1:1? Culverhouse Choice, 20 ozs tîn ICarrots 9 for $1 IYork Halves.............20 oz. Peaches 4 far $1 ....... --- -- large4 ý size . 1 Flakes 4 for $1 X Chieken VaritiesCapes,1o. Soup 6 for$é»1 1 Pard . --- ------ 15 ounce tins .2 qDog, Food 9for I ~iN U' -,, fo0r $1 ~ Red and White Taîl tinýs Evap-Mgilk 8 for $1 ILittle National 12 to carton aâré M2'A e %r- ~11 à i ABITAINT 2j ounce tins Pe âma Soupl 6 for $ KLEENEX Chubby or regular Tissues 6 for $1 'WHITE C TILET Tssue !9rolis $ AYLMER BRAND TOMATO i uc Catsupuj 5 fýor i$1 1CULVERHOIJSE lGOLDE N 20 o c t insý Corn 7for LIBBY'S XDEEP BROWN -15 munce tins Beans 6 fo,.r $1L Caffipbell's lN S'oup New Pack S9 E 10 oz. tiis for $11 Zest Sweet 12 oune (iherkins 4 $'el To'atoJuic 7i for $1 Puritan 15 o nti MeatBls i SaydinesIll-$i Championt Dog.-Food. 15 oune tins 9-$ GIo-.Coat qt $ 83TEAT CRUSHED 20 ouince tins i ge% 0 $ F~d ineapie 4 for $l Crisp, Fancy Grade Melintýosh A zp%"PLE Ze2 Oz 2 for 19c 2 for 1\5c ICrisp, Tener, Marsh Grw, large Froc iF&Ôds Mix or Mlatch Lemonu Orange Juice Birdseye 1., Green Peas 6 oz. tins ounre p3kgsZ. Haddocks Fillets 3 $1 ~lColgate Vàilues lJ WITH FREE GUEST TOWEL EGiant Fab 79C C'OLGATE S.18 VALý1UE giant siîze j Detal Cream 2 89 4f- Hlo lg39 gt 65c PURE Reg-ular 16 ounce size jars P e anuHt tter 3fo0$ RIED and WnHITE JELLY 7 deliciouis flavours Powders 1la4 fo)r$ Wax IP a per 4 for $1L ilpaghettis for $1 Peas 6 for $ oýrn Oil -ttin 37c HNSON'S2 pound tins. aseWax,!ý,, 2 lb tin 99c H--.P. S ýýauce adds to flJav. 3 2 c MEAS Swifts Rib Enid 3'/2 1h. averageI fPorikLoin Rst, j ,LOinokchop Veal Leg Roast' swifts Peamelaled, Cottage lRo1ls Sausages jr'T, - PIDGEON l'l 0-ron se t 2 sc 95G co ri e it d oesn' irn rese h e O o n o T m e sV a u e & h e r a p d O u r c o u n D e r E i o r : - . e d y a i L l e s M a y I h v e p a c f o f u t h e -m ~m - W l e w e a y eo n t u e s u b') me t n te rec ty revsed BM Wl- hZW rS m a 1 i in o TN ThIB- w 173 VUS gie n , its!as Thu irnn, S l ir , V an! firt, sco dand third rea in and ' Are* Yet they r Ët C n a y p a se d on S e p te m b e r 1 law flot . e mt ted u de t i 4I-a fi- tji f O41S per, and,. I 1 9 6 . o w a t h t i m o f t h e r a b i e s c h ao e i p o e1de-l Ol w0t, îý J, re fully endorsed by ail j ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ ~ a epdeiclatwite or oncl as se d a esir ble B Y-1 0 u raiîng t ne c m a i s I fredom of dogs aind they lter fouaind On page 19 of ths veel thv ey oud lot legally enlforce it be- Homes Lwer OwneislTa jcueit received its three equir1edHoe wrOm isT j redings t one meeting of counci est ou read fît arefully: Sur0y~ they haven't mnade the 1sm admis that municipal A4 j~to machl of the attit d Fsaeagain. The dog control by-1Ltdc ~av' clearly an einergency mýeas-1 Taýxes." lt also candidly j, ae and hmedgreo astewa onty lucky wns ith uli I un erst ndab e - ances have the r g h-t t, bu 10o emergencY exits regarding Oh1! Cone 11w! "4The poo, Buildng B -a so wýhy il it sp)rung al a s with you ," and t on as 50 suddenly ? -e Oil itnthr 1 know at leastý,ne rase in Clarke e in. township where a lot ha, been pur.