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Orono Weekly Times, 27 Sep 1956, p. 1

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ý EIaine quested mo)nies was presente-d to the ýtes -met o)n Trustees Board for the construction Mun\Iiiipal of a road from, Cobledick streel 1botih clear- south. The petition was accepted by id aiso open- the Board and the secretary was in- Iii tht sltreet that lh eýd streý Avenue. conlpt A nmotion was -1Y ,onEou-'wejcotreintwistohtta l it ow Aene e1ditchînýg could start Îimmediately. P, iouth of the Avnue * C.Forre(ster pointed out that, th( rothof An b Le i tch coufld inot he rmn idown part wa' roaC ca bepttnto stop the nor ()thi of the AMin prop- Authoity was g'ýv,,n ,ety for it woul4 certainly causE to have a streect floodfing on proiperty a-,long the fiftJ the corner at ti- to Vo have a lighit csin specB.lyRuthrong th a ts present loation spthrig. M o r.. B. ither. R. w this -work dloue Ihit Wadelllto find out if anly settl-elen ed ifr this area- this1 1 1 'mipleted. could be nmMe to obtain an alow;ani( djown the east sie of the Allin prop- -erity Authlority, was given te havt pas sed hy the Trus-. the- north section of the road stakhed. -birthday. guests ' aron Tamb. ille. Theh( 'arlos r ar gifts and cards vileMr.Pol01 Is and roses sent by 'is * familS7,t -s earrangemient of pale and mumws compli- MrI. H yr birthday cake decor- County bour, Mrs. Cecil Jones. and of were Mrs, R. Van IVlan wli ýas Miller and Mus. C. [chance ft r eighty friends ai-id ing the' Peterboro, Toron)to, waii l M ton, Newcastle, Enni- informnai aville and Orono called physical t' best vshes Vo IVrs. t o5Quci iS special occasion!. It birthday off hgr ýson tMs n. ~cn$uti.e ; ,sf,-;s t, eteachers1 of Clarke To wnship U e their first meeting on Monday, ixiber 17, 1956 at. Starkville- A with Miss Stewart, Mrs. El- Elaine Powell, 15 of Newtonvil and Mrs. Martin as hostesses. area, was struck and almost instant r' past president, Mr. Monroe, killed on her way home fromf schc d the meeting and introducedI on Thursday afternoýon of least week' us about The -accident occur red just south of teachers. She was Morg-an's Corners abo ut tw miles eleven. west of Newýt)n-ville, ini the tQwniship of Clarke. The victim~ of the daughiter of Mr. a The girl >lad left the school bus,' Powell, She is surý driven by Ernest Alldread of New- ents, three brothet castle, and waliked around the -rear and Russell, a siste int& thie path of the oncorning'ehi"cle. and ùwo marrieds i4t' »rýýs reported. She was tossed about Crago), Newcvýatle fifty feet by the impact. - ICoulter of Downsvîe farmi in tire neig: Both T -- '-i-' , verrt 'o Standard Timie on Suniday, "Plea.1-g1Contest at Campbel1,40of1 S,ptembe Ohatmdih.The -secretaryý 1H, E. Mllson, in- oil" Lfl.m2at8;0 ,f forinied the Board that it was possible uîiii-Cus ation Tireovextmbe tn8 - riaya own a. e ries is uthW A that concerned -property on ls1on il ip45ay Fair -- To ere " ebe t' Areqttest froni the Irish Re,.