttefl, involved ini the crime as clothing was the annul Drama Festival sponsoredï year's Festival. Their play, 7Pac' c-ano hi 4t edn An-MMca,,Trno o udy rs. H en satrdin different directions ffrom ô7 the Orno Agriculturai Society in ;,S Wnefl ietdb1 lyr Versary. MAr. Bert Elsey of 'Brantford Vist- PiIlowv Cases, hmtthd-Mrs. the store. -ojnto ihVs rn ar nAsticners hree chidoný An unique feature was' that Mr. ed is. Alva Swarbrick and Mrs. L. H. Dean. Tt appears that the thieves Were 1 Friçlay evening, the Lakefield Play- c-ar fainily. Nýaturall1y eeyoewanlt ani Miys.. Taiblyn were niarried on Thorne on Satuîtday,, of last week. On Plo Cases, emibroidered, wliite .-itrse i ltif the Livwn of this anme home and Sunday, Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Fr i.C. McLaugh.:Ilin. , rsedi ltig and cashi. Or, undei- the direction oif Mrs. the car at the same ture, and 1V k where they have sInce resided with guson of Oshawa visted lher mother,l Pillow Cases,, emb., colored- Mrs. ae rm htr er e' ameGyî,pesne LdisIFtecioms ufe.W pu the excption of the finrshee years Mis. A. Sarbîick and gîandmiother M. Coaites, Mrs. E. w. sitirt and parits, -ladies dressesail Aone", dealing with thrse working kno.w how long Lhe Wod-viile grouf of mnaîried Ife,. Mrs. L. Thorne and took thenm into PiIIowv Cases, Cut Work - Airs. the winteî and sumimer skirts whichl girls and their decision Vo spend a has been togther but their cnet wa, ý0roo t- vsitph.andMrs Joh Alore Mis P Lech.weîe on display along with a numn- Saturday niglit together wvithout w'eillchosen Vo suitth parts. 1H0-% 'Over 80, guests attended the wed- rn o iýtM.ndMs.Jh orM!sP ~c.ber of suit cases. The eiectrjc cash benefi't of maie comipanionship. This ever a coiredy, especialiy a one ac * ~~~~~~~~Paton. Mrs. Patton is homne froni the! Pillow Cases, tattd woîk - MrnH rIL trwsas aknwihcn eiio sso vîue a n ycmdmke1p a ead mg tet t¶lled n Satumay wo e o spta'ndisgttn aQn ai 1 Da, r.!.Brtained somiewhere in the neighbour- oasethe girlsacept dates. The tird isperformers. Tt nmust ïnove awir7tl Vhs~~~~ cope'WnyIilyReun" ell. Rev. Johin Kitchean of Orono Pillow Cases, Crochet trimi (white hood of $15AO0 in change. The tabu- and mrost vivacious of the trio is yet samoothly, reachnits ihu The two rdsnad were vrsn uited thieit on Sunday. Mrs urray Contes, MIrs.-S. Moore. iatig cash register is valued over about Vo be doomed Vo n dateless Sat- naturally and writhout force. "Peace, Mis. Jo6hn Leishmnan, lace Ea pi- AlMis.Ms oinnTerelo Seil F. Munuoe, s. M.300.00 itseif. ur-day nighit when Prince Chaumlling It's Wonderful"ws fair comiedy, but Mit- Mi aad Mu. Norma Thertil ofSpcal Css, Crce u cl. in the guise of an artist, cAîs to ask the performances lacked conviction, eheli, sister of Nhs bride a.. Mr. C.IToronto and Mrs. Newbiggîn of De- Coates, AMis. E. Brownvi. The