joiuxng the rear of Suc!!'crneiCL . 4. Floor joits s411 be at ieast 2" 'x 8-" with 16'" centers. F'ramne /studding shal b. at least 2" x 4" with 16" centers. One- tory build- ings shahl have ceihing< joîsts at lêtst 2" x 4" with 16"- centers with Centre purline 4 teet f rim taves and roof rafttrs at Iea st 2" x 4". Chimneys shal e censtructed cf flue tilt wvýi a coverinig 0f at least 4" of tither merent or brick and completlW supported by maseniry or rtînforeed coucrete. Akct, Re- TWo story buildi sshaill have ceiiug S ts, at lent W' X 8" with 16" centers with Prîjnea asin oue stery eecifications. f Clarkt 5. A sidt yard 'shalB previded on cadi Yide of the main buitling with a minimum width "ýf 4 feet on tach side, plus 2 feet ou cadi side for each séditional s or>' above thet irst. bhiek aud ' nt valu - 6. A dwehing for one or amuies shahl have a ground flor cèuiertte. area cf net less than 720 square feet and ecd famnily unit contained be built thertin shah net have less titan 720 feet of floor space. The minimuma ase cf -e sub-deck floor sire shall et be ess than 24 feet b>' 30 feet. tir build- 2 7. Neo accessory buiU dng shail be ocated irithin thrte feet cf the Ibuilding te which it i»ý accessor>' or within six feet cf any rcquired window lighting a habitable room ner exceed one stery inh ight or 15 feet above the grou il level. o .Tht minimum lot',trontag shahl be 60I teet and the total ares ehv Qof lot of suificient Fmrp te slow fer ssnitary sud w ter soure pur- O 9. OBN0XIOUIS USiE--Nthhçg. ttis b>-'-> wshahllv ecosstrued W perdit the use of land or' the 'erectien ',oSE cf a building or structure for au>' purpose: fiflU'ct (a> thnt 't4eateîl or. k ikly to kecý4e a nuisanc~e oreffe sive, î, door (1)> k>'thé crtatio ncf noise or vi atio» (or) (2) b>' resson Of 'thteuimission 6f gaz, fumnes, dust or abjoet, ion.ablE eçipurs ïr) e. (3) by reason efthe un S'I94tI-' storage of goods, irares, mer- Society cads, avg, se ma tter or other sucit material. w vtuinu tUti UII USA1Û. MOVING 0F BUIL»INGS---No person shail moe any buildinig AflETCOY*VtT4 g from it's existing location te a uew site cxcept within the provisions ADISIOiJN 2 C5'InS g of this By-law. ~ Any building or structure whieh is te ke moved shah be r-e- '/3 3$ St- iZ -IPROVING GROUNDS 0F \,CHEV ROLET POPULARITY c sQ.54 Eat, West. .. cross the tond, wherever cars are parked, on every stréet and highway, you see more Chevrolets thoa ny other car- because for more people drive Chevrolet thon ony/other car! And the preference for Chevrolet la growing ever greater. Beccwse more ond more people ès'. discovering here's No 'Value ,ike,. Chevrolet Value!. C -2 9 tO N 1 o"e eo' Là onr< iocated in accordante with tbis By-Iaw. 11. That no Municipal Services shall b. supplied or connected 'untiý such time as the Buildi4g Inspector lias issued the final permit ha- ing approved the fali i cnt of the said Buil4iflg rBy-law. 12. No cellar or garage shah be used fo humnan habitation. 18. A period of twenty-four mohths from the date cf the prelimiin- ary building permit ,shail be the m mum time allowed for coin- pletion cf exterior of \building a4 landsctplng. L-andscaping must. contenu in character w'it the ieg'hbourîng buildings and lots. Thrt gratle lels rmust be teta i 5ed and grating completed before thet finl prmi isissutd. .14. Thé Suilding Inspectei ?dIall be pro»ldeil with lot plan showing the location cf building() septie disposai system, wvater source and grade levels. 