(giineit the weszt fth- rond north of Cob "" ACineii n Tire- next meegtig )wl bet el l ýeOooCldnaBsbi treadti ike h lDf Toronto to ruse the Mvunicipal Mi S. ohfatooand Mrlis. Maccearge, (h .iin-he Orno-Caldon a Bsbail te e and is faktu ofth se ïBailding on October 6V1r for 'Hell nras, be interested in a street Ar Mfta nd M. olltsinchageChapiushp laFwasre ohth éii guairedof l-ç cie terg fMinsret atis the Trus- ATe etuea he Lida Fi,- h eeting adjournied on a mnotion teamns have won on their homle grouind Keithi West f i-ue rnie R. .rreter ,-sgantd H. mtonoMeptrcer. sret Ii hthat has, made a very favourable iml- b Vr oln.wt h euttat the seriess now Orono's win Saturday when.h quater ws ganed n mtin o-tes decided to visit the site somietimie presoua h isrc - wine' ___r___ tii iet ne gameapiec. Oroo wonup a imere three hits to the Ca: Rh, C remen st d 1îlý(e during threkan aClbShow. distrc 11 iheldc an aic.Ooowo asrn nth tirhn scir-eme in -Shw. hiswas '* d the,..peing gaine played 1,11Orono btmn n h hrhn the Kendaizl area duriug the. weekend thn fist day f the Pir on Wdnes- 1.IJJ iINd . am atsdoeuttnhs ofthe sixth. Thec erection of the tw,,o wash- daSpebrlt n nsieý*o audyls o1 aeou uL i the six to oneu win. roomý,s in the Municipal Building the wet day, there was a large nuibel. The Septemiber meetingof tire cakdu hi i eusa n-Jhn htrws elo Tire chairman staited that the O- camne iup aud cons ide rabledicsinf spectators. W'omle's Christian Temperance Un-thrhoetwtoheun fuenOoosbatgonStra onro Chamrber of Commerce had nio follow-ed.At present wrkis beinigi Each Club in Vire Counities of On- -na ireld1 on lu So sX1 ,îGnirdionpag in toii. Cntinede pge2 plan as to mnarkinig thie main street doue in preparing roomis for these trDuhaVcoa eebo1te unday School om for parking and that tLhey were only washroomis. Tenders are to be let. and Northiumberland could show four F ani~ctlint srich a see be ar- Efo4r thep !Illumingl and seiPtic tank,. It calves rf is fro ni lb h rsdn pndtemeigI/r " niene r furpig roi h lub Th pe-sdert cpei,,l I'ý M r N.F.Porter 'Q ues t Speali ried ont. No action on tins was aken was lsýo dýcide htacsenwudDuhmCut n1ersudb ihtr ign o eei mla ' Ly tire Trustees.,ire the best source of waiter for tire 1 Senior Shorthorn ca'lve"s showýn by hlymnslý and Mrs. Ai ingaeasln ~buildug A ne tirusandgallontank obert Coubina, Gail Baker, Jamnes did devotional, liertopi, a GdsA E e igý~xI R. C. Forreýster 'eus of tire opinion1iS V-beL, sale(ortisprps adRickrnlDdRckard oetcr o rsown, referr'ng V'Otire tInt alI preliiiary building permits wtri ob spl rmtheoof Cuiairas entered the two year 23,rd Psalmi and sang tire-bhmï "Tire!_____________ isue l treVilae holdbepr-of tire ulig o~ae Course at Guelph and 'was Lord is my Shepherd"l.Clsn with issud intlleVillge houl be -e- ilTire Septoebr nmeeting of the Igarden-iion Bayview St. in 'T sented at tireir regular nmeetings lin - i -not pr'esent to shlow iis caif, irÔverü, -prayer. engAuiarwshednte'hihrsbenadspdI ore iat te Board woul4 ire VUa uen VoSnaySeiro Adtrim j C adian N ational Inistitute Vo keep abreast of future bidigLocal Fews go Cl Cu emeskudy late uins tstdea ly in Mrrougthertire and developmnet in tire Villag-e. Thins oerated by showing Rdbert'scalf irold aSle eà ota al ary Rhe-or, ommunity met~~ wi ieapoa f .M e-frhm Noveniber. Mrs. Kelly read a nurnher Friendsirip leader, conumensed the' are miade of cinders, concrete, cer? and S. B. Rutherford and a uno)- Congratulations Vo Miss Glory Tun-the Holsteins, Duriram iun*_f thankyou cards from. sht-usadmeigloaigeeroeji necasthey;an d -,iitnguosir tie tron was pssd. Also ini conuection Pigott and Mr. Fay Adan-sorithersn 4 Senior Hostein calves, b0elong-Viose wýho mhd been bereaved. the singing- of a hrn. Tire scripturelotinaudvrtyf ow witir the 1By-law the Iydro imanager warriage Saturday