Provincial Police are investi- for a date. The men are pissent onl-ýyj possibly becaiuse th efomr ack- Coulter, nee Mary Knox, niece of, troit Mich.,are s'pendng a few days Piloew Cases, crostitcuiemb. NMis gating it no aumats to date. gvn hs enl crse PO.e suac.Prnsi uu the groomn. Aise Mrs. Staney Dix, 1 A tVhe formeîie's summiier home here. .LahMs . or.i i tge rer Vhs atlephoe, huspîNy csati rup will gain t e nec Candace Claie, .who jlayed theI PllOw Cases, knitted lace triin - Mis uiyV hwtersili pcuig ycniec os.. 1 nte e iVcdngMrhan r adNS Mi. and Mrs. Geo. Swvarbiick and E.Browýn, Mis. F. nn. 'edMr olSae theity for s, h au ie kln.Thethr-ier gsemd tife crowdIipýed ndTherse Davs Moiuison, who at hs mairige Mi. Gil Greig of Torono sent Sun. Set, emib. Top Sheet, PiIlow Casesa - Pe lr col! fo aeil i nanialý n h of40 ycaua ago wereusent 1Jith1 day ith Mi. and Mis, T. Garbutt. 'Mi, ýS. Moore. Nwoiil I ~ ~ ri aeil i namrbejb Cniudpage 7 i e cie tatis b Mis. Iuic'Afc ilditch sent Suniday with ISet, cutwoýrk Top Sheet, Pillow Cas- Nwnnie AtidtanceJmps is. leTamblyn oreciedi gw i . nd(_Mus. Ralph Geach and called. es, - MI. H.Dean, is.pM. Contes. P..W.... Mr. ri-tbliireeiedina o,ý,ion frienda around. Guest Towels, 1 pi. miatched -Mis. When Chairman Pusseil Oshorne 0..ronio P A I ietS V t oDf Mue shot taffeta and wsaring a MiadMjsN.V Mcnyeo S. Moors, M\rs. M. Coates, of Clarke Township School Board cosaeofpikroe ad r Tn- rs . .Mentr rf Bath Tow-els, cîocheted trilt -Mis. surveyed the situation in he New- ~T corsge f pik uaesand i. am-Toronto sent a few, days ýý,ithMi.' F. Munros, Mi , Dean, rE.Vniî w~oe coln h blyn n carnation bouttoniere. and Mis. IHeib Reynolds and Peter. MYoungman. chilien ý-regiied Dlio a hel efeat Ftilij. k 4 T-1 The dining table wýas dons in, Ivory Mrs. F. Stoker was in Sunnybrookl Bath Toweul, tated tut - Mis. H., with the sanme general probleni that, wihIuyDcrton h e tre Hspiti,. Toronto for a fewv days Dean.1 is troubling rural school boards in A jioyouis .roup of Orono youthi re- chuk. Don Doenchýuk ïr, this f"'ame'hit -piece bsing a tliree tier wedding cake last week fou a check up. Tea Toepls, emib, one pair - Mus. every guowing community, More pu- uined 'to the Village Saturday even- a dean triple twith e bases londed, in ivory with runby tril, stiruounided S. Moore, Mus. H. Dean, Mis. F. Mun- pils thian dspsks; mors puipils t1han ons ing frut Fenwick wheîe they hnd FnîkwmeelnoVtVoce beaten at thij by ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~~o- _uytieitipuc ihcet Mr. AI.eeenssof T ronositedhe teacher cati cope mwith and do justice taken VheSsecond gaine of the smi.point aad came back tVhe bottüm gIadi a ib cnls onM.A.StvnMs.Sees Idividual Place Mats, fou luncheon I to each grade, final series'to put the series at ai!of th fifth tore foui runs ard Thoa ndchrge of th ueste ad family