- Anoýthier question 1 o 1 a'oo1eren,4ud - Our coanicillors. Wouldn beesd n r a st rd eently. Un- more taxes from five on, Ifortanately it is not 1,.,,en,,gh, dolari assessrnts with t j So te woud e biidr 110W faces p tbhn yoa would fnom t% jseveral Possibilities. invoving etra if.ive hndred dollar a ssss u expenditure. -He cal, ake cisfoot- taxes sady in arrears? ing grater in dimension, or hie can Tink it over! ni ake his dwellig o e a d o e afYours rAuly or two stories. Or he can go ahead A. Noi without a building Permit and incar the one hundred dollar penalty aath- KENI)AL NE ITS orzdby the By-aw. Anly way you___ take it, he Il caught with extraex (Continued from pagi pense hie hadf not planned for. Is Traman Garbutt on Saturde there any justice in suc(h a situation? Mr. and! Mrs. George C]ý Thursday's issue of Toronto Daily the -weekend at their samn Star (page 20) cortains an illustrated here. account of a couple, both over eighty yFears of age, in Pickering who wvere On S-Lnday mning ,,Rý burned out last Mlay and have re- Pike took the Proverbs ast cently mioved into a fine new h omne, for his sermon and their a The spice of the matter is this to our every- day life. A rer they livd in a small wood-shed ail the choir "Since Jesus cam- sammier while they were r-e-bajldinlg! heart" -was very nuch eniç Theyv coaldn't do that in Clarke A. Swarbrick was at the org oWah o orctieq2torn h taswring at tW hn co r ctip.12 to r j T e t ba cc ýo kf arm mt "No cellar or garage shahl be used Foster's fr e as a haman habitaion for any perid evening to spend a pleasant] longer than one year? ten and to exp)ress their apl 1 qaestion the good judgemient of ofhis kidnss t them n ie mi 5 w ich stipulates the dw,ýellinig as mia.1 toien, stating tat maust be au inimi um of 4 feet fr>om greatly enJoYe-d their hours the boandary lines at eachi side. ifost let with' himr. t-ownship by-law\s îmake themimu Mr. Jirn Swnrbrick, spent t 1.0 feet wicbputs dwellings. at lenst ond wývth Mr. ,aad Mi>s. T. G 20 feet apart. This il a ise measure The severe frostwha as regards fire hazards and involves dlarnged the oacoaon ROYA ~!EA o- e 1) lay. ark, spen ,ev. S the theii ýridition h1 le into M) ysed. iMrs g a n. - 29 FRANCIS MONtg Ex elerNtea l45c s * * IN CINEMi Clover Lent' Flakecj half tin' tua size 31c lb 29c, Salada T Iea Bags Faily:Pa-Cký 60 -79c 2 Ibs 65c uornusni KOG WfliteF'I~ Orono ~ntari 'e > .C. ~,, ~ ~.c.*.oe.>a,,e...ça t., .0.*...O.fo..r..t.S4,. a '~-Sa~W,.. - -<b. W.*. - s>a.w.ee. ~ 'e .- t-. rn-t- .t ~ *~' I ~' J.~ Aduits 7CI -Marloýn rarndû ilh usi ime of sorrow, W ks simple beatlsricsta proveconMoing t E bcevd uil( the uId ie-t tas W 0 59C Adults' '75c. 1% --lý-Lýl -- -- 09 - m- 1 -- m