afrternoon, Se- ing Vo Helen Knox., Bruce Bown-an, Js oern eea prpit a-slce roitefrtcatrdsiiiho yter'prue wças requested to chreck ýwith tire temnber 22nd in tire Orono United Harold Yellowlees and Billy Tamblyn. M1.Rw edsvea prpit of Genesis reading from Vire re-vised Mary Rutherford expressei Building Inspector as to thre issuance Churcir. Durhamn Couuntv also sirowed 4 griîts poemns by Edna Jacquies. vers;ion of tire bible.' thanks to Mr. Porter for iris ini 'ionftedfiMissiMaryiAun Armstrong iset- from tire West Duram Swine Club, Stella Carson sang a solo "Higirer A solo "flu a" Monastery Garden" 1tive commnents1. A ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ Ms copee eiinaogwtrr-VnigMMa er nirsty ,-i am- E oa lnnPect Garry Ground", Tire President conducted a was sung y StelaauTire business part of tire-n A cmpltedpettio aln t re tn.igMMse pîest nHm Beckett and Barry Staples. Tire 4 very interestiug clip sireet on "Highi- Tire tireme of tire meeting wvas was then conducted by thre Prý wifro ie0111ieCubwie onwa cidns. tl Carson read "Gardens" linking thirm itir friend- Olive- Milîson. Roll cail - wa res Sanderson, Ralpir Cordery, Maix Mc- an article entitled ,"Being an luit~~P o and minutes read. Ta Vire absE Connell and Beverley Cowan. -dujal". Tire singing <f a irymn and Mary read an article on nature and tire t-reasurer tire president reI There w,\ere two oirer Clubs, Nortir- prayer by Mrs. Walshr closed tire fo s s 1n n ie odsbat report. A letter Of IPprecýitýi virono O rphans Diisban d umiberland and Victoria in tire Swine meeting. Iind row vtircycreate in their sile blyn dfror ir cnderg dioae - u ehbi.Tiere were 16 gilts va,-insi o ifrn nii li otectrn oea CA. ow ad urart outvduals.l)t 10thwedding anniversary. 011 FLorm Bowînanvill e-Orono C""sonadDria onyED pesdie esoa iafsV witir tire group of 3 gilts f rom ire tN AlL àid E W S A"hyma "TireerSpacious Firmament ____________________West Durirn Club wýith Nortirui- on Higir"ý was suag, followved by tire girls vu assisted a'thtie w fort ill re etendd furireras Vne brlandbein thid. 0 tire16 gltsi - ord'sPrayr reeate in uison celbratoniaso nnoaned V goso otn o ne pays i GryBcet0 ikle idtr r rhur Mercer o f Guelph vii5I:j Mary tireurcalied on, Mr. Porter pu(esiryterl V o beirl l On Monday nigit 'tire owel Was Vire nor group's wlalso joiforcesCrmiiiwtrtieRsrv en ed iris galnprent, m.Anthr s., wiro ed l- re ar ou agrfcul-ra oe 8 thonin by tire Orono Orphians lu o ieoeaî odo oky ntr io by Clarke Setern frIeîin Balti- Fre, .Wre eety riu rstr.HemnindOtrowsfu icn ilns, îLub1-ra r n, placig a o~ke tean ii tithentr- a e l-a ins wa ,ownianvi-_,Y lle ii oeo otrmelrdCut, been witir a firm lunSydney, N.S. dur- ines tire size of Great Britain ario- mieiate O.H.A. field. plans r ebe its artjîficial ice aencould pro-vi-ýde u Vire open class for Senior Hnl- igif-umrhoiasa pI 1 yrw otntew r i hs rvne eea itrsig o kï- laid howe-ver, fr! cmme.tamgn aite or ail nrd euaag rop sea avetire top) t,,,5 laces ,,ere tiuning to Mý,eGii iviersity, Mon- fo -- aieyo risgan ndpaeoiisi lom hoiet FlBin ie wanvle ren sriuopayhcetaken by VcoraCounty, tire three treal, f or iris final year there top DrunirannthalvesÀstood 3rde Lt_. 