lmet Tuesday. e j stable - Mrs. S. Moore, AMis. F. Mun~J dadok fon ieapee.T e t W hsgame t nias a!l Mus. T. MI. Cawker, Mu.CroisM cKlsRN pn h1 r o Port Granby, in the sanie school thid and decdng ganse is Vo lbe phay- Ia theto of ths sixth- Paul,Tam- 'Tantlyn, Mis. Ivison Tainblyn, MAiss wsekend with Miss C. W. Stefa. BHt Dses-Ms.Ejaiea, had only si-xteen puipils foi- Miss ed Saturday afternoon on neutunalvnsare aohe oudofI1 BMILD. Powell Vo guide thiough Vhs Vert. grou'a. The game will be played atwhc ended ;n.fine ciossia.g the plate- MJarie Ashton and MAs. J W. Bow- Mu.hand Mus. Holland of Toirentoe Cetre Fiscs foi Table, crochetedi - Vhs BesH-ive Park at Port Credil rnocuts inh- nangw eh tian, 1 ipt, a cuplenooweek at th i sus Mis.S. More, Mr. Ed Î snt copl ofweks t hei sin- S. Mrq TdYouagmian, To soIns Vhse pioblen IV was logical ommencig at 2:30 o'cock. The win- fa t Tambyn, Tsîy 'CaineLez Tmblyn an Mt. wr. aelrs. Mmer home here and daughitsr and son- YMus. C. cL1gli. o transport hs Von extra pulils ner of this gaine ill hen advaacr opr anchuk and AI Quan- Tnose noadMrs R.eadwe ll M os. imbula- M. and Mus.Alsc Thomrpeon, Centre Picsefou Table,tatted fr'ont Newtonvii'ls o Port Grnaby by into the finalpa dwswich m-iîîtili, Fdnwick came back in Vhs bot- Port Hlope. Mirs J. D. Brown and Mrs. spent hs weeksndl with henAmaCutteli, IrsHa. Dean'. bus. Grade seven la Ncw-toaville hndijbe against Vhs winnsr of Vhs BoVh- toachif of Nhe inig Vo net four J. ei~»-i~ îimby Weah.Mus M~ ~ leamir l getig nong Fany andksîchiefs - Alnl, Cut- sxactly Von pupilas. Grada-seven in wl-Zuic eun s. After Vhs hird had cuosssed V. . obiso, is.G.L. eGsfairly well after heu recent illnese. VIMs .DaMs.F.Mne.Pr iiby had but one. The trans-' The Orono boys vwent into the pgam.e Vhsplate AI Quan tri.Iwsipas Mis. j. R. Ouiiton, Ennistillen, - Quilt, appliqued and emib. - Miss ' e asPd,.n vîboywsonStua dt'tne octeu VD)"Dnhk wogave u,,p one li*i Mues. Stanley Dix, Lindsay, Mis, C.- Thec Band took Mu. and Mus. Tamn- LachaiepSpMoy., that is on thes chool board. wiVh a win and hnd Vo coule froni be-thnsrckotheexbaeril M. 'Caw-ker, Belleville ani Mus. J. T. blyp comipltsiy by surprise at 9 QuiîV, appliqii&I - Mrs. S Moore, hiad Vo edgs Vhs Fenwick niés by oas Vhs third flying ou-t Vo Paul Tam.!iblyni ?owNewcastle. Dain~ty refuesh-'o'clock by forming up on hs veran- Murs. F. MNlinioe. They had net ueckoaed ith the run. The final score stood at four- Going into th sva nonng Or- ients weue served hy he vmembeis'dah and seuenading hs wedding Party M' u t cotton, pieced, Miss P. Leach parente. Somae of these childuen livsd teen te thirteen. ono w-,as ahead h1ý- f nmerseune r[_n. la cif th~e Evning Auxilinuy of the Orono nnd gueste ith imusical selections. M . S. AMoore. ds otesho.Tesho e IQatl a h trn i-tetpo h eeth(rtO\11ý e TJaitd Church e .fnyqutl3r. .Mn peumiits hs child Vo be sent Vo the' cher for Orono and was rsîieved la tiied ln order wvith vwo strýike-otis Thehom wns eaboatey dcortedC.Cute rialistncMu. aadMrs. red sueSd, eniroeped Mue.M.neareet achool. Ratepayere callsd a, Vhskxh by Dan Daachuk. Both bysand a sýcond to firat play. 