15, RESTORArItN OF NON-CONFORMINO BUILDINGS-- Nothing in this hy-la\, shah] prevent the strengthening or restoratien. to a sale condition cf any nqn-conforming building or structure or - part thereof, pro»ided that the strengthening or restoration dots rnet increase the builing heiglit, asea of building, or change the use o' the building or structure, provided however, that this shahl not apply in the event of thc destruction cf the said building or structure by fire, windstorm, -or other cause, or whîeh has fýallen into a state cf disrepair, to the jextent cf fifty percent (5W0%) or more. 16. The Ccunic4l shahl appo!,int a Building Inspecter te cai; e ut tlhe provisions of thV by-law, and the Building Inspector i-eretby cmi- powered te receiyre ail applications for the constructW cf 'buildings; or additions therbto and the plans therefere shal> Wsubmnitted with_ each applicýation.1 17. The tee for the préîimfinar>r permlit she be the sum of$O.<l fer a residence, and t4t sum cf 48.» forY garage, and tht fee for'- the final permit sýhlI ethe ,spp cf $4W *fota ftsidence, and4-'the sum cf $1.00 io-t garage, anidtthea týuf4MO45.0-or *11buildig- other than divelhin s. Al tees shahlb payable te the building ln- spector upon tht issùe cf cadi perîni,.I 18. Any person conviâ c f preach of tht provisions of this By-- Iaw shahl forfeit and pay, a the discretion of the coflvicting mnagis-- trate a penalty not excceding the suin of $100.00 for cach effen-ce,. exclusive cf tests. 19. That evcry other tby-Iaw rehating to building regulations for- said Township be and hereby are repealed. Read a first, second and third time aud finally passed this lth. day cf Septemnber, A.D. 1956. DItS 3H hIi Police Gansesa Cheerîcaders who 1 preceded the ce n-f t, testants. The gjrls earned off icial< I thanks for the contribution they1"; mnade in an otherwNise aIl-mnaie a ffair.1 Swefling the raniks cf the spectators- wvere the rest cf the lligh Sdiool stu- dents w%,ho we-re permîtted te abandon t afternoon classes te ceerthi)r boyIsj te victory.j The Track anded Team ïiwaýs asJ f ollews: Jr.: Don Lycett, RPoger B ar- low, Terry Carl e-ton, C aig Hind. Int.: WayneBalyWis Barrabail, Eric Caneton, Cornelis "Maariitenise; LryMaýnder-s. - Seniors: Neil Barrabail, Mar11-s haIlkl R"east, P'auMeacin Paul Rtb- ford. The Cerlaer were IJanet4" Streefkerk, Bernice (,Luan,Doen Coupping, Kay Geach, Eli-zabeth Maar- tneanid Jo Anne ilutherford. The MaýjorIettes wr onAll!dredî, Margaret Mabrtin and June Mdii Caieduna-Oeou oTed he drîov-e eut two, singles and a wo bagger -ig f1,L our, trips te bat.. Raye Wesýt follow;ýed with two sinls o the forbats. Singl je lits went te Ron- West, Rô- hie, Robinson, C hnesArmtog Junor est, andCrmn onih Anl Orono errer assisted in the loe On Wednesday Caledonia turined the tables on Orono and althoughb tht oal boys outhit Caledonia 9 teR0th1 wcre unable te put them ars h plate. In the gamne K. West wvas thtl lose r and G. Mudie tfie winning pit-1 cher. Caledonia lead throughout the gamne which endied 9 to 6e. Thet bulk c-f the Caheonia rn came ini the forepart ef the gamne Ont in the first, four in te se cond, and ont in the third, fourth, îghth g Buld u Boiman ckeyClub6J and niin th. Don Mercer in the g-amne dr-ove out ;wo hits while singles went te Ron,,. laye, Junior and Keith West, and al-- so te Johnny Shetiet. b. -assur.d 3 with M Lan Fu O-, -IL' celpaprvt bre fneeds. Calljus now, te arrc(nge for ndext winte?'s CO fort. REN'S Fuel & LLnLu Ltd. Phone - Grono e 14816 r s- -ww ý'Ne. sshall have a fo4dation lc'iast 8 inChes tý least 3 feet below g udlevel. Thie basernu ted cf cernent or cenent blocks or stone andc g and accessory buildings thereto shaîl not than 30 feet from the street line. ln the ci ýxisting buildings tht set-back line cf the ne, rreater than that cf the etisting buildings. - -1 n'..c Lctober Ist at $8:00 papa.. are cordially invited.M iMuscal selections,Iu$çI for 4; xt~ --t A t Ct v NorthOreno Hig-hway No. J15j