1nd -Mr. and Mrs. A. 5tevens to r. H tesdVego ni dv-rawtri usrpin tV Tis new -tuis Vo be known as tire q ývhnte ve ue .Tloie i es laSabIck -r -e Bowman e~Ôrono Combines and - A ltoura[l;Vire details have noV tr oewrntiry1 .jugd irre ï1r. IvaSarrick dual c doin ir wnd teonty n mTeting. been ironed outVire fi st practce of inagrou-sVitoriîa had tire toi) two f h "F hIB tus~~ai yer 1gop ii in lu8d place. toycOs hwaJanV Frila and a -Ilen-a! onsttire 1 adtre i.oely and Tre i- aren ls wt i iîBomaviiea 6vi. n sdaa rstin Octobe too wil wiir tir otirr Vwo almes Mn. Dvid Rughley back- for a veek- Crita akrud Newy ornd xentives oýf tire inlue otopeLak'U4ield1, 'ci- Tr uia County C,îf Club edw1i('(1rrean r. wr a sn -r o ter refLreV Tiegopichresn Neing o ris Peient'.E.(e)vil-ronta. crd ealsgop a ugeDie ettr ebefbik $ua vstr w-i trnHrtclur-heipand ou ir rsimns orgaization wilI iniclude tirefolo- ougLidsy pdtieI'wBomal-ged___trie________________th*______ an;Vice Pres.-Wmi. Ansrng;il ire arrngedlut nar future ,o _îe o-ieGrud1 ndwr er r adfIa. ly Fruo Sec., ira.Nlo .Oion;tn aslutr rawî e ii wre tr-plivryiytire A. and P. i n ngrîycm n Stoe f insa. oo'kDa-vid iac Iome. - r ii fFenw ic ConntteeAb. es, ITesper Dateu 1in aciona-so-na as possibleý. In tire Jr.HîtenVIe 1u oefQt eol fnieFii anid Frank aisn C-aaes'fen ntiubradCounýty ;sIutliejoe ouratau will ire Hes-per Dean an Fraak Tir rprustrouiou àoolfrta,-'iC' tIresteer class, Cntarindac at the hme fM.adMs Jamieson. ~ ~ ~ ~~~iin.uberof yeýars hae ee r ce s p e ctLdCouï-ty ldatiewanggup- (Ctnedae I___________ Mauy ihockey fans b - tir euirDcasadasVieLk ai e$ Fri- e eelate itruna lutrtoofiesit ie sucir a c-praI effort i n tireQ in,- Fsir- t... ompetein r oucef -'u te-rests of better hockey un irs oneaà oe-tneiaeLau hm .1. possible to produce etrtas Sneeneigtr nemdiate WeC0miosr1VFewckawen-soe woi iesxi wiriclir, la turu, sirould attract more fil ieVniwsfre ose estr ial rudViesetr.Fira cr ne supporters fron tire entir ditrit. meie out, of tire Výillage IraviurgBwnavlw ai seniting thirýy eeetayadsecond- scn lc II ia -t o eeap adt uci fobn-i taswere Don Dachur ptedie i Botir executimes hope t'1oit1PotP1,VTisfc, et asaysc1IoGs a trecralag nces-tire neet. Boti scirools lnsV 1st l oiu LL Se t,týh Iif argmn uainngVr ulte ytre01..By rc o tr WC i i strict Higlir cro. bciçu tln icrn.TieadoeVrrdiaasfrt Orplranrs and joining fo;r'ce-swith adField tcam n o-enedy Sp Mdlvere ""<p-îy Eric Carle-ton'iQunnl NiierOo l/PBowmaC=u-vilie Vo,-,fOarn 1t'ire Bwa-tem-ber LMr ture E"-Iitir Annuai On-1 fortVe 84)Yard iudeadtr d i imdFa ickdome tVwn en - miieOxnoCobne. is fnacaltainJuf~-Poic Gme, ie hm- ar asirnd y Don-ald Lycett for ove Vie fortir plate, irowever 1ta the wee a tbIle 1Vo hnl' Vire FVI ~ Thought Fr The Wee d- difcalJtie, nebeiagfet as alii en ornboys, uluig hee fron tireBi irw iebyn ei otnIafFr aiy ctdfrce atr itr gaes piyd utoftre bu Foor nroeImael-nlecndpac l VeMeleinly rooîoplceVieco 2t2 o1. Tr Soesfi-Oonweb Q -a aneÉe-. ,ùirikd p Vta ocîfo treJ.J.BrwnMeni- rpry onirw aotrrnoi-eiess franc Tameblyr2, Larv il-eA' o "Ionor _means higihr revereuice - TreOprasmdbeàognie'give tiren-a safetiir re Paade, wiicirmrs i f frbtrie.trili and ay1icakn for truiîü. deepest devotion Vo right'-i for soi-e 1 ii(or ilyear S atire an on oahd iyscl îia peig fVe etaWs atiefitnin Fnic coe Dna1trsaono pao - ~jonp ~ b~ihVeaed iy tie presence o wasiagie as dd Oon(o when Paul-Wes dplydovrtn itial Orpliran Veni. stan aVrei u rehur iaiet (oniudon page 2- i fift st a at 3 Vo2. To u pitVieponhp A rri'~r tee'f5 'theti 'Vîllae9 ié ýf +,1 t-. 1 ~ed e he )Y, ay n

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