'ith'li on a lbrtl eoe'C ou akLteshmaln, Muid rsy:c , M. onedspr, ebode ,M ieeting la hs own hall, Saturday, urned la notable jobs as did Vhs, us- Teation thea guew for Vhs Orono wihgailJc esnin rnsyBah r-September 15. ceiver, Rose Tambýlyn. Fawick used lads who had Vo hold the Fenwick !W beuiflcad adMu.StneyDxLndaMuBesued sboieediMu.E.tîepitcheis ia their bld Vo stop t1he Vers down la ote in the gaine Many euiu ad and gifte and Mrs. C.- M. Cawksu, Bleiî,Brown. Mu Eîllke a ppolnted Orone hitters who insusbsltin< eut K(-- of Feniwii-k-thýeir first batter wers received lnciuding a handeomne Mi. ai-d Mrs. LeRoy Brown, LasyjQui1peed i ahînd ichairtian pro teni and Mua. Cecle h ail inths fifth adsixVh ining. laid dowa ýn Pperfect 'bunt at Vhse pltt "Sm.iokinig Stand" a gift fremthe The, only son Glenn Tamiblyi ncaa 25 years of age, Mliss P. Leach, Misç,. -Burley, secietary. Tt> was an open Feawý,ick Veok Vhs firet count lan Vhe ho'w--,e zs oaTmln Oroao eacIýi Orn fndofwic u Tmln aii h rsdei anNy, ai-F uaonightad everyons voicsd their op-fiust inning ith a alaglqeue in --ïnade nutstandiag plvAy o h»wr has 'been cond'uctor fer over 401 ysars. forna, inere uinable Vo be pissent. Afgh:an, crochleted, MuscM Contesinion for or againat. The renting of ths second and oasel Vh th ird te, the runasu ont at first. Teruy Carl. ________________________________________________ Agaa, kM. tdius.S. oor, nreinlaNe-wtonville Vo takýe cars of gvethet a fine Vo aothing lead at eten at second fieded lbsrt-,',s bit Mu n alMs. M. Coatea. VhssurplusfrVhs immediate relief the end of Vhs third. O)rono s dud out md hrewhlm eut at firsV. The Vh-irc vanc Hosedesaenspinesue . seemed Vo itest ith approval but, a singleScount in Vhs fouuth whea eut wmas eniàd Lon llnnchuk onpeeI1'r .Teuuy Carleton aced. Fe=wik Sa Who hileddrîe fastsoupkesacrss Mfunioes, Mus.M. Contes. ..1 (Coninuied 0onpage 2) Vhs fouitwnu eiued la eider, t sF- a r o0e-au; ruv k eut D. Kitchea Apron Wihib, Mus. ý tre p u A p o , t n -ou- - r a i g H f ia d éa r nd a a î f o u O - a c t r ith u ý is n " t O u' n P l a C a e d o i a e r S a u r d y M LaU lL ,Mr . M ote . c tt i nf aatL's Nig hýtgow n-, fnac, Mu te l c al c boys sîht ru ase Scores iere s-n in Vhs OcaW e Pi e W e rasce TheLitîs ritla ntotednte aded is.F. MneM.E. Bon u.,CbldcMus. E. Browý,nyCrifo)r VnGary pMcMackin, Bith VJnMS xvpn bttYg wsl <ion TeLM rti.addanothier c- ingle cuteVogo eut 1M. Cne.IInfant's Jacket and Bonnet, hait,l Pa&l TamblynRose Tamblyn, Luy~'~ se n au ysg bowed eut la hs O.BA. race on Sat- la front by toApron, faacy, Mus. .DaMs.jMs .Hoe1Ms1.Cots-i.Mliu eu antadDnDan-ehul po nterestigag. uiday afteraoon at hs Oronro Park -ManVhs sixth Mînie.M. Contes.-L. McLnughlin, whe OrnowonVhsthrd ad ecd- u liew Vh Oono edge inhen they L-adies' Blouse, tireMs Sj Infait's Jacket nnd Bo-nnet, croch- inggme. lthogh hewi wen ~scored Vie o ouCono's ione aly. Withà Moorýe, Mus.0M. Contes eted, Alma Cutteli, Mue. E. Young- O on o tc lt r lA n u c onî n asruamagînwhch adt wo ruas counting fou Littîs Bitain LadisSadusend ackt Me ~bc earaed in he lasV baîf of hs niitth, la hs senenth hs etiwent eut iMn Lnuhln Mus. M. ontes, ieriInfant Ronipeus, cotton, Mu,E front by a oe score sdge. After Vht htewance uebodr ria Pr? i n r t O o o F i Throu-ghoiutt -he ganie t>ron>oCUl fuil eiglit laning Vhes score stood ai dNs ý. Ms .Cates Chiî'd's Toy, stuffed, 'Mues.E ie W i lEyr A tO o F -nitted a total of Vwlne enrrous cetn-iegt . fei Ski Socks Mie. 'M. Contes. oamn i.E.Bon ___ parsd wthfine by Little -Bultain, igtalGleves, kitMis. M. Contes, oigiin r.E rw.Fo eea 1_ýOgoîlr Orono took an early lead ila the Goýing laVe Vhs top-,of hs, ainth the Ms.E.Bois.Kit ing BngMs F. Munie, ticulturiiSociety hans secdoiag n TheSci hsgiven uis a list of 'ganebu nidwy hroghVh fetue ains inas ied at nias ail. Meek for MrCa. rdig n.eol hitMi, M C nte Ms Caes spl eliiý e nddjbo euiyn u iI hsWne- atultn fot -errous by Orono allowed Vhs itiVi Litts BriaIn soredla the1fatMus.E. Brina Britain boys Lo go eut in fient adV put Littîs Bitain ceut ila front. PlonrSweater-, khai,wooî, Mrin Bet dus.C e do iii, e .Yu goage f ro. Th bi yau theybehav e fal he-whi gy Vhs ronoFhi'aur remain there until dVhs mt of Vhs. Howensr la hs botto o hsnnt . oroMu.M.Cnt.taMie .Menghh. es Ilot u blS. are eMoehug,,Vîngt neM, or ninth iniiiag. Ksitli West inas hs Oroco dne home Vine ruas Vo put Scts I, coatach NéeesPoint, oas pise, ýMue. F Station StreeVtracefrewinHighl- renders. Snot hi, cllr uaet he«Iclwy»N. 110. Mny o? ouipeoiie may To sommae ict- e0in hp Dur- winng pitcher goiag the ful dis- the,.out icifront, M. Coates. eMe1MuniesAMrs. M. Cotes.ntbewu htti i aeitne a eta giii' ~lSuey tance. Keihth ook eOeen strikeoute Tho tieing rua for Oron-o as WukSoksnankat Ms.F. PeiS, oinorpe, Ms . a-but itis insu , pahthir QViteacd tu- OuneHoitîcultura Soety held giviag up nine hits. HnrVJUli as he' sorai1by Junior WesV inhils brothier Mne, i.E.Bona oMus. S. Moor, h . rw offert V ýhV uirka tiensiroiesr ' 1 Pm bo i d e e tr M is. E . B u enaq o g o i h a s b e ook t i Vt h ei fa t on eitie n, lep e a r hs ai off hs offeing of hs LitV tie nVa a nthés Faue Juior MWst ient Vo MucAa Mns. E. Bron.nonl-A eli el ot alVs 96 pithere. f ueto n<oïl ihcteninet Sohdianiond kr ïA U-n fotnit . BsIwnpewitpacl Ms oney nand sneuy tint has gues lV lo ving le a IW cfopVS inau

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